August 31, 1994 - Automotive Learning Center



Employee Name : ________________________

Store Location : ________________________


_________ 2. FORM W-4

_________ 3. FORM I-9



_________ 6. COPY OF MVR FORM (GS ONLY)





_________ 11. DRUG & ALCOHOL POLICY





Fax the following forms to corporate 678-290-0190 prior to payroll:

1. Payroll Status Form

2. Form W-4 *see next page for reminder

3. Form I-9 *see next page for reminder

4. MVR Form filled out by GS only and must be approved before hiring.

5. Operating Policies and Procedures Signature Page in Handbook.

6. Drug & Alcohol Policy Signature Page in Handbook.

The entire original New Hire Packet must be turned in to the corporate office.


Please be sure to check the following items before turning your packet in to corporate:

• Payroll status formed signed by a manager

• W-4 has box 1, 2, 3, 5 ,and 6 completed with signature

• I-9 form section 2 includes two forms of ID with manager signature directly below verifying ID’s

• Handbook pages are signed by employee and manager where required and included with packet

• If GS employee the uniform deduction page is completed


Date : _____________________ Start Date : _______________________

Name : ___________________________________________________________

Address: ____________________________________________________________

City: ______________________________State: ______________Zip: __________

Home Phone # :(_______) -____________________

Pager # : (______)_____________________ Cell Phone # : (_____)____________________

Date of Birth : ___________________ Social Security # : ____________________________

Age : _____________ Store Location : ______________________________________________

_________ NEW HIRE _________RATE CHANGE _____TERMINATION

_________ STATUS CHANGE _________OTHER

POSITION : __________________________________

RATE OF PAY : $______________________ per YEAR HOUR FLAG HOUR

REMARKS : _________________________________________________________________________





_________________________________ _______________________________

Regional Mgr. Approval General Manager Approval









As part of our hiring procedures, we may obtain a driving history report for the past three years. Under the provisions of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (15 USC at 1681-1681u) as amended, before we can seek such reports, we must have your written permission to obtain the information. You have the right, upon written request, to a complete and accurate disclosure of the nature and scope of the investigation. You are also entitled to a copy of your Rights Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act.


Under the provisions of the Fair Credit Reporting Act, 15 USC, Section 1681 et seq., the Americans with Disabilities Act and all applicable federal, state and local laws, I hereby authorize and permit First Choice Auto Repair & Service to obtain a motor vehicle history report for the past three years.

I understand and acknowledge that under provision of the Fair Credit Reporting Act I may request a copy of the report from the agency that compiled the report, after I have provided proper identification.

I hereby authorize First Choice Auto Repair & Service to obtain a motor vehicle history report as part of my employment application. This authorization shall remain in effect over the course of my employment. Reports may be ordered periodically during the course of my employment.

Full Name (EXACTLY AS PRINTED on Driver’s License) __________________

(Please print clearly)

Driver’s License Number: ________________________

Date of Birth: ____________

Signature: _________________________ Date: __________


I ________________________________________ authorize First Choice Auto Repair & Service to deduct $7.00 per bi-weekly paycheck for the supply and maintenance of company uniforms. The above named employee who is issued a uniform also authorizes First Choice Auto Repair & Service to withhold the employees final paycheck until the complete set of uniforms is returned in satisfactory condition. If the uniforms are not returned within 10 days of the last day of employment, the above named employee authorizes First Choice Auto Repair & Service to deduct from the final paycheck the amount charged to First Choice Auto Repair & Service by the uniform company for the lost uniforms.

Agreed to this ________ day of _________________ 20______.

_____________________________________ ______________________________________

Print Name Employee Signature


April 01, 2011


First Choice Auto Repair & Service uniforms are provided by Cintas. When Cintas delivers the uniforms to the shop, they deliver between 5 and 6 shirts and pants for each technician and general service employee every week. These uniforms will be assigned to employees at the time of each delivery. Once the uniforms have been received by the employee, the employee must sign a receipt acknowledging their possession of the uniforms. This uniform receipt must include the date, the number and type of each garment received by the employee as well as the employee and supervisor signatures. All employees are responsible for checking their uniforms in with the Cintas representative. If there are any variances between the number of uniforms that were turned in and the number owed to Cintas, the employee is responsible for reporting these variances to the Cintas rep.

