Written Communications – Business Letter Rubric

Using a Rubric to Evaluate Business Letters Business Letter Grading Rubric

Name Score /60

Date Grade


Letter Format: □ Full Block □ Modified Block □ AMS Simplified

Letter Type: □ Direct Request □ Direct Reply □ Adjustment □ Complaint □ Persuasive/Sales □ “Bad News”

Organization Pattern: □ Direct □ Indirect

|Components |10 |8 |6 |4 |

| |Return address or letterhead is|Return address or letterhead is|Return address or letterhead is|Return address or letterhead |

|Sender Address & Date |complete & accurate. |complete & accurate. |missing some information. |is missing. |

|+1 Format |Date is complete & positioned |Date is complete & positioned |Date is there but format is |Date is missing. |

| |correctly. |correctly. |incorrect. |4 or more spelling, |

| |No spelling, capitalization, or|1-2 spelling, capitalization, |3 spelling, capitalization, or |capitalization, or |

| |punctuation errors. |or punctuation errors. |punctuation errors. |punctuation errors. |

| |Inside address is complete & |Inside address is complete & |Inside address is missing |Inside address is missing. |

|Inside Address |accurate. |accurate. |information. |Salutation is missing. |

|& Salutation |Salutation is appropriate & |Salutation is appropriate but |Salutation is inappropriate. |Subject line is missing. |

|+1 Format |complete. |incomplete. |Subject line information is |More than 3 spelling, |

| |A subject line needed or added |A subject line needed or added |misleading. |capitalization, or |

| |correctly. |correctly. |3 spelling, capitalization, or |punctuation errors. |

| |No spelling, capitalization, or|1 - 2 spelling, capitalization,|punctuation errors. | |

| |punctuation errors. |or punctuation errors. | | |

| |Organization is appropriate to |Organization is appropriate to |Organization is not appropriate|No organization pattern is |

|Content |the writer’s purpose. |the writer’s purpose. |to the writer’s purpose. |apparent. |

|Organization |Paragraph order follows the |Paragraph order is close to the|Paragraph order is close to the|Paragraph order does not |

|& |suggested model. |suggested model. |suggested model. |follow suggested format. |

|Accuracy |Message is complete and |One piece of information is |Two pieces of information are |Message has enough missing or|

|Ideas + Content |correct. |missing or incorrect. |missing or incorrect. |incorrect information to be |

|Organization |Ideas are appropriate to the |Ideas are still appropriate to |Ideas are not appropriate to |ineffective in meeting the |

| |task |the task |the task |writer’s goal. |

|Closing, Signature, & |Closing is appropriate. |One piece is missing or |Two pieces are missing or |More than two pieces are |

|other End Matter |Written & typed signatures are |inaccurate. |inaccurate. |missing or inaccurate. |

|+1 Format |present. | | | |

| |Reference initials & enclosure | | | |

| |reminder are included if | | | |

| |needed. | | | |

| |Word choice is appropriate for |Word choice is mostly |Word choice is inappropriate |Word choice is |

|Word Choice |audience. |appropriate for audience. |for audience. |unprofessional. |

| |Writer uses action verbs. |Writer uses action verbs. |Writer sometimes uses action | |

| |Use of passive voice ONLY as |Use of passive voice ONLY as |verbs. | |

| |needed. |needed. |Too much use of passive voice. | |

|Conventions |. | One fragment. |Two sentence fragments. |More than 2 sentence |

| |Paragraph divisions are |Paragraph divisions are |3-4 spelling, capitalization, |fragments. |

| |effective. |somewhat effective.. |or punctuation errors. |Spelling, capitalization, or |

| |Number of paragraphs fits |1-2 spelling, capitalization, |3 – 4 grammar & usage errors. |punctuation errors make |

| |suggested format. |or punctuation errors. | |message unclear. |

| |No spelling, capitalization, or|1-2 grammar & usage errors. | |Grammar & usage errors makes |

| |punctuation errors. | | |message unclear. |

| |Grammar & usage are correct. | | | |




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