Average salary for biology masters


Average salary for biology masters

Al Adamoulas Al Adamoulas MSc student, University of St Andrews Joy Aston Joy Aston Policy Officer, Royal Academy of Engineering Tom Chaloner Tom Chaloner PhD student, University of Exeter Jack Common Jack Common PhD student, University of Exeter Dr Iain Douglas-Hamilton Dr Iain Douglas-Hamilton Founder, Save the Elephants Dr Suzanne Ford Dr Suzanne Ford Postdoctoral Researcher, Oxford University Megan Harvey Megan Harvey Communications, Royal Botanic Garden Sydney Elin Havard Elin Havard Commercial Food Graduate, Tesco Dr Jamie Males Dr Jamie Males Associate Editor, PLOS ONE Dr Cicely Marshall Dr Cicely Marshall Junior Research Fellow, Cambridge University Emma Parkin Emma Parkin Neil Passmore Neil Passmore Dr Torsten Reil Dr Penny Sarchet Dr Penny Sarchet News Editor, New Scientist Josh Thomas Josh Thomas DPhil student, Oxford University Dr Simon Townsend Dr Simon Townsend Research Professor, University of Z?rich Dr Mark Wilkinson Dr Mark Wilkinson Researcher, Natural History Museum Total DegreesAwarded in 2019162,961growing 3.15%Median In-StatePublic Tuition$8,505growing 1.6%Median Out-of-StatePrivate Tuition$38,585growing 1.94%Average Wage$108,792growing 0.626%People in Workforce2.84Mgrowing 4.1%Average Employee Age41.2declining 0.766%Page 2 Biology deals with the study of life and is a branch of natural sciences. It deals with living organisms and their interactions with the environment. Over the years, Biology has become one of the standard subjects of instruction in schools. All the higher learning institutes across the world offer courses in Biology. A popular career option in the field is that of a biologist who plays a vital role in examining the structure, origin, growth, function and distribution of living things. A biologist will also classify and describe organisms, their functions and the way these species come into existence. Biology has emerged as one of the dominating fields in modern science in the recent years. Therefore, a career in biology is a great choice for students.Usually, higher-level jobs in Biology require higher-level educational qualifications. If you want to make a career in Biology, you should start from Class 12 itself. After Class 12, students can take up courses in associated fields of Biology like Zoology, Botany, Aquatic Biology, Biotechnology, Fishery Science, Marine Biology etc at Bachelor's level. After the Bachelor's degree level, students can take up Master's followed by research courses in Biology. Students with at least a Master's degree in Biology or associated fields will have chances to get better jobs.Subjects Combination: For taking up Bachelor's course in Biology, students must choose Science stream in Class 12 with Biology as one of the major subjects of study.Eligibility:Class 12 with Science stream (Biology as major subjects) is mandatory to take up Bachelor's course in Biology and associated courses.For taking up Master's course in Biology and associated fields, students must have a Bachelor's degree in the same field.For taking up M.Phil and Ph.D. courses in Biology, Masters Degree in Biology and associated fields are mandatory.For most UG courses, there will no entrance test except for Biomedical Engineering course.For all master's courses in biology, students will have to clear the entrance test conducted by universities/ institutes.There will be also an entrance test for Ph.D. and M.Phil courses.Biologists are required for diverse jobs. The following are some of the job profiles that Biologists can take up after obtaining the necessary skills.Biomedical Engineer: The responsibility of the biomedical engineer is to figure out solutions for different medical problems by designing equipment or artificial organs to be replaced inside the body. For becoming a biomedical engineer, students need to pursue a four-year course in Biomedical engineering at UG level.Environmental Scientist: These scientists study the environment in the interest of living beings, plants and animals and find probable ways to conserve these organisms. They also deal with pollution and other factors that are harmful to the well-being of the environment. They figure out solutions for solving such problems and propose eco-friendly techniques for the same.Food Scientist: The responsibility of a food scientist is to deal with safety and processing of food products through a detailed study and research.Forensic Scientist: The responsibility of a forensic scientist is to perform chemical and physical analysis to test and draw interferences for crime or other records.Microbiologist: A microbiologist deals with the study of microbes for developing useful