Upon employment separation, employees are responsible for accounting for all uniforms with their manager. The manager will write the employee a receipt, which the employee must sign acknowledging the number of uniforms that were returned. If any of the assigned uniforms are not returned to First Choice Auto Repair & Service at the time of employee separation, employees will be charged $25.00 per garment for pants, $22.00 per garment for shorts, $23.00 per garment for shirts, and $25.00 per garment for jackets. If the last paycheck of the employee does not have sufficient funds to cover the uniform charge, First Choice Auto Repair & Service reserves the right to hold the employee’s tool box and any relating tools until the balance is paid in full or the uniforms are returned in reasonable condition as determined by the Cintas representative.


I acknowledge that I ___________________________________, have read and understand First Choice Auto Repair & Service’s Uniform Agreement. I also agree to abide by this policy and understand that any violation of this policy may result in a deduction from my paycheck. If the funds on my last paycheck are not sufficient enough to cover the uniform deduction, I understand that my tool box will not leave the First Choice Auto Repair & Service premises until such uniforms are returned or all uniform balances are paid in full.

___________________________________ ______________________

Employee Signature Date

___________________________________ ______________________

Manager Signature Date


To: All Employees

From: Greg Sands

Subject: Safety Belts

First Choice Auto Repair & Service requires that every employee wear a seat belt while operating a company, customer, or personal vehicle while on company time. It is imperative to obey all traffic laws while on the road as well. There are no exceptions to this rule.

If an employee sees another employee operate a vehicle without the use of a seat belt, it should be immediately reported to the General Manager or Manager on duty. The Manager should then document the incident for placement in the employee’s file. Once an employee is documented twice for failure to wear a seat belt, that employee will be put on 30 days probation. If the employee violates the seat belt policy during the 30 day probationary period, the employee will then be terminated. Violation of the seat belt policy twice after the probationary period will result in termination.

I have read and understand First Choice Auto Repair & Service’s seat belt policy and agree to abide by and enforce the policy at all times and locations. I further understand that violating the policy can result in termination.

Agreed to this ____________ day of ____________ 20_________.

___________________________ _____________________________

Employee Signature Print Name


TO: All Employees

FROM: Greg Sands

DATE: May 01, 2001

SUBJECT: Safety and Operations

First Choice Auto Repair & Service requires that each employee wear or use all safety devices while operating shop equipment. This is especially important in the grinding of brakes, soldering, use of the tire machine and other fast moving equipment (metal or plastic). The use of safety glasses is mandatory. Any flake from using shop equipment can enter an eye and cause severe eye damage including the permanent loss of sight.

If a Manager or any shop employee sees another employee operate equipment without the proper safety device, it should be reported to a Manager on duty immediately. The Manager will then document the incident for placement in the employee’s file. Once an employee is documented twice for safety violations, he will be put on probation for 30 days. If the employee violates the safety policy during the 30 day probationary period, the employee will be terminated. Violation of the safety policy twice after the probationary period will result in immediate termination.

I have read and understand the First Choice Auto Repair & Service’s Safety Policy, and I also agree to abide by the policy and enforce it in all First Choice Auto Repair & Service stores. I further understand that violating the policy can be cause for termination.

Agreed to this __________ day of ____________ 20_____.

________________________________ ______________________________

Employee Signature Print Name


EMPLOYEE NAME : ___________________________________________

PRIMARY CONTACT : _________________________________________

RELATIONSHIP TO EMPLOYEE : _______________________________

CONTACT HOME PHONE # : ___________________________________

CONTACT WORK PHONE # : __________________________________

SECONDARY CONTACT : ______________________________________

RELATIONSHIP TO EMPLOYEE : _______________________________

CONTACT HOME PHONE # : ____________________________________

CONTACT WORK PHONE # : ____________________________________


May 01, 2001

Authorized Signers

The President and/or Vice President are the only individuals authorized to sign and accept contracts on First Choice Auto Repair & Service’s behalf. First Choice Auto Repair & Service will not honor or be bound by a contract signed by any employee without prior written authorization from the President or Vice President. Any employee who signs a contract without the required authorization is solely responsible for all amounts due for said contract.

Violation of Policy

Violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action, including termination of employment.


I acknowledge that I ___________________________________, have read and understand First Choice Auto Repair & Service’s policy regarding the acceptance of contracts and agree to abide by this policy. I understand that violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action, including termination of employment.

