Chapter Name

Recording service exceptions

A service exception is any event that failed to provide appropriate service to a customer. Service exceptions are recorded in the Dispatch Trip Folder’s Service Exceptions window, and attached to the movement or order displayed in the Trip Folder. Trucking companies can use service exceptions to track the performance of assets, carriers, users, and companies.

Information on recording service exceptions is provided on the following pages:

Overview 13.2

Establishing reason and action codes 13.4

Manually entering and viewing service exceptions 13.5

Manually entering a service exception for a move 13.5

Manually entering a miscellaneous service exception 13.8

Viewing manually entered exceptions for a move 13.10

Auditing service exception entries 13.12

Automatically generating service exceptions 13.14

Setting up your system to automatically generate service exceptions 13.15

Displaying the Service Exception Variance Options in the company profile 13.15

Enabling your system to automatically generate and update service exceptions 13.16

Updating the update_move_postprocessing stored procedure 13.16

Activating the Update Move Post Processing logic 13.16

Setting up a company’s service exception variance thresholds 13.17

How the variance thresholds are used to create service exceptions 13.20

Setting up a company’s service exception reporting requirements 13.20

Viewing and completing automatically generated company exceptions 13.22

Viewing additional service exception information for each company 13.25


You can manually enter service exceptions for a move that were caused by a driver or equipment. You can also record miscellaneous service exceptions that were caused by a shipper, consignee, or TMWSuite user; e.g., a customer service representative or a dispatcher. Miscellaneous service exceptions are not linked to a move.

Beginning with V.2010.09_08.1208, you can set up your system to automatically generate service exceptions for billable stops for the company that is the pickup location, delivery location, or Bill To company for the order. This enables you to track service exceptions for one or more companies per stop.

For each service exception, you can record the corrective action taken and, for those that are driver-specific, you can indicate whether the exception should affect pay.

Note: In the case of a service exception for a move number, if the move number is associated with an order number, the service exception is also tied to the order number. Although the order number is not shown in the Service Exceptions for move window, it is shown in the Service Exceptions Report.

The Service Exceptions window shown below includes move-related service exceptions at the top of the window. Automatically generated service exceptions for billable stops appear at the bottom of the window.


Note: Although the fields at the bottom of the window (ID, Exception Company, and so on) are displayed in the window, they are not operational unless you follow the steps in the Automatically generating service exceptions section to activate this feature.

The Service Exception report, which is run from within the Trip Folder, provides a listing of service exceptions.

Note: While both the Service Exceptions Report and Customer Service Report use the ReasonLate label, there are differences between the two reports.

|Service Exceptions Report |Customer Service Report |

|The report is based on entries made in the Service Exceptions |The report is based on entries made in the Enter Early and Late Reasons |

|window, which is accessible only in the Trip Folder. Entries in|window, which is accessible in both Order Entry and Dispatch. Entries are |

|this window are optional. |made when the date/time a stop is actualized does not fall within the |

| |window defined by entries in its Earliest and Latest fields. Your company |

| |may require entries to be made for early or late stops that are actualized|

| |in Dispatch. |

| |Note: The system cannot be set up to require that entries be made for |

| |early or late stops that are actualized in Order Entry. |

|Fault for an exception is not tied to a reason code. |Fault for an exception is determined by the reason code. |

|The exception can be tied to a move or a resource. |The exception is tied to a particular stop. |

|The report is run from the Trip Folder. |The report is run from Order Entry. |

|The report may or may not be run for a specific move number or |The report is run for a particular company. |

|resource ID. | |

|Service exceptions can be accessed for editing from the Service|The Customer Service Report is not editable. |

|Exception Report. | |

2 Establishing reason and action codes

The Service Exceptions feature involves the use of three labels:

• ReasonLate

Identifies the reason a service exception occurred.

Note: This label is also used by the Customer Service Report.

• ActionCode

Identifies the corrective actions that may be taken to handle a service exception.

• ServiceExceptionLate

Identifies the event affected by the service exception.

To access the label file, select the Label File command under the Edit menu in the System Administration application. Make entries in the labels based on how your company categorizes exceptions and deals with them.

The following illustration shows sample entries for the ReasonLate label:


This illustration shows sample entries for the ActionCode label:


This illustration shows sample entries for the ServiceExceptionLate label:


Manually entering and viewing service exceptions

You can manually record service exceptions for moves. You can also manually enter miscellaneous service exceptions, which are exceptions that are not associated with a move.

