District 5000 The Rotary Foundation (2019-20)


The Rotary Foundation (2019-20) District 5000





Spending Plan

2019-20 maximum district grant amount 106,034 USD

Spending plan activities

# District or club

Activity or project type

Brief description


1 Ala Moana, Oahu

2 Ala Moana, Oahu

3 Ala Moana, Oahu

4 Ala Moana, Oahu

5 Ala Moana, Oahu

Health: volunteer services

Furnishings and equipment for three health related facilities in Bali: Whiteboards, chairs with desks, and knee prosthetics


Community development: volunteer services

Provide prom dresses for disadvantaged young women who would otherwise be unable to addend their high school prom

United States

Community development: general

Provide maintenance supplies and equipment for Hawaiian shoreline fish pond--Waikalua Loko Ia Fish Pond.

United States

Education: general

School supplies for disadvantage youth at Hale Kipa Emergency Shelter: School supplies, home furnishings, individual needs (clothing), recreational games and art supplies

United States

Education: general

School supplies for Kalihi Uka Elementary--preschool class support: Ultimate Fort Builder (recreational learning equipment) and school supplies.

United States

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Total amount

(USD) 490


625 625


6 Ala Moana, Oahu

Water: supply/access

7 Downtown Honolulu

Education: general

8 E-Club of District 5000

RI youth programs (Youth Exchange, RYLA, Rotaract, Interact)

9 Kaka'ako Eco Community development: general

10 East Honolulu Education: general

11 Ewa Beach

Education: literacy

12 Hanalei Bay (PrincevilleAt-Hanalei), Kauai

Community development: general

13 Hanalei Bay Education: general

8 Water tanks for internal refugees (displaced persons) housed in tents and other temporary shelters in refugee camps in Yangon


Central Middle School Thia Rossi Teacher Award breakfast for outstanding teacher and their students hosted by Club. Award cost (including certificate) is $1,677. Breakfast for teacher and students $250.

United States

Stipend for Hawaii (Hilo) student to attend Hiroshima RYLA: travel expenses and registration. Rotary Club of District 5000 E-Club WE Rotary will also travel to Hiroshima RYLA as presenters.


Plants for community garden

United States

School supplies for Palolo Elementary School: Club packs shoeboxes with various small toys, packaged food items, and school supplies for students at their Christmas assembly.

United States

Dictionaries for third grade-District Literacy Project. Dictionaries to Ewa Beach Elementary School.

United States

Save the Ohia Trees Project: Ohia tree planting and restoration. Club will distribute seedlings to community members at the Fit Fest on the Northshore of Kauai.

United States

School supplies of Kumu's


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555 1,167


150 892 150 831 396

(PrincevilleAt-Hanalei), Kauai

Cupboard non-profit in Lihue for the teachers and staff at Kauai high schools.


14 Hanalei Bay (PrincevilleAt-Hanalei), Kauai

Health: general

AEDs for Kauai Island libraries and CPR Training

United States

15 Hilo

Community development: volunteer services

Senior luncheon at Kamana Senior Center with Rotary volunteers cooking and serving.

United States

16 Hilo

Community development: volunteer services

Rotary Gives Thanks District Event: Thanksgiving dinner hosted by Rotarians at Hawaii Island Home for Recovery-Rotarians to set up, cook, and serve, share in fellowship.

United States

17 Hilo

RI youth programs (Youth Exchange, RYLA, Rotaract, Interact)

Hawaii Island RYLA support. With matching and additional Club Cash, total support for RYLA stipends is $3,500, with $1,050 for supplies and other expenses.

United States

18 Hilo Bay

Education: volunteer services

Sponsorship of Pacific Island Youth Empowerment Summit at University of Hawaii HIlo Campus

United States

19 Hilo Bay

RI youth programs (Youth Exchange, RYLA, Rotaract, Interact)

Hawaii Island RYLA

United States

20 Honolulu, Oahu

Peace: general

Peace Maker Video Production, Competition, awards event--Rotarians run the competition, including promotion at schools, evaluating videos, hosting luncheon for winning team. Bulk of budget is for video production support.

