Deerhorn Shamanic Services

Flight: A Living, Breathing Document of ConsciousnessVolume 8 Issue 81, March, 2019Articles and excerpts that will inform and inspire! A Letter from the Editor:1905040640Welcome to SPRING! I can hardly wait to be planting seeds and watching everything grow. I get the itch about mid-February and begin looking at my house plants with major plans going through my mind about repotting and adding fresh soil. The plants look back at me as if to say to each other, "Oh-oh! He has that look on his face again! If only we could RUN!" I assure them that it is going to be gentle but that it is also necessary. They don't believe me until after the transplanting takes place and the shock has worn off. Then they flourish like a jungle!This is all a part of how I "think in magic". What is that, you say? Well, in the pages of this newsletter you will find an article about just that. Read it. You will enjoy the "confuzzelling" process that we humans put ourselves through while trying to intuit our way through life. There you will find also an article on Spiritual Gardening, which will explain to you exactly what I mean by that exchange between myself and my plants.There are also some excellent events coming up so be sure to check out the Upcoming Events section! And have you ever wondered what magical qualities egg shells have? There is that as well. Have you ever wondered why you might not "fit in"? Check out the Reflections from the Shaman's Hut section.Thank you to all of my wonderful contributors. You are what makes this newsletter totally ROCK! Please feel free to forward this on to whomever may be interested. And if you are reading this for the first time and would like to receive your monthly subscription free, please do email a request for that to me at deerhorn007@ and we will make that happen!Enjoy the read!Trent DeerhornEditorDeerhorn Shamanic Services Floating Drum Circle19050279400The Floating Drum Circle will now be available!What is a Floating Drum Circle? It is a Drum Circle that is able to move from one location to another. How does this work? Invite a minimum of 10 friends over for a drum circle in the privacy of your own home. Trent brings the supplies for the Drum Circle and the Ceremony.Ceremony? Yes. As you all know, Trent's Drum Circles are Ceremony/Ritual based, which makes them both spectacular and unique. These celebrations can be in accordance to the phase of the Moon, or the Season, or whatever you choose to celebrate.Who is in charge? You are in charge of the space and the people you invite and the number of people you can comfortably accommodate. Trent is in charge of the circle once it begins.What if I don't have 10 people? It is important to have the minimum of 10 in order to be financially feasible for Trent to lead the circle. Upon your request in advance of the registration date, Trent can share the date and time and contact number with his contacts who can then contact you to see if there is enough space.Who pays? Each person pays their fee ($20) ahead of the date of the Drum Circle. If the fee is not paid 3 days in advance of the circle, the spot goes to the next person in line on the waiting list. The host/hostess collects all fees and pays Trent before the circle begins on the date set. Hosts/Hostesses get the Drum Circle free of charge.Children in attendance must be strictly monitored by their parents.? Any damaged supplies must be paid for or replaced by the one who damaged it (or parents if it is a child) by a similar?article of equal or greater value.What is the method of payment? Cash only. This makes it much easier for the host/hostess to collect.To arrange for a Floating Drum Circle in your home, please contact Trent Deerhorn at deerhorn007@ or at (306) 978-5300. Upcoming Events1496695460375The Mystical Qualities of WaterMany have experienced tarot readings, tea leaf readings and wax pouring readings. But have you ever had a Water Reading?Trent Deerhorn descends from a long line of water witches, healers and shamans. Although he is not one to perform readings on a regular basis, he does take the opportunity now and then to dedicate one day for doing readings. This time it will be Water Readings.Learn about what mysteries the water holds for you. Experience the depths to which your soul's experiences have led you to this point here and now. Take a glimpse into the future, or many possible futures.Date: March 9th, 2019BY APPOINTMENT ONLYReadings are 20-30 minutes in length.Price: $80.00 CASH, Visa, Master Card, American Express or Debit are