Vendor Interface

center818008227695December 2017941009200December 2017center700007040880Version 1.1 9410010000Version 1.1 center300003017520Vendor InterfaceCarrier Manual9410036300Vendor InterfaceCarrier ManualContents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u What is Vendor Interface? PAGEREF _Toc502223473 \h 3Getting Started PAGEREF _Toc502223474 \h 4VENDOR INTERFACE HOMEPAGE PAGEREF _Toc502223475 \h 5NAVIGATION PAGEREF _Toc502223476 \h 6MY ACCOUNT & USERS TAB PAGEREF _Toc502223477 \h 1MY ACCOUNT PAGEREF _Toc502223478 \h 1USERS PAGEREF _Toc502223479 \h 1TYPES OF TENDERS PAGEREF _Toc502223480 \h 2TENDERED PAGEREF _Toc502223481 \h 2NEW ACTIVE (AUTO ACCEPT) PAGEREF _Toc502223482 \h 2TENDERED LOADS PAGEREF _Toc502223483 \h 2ACTIONS PAGEREF _Toc502223484 \h 2NEW CHANGES PAGEREF _Toc502223485 \h 2NEW CANCELLED PAGEREF _Toc502223486 \h 3ACTIVE PAGEREF _Toc502223487 \h 3DECLINING LOADS PAGEREF _Toc502223488 \h 4DETAIL/SEGMENT EDIT INFORMATION PAGEREF _Toc502223489 \h 5CLOSING A SHIPMENT PAGEREF _Toc502223490 \h 7DATA & EVENTS REQUIRED FOR PICK-UPS PAGEREF _Toc502223491 \h 8LOAD PARTICULARS FOR RAIL BILLING PAGEREF _Toc502223492 \h 8PICK-UP EVENTS - IML PAGEREF _Toc502223493 \h 8STAY WITH: PAGEREF _Toc502223494 \h 8DROP AND PULL: PAGEREF _Toc502223495 \h 8DELIVERY EVENTS - IML PAGEREF _Toc502223496 \h 8STAY WITH EVENTS: PAGEREF _Toc502223497 \h 8DROP AND PULL: PAGEREF _Toc502223498 \h 8COMPLETED LOADS PAGEREF _Toc502223499 \h 9ACCESSORIALS TAB PAGEREF _Toc502223500 \h 10ACCESSORIAL AUTHORIZATION PAGEREF _Toc502223501 \h 10CREATE AN ACCESSORIAL REQUEST PAGEREF _Toc502223502 \h 11EDITING PENDING ACCESSORIALS PAGEREF _Toc502223503 \h 13UNACKNOWLEDGED ACCESSORIALS PAGEREF _Toc502223504 \h 13INVOICING ACCESSORIALs PAGEREF _Toc502223505 \h 13DID YOU KNOW? PAGEREF _Toc502223506 \h 14INVOICE READY PAGEREF _Toc502223507 \h 14SUBMITTING INVOICE NUMBERS PAGEREF _Toc502223508 \h 15ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE TAB (PAYMENT STATUS) PAGEREF _Toc502223509 \h 16LOADS WAITING FOR DOCUMENTATION PAGEREF _Toc502223510 \h 17What is Vendor Interface?Vendor Interface (VI) is a web-based application which empowers carriers to: Receive electronic load tenders (both intermodal and highway shipments)Accept and Decline load tendersEnter Load Particulars and Events Request Accessorial Authorization *Submit Invoices for paymentObtain Payment StatusTrack open Documentation requirements * *Currently not available for i2/TM Logistics Highway Carriers.Getting StartedSign-on: viUser ID & Password: Emailed to the userChange your password via the My Account tabFive characters (alpha and numeric characters accepted)Contact Hub Group Support if you need assistance: 1-630-745-2300VENDOR INTERFACE HOMEPAGECarriers can find…Notification of enhancementsAnnouncementsDid you know section-16184032698000Separate views for Intermodal and Highway shipmentsNAVIGATIONThe carrier has access to multi-screens from the home page:My AccountUsersA/RAccessorialsAddressesTenderedNew ActiveNotified Drivers Print historyNew ChangesNew CancelledActiveInvoice ReadyCompletedReq DocsThe carrier receives a notification (visual & audio) when he has received the following:New ChangesNew CancelledTenderedAccessorialNew ActiveMY ACCOUNT & USERS TABMY ACCOUNTChange passwordUpdate Missing Event email addressView list of location’s administrators Edit rail notify contact infoUSERSCarriers can create unique employee IDs to access the application & work independently Additional changes to a user's password can be made in My Account.TYPES OF TENDERSTENDERED For individual ordersElectronically tendered to carrierAccept/decline the load within a given time periodNEW ACTIVE (AUTO ACCEPT)For bid awarded freight Electronically tendered to carrierAutomatically accepted lanesTENDERED LOADSACTIONSSort data on the summary pageSelect all items at once or individually Accept/decline/decide later on tendered loadsOption to print individual pages or full summary screenUpon completion of the selection process, accepted tenders are no longer visible on the tendered loads page and move to the active loads page. Click the Tendered tab to view a summary of newly tendered loads. Provides carrier with all necessary information to decide whether or not to accept the tender.NEW CHANGESChanges are summarized in the Changes column on the summary pageThe New Changes Page updates any available field when…The change has occurredThe carrier is notified Changes are highlighted in redPrinted in bold textThe carrier is only required to acknowledge changes Click on the corresponding checkmark and submitNEW CANCELLEDNotifies the carrier of cancelled tenders The carrier will receive notification via the cancelled loads page if…Customer cancels a shipment Order status changes to CNL or CWCThe page only requires acknowledgement from the carrierOnce an acknowledgement is received, the shipment will be removed from the page ACTIVEChanges are visible as orders are updatedCarriers:Assign driversUpdate event statusesAcknowledge load particulars Enter invoice numbersUpload necessary paperwork Enter rail billing infoShipments move to the Active tab once accepted/acknowledged Search by:Pro Number (preferred) DateLocationSegment TypePaperworkEnter a number in the text