
PRESS RELEASEIntelligent data interfaces help to optimize processesGestamp relies on welding systems from Fronius for Industry 4.0 and IoTFronius welding systems from the current TPS/i platform have extensive communication functions – including Ethernet-based interface protocols such as Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT). This protocol provides users with measurement data determined during the welding process in an intelligently processed source form. These data can then be collated, further analyzed, and evaluated independently of the system. The international automotive supplier Gestamp, which has been able to make its production processes more efficient and flexible using technology from Fronius, is already benefiting from this approach.MQTT is one of the most widely used data transmission protocols in the Industry 4.0 environment. The protocol enables machines and plant, components and goods carriers to be digitally networked, thus creating the basis for optimizing production processes. Welding systems from the Fronius TPS/i series also communicate via MQTT and are therefore ideal for use in the “smart factory”. “Alternatively, we offer the OPC-UA protocol for data transmission in our welding systems,” says Peter Koeppl, key account manager at Fronius Spain. “However, the customer often wants to be able to analyze and process the raw data themselves.” Here too, Fronius is able to offer an impressive solution with its flexible, intelligent interface concept.This is exactly the case with Gestamp. The Spanish international automotive supplier has more than 100 production sites in 22 countries. Gestamp relies on the TPS/i for welding its metallic components, whereby the devices are integrated into fully automated robotic welding cells and ensure consistently good results. The TPS/i collects and stores a lot of information for each weld seam, providing the user with the time, duration, and current measured values for current, voltage, wire speed, and power via the MQTT protocol.Welding systems provide high-quality raw data for visualization and analysisTPS/i welding systems process the measured data at a very high speed and above all in sync with the welding process being performed, which significantly increases the quality of the data. Gestamp transfers and stores this data in its own database systems, where the data are evaluated and visualized. This enables experts to continuously monitor, analyze, and optimize processes to avoid possible errors.In addition, the information is compared with that of other manufacturing processes. For each component produced at Gestamp, the data are recorded in a digital certificate: only if all the parameters in the certificate are within the defined limits is the component forwarded to the next production step. If the system detects any deviations, a manual check is carried out by an employee. This ensures efficient production according to the highest quality standards – perfect for the demanding customers of the automotive industry.In addition to the extensive communication and analysis functions, the TPS/i also boasts a modular design that enables numerous applications. The high processor performance of the MIG/MAG devices allows the welding processes to be precisely controlled. The welding systems represent an important part of the Industry 4.0 strategy that Gestamp is consistently pursuing to meet the increasing demands of its customers. The useful collection and analysis of as much production-relevant data as possible is key to this strategy. Individual work steps – such as welding – are digitally networked and continuously controlled and monitored. The resulting “smart factory” enables Gestamp to design its manufacturing processes more efficiently and with greater variety, both to prove the quality of the components and to detect problems at an early stage. Expensive scrap or production stoppages are thereby avoided.3.925 characters (including spaces)Caption: Data analysis can improve production quality and increase efficiency.Copyright to photos: Fronius International GmbH, reproduction free of chargeBusiness Unit Perfect WeldingFronius Perfect Welding is an innovation leader for arc welding and a global market leader for robot-assisted welding. As a systems provider, the Fronius Welding Automation division also implements customized automated complete welding solutions, for the construction of containers or offshore cladding for example. The range is rounded off by power sources for manual applications, welding accessories, and a broad spectrum of services. With more than 1000 sales partners worldwide, Fronius Perfect Welding has great customer proximity. Fronius International GmbHFronius International GmbH is an Austrian company with headquarters in Pettenbach and other sites in Wels, Thalheim, Steinhaus and Sattledt. With 4,760 employees worldwide, the company is active in the fields of welding technology, photovoltaics and battery charging technology. 92% of its products are exported through 30 international Fronius subsidiaries and sales partners/representatives in over 60 countries. With its innovative products and services and 1,253 granted patents, Fronius is the global innovation leader.For more information, please contact:Fronius USA LLC, Ms. Welch Stephanie,6797 Fronius Drive, 46368 Portage, INTel: +1 (219) 734 5701, E-Mail: welch.stephanie@Please send an author's copy to our agent:a1kommunikation Schweizer GmbH, FAO Kirsten Ludwig,Oberdorfstra?e 31 A, 70794 Filderstadt, Germany,Tel.: +49 (0)711 9454161-20, e-mail: Kirsten.Ludwig@a1kommunikation.deFor more exciting updates, visit our blog at blog.perfectwelding. and follow us on Facebook (froniuswelding), Twitter (froniusintweld), LinkedIn (perfect-welding), Instagram (froniuswelding) and YouTube (froniuswelding)!Fronius International GmbHFronius International ist ein ?sterreichisches Unternehmen mit Sitz in Pettenbach und weiteren Standorten in Wels, Thalheim, Steinhaus und Sattledt. Die Firma ist mit 3.817 Mitarbeitern weltweit in den Bereichen Schwei?technik, Photovoltaik und Batterieladetechnik t?tig. Mit 28 internationalen Gesellschaften sowie Vertriebspartnern und Repr?sentanten in mehr als 60 L?ndern erzielt Fronius einen Exportanteil von rund 89 Prozent. Fortschrittliche Produkte, umfangreiche Dienstleistungen sowie 1.242 erteilte Patente machen Fronius zum Innovationsführer am Weltmarkt. Diese Presseinformation sowie die Bilder stehen für Sie zum Download im Internet zur Verfügung:de/schweisstechnik/infocenter/presse ................

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