VUT - Elizabeth Arnold Online Resources

AHE 1123: Gymnastics

Lesson Plan Assignment/ Teaching Assignment

Week 4 of 10 week unit plan

Class: 10 x year 8 students

Class Time: 70min

Environment: Gym with apparatus, spotting boxes, scatter & crash mats and wedges.

Warm Up Activity: 8min

Agility Warm Up:

(Aim: To introduce and reinforce DMP’s already learnt in previous weeks, in particular spring and landings. To work on core stability through locomotion activities, increase muscle power, strength and endurance.)

Students make 5 lines of 2 across edge of floor. To complete given activity down the floor and back again, then the second group goes. Coach located on side of floor perpendicular to the way the students are travelling. This way the coach can see everyone at the same time, throughout activity.


• Kangaroo Jumps

o Continuous straight jumps, pushing right through legs including feet to gain high jumps for rebounding. Encourage silent landings

o KCP’s

▪ Legs tightly squeezed together

▪ Bottoms tucked under

▪ Back and abs flat

▪ Rib cage pulled in

▪ Arms can be either like a kangaroo or up by ears with straight elbows

• Bunny Hops

o Preparing students for having weight distributed through hands as well as legs. Being use to spring through shoulders

o KCP’s

▪ Arms shoulder width apart

▪ Locked straight elbows

▪ Keeps legs tucked, using abdominals to control leg movement. Knees and ankles to stay together

▪ Stretch through arms and upper body (not arching/ must have flat back) to initiate movement

• Bear Walks

o Getting students use to weight transfer with body in different position, springing from hand to hand and foot to foot

o KCP’s

▪ Straight arms and legs

▪ Legs in straddle pike,

▪ Abdominals pulled in and a flat back.

▪ Push through shoulders to increase speed and amount of spring

• Long Jumps

o To develop power in the students legs

o KCP’s

▪ Use arm swing to help generate power

▪ Push the whole way through legs, using hips, knees and feet

▪ Try to stretch in the air through a scoop shape

▪ Land in motor bike

▪ Head neutral

• Frog Jumps

o To assist with power for jumps. To also help students to feel the peak of their jump (where a skill should be performed)

o KCP’s

▪ Think of Rocket shape from take off – bottom tucked under, abs and back flat, ribs pulled in

▪ Pull legs to ‘frog’ tuck at top/peak of jump, don’t drop chest (square to wall)

▪ Absorb landing through feet, ankles, knees and hips

• Bounding

o To help gain an understanding to leaping, by taking off one foot at a time and landing on foot at a time

o KCP’s

▪ Maintain a strong core, upright upper body

▪ Explosive movement through legs

▪ Bent front leg / 90 degree angle (toe pointing to floor

▪ Back leg straight and lifted (don’t bend back knee)

▪ Try to ‘levitate’ in the air – try to increase height.

Stretches (with coach leading – standing in a circle): 10min:

Static Stretches: Head to toe with each stretch being held for 10-15 seconds. Students to stretch to the point of stretch, not pain.

• Muscles/areas to be stretched:

o Necks (gently)

o Triceps

o Lats

o Shoulders

o Biceps

o Wrists (warm up joints as well as stretching)

o Hips (circles)

o Straddles (knees facing roof and flat back)

o Pike (flat backs, head down)

o Ankles

o Lunges (keeping correct alignment)

• Hip flexors/ quads

• Hamstrings

• Calves

• Adductors

o Seals (keep hips on floor, legs together, pull shoulders back)

o Splits

• Left (left knee facing towards roof, pointed toe, right knee down to floor. Right hip pulled around to face front, try to keep back straight

• Right. (opposite to left)

• Middle (bottom b/w feet, straight knees, try and lower to elbows and forearms, straight/flat back, relax into it)

Flexibility/ Ballistic Stretches: 5min (includes set up & transitions between each).

3 Activities: Groups of 3-4: 1 minute at each

Equipment required:

• Skipping ropes and bike tyres

• Mini Tramp and crash mat

• 2 x Spotting boxes

Coach Position: Standing at mini tramp, while being able to see other group activities


1. Shoulder Flexibility with bike tube or skipping rope

• Use bike tyre firsts (has give). Start with tyre in front of body holding with both hands. Take through shoulder range of motion by lifting arms above head, taking tyre behind body. Return back to the front through reversing motion.