medicines such as vaccines.Biotechnologist: Biotechnologists use technology to develop animal products such as leather. A career in this field needs extensive experience and research.Researcher: A person with a higher qualification in Biology is required in various industries such as companies that manufacture medicines etc to carry out research and figure out the pros and cons of a specific product.Lecturer: Biologists can also become lectures in universities and colleges after attaining the necessary qualifications.Employment Opportunities for Biologists:Biologists have good scope to get employment opportunities in the government sector. However, there is a good scope for a career in the private sector too. Biologists are required in the following areas: -ResearchHealthcareEnvironmental Management and ConservationEducation Sector (Lecturer or Teacher)Science MuseumsPharmacy CompaniesZoo, Aquariums, Parks and Nature CentresChemical Manufacturing UnitsTop Recruiting Agencies for Biologists:Some of the top companies and industries require skilled Biologists for various positions. The list of top recruiting companies for Biologists can be checked below.BioconSerum Institute of India Ltd.Jubilant Life Sciences Ltd.Syngene International Ltd.Biological E.Nuziveedu SeedsAstraZeneca Pharma India Ltd.Maharashtra Hybrid Seeds CompanyBharat BiotechGlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals Ltd.Apart from the above, Biologists have good scope to secure employment in the government sector.Planning to choose Biologist as your career?Biologists in diverse sectors earn a satisfactory salary. Most companies pay more for highly skilled and experienced Biologists and researchers. The average salary structure of Biologists is detailed below.Job ProfileStarting Salary per annum (in INR)Mid Level Salary per annum (in INR)Senior Level Salary per annum (In INR)Biomedical EngineerRs. 3,30,000Rs. 5,00,000Rs. 8,00,000Environmental ScientistRs. 3,60,000Rs. 5,00,000Rs. 8,00,000Food ScientistRs. 3,40,000Rs. 5,00,000Rs. 8,00,000Forensic ScientistRs. 4,00,000Rs. 6,00,000Rs. 8,00,000MicrobiologistRs. 2,90,000Rs. 4,50,000Rs. 7,00,000BiotechnologistRs. 4,00,000Rs. 5,70,000Rs. 9,00,000Lecturer/ Professor/ Assistant Professor/ Associate ProfessorRs. 2,00,000Rs. 6,00,000Rs. 10,00,000Note: The above figures are an estimate and may vary from individual to individual and company to company.Students preparing for various entrance exams for the admission to Biology courses or the candidates who are pursuing courses in Biology can refer the following books for enhancing knowledge.Genetics: Concept of Genetics by Klug and CummingsAnimal Behaviour by VK AgarwalEcology by PD SharmaVertebrates by RL KotpalInvertebrates by RL KotpalMolecular Biology and Cell Biology by KrapEmbryology by AK BerryBiology-related professions are experiencing positive job growth in India.Excellent pay packages.Candidates pursuing careers in biology should expect a highly competitive job market.Some positions within the biology industry may require exposure to hazardous materials and substances.Is it mandatory to have a good knowledge of chemistry to become a successful biologist?Let alone successful, in order to become a biologist, one must have an in-depth understanding of chemistry as well.Do biologists have to study math?Yes, biologists need to have a good knowledge of math especially statistics and calculus to help them perform scientific research.Which is the minimum degree required to become a biologist?Candidates must at least have a bachelor's degree in Biology and/or its associated courses to become a biologist.Which sectors hire biologists?Sectors such as pharmaceutical, chemical, biotechnical etc hire biologists along with some government sectors.Are biologists employed in hospitals?Yes, biologists are also employed in hospitals in various positions such as nurses, physician's assistants etc.Which job profiles are usually offered to a biologist?Biologists can easily become a lecturer, researcher, microbiologist, biomedical engineer etc.Is it mandatory to study biology at the 10+2 level to become a biologist?Yes, anyone who dreams of becoming a biologist must study Biology at the 10+2 level.What is the average salary paid to a biologist in India?A biologist in India is paid around INR 9 LPA on average.Can anyone become a Biologist without a valid degree?A valid degree is mandatory to become a Biologist.What is the job of a Biologist?A biologist study plant life and organisms through which they learn about their habitats, behaviours and composition and how they interact with the rest of the organisms and their environment.View More

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