Section 14.01. Salaries for Fiscal Year 2007. The base ...

Concrete ExamplesIn no particular order, the ISU Faculty Association shares some real life examples of what can and has been negotiated through collective bargainingExample 01 – Shared GovernanceIn their 2007-10 union contract, the SIU Carbondale Faculty Association incorporated faculty senate resolutions into a binding union contract. The contract incorporated an SIUC Faculty Senate resolution that specifies types of remedies available to the JRB (the Judicial Review Board, equivalent to ISU’s Faculty Hearing Panel) in Tenure and Promotion cases. It provides that the campus chancellor treat the decision of the JRB “in the same manner as s/he treats similar decisions of the Provost and Vice Chancellor.” Source: 2007-2010 SIUC FA contract *****Example 02 – Shared GovernanceIn their 2015-18 union contract, the UI-Chicago faculty union codified the Senate role. Article XI. Governance The Union retains the exclusive right to negotiate and reach agreement on wages, hours, and terms and conditions of employment for the members of the bargaining unit. The parties to this Agreement recognize and support the role of the Faculty Senate as established by the University of Illinois Statutes such as its general responsibilities in areas including but not limited to: (a) curriculum policy and curricular structure, (b) requirements for degrees and granting of degrees, (c) policies for recruitment, admission and retention of students, (d) academic policies relating to students, (e) reviewing and proposing changes to the statutes, and (f) academic freedom. The above list of Senate responsibilities is not inclusive of the Senate's full role as provided in the University of Illinois Statutes and is not intended to expand or limit that role …. This Agreement is not intended to expand or limit the faculty role in governance as provided in the University of Illinois Statutes. No faculty member will be penalized for legitimate participation in University governance. Source: 03 – Separately Negotiated Adjustments to Address Salary Compression and ParityIn their 2007-2010 union contract, the SIUE Faculty Association negotiated – in addition to substantial across the board and merit salary increases – a separate $3 million fund to address equity and salary compression concerns. ARTICLE 14SALARIES AND FRINGE BENEFITSSection 14.01. Salaries for Fiscal Year 2007. The base salaries of Faculty for the University's 2007 fiscal year shall be increased as follows:General salary adjustments:An aggregate increase in base salary equal to three percent (3%) or the percentage amount the Board of Trustees approves for the average salary increase to non-represented employees, whichever is greater, of the aggregate base salary of Faculty as of May 1st, 2006 (see Section 14.06). Such base salary increases shall be distributed as follows and shall be retroactive to July 1, 2006:100% across-the-boardb.Additional salary adjustment to address salary compression and parity:An additional increase of $250,000.00 distributed according to the equity formula.Section 14.02. Salaries for Fiscal Year 2008. The base salaries of Faculty for the University's 2008 fiscal year shall be increased as follows:a.General salary adjustments:An aggregate increase in base salary equal to three percent (3%) or the percentage amount the Board of Trustees approves for the average salary increase to non-represented employees, whichever is greater, of the aggregate base salary of Faculty as of May 1st, 2007 (see Section 14.06). Such base salary increases shall be distributed as follows:66% across-the-board34% meritb.Additional salary adjustment to address salary compression and parity:An additional increase of $500,000.00 distributed according to the equity formula.Section 14.03. Salaries for Fiscal Year 2009. The base salaries of Faculty for the University's 2009 fiscal year shall be increased as follows:a.General salary adjustments:An aggregate increase in base salary equal to three percent (3%) or the percentage amount the Board of Trustees approves for the average salary increase to non-represented employees, whichever is greater, of the aggregate base salary of Faculty as of May 1st, 2008 (see Section 14.06). Such base salary increases shall be distributed as follows:66% across-the-board34% merit.b.Additional salary adjustment to address salary compression and parity:An additional increase of $1,000,000.00 distributed according to the equity formula.Section 14.04. Salaries for Fiscal Year 2010. The base salaries of Faculty for the University's 2010 fiscal year shall be increased as follows:a.General salary adjustments:An aggregate increase in base salary equal to three and one-half percent (3.5%) or the percentage amount the Board of Trustees approves for the average salary increase to non-represented employees, whichever is greater, of the aggregate base salary of Faculty as of May 1st, 2009 (see Section 14.06). Such base salary increases shall be distributed as follows:50% across-the-board50% merit.b.Additional salary adjustment to address salary compression and parity:An additional increase of $1,500,000.00 distributed according to the equity formula.Source: (Article 14 – Salaries and Fringe Benefits)*****Example 04 – Grievance Appeals Subject to Binding Arbitration In its first faculty union contract (2018) the SIUE Faculty Association negotiated a grievance procedure that – by state law – is required to include binding arbitration as an available final avenue of appeal in a grievance. . . . Section 7.06. Arbitration.If the grievance is not settled at Level 3 and the Association wishes to appeal the grievance from Level 3 of the grievance procedure, the Association may refer the grievance to arbitration, as described below, by notifying the Chancellor (or designee) in writing within fourteen (14) days of receipt of the written answer of the Chancellor (or designee) as provided to the Association at Level 3:a. Association and University representatives shall attempt to agree upon an arbitrator within twenty-eight (28) days after the University's receipt of the Association's notice of referral. In the event the parties are unable to agree upon the arbitrator within said twenty-eight (28) day period, the parties shall jointly request the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service to submit a panel of five (5) arbitrators. Either party may require that the panel be comprised entirely of members of the National Academy of Arbitrators. Each party retains the right to reject one panel in its entirety and request that a new panel be submitted. Both the University and the Association shall have the right to strike two (2) names from the panel, utilizing the alternate strike method, with the requesting party striking the first member from the panel. The person remaining shall be the arbitrator.b. The arbitrator selected shall, with the assistance of the parties, set the time and place for the hearing, subject to the availability of Association and University representatives, as well as witnesses. The arbitrator may grant continuances for sufficient cause. The hearing shall be held on the SlUE campus or at another mutually agreed upon location.c. The University and the Association retain the right to be represented by representatives of their choosing. If there is any dispute as to the hearing procedure (e.g., order of presenting evidence, production of documents, etc.), such dispute shall be decided by the arbitrator selected by the parties.d. The arbitrator shall submit their decision in writing within forty-two (42) days following the close of the hearing or the submission of post-hearing briefs by the parties, whichever is later.e. More than one grievance may be submitted to the same arbitrator where both parties mutually agree in writing.f. The fees and expenses of the arbitrator and the cost of a written transcript, if any, shall be divided equally between the University and the Association. Each party shall be responsible for compensating its representatives and expert witnesses.Source: (Article 7 – Grievance Procedure)***** Example 05 – Salary Counteroffers In its first faculty union contract (2018) the SIUE Faculty Association also negotiated a provision that confirmed their employer’s right and obligation to make and implement salary counteroffers. Section 9.08. Salary Counteroffer. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, the University retains the right to make and implement counteroffers to individual employees during the term of this Agreement in order to retain qualified faculty. In the event a counteroffer is made to the Faculty member by the University and accepted by the Faculty member, the Association President will then be sent a copy of the letter of offer from the outside institution and relevant correspondence between the Faculty member and the University. On or before July 15 of each fiscal year, the Association President will be given a report that sets forth the names of all Faculty members who have requested counteroffers and results of the requests.Source: (General Provisions, page 18)*****More to come – stay tuned to ................

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