• KCP’s

o Standing in a rocket shape position (flat back and abs, ribs in and bottom tucked) hold the tyre in both hands (wide initially). The body position shouldn’t change through out the activity (don’t break rocket shape).

o Both shoulders/arms should move at the same time and be at the same position of movement at the same time

o Keep elbows straight

o It should stretch but not hurt

o Head neutral

• Once they have done 5 with the tyre they can try and use the rope which has less give

• Students need to be instructed to have arms only as close as is comfortable.

2. Hip Flexor and splits flexibility on spotting boxes

• Take turns jumping off the spotting box, while others stabilise the box.

• To perform jump: stand on the edge of the box and jump. At the peak of the jump they need to do either a straddle, pike, left leg split or right leg split (In that order).Rotate through group before moving to next jump. They continue to repeat cycle until 1-minute is up.

• KCP’s

o Students MUST land in a motorbike landing (bent knees and hips, legs shoulder width apart, head neutral and arms stretched.

o The position being performed to be done at the peak of the jump

o Arm swing should be used to generate power. Push through hips, knees and ankles to hit a rocket position before the peak position.

3. Hip Flexor and splits flexibility using mini tramp

• Students will need to have a run up( take-off from one foot to land on tramp with two feet. The jump should be high and not long. Perform same jumps as those done on the spotting boxes. Mini tramp will allow for more time to perform the skill, therefore body tension and control needs to be maintained and safe motorbike landings need to be done.

o KCP’s

o Maintain Rocket shape from take off

o Hit shape at peak of jump

o Don’t arch back, keep a flat back and flat tummy

o Be careful not to throw chest forward – try to have square to wall.

o Land in a motorbike landing as above

KCP’s for each Jump:

▪ Straddle

o Straight knees and pointed toes

o Knees should face roof or be slightly turned out (not in)

o Legs are lifted to meet body, body doesn’t drop

o Arms remain shoulder width apart and straight, pushing forward between legs.

o Straddle should be done at peak of jump and snap quickly back together for a motorbike landing.

▪ Pike

o Knees and legs should be pointed

o From rocket shape in air the legs and body should meet by bending at the hips. Trying to raise legs parallel to floor.

o Try to maintain a flat tummy and back.

o Arms should remain straight and reach for toes.

▪ Splits

o At peak of jump the legs should split.

o The front leg should have the knee facing the roof will the back knee should face the floor

o Both legs should remain straight in the air

o Hips should remain facing forward (avoid twisting towards back leg)

o Upper body should remain vertical with a flat back and tummy

o Head neutral

Postural Control Activity: 5min (including clearing floor and transition to next activity)

Front Support Tag with partner

▪ Equipment: Stopwatch.

▪ Coach position: Standing on side line of floor, as per agility warm up, so can see all participants.

▪ Front Support KCP’s

o Arms shoulder width apart with elbows locked/straight

o Shoulders over wrists

o Angry cat shoulders/ no shoulder blades showing/ rounded upper back

o Bottoms tucked and abs pulled in/ flat

o Legs, knees and ankles squeezing tightly together.

▪ The students face towards one another in a front support. Coach says ‘GO’ 15seconds will be timed, students to see how many times they can tap the top of their partners hand. The person with the highest score has to compete against the winner of another group whilst the people with the lower scores go against each other.

▪ If a student loses the correct body position they must deduct 2 taps from their end score. The coach must inform them if this occurs.

▪ Repeat the activity 4 times, stretching wrists in between

Jump turns and leaps using mirrors: 10min

▪ Students stand in two lines in front of mirrors. Ensuring that they can all see themselves and are far enough apart that they can’t touch anyone else.

▪ Coach stands to side of mirrors and ensures they can see all students. Emphasis on safe landings

▪ Demonstrations in front of class facing them not mirrors.

