Backwards-design Lesson Plan Template (sample)

Algebra 1: Systems of Equations (Test 7)

January 7-24, 2014

|Stage 1 – Desired Results |

|Content Standard(s): |

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|(A.8) Linear functions. The student formulates systems of linear equations from problem situations, uses a variety of methods to solve them, and |

|analyzes the solutions in terms of the situation. The student is expected to |

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|(A) analyze situations and formulate systems of linear equations in two unknowns to solve problems; Supporting Standard |

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|(B) solve systems of linear equations using [concrete] models, graphs, tables, and algebraic methods; and Readiness Standard |

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|(C) interpret and determine the reasonableness of solutions to systems of linear equations. Supporting Standard |

|Understanding (s)/goals |Essential Question(s): |

|Students will understand : |Give an example of a “system” in the real world? What is the purpose of |

|Solving equations for the variable y. |that system? |

|Evaluating expressions through substitution. |When 2 items intersect, what occurs? |

|How to write a coordinate point as a solution. |How do we graph a line from Standard Form? |

|The purpose of a solution. |How do we graph a line from Slope-Intercept Form? |

|The meaning of no solution. |Define substitution? Where have we used this before? |

|The meaning of infinite solutions. |Give an example of an independent variable? Dependent variable? |

|The meaning of one solution. |What’s the average height of a human being? (Reasonableness) |

|When to use graphing and when to use substitution to solve a system of |What’s the average shoe size of a human being? (Reasonableness) |

|equations. | |

|Student objectives (outcomes): |

|Students will be able to: |

|Identify and label independent and dependent variables. |

|Write a system of equations from a real world situation. |

|Solve a system of equations by graphing. |

|Solve a system of equations by substitution. |

|Solve a system of equations from a real world situation. |

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|Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence |

|Performance Task(s): |Other Evidence: |

|Teacher observation. |Homework |

|Individual and partner reflection on the process. |Quizzes |

|Students discuss and share in a classroom discussion or at the board. |Test #7 |

|Stage 3 – Learning Plan |

|Learning Activities: |

|Tuesday 1/7: Review 4.7 (parent functions) |

|Teacher led notes (Notes 4.7) |

|Independent work (Homework 4.7) |

|Differentiation: Small group work with teacher for those still struggling during Independent work |

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|Wednesday/Thursday 1/8, 1/9: Review 4.1-4.4 (graphing lines) |

|Group work: students will be partnered by ability and work together through the review sheet. |

|Differentiation: Small group work with teacher for those still struggling during Independent work |

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|Friday: Assessment 1/10 |

|Assess learning through Quiz |

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|Monday 1/13: Solving Systems of Equations by graphing |

|Problem #1 Warm-up, Partner work #2-3, Individual work #4 |

|Group work #5 (work through 6 together for those not understanding), Individually #6 if successful on #5 |

|Differentiation: Work #7 for those who understand #1-6 |

|Homework Due Friday 1/11/13 |

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|Tuesday 1/14 and Wednesday/Thursday 1/15, 1/16: Solving equations by graphing and substitution |

|Think-Pair-Share steps to solving a system of equations by substitution. |

|Peer Evaluation #1-6 (partner 1 does graph, partner 2 does substitution and then check answers). Alternate jobs throughout the 6 problems. |

|Peer Tutoring #7-12 (on your own) |

|Differentiation: Work #7-12 with teacher group if not understanding #1-6 |

|Differentiation: Mixed Review 7.1-7.4 |

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|Friday 1/17: Assessment |

|Check Homework |

|Assess learning through Quiz |

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|Tuesday 1/21: Writing systems of equations and solving from real situations |

|Think-Pair-Share #1(Independent/Dependent Variables, Totals, 2 equations) |

|Peer Evaluation #2 |

|Differentiation: Work #3 individually for those who understand |

|Differentiation: Work #3 with teacher group for those who don’t understand |

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|Wednesday/Thursday 1/22, 1/23: Writing systems of equations and solving from real situations |

|Warm up: Those successful partner up and work through problems. Those unsuccessful partner up and |

|work in groups with the teacher. |

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|Friday 1/24: Assessment |

|Test #7 |

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