MS Outlook 2000

MS Outlook 2007 Contents of this handout:1. Introduction2. Configuring the view3. Sending messages4. Retrieving and reading messages5. Replying6. Forwarding7. Creating an address book entry8. Sending a message with the address book9. Attaching a fileIntroductionIf your e-mail account has not already been setup, the first time you run MS Outlook you will need to provide account and server information which you will get from your Internet service provider. If the account is already setup, you will come to the main Outlook screen containing the inbox. Microsoft Outlook is an e-mail program which contains mailboxes to organize your e-mail. Mail that is sent to your account gets downloaded into the inbox. Mail that you have sent gets stored in the sent items box. And, mail that is waiting to be sent gets held in the outbox.The features and commands for Outlook 2007 reside in the traditional pull-down menu bar at the top of the screen. Outlook uses the new 2007 ribbon bar only when a message is open. The main Outlook screen view should contain 2 areas. Those areas are the folder list and the folder contents list. Use the tab and shift tab key commands to navigate to and from these areas. These 2 areas will only be navigable if you have checked the appropriate items in the view menu as described in the next section.2. Configuring the viewFor screen reader users, it is recommended that you configure the view of the Outlook screen with the following settings. Press alt v to open the view menu. You will need to press alt v to make each of the following adjustments. If Autopreview is checked in the view menu, press enter to uncheck it. Return to the view menu with alt v, arrow down to navigation pane and press enter. If normal is not checked, then press enter to check it. Return to the view menu with alt v, arrow down to “to do” bar and press enter. Arrow down to off and if it is not checked, then press enter to check it. Return to the view menu with alt v, arrow down to reading pane and press enter. Arrow down to off and press enter if off is not checked. 3. Sending a new e-mail messagePress alt + the letter a to bring down the actions menu. Press enter on "new e-mail message" which is the first option in the menu. Alternative shortcut is control n. You are placed at the "to" prompt where the e-mail address is to be typed. Use the tab key to move to the remaining fields. The next field is "CC" which means carbon copy. This field is optional. Fill in another e-mail address if you wish the message to be carbon copied. Tab again to the subject field. This field should be filled in with 1 to 5 words describing the subject of your message. Tab again to the final edit box, which is the field to type in the text of the message. Traditional Windows cursor navigation keys are available for typing and navigating the message text. After the message is typedand reviewed, press alt s to send the message. 4. Retrieving e-mail messagesWhen you first start MS Outlook, it automatically receives any new messages that have been sent to your account. It will check for new messages and bring them into the inbox every 30 minutes if you leave Outlook running or minimized. If you wish to force Outlook to do a send/receive at any time, press control m. Newest messages are at the top of the inbox, while the older ones are at the bottom. Use up or down arrows to highlight the available messages. The highlighter will read the name of the sender and the subject of the message. Press the delete key to delete the message if the sender and subject are not of interest. Press enter to open the highlighted message. You may use traditional cursor navigation with arrow keys to read through the message. Or, use your screen reader’s read all command. Window-eyes is control shift r. Jaws and System Access are insert numpad 2. Zoomtext is alt shift a. Press escape to close the message. You will then return to the in box of messages. 5. Replying to an e-mail messageYou may reply to a message in the inbox either when it is open, or just by putting the highlight cursor on a message in the list. Press alt + a for the actions menu. Arrow down to "reply" and press enter. Alternative shortcut is control r. At this point, you are placed in the message text edit box. The previous fields are automatically filled in with the original sender and the original subject. Type your reply. Press alt s to send. Use the "reply to all" feature from the actions menu to have your reply sent back to all recipients of the message. This feature is useful when replying to e-mail you have received from an e-mail list. E-mail from a list is sent to all people who are subscribed to that list. Use reply to reply only to the sender, and use "reply to all" to reply to all members of the list.6. Forwarding an e-mail message To forward a message to another e-mail address, it may be open or just highlighted in the inbox. Press alt a to pull down the actions menu. Then cursor down to forward and press enter. Alternative shortcut is control f. You are placed in the "to" edit box where you may type an e-mail address or address book entry. You may tab to the message area if you wish to add comments in front of the message, or you may also edit the message in any way you wish. When finished addressing and/or making comments in the body of the message, press alt s to send the message. 7. Creating an address book entryHere are 2 ways to add an address book entry to your contacts.When you have a message in your inbox and you wish to add the sender to your address book, open the message and shift tab to the from field. Press home to deselect the text. Press the application key and arrow up to add to outlook contacts and press enter. A new contact form opens but is already filled out. Just press escape and then answer yes to save the contact. You will return to the open e-mail so just press escape again. To add a new entry of someone who is not in the inbox, you will need to create a new contact with the new contact form. Press alt f to pull down the file menu and press enter on "new entry which is the first highlighted item. A list box of types of entries appears. Choose contact for a single entry, or choose distribution list for a group entry. Press enter and you will have a form to fill out. Tab through the name, phone, address and e-mail fields filling out the desired fields. Press escape to close the form and answer yes to save the contact. To edit or delete an address book entry, press alt t for the tools menu then press b for address book. The address book opens. Press tab to locate the list of entries. Use arrows to highlight an entry. You may at this point press delete to remove an entry, or press enter to open the contact form and tab through the form to make any needed changes. Press escape and answer yes to save the changes you make. 8. Sending an e-mail message from an address book entryStart a new e-mail message as described in the previous sections. At the "to" edit box, press alt-period and tab to the list of address book entries. Press alt o to tag one or more names from the address book list. Press enter and you will return to the to field where those names will automatically be filled in. Fill out the remaining fields and send the message. 9. Attaching a file to an e-mail messageFiles may be attached to e-mail messages. Such files include Word documents, excel documents and text documents. Follow the steps to create a new e-mail message. After the text of the message has been entered, press alt n to activate the insert tab on the ribbon bar. Press tab to locate attach file and press enter. Type the file name in the "file name" edit box. You may also browse by pressing shift tab to move to the list of available files in the my documents folder. After a file is highlighted or typed in the "file name" box, press enter. Then follow the steps to send the new message, which now includes the attached file as well. When attached files are received, highlight the message in the inbox containing the attachment. Press the application key and choose view attachment. Press enter on the attachment in the list. You will be presented with a choice to save or open the attachment. Choose open and press enter. The attachment file will be opened into the program that Windows chooses to use for that file. If you choose save instead, the save as dialog box will appear with the appropriate file name, just enter to confirm and the file will be saved in the my documents folder. ................

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