▪ Each student to do 3 x straight jumps with motor bike landings

o KCP’s

▪ Take off using arm swing, pushing through entirety of legs, Keeping upper body vertical

▪ Taking off from both feet at the same time and landing on two feet at the same time.

▪ Rocket shape positing in air, bottom tucked, abs and back flat, legs together and straight, rib cage tucked in, arms straight and close to ears

▪ Land quietly, absorbing weight through feet, knees and hips

▪ Jump ½ Turns

o 3 x jump ½ turns both directions. Students to be taught correct arm swing and how to spot.

o KCP’s

▪ Body position should be the same as a straight jump

▪ Landing should be a motor bike as per a straight jump

▪ Shoulder and hips should turn as one, not as separate parts.

▪ Arm swing – eg turning to the left.

▪ The left arm should be stretched out in front of the student parallel to the floor (shoulder height).

▪ The right arm should start out to the side (as per arm position in a star shape), slightly higher than shoulder height

▪ As the student bends the knees for take of the arms should drop (with resistance) by their sides.

▪ As the legs straighten to leave the ground, the arms should ‘whip’ upwards by the ears to reach a rocket shape and initiate a twist.

▪ After initial take-off, students need to sport back wall to complete 1/2 tun – look where they want to finish their rotation

▪ Jump Full Turns

o Students to try 3 x both ways

o KCP’s

▪ As per ½ turn but with more rotation

▪ Students need to ensure they maintain their rocket shape and don’t throw their shoulders before their hips

▪ Spot the place in which they started to ensure they land in motorbike and compete full twist.

▪ Careful not to spin on an angle- stay upright

▪ Cat leaps

o Cat leaps take of from one foot at a time and land one foot at a time

o The landing is not a motorbike shape, but students must remember to bend their knees when landing

o Steps and KCP’s

▪ Start in rocket shape; however have one foot pointed in front.

▪ Place weight on front foot- bend knee to gain power to take off

▪ Swing back leg through to an attitude position (bent knee facing outwards, knee bent at about 90degrees, lifting heel of foot to roof.

▪ As first attitude begins to lower push off supporting leg to lift into attitude and land on other leg (bent knee).

▪ Keep head neutral and body upright whit a flat back.

▪ Finish by stepping foot in front and pointing back foot.

▪ Arms: Can either stay up by ears, in present or with an arm circle (At point of initial take off arms sweep in front of hips to raise above head during leap to finish in present on finish.

▪ Scissor kicks

o KCP’s

▪ Similar idea to cat leap, but students keep both legs straight (no attitude)

▪ Legs can be slightly turned out

▪ Head neutral

▪ Start low legs and work up to ensure no one falls backwards from leg swing.

▪ Maintain upright body position as per other jumps and leaps

Transition to next activity: 2min

Cartwheel and stride leap circuit: 10min

Coach Position: as marked above

Equipment: As marked above

3 rotations:

1st.- Cartwheels to be done in star shape

2nd – Cartwheels to be done starting and finishing in a lunge for those ready

3rd – those whole car ready can use a T shape where the second hand to go down in the cartwheel turns in towards the first to allow the hips to turn.

Star Shape:

▪ KCP’s

▪ Straight legs

▪ Straight arms just above shoulder height

▪ Bottom tucked

▪ Flat abs and back with rib in and head neutral


▪ Front leg bent, back leg straight – both feet facing forward and flat on ground

▪ Arms locked by ears, shoulder width apart

▪ Upper body in line with back leg, in rocket position (scooped chest)

▪ Head neutral

1. Bunny hop cartwheel / Cartwheel over a box

▪ KCP’s

o Start either side on (star) or facing shape (lunge)

o Arms need to remain straight, pushing through shoulders

o Big push through legs

o Try to achieve a inverted star shape

o Land one leg at a time and bend knees.