Manually entering a service exception for a move

To manually record a service exception for a move, follow these steps:

1. In the Dispatch Trip Folder, look up the move for which a service exception occurred.

2. Do one of the following:

• Click the Exceptions [pic] icon

• Select Edit > Edit Service Exceptions > Move Related Service Exceptions from the menu.

3. In the Service Exceptions for move# window, click the Add button.


4. Make entries in the appropriate fields at the top of the window:

|# |This display-only field displays the numeric ID assigned by the system when the exception record is |

| |first saved. |

|Location |If appropriate, select the company ID of the location where the exception took place. |

|Type |Select the category of the party responsible for the service exception. Options are: |

| |Driver |

| |Tractor |

| |Trailer |

| |Carrier |

| |Company |

| |User |

|ID |Enter the ID of the responsible party. |

| |Note: The field automatically displays the primary ID of the selected Type associated with the move.|

| |If necessary, you can override this entry. For example, if there are two drivers on the move and you |

| |select Driver in the Type field, the system populates the field with the ID of the primary driver. |

| |You may manually enter the second driver’s ID. |

|ExcCode* |Select the reason for the exception. |

| |Notes: |

| |This field is required for the order to be available in Invoicing. |

| |The options are set up in the ReasonLate label. |

|ExcDate |Date/time that the exception was recorded. |

| |Note: This field defaults to the current system date/time. |

|Description* |Enter free-form text to further describe the reason for the exception. |

| |Note: This field is required for the order to be available in Invoicing. |

|ActionCode |Select the action taken in response to the exception. |

| |Note: The options are set up in the ActionCode label. |

|Action Description |Enter free-form text to further describe the action taken. |

|Affects Pay |This field is applicable for resource-specific exceptions. Select the check box if the exception will|

| |affect how the resource is paid. |

| |Note: This entry is informational only. Actual changes to pay must be performed manually. |

|Load Late |Select the option that defines the part of the load that was late. |

| |Note: The options are set up in the ServiceExceptionLate label. |

|Q/R |Select this check box if the customer must be notified of the service exception. |

|Corrective Action Received |Select this check box if corrective action was received. |

| |Note: If the check box is selected, use the second field to enter a description of up to 24 |

| |alphanumeric characters. |

|Createdby |This display-only field shows the user ID of the person who created the exception record. |

|CreateDate |This display-only field shows the date/time the exception was first saved. |

|ActionUserID |This display-only field shows the user ID of the person who last edited the action. |

|ActionDate |This display-only field shows the date/time the action was last saved. |

5. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 for each additional exception. Then click Save to save your entries.

6. Click Close to exit the Service Exceptions window.

Note: For information about viewing service exceptions for a move, see the Viewing exceptions for a move section.

Manually entering a miscellaneous service exception

All miscellaneous service exceptions must be entered manually. To record a service exception that is not associated with a move, follow these steps:

1. In the Dispatch Trip Folder, select the Edit > Edit Service Exceptions > Miscellaneous Service Exceptions.

2. When the Miscellaneous Service Exceptions window displays, click the Add button.


3. Make entries in the appropriate fields.

|# |This display-only field shows the numeric ID the system assigns to the exception record when it is |

| |first saved. |

|Location |If appropriate, select the company ID of the location where the exception took place. |

|Type |Select the category of the party responsible for the service exception. Options are: |

| |Driver |

| |Tractor |

| |Trailer |

| |Company |

| |User |

| |Carrier |

|ID |Enter the ID of the responsible party. |

| |Note: The system automatically displays the primary ID of the selected Type associated with the move.|

| |If necessary, you can override this entry. For example, if there are two drivers on the move and you |

| |select Driver in the Type field, the system populates the field with the ID of the primary driver. You|

| |may manually enter the second driver’s ID. |

|ExcCode |Select the reason for the exception. |

| |Note: The options are set up in the ReasonLate label. |

|ExcDate |Date/time that the exception was recorded. |

| |Note: This field defaults to the current system date/time. |

|Description |Enter free-form text to further describe the reason for the exception. |

|ActionCode |Select the action taken in response to the exception. |

| |Note: The options are set up in the ActionCode label. |

|Action Description |Enter free-form text to further describe the action taken. |

|Affects Pay |This field is applicable for resource-specific exceptions. Select the check box if the exception will |

| |affect how the resource is paid. |

| |Note: This entry is informational only. Actual changes to pay must be performed manually. |

|Load Late |Select the option that defines the part of the load that was late. |

| |Note: The options are set up in the ServiceExceptionLate label. |

|Q/R |Select this check box if the customer must be notified of the service exception. |

|Corrective Action Received |Select this check box if corrective action was received. If the check box is selected, use the second |

| |field to enter a description of up to 24 alphanumeric characters. |

|Created By |Displays the user ID of the person who created the exception record. |

|Created Date |Displays the date/time the exception was first saved. |

|ActionUserID |This display-only field shows the user ID of the person who last edited the action. |

|ActionDate |This display-only field shows the date/time the action was last saved. |