box and select searchDECLINING LOADSSame process for tendered and active to decline a shipmentDecline from the summary screen or details pageDecline new active loads only from the details pageCarrier receives a decline confirmation page017716500***DECLINE ALL TENDERS SHOWING INCORRECT RATES.DETAIL/SEGMENT EDIT INFORMATIONSections available for edit:General comments sectionLoad particularsCarrier particularsConfirm boxLast event informationStatus event sectionRate confirmationLate reason drop-downVerify BOL destination matches tender on pick-upCLOSING A SHIPMENTThe following information are required to close a shipment in VI:Load ParticularsStatus EventsInvoice NumberEquipment Location (deliveries only)VI will electronically set-up a payable for a vendor. Payment will not be made until all paperwork is received and events are entered.DATA & EVENTS REQUIRED FOR PICK-UPSLOAD PARTICULARS FOR RAIL BILLINGAll missing information completed for IML and non-logistics loads:Trailer #Shipper # (optional)BOL #PiecesWeightSeal numberClick box to confirm BOL destinationVendor Particulars are optional and for the carrier’s use if desired.PICK-UP EVENTS - IMLTimely & accurate date and time data must be entered for the following events:STAY WITH:Arrived at Origin Trailer LoadedDeparted P/U with Load Arrived at Rail Yard (Optional)Departed Rail Yard (Optional)DROP AND PULL:Dropped EmptyDeparted Drop LocationArrived at Origin Trailer LoadedDeparted P/U with LoadArrived at Rail Yard (Optional)Departed Rail Yard (Optional)Carrier performance is measured weekly to ensure timely event entry.DELIVERY EVENTS - IMLSTAY WITH EVENTS:Arrived at DeliveryCompleted UnloadingEmpty Trailer Removed (or POD-Proof of Delivery for Logistics Loads)DROP AND PULL:Arrived at DeliverySpotted Load at DeliveryCompleted UnloadingEmpty Trailer Removed & Equipment LocationCOMPLETED LOADSAccess completed loads to:Review historyVerify that a particular shipment was movedCompleted loads stay in VI for 180 days after closing & are moved to a history fileACCESSORIALS TABCarriers can monitor accessorials waiting for approval & watch for changes and approvals sent by Hub Group.The following statuses are:Pending Waiting Waiting for Approval AuthorizedUse this section to invoice Hub Group for loads.The default search is “Unacknowledged Changes”. To search for all accessorials, change the search to “All Accessorials”.ACCESSORIAL AUTHORIZATIONCarriers can create accessorials:TAB LOCATIONS TO CREATE A NEW ACCESSORIALNew CancelledActiveInvoice ReadyCompletedCREATE AN ACCESSORIAL REQUESTSelect order associated with the accessorial requestClick on A by the orderClick arrow in drop-down menu to select a charge codeHighlight desired codeDepending upon the selected charge code, various fields will be displayed for completion. Complete fields, even with incomplete information.Select the stop where the accessorial occurred.The accessorial is now createdACC (accessorial) Indicator appears on Tender SummaryWFA (waiting for approval) status: all required information enteredPND (pending) status: accessorial is missing information0000EDITING PENDING ACCESSORIALSThe carrier can return to the pending accessorial to complete the fields in two ways:Click Edit on Load Summary page (active or completed tab) & access tender detail pageScroll to accessorial table & click Edit on the accessorialORClick Accessorial tab and find accessorialUNACKNOWLEDGED ACCESSORIALSOnce accessorials are approved/declined, carriers are asked to acknowledge they received the changes.INVOICING ACCESSORIALsThe carrier can…Key the invoice number in the box on the Accessorials Summary page & press the Submit Invoice Number button Click Edit/Detail to open the detail page DID YOU KNOW?Carriers can invoice Hub Group for dropped deliveries before the trailer is empty:After trailer delivery, enter the Arrived at Consignee & Spotted Load at Consignee eventsSubmit invoice numberShipment will remain in active shipments with status Spotted Load at ConsigneeUpon emptying the trailer, return load in VI & enter last two events and equipment locationShipment moves to Completed viewINVOICE READYCarriers can view loads that have met all necessary requirements for closing except for an invoice number.SUBMITTING INVOICE NUMBERSSelect shipments in the Invoice Ready tabEnter invoice number to submit invoice to Hub GroupSubmit invoice number on the Segment Edit screen in Active shipmentsInvoice numbers can also be entered in the Load Detail page under status events.ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE TAB (PAYMENT STATUS)Authorized carriers can view and print the status of payments for their invoicesListing contains records for 180 days after Hub Group received vendor invoice Search by any of the below fields:Invoice #, PO #, TM Load # or Check #Due date/payment dateInvoice status: received, rejected, canceled, error, processing, set-up to pay, paid, held & pendingLeave search fields blank & click search provides listing of available recordsLOADS WAITING FOR DOCUMENTATIONClick Req Docs to access loads needing documentation:Inform the carrier about supporting documentationSee load pending information on hold for payment ................

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