2. Carpet Square Cartwheels

▪ KCP’s

o Shoulders over hands,

o Arms by ears, elbows locked,

o Flat back and tummy

o Straight legs pointed toes

o Pattern – hand, hand, foot, foot

3. Skipping rope dish rocks x 5 (body tension and wrist break)

▪ KCP’s

o Hook rope around feet and hold handles

o Lower back and top of bottom, only thing on floor

o Shoulders rounded, chin tucked in

o Straight legs

o Gently rock using momentum and abdominals

4. Inverted star shape against wedge on wall (kicking up through handstand)

▪ Coach assisted

▪ KCP’s

o Arms straight and by ears, shoulder width apart

o Hands slightly turned out, fingers spread

o Flat back against wedge

o Stabilise handstand position first then star the legs, keeping hips open, legs straight and pointed.

o Return to handstand and step out into lunge

5. Stride leap over dead mans land (using two skipping ropes placed a selected distance apart -> distance can be increased each rotation


o Leap from one foot, and land on other foot first.

o Bending knees to absorb landing

o Keep body upright, flat back and tummy

o Arms is star shape arm position

o Try and keep both knees straight in the air, front knee facing roof, back knee facing floor

o Do left and right

6. Step, step, leap onto box and hold arabesque for 3 seconds.


o Push through floor to gain power and height for leap

o Once in take off straighten both legs, trying to hit a split/ stride position

o Maintain core, by keeping body upright

o Land on one leg, absorbing landing through feet, knees and hips,

o Hold back leg up and try and hold an arabesque without back leg dropping

7. Cartwheel down a slope

▪ KCP’s

o Slow and controlled cartwheel

o Focus on arm placement and inverted body position as done against wall

o Try to land in a lunge facing opposite direction to start

8. Cartwheel on a line

▪ Using technique practised at other points in circuit try to start and finish on the line, hands and feet should all go on the line

▪ Students can try to use a T position as discussed earlier

9. Hoop leaps

▪ Students to take big steps from hoop to hoop to get use to taking off one foot and landing on the opposite one

▪ Bit of fun to see how far they can go

Transition to next activity: 2min

Beam Mounts Dismounts and turns: 15min

Game: Over, Under, Over, Under - beam awareness, makes beams fun and less scary for those who have never used one.

Coach Position: Side of beams, closer to higher beam than lower.


1. 2 Teams: sitting in a tuck sit line behind low beam

2. When coach yells ‘GO’, the first two have to jump over the first beam. Go under the next, over the next etc. (Will depend on beam set up – if two small beams in a row it may need to be over, over, under). At the other end they have to do 3 tuck jumps and go back the way they came.

3. They have to high 5 the next person in a tuck sit and change over.

4. First team back, with everyone in a tuck sit wins

5. When students go over the beam, they must use their hands, and land in a motorbike on the other side. They can climb over the beam if they chose, but must finish in a motorbike.

6. Everyone to demonstrate a motor bike landing on floor, prior to game commencing

Dismounts Part 1: Motor bike landings off medium beam- (Exit before entry to teach how to get out of skill or land if they fall off)

3 people at a time, climb up on middle beam: coach will instruct and specific jump to be done off the side of the beam, motorbike landing. (coach will stand just off to the side of the beam being used. – ensuring it is safe for the student to jump)

2 Jumps each – Straight & Tuck

▪ KCP’s

o Use arm swing, and legs to generate power

o Jump high off beam, don’t just step or fall off (height of jump must be above beam

o Don’t extend arms too far as too stick out rib cage

o Keep hips and bottom tucked under,

o Head neutral, don’t look at floor

o Land in motorbike landing (hold)


• Bent knees and hips,

• Arms straight out in front

• Looking forward, head neutral

• Flat black

Mount Circuit:

▪ Low Beam: Bunny hops over beam, with bean bag between feet.

▪ KCP’s:

o Lock elbows and hold arms close to ears,

o Hands placed on beam like ‘butterfly’ or ‘bat wings’

o Use legs to jump from floor to other side of beam

o Keeps legs together

o draw legs to chest with abdominals, think of tuck shape

▪ Middle Beam: Bunny hops on to beam ( Stand ( ¼ Turn on two feet ( Straight jump to ground (motorbike) ( 3 steps and repeat (should do 4, 2 for each side)