Viewing manually entered exceptions for a move

To view exceptions associated with a move that were manually entered, display the move in the Trip Folder and click the Service Exceptions [pic] icon in the sheet toolbar. The Service Exception window displays.

Note: You cannot open a miscellaneous exception in this way. To do so, you must first run the Service Exceptions Report and access the miscellaneous exception from the report. For complete instructions, see the Running the Service Exception Report section in the "Running reports specific to the Trip Folder" chapter.

There are two check boxes in the lower left of the Service Exceptions window:

• Show Deleted Exceptions

• Show Extended Descriptions

When you select Show Deleted Exceptions, the system lists any exceptions that have been deleted. They are display only. The last exception in this example has been deleted:


A deleted exception can be displayed but its fields cannot be accessed.

Some reason and action descriptions are lengthy. By default, the Show Extended Descriptions check box is clear, which indicates that the system is to limit a description display to 30 characters. For example:


This Action Description is longer than what is shown here.

When the Show Extended Descriptions check box is selected, the system shows reason and action descriptions in their entirety. For example:


The complete Action Description is shown.

Auditing service exception entries

To audit service exception entries for a move, display the move in the Trip Folder, access the Service Exceptions window, and click in an exception field. Press F8. The Service Exception Audit Detail window opens. It provides a listing of all changes that were made after the record was first saved.

For example, in this illustration, one exception record is shown:


When F8 is pressed, the Service Exception Audit Detail window reveals that the exception originally was recorded as an accident attributed to driver MADDAN. Later it was changed to a breakdown for tractor TRL26.


To see the audit history of all changes to service exceptions recorded for the move, select the Show audit data for the trip check box in the lower left of the window. The Service Exception Audit Detail window lists all exception changes for the entire trip.


The last three lines list changes made to correct a second service exception recorded for the move.

Data is listed in these columns:

|Move# |System-assigned numeric ID for the trip. |

|Exception# |System-assigned numeric ID for the exception record. |

|Change Column |Name of the column in which a different value was recorded. |

| |Note: If an exception was deleted, Deleted! is shown. For example, the last line of the audit shown above |

| |refers to an exception that was deleted. |

|Old Value |Original entry. |

|New Value |Value that was saved in place of the original entry. |

|User |User ID of the person who made the change. |

|Date |Date/time that the change was made. |

If desired, you may print the audit data. Click Print to send the contents of the Service Exception Audit Detail window directly to your default printer.

4 Automatically generating service exceptions

Beginning with V.2010.09_08.1208, you can set up your system to automatically generate service exceptions for billable stops on a trip.

Options in Company File Maintenance allow you to generate these service exceptions for the company that is the pickup location, delivery location, or Bill To company for the order. This enables you to track service exceptions for multiple companies per stop.

Additional options in Company File Maintenance determine whether your ability to invoice a company is placed on hold if a reportable service exception exists for the company and required information is missing.

Note: You must perform the following steps to set up your system to automatically generate service exceptions for billable stops on a trip:

• Set up the EnableCompanyServiceExceptions General Info Table setting.

• Add code for the generate_cmp_serviceexeptions_sp stored procedure to the update_move_postprocessing SQL stored procedure, which updates the Service Exception window.

• Set up the UpdateMovePostProcessing General Info Table setting to activate your system’s Update Move Post Processing logic.

1 Setting up your system to automatically generate service exceptions

The following sections provide information about setting up your system to automatically generate of service exceptions based on a company's time performance as a pickup location, delivery location, or Bill To company.