United States

21 Honolulu Sunrise

Community development: general

Bali Rotarian Service Mission Indonesia -- Books, chairs, prosthetics

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850 1,000

263 1,895

658 987 4,606


22 Honolulu Sunrise

23 Honolulu Sunrise

24 Honolulu Sunrise

25 Honolulu Sunrise

26 Honolulu Sunrise

27 Honolulu Sunset

28 Honolulu Sunset

29 Honolulu Sunset

30 Honolulu Sunset

31 Honolulu Sunset

32 Honolulu Sunset

implant production

RI youth programs (Youth Exchange, RYLA, Rotaract, Interact)

Sponsor RYLA stipends, MidPacific Institute and Roosevelt High School Interact Students to District Conference, supplies for Interact beach cleanup projects.

United States

Education: literacy

Books and dictionaries for elementary schools libraries

United States

Education: literacy

Books and dictionaries for Royal Elementary School

United States

Community development: volunteer services

Meals at shelters in Honolulu for homeless (Yo House), bus transport for RYSE residents, supplies and sundries for Kahauiki Village, support of homeless youth.

United States

Community development: general

Vocational Service awards for United



Education: general

Poster printer for Jefferson Elementary School. Rotarians will teach students and teachers how to set up and use the printer and receive samples of student work on posters.

United States

Education: general

Garden tools for SEEQX


Charter School school garden States

Health: disease

Smartphone Dermascope for Jabson H.O.M.E. medical van and vaccines

United States

Health: general

Aloha Medical Mission Clinic Dental Clinic X-Ray machine for charity dental work for over 800 people in Oahu.

United States

Health: general

Audiometer for Hawaii Keiki Health Program serving 25 public schools on Oahu.

United States

Health: general

Jabson Home medical van hardware upgrades

United States

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1,300 800


700 1,250

250 1,500 1,000 1,435


33 Honolulu Sunset

Education: literacy

Jefferson Elementary library books and dictionaries-District Literacy Project.

United States

34 Honolulu Sunset

Community development: volunteer services

Holiday shopping and lunch for 3-5 needy families. Families are in HUGGS program due to severe medical condition leaving them financially challenged.

United States

35 Honolulu Sunset

Community development: general

Furnishings for Hawaii Women in Need Shelter--bed frames, portable closets, curtains, bath towels, etc.

United States

36 Honolulu Sunset

Community development: general

Ho'ola Na Pua (trafficked women and girls shelter) Pearl Haven Serenity Garden supplies: concrete mix, hardware items, lumber, etc

United States

37 Kapolei Sunset

Community development: volunteer services

Spay and neuter feral cats-spay neuter services, pet food, overnight costs. Rotarians will be involved in trapping and transporting animals

United States

38 Kauai

Education: general

Repair materials for Kauai Sailing Association coach and student sailing boats: propellers and other mechanical parts, sun screen devices and covers.

United States

39 Kauai

Education: literacy

Dictionaries for third graders-District Literacy Project. Wilcox Elementary and King Kaumuali Elementary.

United States

40 Kihei-Wailea, Education: general Maui

Bus transport for Lokelani Middle School field trip to Maui Arts and Culture Center

United States

41 Kihei-Wailea, Maui

Community development: volunteer services

Rescue Tube and Maui Coastal Rotary Clubs Ocean Safety Project

United States

42 Kihei-Wailea, Community


development: general

Ice Cream Display Freezer of United

Kihei Youth Center Mini-


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1,000 1,623

2,000 1,250 1,300


369 199 1,300 499

43 Kona

Education: literacy

44 Kona Mauka Education: general

45 Kona Sunrise Peace: general (Kailua-Kona)

46 Lahaina, Maui RI youth programs (Youth Exchange, RYLA, Rotaract, Interact)

47 Lahaina Sunrise

Education: general

48 Lahaina Sunset, Maui

RI youth programs (Youth Exchange, RYLA, Rotaract, Interact)

49 Maui

RI youth programs (Youth Exchange, RYLA, Rotaract, Interact)