Agreed to this ___________ day of ____________________ 20________.

______________________________ ____________________________

Employee Signature Print Name


May 01, 2001

First Choice Auto Repair & Service has established the following policy with regard to use, possession, or sale of alcohol or drugs.

On-the-Job Use, Possession, or Sale of Drugs or Alcohol

The use, sale, purchase, transfer, or possession of any illegal drug and/or alcohol by any employee while on company property, in a company vehicle, or while performing company business is strictly prohibited. This policy also prohibits storage of any alcohol or illegal substances in any employee’s vehicle. An illegal drug is any drug that is not legally obtainable or that is legally obtainable but has not been legally obtained. Illegal drugs include but are not limited to marijuana and prescribed drugs that are not legally obtained or are not being used for prescribed purposes. Likewise, being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs while performing company business or while in a company facility or vehicle, is strictly prohibited.

Inspection of Facilities

First Choice Auto Repair & Service reserves the right to inspect any company property, including offices, desks, lockers, tool boxes, equipment, and vehicles. First Choice Auto Repair & Service also reserves the right to inspect any employee property on company premises including vehicles and tool boxes at any time with or without advance notice. This policy applies to all company property regardless of whether it is for your exclusive use and regardless of whether you are allowed to maintain a lock or other means to limit access to the property. You are expected to cooperate in such inspection and your consent to inspection is required as a condition of employment. Refusal to consent may result in disciplinary action including termination of employment.

Violation of Policy

Violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action including termination of employment. This even applies to a first offense.


I acknowledge that I ___________________________________, have read and understand First Choice Auto Repair & Service’s Drug and Alcohol Policy. I also agree to abide by this policy and understand that any violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action which may include termination of employment.

___________________________________ ______________________

Employee Signature Date


Print Name


August 21, 2001

First Choice Auto Repair & Service will not accept any checks that are not accepted as ECA transactions by Telecheck.

Violation of Policy

Violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action which may include termination of employment even for a first offense.


I acknowledge that I ___________________________________, have read and understand First Choice Auto Repair & Service’s Check Acceptance Policy. I also agree to abide by this policy and understand that any violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action which may include termination of employment. I also am aware that any paper checks that I accept will be withheld from my paycheck.

___________________________________ ______________________

Employee Signature Date


Print Name

Store: ____________________________

Time clock agreement / Timecard procedure

September 22, 2010


To accurately track and document all labor hours and attendance of exempt and non-exempt employees, it is necessary to implement the following procedure:

All employees are required to clock in and out using the time clock within RO Writer during the following times:

-Beginning and end of work shift

-Lunch Breaks

-When leaving the work place for errands NOT related to business


Timecards must have both the employee signature and management’s signature in order for your payroll check to be processed. It is the employee’s responsibility to make sure the time card is signed on their last day worked for that week. If a timecard is not signed properly it will NOT be processed! All timecards are due on Monday at 10:00AM. Any timecards received after that time will be processed in the NEXT pay period, no manual checks will be issued.

I ___________________________ understand that this is a policy of First Choice Auto Repair & Service and as an employee I understand that I must follow this policy.

_____________________ _____________________

Print Name (Employee) Manager Signature


Sign Name (Employee)

Direct Deposit Agreement Form

|Authorization Agreement |

|I hereby authorize First Choice Auto to initiate automatic deposits to my account at the financial institution named below. I also authorize First |

|Choice Auto to make withdrawals from this account in the event that a credit entry is made in error. |

|Further, I agree not to hold First Choice Auto responsible for any delay or loss of funds due to incorrect or incomplete information supplied by me or |

|by my financial institution or due to an error on the part of my financial institution in depositing funds to my account. |

|This agreement will remain in effect until First Choice Auto receives a written notice of cancellation from me or my financial institution, or until I |

|submit a new direct deposit form to the Payroll Department. |

|Employee Name: |__________________________________ |Store:_____________________ |

|Account Information |

|Name of Financial Institution: | |

|Routing Number: | | |

|Account Number: | |Checking |Savings |

| | |Amount/Percentage: |

|Second Account Information |

|Name of Financial Institution: | |

|Routing Number: | | |

|Account Number: | |Checking |Savings |

| | |Amount/Percentage: |

|Signature |

|Authorized Signature: | |Date: | |

|Please attach a voided check or deposit slip and return this form to the Payroll Department. |


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