▪ KCP’s

o Lock elbows and hold arms close to ears,

o Hands placed on beam like ‘butterfly’ or ‘bat wings’

o Use legs to jump from floor to beam, draw legs to chest with abdominals

o Stabilise self before raising chest to have a straight back in a squat with arms extended, parallel with the beam

o Extend through legs, keeping back flat and bottom tucked, head neutral

o Raise onto toes in rocket shape

o Using shoulders and hips turn on toes to do a 1/4 turn (body should move as one piece)

o Lower heels,

o straight jump off to opposite side of beam (as discussed above)

▪ High Beam: Jump to front support, push beam and lower

▪ KCP’s

o Hands placed on beam, slightly closer than shoulder width apart

o Shoulders over wrists, rounded shoulders, (angry cat)

o Head tucked to chin.

o Straight legs, tightly squeezed together

o Bottoms tucked and squeezing,

o Abs tight, pulling in and up

o Try and push through beam

▪ High beam: Straddle walks. See how many steps they can take.

▪ KCP’s

o Straight elbows,

o Take little controlled steps

o Think about using Abs to lift legs,

o Flex hips in straddle, try to lift heels above beam level,

o Lower self to beam, don’t drop when tired.

o If can’t walk, see how many seconds they can hold themselves up for.

How to do a Front Support Mount: Each student will have 3 goes

▪ Jump to front support: lock arms by sides – straight elbows, chest/ ribs in, head neutral, legs together, bottom tucked, push up through shoulders so that upper thigh touches beam

▪ Swing chosen leg over beam to a straddle/ star shape: Try not to touch the beam until finished lifting. Keep arms locked and straight, knees straight, toes pointed

▪ Swing legs back to squat on beam: Keeping arms and legs straight, slightly flex the hips to gain momentum to swing legs back. Upper body needs to remain strong, rounded shoulders, tight flat abs. As legs push backwards, maintain hip flex to lift bottom into air to place feet on beam.

▪ Hold squat and lift body upright (flat back and abs, head neutral, arms raised by ears

▪ Stand

▪ Raise onto toes, ‘Rocket Shape’ (as previously discussed) ¼ turn and dismount (straight, tuck then star)


• 3 students per beam – all students have already competed a 2 foot 1/4 turn. Move to 2 feet ½ turn

• Standing in rocket shape, raise on to toes, as per ¼ turn.

• Moving body in unison turn to face opposite beam

• Think of a strong pulling through head, to be nice and tall and straight

• Lower heels, only once turn has been completed

• Progression/ Drill of 1 foot turn (if time)

• Students instructed to lift non supporting leg to a turned out ‘retire’ position, they then turn the knee to the front, rise onto ball of foot of supporting leg. The then extend the lifted knee and lower to beam, staying on pointed toes. 2 feet should now be on the beam and they can complete a 2 footed ½ turn. If successful they can try to turn on one foot using the ‘retire’ position.

• Note: always step ‘retire’ foot in front when completing the turn.. KCP:

o Supporting legs need to be straight- think of a string pulling through heel, to bottom to head, to the roof

o Arms should be locked either by ears or slightly pulled back by sides of body, head needs to spot the wall in which they are turning to, don’t look down.

o Flat back, flat stomach, bottom tucked

o Stay on ball of feet for entire turn, drop heels to finish.

Punch Jump Dismount (if time permits)

▪ Students to mount beam, using method just taught.

▪ They are then to complete a half, half turn

▪ They can then walk towards end of beam and stop a few steps away from end.

▪ Students will perform a punch jump.


o Students can take a few steps/run up where they will take off one foot to land with two feet on the end of the beam (as they would jump onto a mini tramp/beat board). From here they need to rebound (as per spring exercises) to a quick rocket shape position. As per the other jumps they must jump higher than the height of the beam and land in a safe motorbike landing.

o Rocket Shape:

▪ Flat back, tummy flat

▪ Arms locked into ears,

▪ Bottom tucked under

▪ Head neutral

▪ Straight legs with feet together

o Students can also perform a tuck, and star jump. If time they can try a straddle and pike.

Cool Down Activity: 3min

Mirror Stretches:

With a partner, one person is the leader and the other must copy like a reflection. The leader needs to incorporate stretches, some static shapes, and other locomotion activities learnt in class. Each partnership will be given a designated space on the floor. After a minute the roles will be reversed.


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