NUMERICAL METHODS - University of Houston


CHECKLIST of METHODS (which I would expect a student to have some familiarity with)

• Bisection Method

• Newton’s Method (for finding zero of function)

• Lagrange interpolating polynomial

• Newton form of the interpolating polynomial

• Cubic splines

• Numerical Differentiation formulas

• Newton-Cotes formulas

o Trapezoidal Rule

o Simpson’s Rule

• Composite Trapezoidal Rule

• Gaussian Quadrature

• Taylor methods

o Euler’s method

o Others

• Runge-Kutta methods

• Gaussian elimination with backward substitution

• LU factorization

• Jacobi method

• Gauss-Seidel method

Of course, I spent more time on some methods and very little time on others during the classes. The more time I spent on the method, the more I expect from you about the method.



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