One Big Family

[Pages:2]October 2020

Happy October!

Students and staff have settled into routines and are engaged in their learning at Lord Nelson School. Classroom teachers will be sending home notes with your children at various times throughout the school year. Please establish a routine of checking backpacks and agendas for notes and/or homework. Please check your email regularly. The

bulk of notes will be coming through School MeOssneengBeirg. YFoaumr ihleylp in establishing these routines at home will assist

our children in being successful learners! Together we are better!

It is important for your child to have a healthy balanced lunch. Sending an orange or apple with treats such as chips or chocolate is not sufficient for your growing child's needs. Consider packing a healthy and tasty lunch from the four food groups: a grain product, milk or yogurt, vegetables and/or fruits and a meat or meat alternative. For example: A chicken or veggie pita can be made by stuffing a whole grain pita with shredded cheese, sliced chicken breast and cucumber slices along with a banana and a homemade whole grain muffin. Another balanced lunch may be rice or noodles with meat along with an unsweetened applesauce and carrot sticks with dip. It is most important for your child to have a healthy balanced meal to fuel both their bodies and brains to be ready for learning!

Throughout the school year we will practice our school safety procedures. We will have fire drills, lock down drills and have already completed our practice evacuation to Sisler High School to ensure everyone's safety in case of an emergency. Being prepared for an emergency and knowing how to respond appropriately and calmly helps to reassure anxious or frightened students and staff.

Lord Nelson School is located on a very busy street corner. Please help us keep our children safe by parking in designated street parking spots and walking your child to the corners to cross with our patrols and crossing guards. Please remember that the parking lot on Aberdeen Street is open FOR STAFF and DELIVERIES ONLY. You can however drop your child off at the "Stop, Drop and Go Sign" at the hole in the fence on Aberdeen. It is safe if children exit the car on the curb side and walk straight into the playground through the hole in the fence and walk to their designated doors. Please DO NOT encourage your children to jaywalk. It is very unsafe! Please remember that for safety reasons, ONLY the front door of our school is open throughout the day. Thanks for your help in keeping our children safe!

A reminder to all parents, please do not send or bring your child to school before 8:45 a.m., after you have done the Covid screening. School is dismissed at 3:25 pm and ALL students MUST either walk home or be picked up at that time. If your child is here before or after the above times, we will ask that you register your child in our YMCA BEFORE & AFTER SCHOOL or KINDERCARE PROGRAM (for Nursery/Kindergarten students) by calling Connie Cava at 204-831-3287. The YMCA has space in both Nursery/Kindergarten Care Program and Before and After School Program. Subsidies are also available.

Children are also reminded to go straight home after school. If they wish to visit with friends, they should get parental permission BEFORE leaving the house. Again, safety is of the utmost importance. Thanks for your support!

Wishing you a great month of October!

Sandy Stevenson & Dan Keith

Parent Centre News: Hi Families! A lot has changed in the Parent Centre and I really miss seeing you in the school and the room, but we still have lots going on and I am still here to support you! Have questions or need information or resources? Interested in a program? Please contact Kim! Call me in the Parent Centre Tuesdays, Thursdays or every 2nd Friday! @ 204-582-5499 or email me anytime @ kstorer@.

You can now follow me on Facebook at Keep up to date with Parent Centre, school and community programs and resources! We have some fun virtual programs coming up this month, including:

Comfort Play and Teach:

Thursday afternoons in October and November via Google Meet. A fun program for parents and their toddler and preschool age children. We'll do rhymes, songs and fun crafts! I will send the activities and all materials needed home before each session!

Thanksgiving Craft Day:

Friday, October 10th @ 1:15 pm via Google Meet. We have some fun crafts planned for both kids and adults, so let me know asap if you are interested! I'll send all supplies home with your student prior to the meeting and email you the meeting link!

Koats for Kids:

Unfortunately, winter is coming! Koats for Kids is a charity that distributes donated gently used coats to children whose families cannot afford them. If your child does not have access to a warm winter coat and you'd like to take part, please contact me by the deadline of October 15th.

Lunch Program News

? Missed payments may affect your child's ability to remain in the lunch program. Please ensure your lunch fees are paid

? Due to a number of allergies please do not send: Peanut Butter, Nuts of any kind including WOW Butter or Nutella. Fish/Seafood or Eggs.

? Please limit sugary treats and ensure lunches are balanced.

? Cutlery is not provided, please send your child with the utensils needed for them to eat their lunch.

Dress for the weather! As the weather is turning colder, we also want to remind you to ensure that your child(ren) are dressed appropriately for the weather. All students will go outdoors for two 15 minute recesses as well as lunch recess and must be dressed for the weather.


October brings Halloween. For students participating in classroom parties, we ask that students wear costumes that are creative and fun, not scary or violent. Classrooms may celebrate with students wearing costumes, however all students in grades 4-6 must still wear their covid mask. Unfortunately for this year, we will not share in treats or food items.

New Parents:

ask the experts >>>

Are you expecting a baby or have a new baby aged 0-12 months? Contact me for a free Baby Resource Package! I'll send it home with your student

Parent Association News We are excited to announce that we are officially finished the first stage of our new play spaces! The playground expansion features two new group swings, a play dome to climb in and on, and a balance beam to help with gross motor skills. Thank you Lord Nelson Families for all your fundraising efforts! Together we were able to make this dream a reality! Please remember that our students are NOT allowed on any of our play spaces before or after school unless they go home first and RETURN with a supervising adult. Come out in the evening and on weekends and enjoy some family fun!

Our meetings will still be run on the last Monday of each month at 4:00 pm. Due to COVID space restrictions, our meetings will be held virtually via Google Meet until further notice. We are hoping that this will give more parents a chance to attend! Watch your email for the meeting link!

October 12 ? Happy Thanksgiving! No School October 21 ? Grade 6 Immunizations A.M. October 23 ? Non-Instructional Day, No School

Student Accident Insurance

Information regarding Voluntary Student Accident Insurance from Old Republic Insurance Company can be found at or by calling 1-800-463-5437. Printed copies are available at the school office. If you would like a printed copy, please call 204-586-9625.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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