Average salary for masters degree in public administration


Average salary for masters degree in public administration

Before pursuing a MPA degree program you will want to know what the prospective salary is for someone who holds such a college degree. Individuals who hold an MPA degree will notice different salaries depending upon what sector they work in. Salaries will vary depending upon whether you are working in the public sector and private sector, and

whether or not your company is considered non-profit or profit.SEE ALSO: Online MPA OptionsThe General Overall Statistics of an MPA GraduateStatistics show that pursuing an MPA degree program can considerably raise the average pay you will receive for your position. Graduates who only pursued a Bachelor*s Degree had a maximum earning

potential of $50,000. Those who received a Masters in Public Administration are looking at an average salary of $68,000. The master*s degree raised the average salary of by $18,000 a year.Specific Average Salaries for the Public SectorDue to the variety of job positions available for someone who receives a MPA degree the average salaries can vary

from as low as $35,000 to as high as $100,000. The public sector is filled with dozens of different jobs. The following are the average salaries of positions that can be found in the public sector:Human Resources Director 每 $80,000Program Administrator 每 $60,000Director of Program Management 每 $60,000Entry-Level Position 每 $53,000Mid-Level

Position 每 $75,000The average earning potential in the public sector is around $60,000. In any position in the public sector there is plenty of room to advance and earn more than the average salary.Specific Average Salaries for the Private SectorThe private sector of public administration includes companies and businesses. The average earning

potential in this area of public administration for someone who has completed a MPA degree program is very similar to that of the public sector. The average salary is $60,000 with the potential to earn more. The following are average salaries specific to positions that can be found in the private sector:Program Administrator 每 $40,000Purchasing

Manager 每 $53,000Government Affairs Executive 每 $100,000Director of Volunteer Services 每 $41,000Top Research Executive 每 $100,000Working in the private sector individuals with an MPA degree can find positions that pay six-figures or find positions that pay $40,000. There is a wide range of salaries available and the earning potential in the

private sector will depend upon company size, candidate qualifications, job requirements, bonus potential and company budget.References 每 There has been significant growth in the nonprofit sector, and it does not look like it will slow down soon. In fact, the 2013 Nonprofit Employment Trends Survey showed that 44% of all nonprofit organizations

across this country are looking at increasing their staff. At the previous count in 2011, this figure was just 22%. This growth is both steady and consistent, and it is also a known fact that there is a significant lack of succession planning in place for the rapidly retiring baby boom generation. As a result, there is a huge demand right now for qualified

leaders.People usually do not work in public administration for the big bucks, particularly if they find employment in the nonprofit sector. That being said, someone who holds a Master in Public Administration (MPA) can expect to earn a very significant salary. A lot of factors will determine exactly how much you can earn, however. Some students also

prefer to complete a Master of Business Administration (MBA), because it is a more generalized degree with a greater amount of transferable skills. Salaries for MBA holders are, on average, much higher, because many end up finding employment in the private sector. If you, however, are passionate about improving outcomes across communities in

the world, then the MPA is a more suitable degree.Of course, finances are an important factor, even if you don*t plan to get into this field for the money. Completing an MPA degree is costly, both in terms of time and money. It is normal to want to see at least some return on investment. As a result, having some concrete salary expectations to help you

decide whether or not the MPA is the degree for you, can be really beneficial. Below are some of the factors that show what you can expect after graduation.General MPA Graduate StatisticsA number of studies have shown that holding an MPA will significantly increase the annual salary you receive for the position that you hold. The maximum

earning potential for someone with a bachelor*s degree is around the $50,000 per year mark. For MPA graduates, however, the average salary is $68,000, raising salaries by at least $18,000 per year. As such, while a degree program will usually cost in excess of $20,000 to complete, the return on investment can be rapid.Specific MPA Graduate

StatisticsAs an MPA graduate, there are countless positions that you could hold. Because of this, you can expect to earn anything from $35,000 to well above $100,000 per year. Most jobs are found in the public sector and nonprofit organizations, both of which are, on average, lower paid than private sector positions. Below are some of the average

national salaries for specific jobs held by MPA graduates:Human Resources Directors earn around $80,000 per year.Program administrators earn around $60,000 per year.Directors of Program Management earn around $60,000 per year.Directors of Volunteer Services earn around $41,000 per year.Entry level positions start at around $53,000 per

year.Mid-level positions usually start at around $75,000 per year.In the public sector, the overall national average earning is $60,000. This means that half of MPA graduates in this sector earn less than that, and the other half earn more. However, all of these positions offer advancement opportunities. With advancement comes a higher salary as well.

Although most MPA graduates will get to work in the public or nonprofit sector, some businesses and companies also look for these particular skills and knowledge. Interestingly, however, the average national salary for an MPA degree holder in the private sector is also $60,000 per year. The potential to earn a lot more through promotions, however,

is also available.Specific job title and annual salary averages within the private sector include:Program administrators, who earn around $40,000 per yearPurchasing managers, who earn around $53,000 per yearGovernment Affairs Executives, who earn around $100,000 per yearTop Research Executives, who earn around $100,000 per yearIf you

hold an MPA degree and find a job in the private sector, therefore, there is a real possibility that you will earn a six figure income, but you may also have to start at the bottom, with well below average salaries. The range of salaries in this sector is huge and depends on factors, such as your personal qualifications, the size of the company, the job

requirements, and the company*s budget. Additionally, many companies also offer a bonus potential.Salary Expectations by FactorsTo give a clearer picture of the earning potential of someone with an MPA degree, it can be interesting to look in greater detail at the specific factors that may influence their earnings. Looking firstly at job

titles:Executive directors generally earn between $36,513 and $132,362.Program managers in nonprofit organizations generally earn between $38,790 and $72,860.Directors of development in nonprofit organizations generally earn between $36,766 and $102,765.Program coordinators in nonprofit organizations generally earn between $33,458 and

$53,091.Human resources directors generally earn between $53,265 and $121,166.Operations managers generally earn between $37,700 and $90,212.Human resources managers generally earn between $48,479 and $106,900.Another very important factor that determines overall salaries is the state in which you work. In fact, there are significant

differences even between cities in these states. On average, however, salary expectations for MPA degree holders in some of the states are:New York, where they earn an average of $69,723California, where they earn an average of $79,002District of Columbia, where they earn an average of $74,033Texas, where they earn an average of

$56,493Washington, where they earn an average of $70,893Florida, where they earn an average of $62,113Illinois, where they earn an average of $60,242 Lastly, employers also pay a very wide variety of different salaries to MPA degree holders. Examples of employers and their corresponding average salaries include:The University of Washington,

which pays an average of between $46,501 and $107,235Booz, Allen, and Hamilton, which pays an average of $67,138The New York Presbyterian Hospital, which pays an average of $81,084The University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), which pays an average of $59,363The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), which pays an average of

$106,272As you can see, it can be very difficult to determine exactly how much an MPA degree holder can earn. However, since the majority of people complete this degree not for the salary but because they want to follow their passion, this is perhaps not so important anyway. What is important, however, is that you should always see a swift return

on your investment.

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