Displaying the Service Exception Variance Options in the company profile

Use the EnableCompanyServiceExceptions=Y General Info Table setting to display the Service Exception Variance options in the Company File Maintenance Additional Details window.

|EnableCompanyServiceExceptions |

|Applies to |TMWSuite: 2010.09_08.0930 and later |

|Description |This setting determines whether the Service Exception Variance options appear in the Company File Maintenance |

| |Additional Details window. These options allow you to: |

| |Define a company’s variance thresholds for early and late arrival. |

| |Define the service exception reporting requirements for a company when it is a pickup location, delivery |

| |location, or Bill To company. |

|String1 |N (default) |

| |The Service Exception Variance options do not appear. |

| |Notes: |

| |Service exceptions can only be entered manually. |

| |Service exceptions will be linked to stops. |

| |Y |

| |The Service Exception Variance options appear in the Additional Details window. |

| |Notes: |

| |This setting applies only to move-related service exceptions. |

| |Service exceptions will be generated only for billable stops. |

| |Automatically generated service exceptions will be linked to companies. |

| |Service exceptions can also be entered manually. Manually entered service exceptions will be linked to stops. |

Enabling your system to automatically generate and update service exceptions

You must perform the following steps to enable your system to automatically generate and update service exception records in the Service Exceptions window:

• Insert additional code into the SQL stored procedure that updates the Service Exceptions window.

• Set up the UpdateMovePostProcessing General Info Table setting to activate your system’s Update Move Post Processing logic.

Updating the update_move_postprocessing stored procedure

The update_move_postprocessing stored procedure allows the system to automatically generate service exceptions.

The generate_cmp_serviceexeptions_sp stored procedure updates the information in the Service Exceptions window after every change to an order/movement with service exceptions based on a company’s time performance as a pickup location, delivery location, or Bill To company.

Note: Because the SQL code for the update_move_postprocessing stored procedure may contain custom logic for your company, please contact your TMW Support representative for assistance in adding the code for the generate_cmp_serviceexeptions_sp stored procedure.

2 Activating the Update Move Post Processing logic

To allow your system to automatically generate service exceptions, set String1 of the UpdateMovePostProcessing General Info Table setting to Y.

|UpdateMovePostProcessing |

|Applies to |TMWSuite: 2010.09_08.0930 and later |

|Description |This setting allows your system to automatically generate service exceptions. |

|String1 |N (default) |

| |The system cannot automatically generate service exceptions. |

| |Y |

| |The system can automatically generate service exceptions. |

| |Notes: |

| |To automatically update the information in the Service Exceptions window after every change to an |

| |order/movement, the code for the generate_cmp_serviceexeptions_sp stored procedure must be added to the |

| |update_move_postprocessing stored procedure. |

| |Because the SQL code for the update_move_postprocessing stored procedure may contain custom logic for your |

| |company, please contact your TMW Support representative for assistance in adding the code for the |

| |generate_cmp_serviceexeptions_sp stored procedure. |

| |For more information about setting up your system to automatically generate and display service exceptions, |

| |refer to the “Recording Service Exceptions” chapter of the Trip Folder guide. |

Setting up a company’s service exception variance thresholds

Automatically generated service exceptions are based on the difference (variance) between the Earliest and Latest times scheduled for the trip and the actual arrival times. If the number of minutes of variance is greater than the threshold defined for the company, an exception will be generated.

You define the variance thresholds for early and late arrivals on a company-by-company basis, using the Service Exception Variance fields in the Additional Details window. The window is accessed from a company's profile in the Company File Maintenance window. Separate sets of variance thresholds are recorded for each company. This allows different variances when the company is used as the pickup location, the delivery location, or as the Bill To on an order.

Follow these steps to set up a company’s variance thresholds.

1. With the company's profile displayed in the Company File Maintenance window, click the Additional Details button. It is located in the lower right corner of the window, next to the Comments section.


2. In the Additional Details window, scroll to the bottom of the window and click the Edit SR Var. Times button.


Note: If the Edit SR Var. Times button is not displayed, verify that Y appears in the String1 field of the EnableCompanyServiceExceptions General Info Table setting.