50 Metropolitan Community


development: general

51 Metropolitan Education: literacy Honolulu

52 Metropolitan Community


development: general

53 Metropolitan Education: literacy Honolulu

Enterprise Program

Hawaii Island School dictionaries

United States

Adopt-A-Classroom school supplies

United States

10,000 Peace theme pencils for Kahakai Elementary peace project

United States

Maui Island RYLA (1,400 for student stipends) and 4 Rescue Tubes (494) for Maui Coastal Clubs Ocean Safety Program

United States

Teaching materials for Lahaina Tutoring Stem Program

United States

Maui RYLA and Rescue Tubes project

United States

Maui RYLA stipends

United States

Bali Kalewa Foundation supplies and facilities upgrade supplies


Trainer transport TExT Teachers Program in Myanmar


Ho'ola Na Pue [shelter for trafficked women and girls) Serenity Garden landscaping and minor construction tools and materials

United States

Princess Kaiulani and Kalihi Elementary Schools dictionaries--District Literacy Project; art supplies, teaching

United States

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1,025 875 791 830

278 1,235

391 500 500 1,000



54 Mililani Sunrise

Education: literacy

Library books for Mililani schools

United States

55 Pahoa Sunset Education: literacy

Dictionaries--District Literacy United Project-- Teacher Mini-Grants States

56 Pearl Harbor, Education: literacy Oahu

Dictionaries, backpacks, school supplies for Aiea Elementary School.

United States

57 Poipu Beach, Kauai

Community development: volunteer services

Christmas for disadvantaged kids at Child and Family Services (ages 6-18) at Historic Waimea Theater (December 7 2019). Pizza, water iced teas for Hight school students. 110 gifts wrapped by Rotarians, spouses, and children, who also host event at theater.

United States

58 South Hilo

Education: general

Supplies for Special Olympics East Hawaii. Bocce ball and Basketball Competition: Lunch for athletes, shirts for athletes and volunteers, award ribbons, printing costs

United States

59 Upcountry Maui

RI youth programs (Youth Exchange, RYLA, Rotaract, Interact)

Maui RYLA student stipends United States

60 Valley Isle Sunset (Kahului), Maui

RI youth programs (Youth Exchange, RYLA, Rotaract, Interact)

Maui RYLA student stipends United States

61 Volcano

Education: literacy

Dictionaries for elementary students--District LIteracy Project: Mountain View Elementary, Volcano School of Arts and Sciences, Pahala Elementary, Naalehu Elementary.

United States

62 WahiawaWaialua, Oahu

Education: scholarship Mini-Scholarships for high school students.

United States

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720 420 1,460 1,347


424 235 157


63 Waikiki (Honolulu)

64 Waikiki (Honolulu)

65 Waikiki (Honolulu)

66 Waikiki (Honolulu)

67 Wailuku, Maui

68 Wailuku, Maui

69 West Honolulu, Oahu

70 West Kauai, Kauai

71 West Kauai, Kauai

Education: literacy

Dictionaries for elementary students--District Literacy Project

United States

Education: scholarship

Hawaii Rotary Youth Scholarship. Club will interview and select high school student for an exchange student trip to Japan.

United States

Education: scholarship Air fair for student planning Japan short-term exchange to Japan.

Community development: volunteer services

Rescue Tubes and installation and painting supplies. Rotarian volunteers will purchase and install Rescue Tubes and carry out related painting projects.

United States

Education: literacy

Dictionaries for third graders-District Literacy Project: students at Wailuku Elementary, Pu'u Kukui, and Waihe'e Elementary.

United States

Education: scholarship

2 Iris Nitta college scholarships for Baldwin High School senior. With extra cash from club of $1,288, 2scholarships for $1,000

United States

Education: literacy

14 cases of dictionaries for Kalihi Uka, Keewae, Fern, and Kalihi Waena Elementary schools--District Literacy Project. Club will also provide $1,000 high school scholarship(s).

United States

Community development: general

KMVH Long-term Care Home small appliances and cookware

United States

Education: literacy

Dictionaries for third grade elementary student and labels -- District Literacy Project. Will provide dictionaries for 5 elementary schools in Kekaha area, including two Hawaiian

United States

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724 500 500 1,492

567 712 1,745

348 228


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