Infant & Toddler Supply List - Nova Southeastern University

Infant & Toddler Supply List

Infant: Ages 6 weeks to 12 months A supply of preferred diapers and wipes A supply of preferred wipes Three complete changes of clothing (labeled in ziplock bag) Bedding that includes a pack-and-play sheet (to fit crib mattress snug for safe sleep practice) Prepared bottles labeled with your child's name and the date Meals and snacks prepared and ready to feed in a labeled container A typed schedule for your child so that we may follow it The daily Home Journal returned form from the previous school day

Toddlers 12-24 months A supply of preferred diapers and wipes A supply of preferred wipes Three complete changes of clothing (labeled in ziplock bag) Nap Sacks or crib sheet & crib-size blanket Large Ziploc Bag (to store nap bedding) Reusable water bottle or drinking cup that can be refilled by classrooms staff

Lunch items: Thermos - to keep warm prepared food items hot Ice pack - to keep appropriate lunch items cold Utensils - A spoon and/or a fork should be included each day. Please use reusable containers your child is able to eat out of and that can easily be stored inside your child's lunch box and fit in their cubby.

Infants & Toddlers Sippy cup for water (if appropriate) Diaper cream with a filled out #5 form (if appropriate) Sunscreen with a filled out # 5 form (if appropriate) Pacifier (if appropriate) Any additional items to help your child feel secure and safe Bibs and burp clothes (these items are supplied by the classroom; however, some parents prefer to use their own)

Additional Information: In order for MSC's Infant & Toddler Staff to dispense any medication (prescription and/or over the counter), a doctor's prescription is required. The medicine needs to be labeled, dated, and in its original container and will be stored in a locked cabinet in an administrator's office. A #5 Form Authorization for Medication must also be completed by the parent before any medication can be administered (please see the front desk for forms). Diaper cream and sunscreen also require the completion of a #5 form.


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