3. The selected company is identified at the top of the Service Reporting Variance window. Complete the date range and time variance thresholds for the company as a pickup location, delivery location, and Bill To company.


|Begin |Enter the date and time when the variance thresholds take effect. The time is entered using the hh/mm format.|

| |Notes: |

| |The field defaults to the current date and time. |

| |You can also click the down arrow and select the date from a calendar. |

|End |Enter or select the date and time when the variance thresholds no longer apply. |

| |Notes: |

| |The field defaults to 12/31/2049 00:00. |

| |You can also click the down arrow and select the date from a calendar. |

|Pickup: Early |Enter the maximum number of minute's variance from the scheduled Earliest arrival that is acceptable when the|

| |company is the pickup location for the order. |

| |Notes: |

| |The following notes apply to all Early and Late fields. |

| |The default variance for each role and arrival is 30 minutes. |

| |Enter 0 if the company has zero variance tolerance. |

| |If the company has a Parent company, enter the variances in the Parent company's profile. The system will |

| |always use the variances recorded for the Parent company. |

|Pickup: Late |Enter the maximum number of minute's variance from the scheduled Latest arrival that is acceptable when the |

| |company is the pickup location for the order. |

|Delivery: Early |Enter the maximum number of minute's variance from the scheduled Earliest arrival that is acceptable when the|

| |company is the delivery location for the order. |

|Delivery: Late |Enter the maximum number of minute's variance from the scheduled Latest arrival that is acceptable when the |

| |company is the delivery location for the order. |

|Bill To: Early |Enter the maximum number of minute's variance from the scheduled Earliest arrival that is acceptable when the|

| |company is the Bill To for the order. |

| |Note: When a company is the Bill To for an order, the Bill To thresholds are applied regardless of the stop |

| |type; e.g., Pickup or Delivery. |

|Bill To: Late |Enter the maximum number of minute's variance from the scheduled Latest arrival that is acceptable when the |

| |company is the Bill To for the order. |

4. Click Add to create variance thresholds for an additional date range. Repeat step 3.


1. A vertical scroll bar appears in the window when you create more than one set of variances. Click in the scroll bar to move from one set of variances to the previous or next set.


2. If you add another set of variances by mistake, click Close without saving.

5. Click Save.

How the variance thresholds are used to create service exceptions

The following table provides an example of how variance thresholds would be used to generate multiple company-based service exceptions for a trip.

|Role |Company |Company’s Early/Late Variance Threshold |

|Pickup location |CHICHI |15 minutes / 15 minutes |

|Delivery Location |PATMAI |20 minutes / 20 minutes |

|Bill To |FLAKAN |25 minutes /25 minutes |

|Actual Minutes Early or Late |Result |

|7 minutes late departing pickup location |No exception generated for CHICHI, which has a 15 minute variance threshold |

|26 minutes late arriving at delivery |Exception generated for PATMAI, which has a 20 minute variance threshold |

|location |Exception generated for FLAKAN (Bill To for the order), which has a 25 minute variance |

| |threshold. |

Setting up a company’s service exception reporting requirements

By default, service exceptions will be reported when the company is the pickup location, the delivery location, or the Bill To on an order. However, you can change this default behavior in the company's profile. You can prevent reporting based on the role the company plays in an order.


The following notes apply to all reporting fields.

1. If you do not select the check box, the company will not be notified when a service exception occurs for a pickup stop/delivery stop/Bill To and required information is missing from the service exception record.

2. If you do not select the check box, and the EnableCompanyServiceExceptions General Info Table setting is set to Y, you cannot create the invoice if a service exception exists for the company and required information is missing.

3. If the company has a Parent company and its reporting values are different than its Parent company’s reporting values, the reporting values for the Parent company will be used.

In Company File Maintenance, you can define the service exception reporting requirements for a company when it is a pickup location, delivery location, or Bill To company.

1. With the company's profile displayed in the Company File Maintenance window, click the Additional Details button. It is located in the lower right corner of the window, next to the Comments section.


2. In the Additional Details window, scroll to the Service Exception Variance section at the bottom of the window.


3. Select the check box for each option that applies.

|Pickup variance NOT reportable |Select the check box if compliance reporting is not required when the company is the pickup location |

| |for an order. |

|Delivery variance NOT reportable |Select the check box if compliance reporting is not required when the company is the delivery |

| |location for an order. |

|Bill To variance NOT reportable |Select the check box if compliance reporting is not required when the company is the Bill To for an |

| |order. |

2 Viewing and completing automatically generated company exceptions

If your system is set up to automatically generate service exceptions, the top section of the Service Exceptions window displays the service exception information for the move.

To view and complete the information for automatically generated company exceptions, follow these steps:

1. In the Dispatch Trip Folder, look up a move.

2. Do one of the following:

• Click the Exceptions [pic] icon in the sheet toolbar.

• Select Edit > Edit Service Exceptions > Move Related Service Exceptions.



1. The move's pickup and/or delivery locations appear at the top of the window. The Role field at the bottom of the window indicates whether it is a pickup or drop/delivery location.

2. The pointing hand icon [pic] indicates which location's exceptions appear at the bottom of the window. To display the exceptions for another location, click the number in that row:


3. Additional display-only information for each service exception for the selected location appears at the bottom of the window.

In this example, the actual time variance for the pickup event was 110 minutes. Because the location's tolerance is only 30 minutes for drop events, a service exception was generated.


3. Complete the information in these fields at the top of the window.

Note: A * next to the field name indicates a required field. You must complete all required fields for the order to be available in invoicing.

|# |Displays the numeric ID that the system assigns to the location when the exception record is first |

| |saved. |

| |Note: The unlabeled field to the right of the # field displays the number of automatically generated|

| |service exceptions for the location. Click this number to display those exceptions at the bottom of |

| |the window. |

|Location |Displays the company ID of the location where the exception took place. |

|Type |Auto in this display-only field indicates that the exception was automatically generated. |

|ID |This display-only field shows the user ID of the person who entered the order. |

|ExcCode* |Select the reason for the exception. |

| |Note: The options are set up in the ReasonLate label in System Administration. |

|ExcDate |Enter the date/time that you entered the service exception information. |

|Description* |Enter free-form text to further describe the reason for the exception. |

|ActionCode |Select the action taken in response to the exception. |

| |Note: The options are set up in the ActionCode label in System Administration. |

|Action Description |Enter free-form text to further describe the action taken. |

|Load Late |Select the option that defines the part of the load that was late. |

| |Note: The options are set up in the ServiceExceptionLate label in System Administration. |

|Q/R |Select this check box if the customer must be notified of the service exception. |

|Corrective Action Received* |Select the check box to indicate that all required information has been completed for the service |

| |exception. |

| |Note: If the check box is selected, use the second field to enter a description of the corrective |

| |action (up to 24 alphanumeric characters). |

|Root Cause |Enter free-form text to describe the cause of the exception. |

|Carrier Caused |Select the check box if the assigned carrier was responsible for the exception. |

| |Note: If you select the check box, you must complete the Responsible Type and Responsible Party |

| |fields. |

|Responsible Type |Select the resource responsible for the exception. |

|Responsible Party |Select the company, driver, tractor, or trailer responsible for the exception. |

|Terminal |Indicates the terminal location with which the resource is associated. |

| |Note: The Terminal options are user-defined in the Terminal label, accessed in the System |

| |Administration application. |

|ActionUserID |This display-only field shows the user ID of the person who last edited the action. |

|ActionDate |This display-only field shows the date/time the action was last saved. |

|Affects Pay |This field is applicable for resource-specific exceptions. Select the check box if the exception will|

| |affect how the resource is paid. |

| |Note: This entry is informational only. Actual changes to pay must be performed manually. |

Viewing additional service exception information for each company

The fields at the bottom of the window provide additional display-only data about each service exception for the location selected at the top of the window:

|ID |The unique ID number for the service exception. |

|Exception Company |The company code of the company where the service exception took place. |

|Company Name |The name of the company where the service exception took place. |

|Exception ID |Displays the numeric ID that the system assigns to the location when the exception record is first saved. |

| |This number corresponds to the # field at the top of the window. |

|Early/Late |Indicates whether the service exception was the result of an Early or Late arrival. |

|Time Variance |Indicates the number of minutes actual variance from the early or late arrival time specified in the order. |

|Cmp Variance |Indicates the company’s variance threshold for the event. |

|Order |The order number with the service exception. |

|Reportable |Indicates whether compliance reporting is required for the service exception. |

| |Note: If Y, your ability to invoice a company is placed on hold if required information is missing from the |

| |service exception. |

|Role |Indicates whether the service exception took place at a pickup (PUP) or delivery (DRP) location. |

|Stop |The stop number with the service exception. |

|Created Date |The date/time the exception was first saved. |

|Created By |The user ID of the person who created the order. |

|Last Updated Date |The most recent date/time the service exception was modified. |

|Last Updated By |The user ID of the person who performed the last update on the order. |

|Report Date |The date and time the service exception was generated. |


1. If service exceptions for companies exist and do not appear at the bottom of the Service Exceptions window, review the setup instructions in the Enabling your system to automatically update service exceptions section of this chapter.

2. You cannot manually create a service exception for a company from an automatically generated service exception. Service exceptions for companies can be created automatically only by the SQL stored procedure when they occur.


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