available payment options.For your appointment, please contact Trent at deerhorn007@or by phone at (306) 978-53002652395387985Go Ahead! Dive In!The Information Highway?Join Beata Van Berkom of Tinfoil Therapies and Trent Deerhorn of Deerhorn Shamanic Services, for a Dynamic Workshop in personal growth and development. Through shamanic journeying and discovering the information path through the chakra system, you will learn about your personal sovereignty, sacred responsibility and how to generate your own personal happiness no matter what is going on in the outside world. Become aware of what it is like to live within your Sovereign Temple inhabiting your Sacred Self.?Date: Saturday, May 18th, 2019Time: 10:00 am - 4:00 pmEarly Bird Tuition: $80 if registered before April 18th, 2019Tuition: $120 after April 18thLocation: Oshun House, 912 Idylwyld Drive N, Saskatoon, SkBring your own box lunch!Registration Deadline: May 4th, 2019Contact: Beata at tinfoilhatlady@ or text to (306) 291-4706RITES BY THE WATERThis is a monthly celebration to give thanks to the Gods and the Goddesses, to get together once a month in Public Ritual. These are outdoor events and people should dress for the Weather. All we ask is that all that attend to so with an open heart and an open mind. As Pagans we do not discriminate against anyone so we ask the same of those who attend. These Events are free.. free for all who attend, free for all who are interested in a monthly open circle, free of all Prejudice. Blessed Be.This month's Rite will be to prepare for Spring a Celebration of warmth and the return of life to the land. We shall revitalize ourselves and shake off the cold of winter filling our hearts of love and light. The next event is on Sunday March 10th at 1 pm, it will be held at 2703 Spadina Cres. East Saskatoon Sask.190500CONGREGATIONALIST WICCAN ASSOCIATION OF SASKATCHEWANSKY RIVER TEMPLEOSTARA Public RitualMar 24, 2012:30pmRusty Macdonald library225 Primrose Dr?Saskatoon, SKPotluck social to follow (No nuts/legumes/seeds/soy)FREE to attend DONATIONS welcomeNext ritual will be April 282:30Gabriel Dumont ParkTOON TOWN’S PAGAN SUMMER FEST.Friday June 21 to Sunday June 23 2019WELCOME TO THE SEVENTEENTH YEAR OF FESTIVE FUN!This is an all-inclusive three day, two night camp-out festival, in the Saskatoon area. Included are meals, crafts, guest speakers, drum circles, circle dancing, rituals, and MORE! Tickets on sale starting April 1, with different early bird price ratesLIMITED TICKETS AVAILABLE!All available rates are listed below until we are sold out!APRIL 1 - 30$70.00 Adult $55.00 Child (12 & under)Group Rate offer for 4+ people$10.00 off each ticket.MAY 1 - 31$80.00 Adult $65.00 ChildGroup Rate as above JUNE 1 - 12$100.00 Adult $80.00 ChildNo Group Rate Contact Ave Riddler atPhone (306) 329-4719Email toontownspagansummerfest@ Website are excited to announce a partial sponsorship provided by the folks from the wonderful home of our event Ancient Spirals! you are interested in being a merchant at this event please contact us!From Llewellyn's Witch's Calendar:190500March is the time of the year when thoughts turn to beginnings and new life bursts forth across the land. The egg is a symbol of cosmic power, potential, and life. Eggshells have long been associated with magic. In the Ozarks a bush trimmed and decorated with empty eggshells was used to repel baneful magic. According to folklore, one should always break up their eggshells to prevent witches from using them as boats and causing mischief of the open seas. It was also suggested by some that a sorcerer wishing harm might write their own name inside the shell from your breakfast egg, thus gaining power over you, another reason people often crushed up eggshells.Many modern Witches like to decorate eggs with magical symbols to celebrate the spring equinox. Making and eating these magically charged eggs is just some of the magic you can do with them. Don't toss those shells- they're full of power!Powdered eggshell is a great ingredient in spells for peace, cleansing, and protection and is really easy to make. This power is called cascarilla powder, peace powder, or simply eggshell powder depending on your magical tradition. Save up your eggshells, wash them, and allow them to dry. You can grind them into a powder using a coffee grinder, or you can go old school and use a mortar and pestle or a molcajete. Sprinkle it in corners across window sills, or blow a pinch into the air as you utter a blessing. Dust your hands with it before dealing with negative situations.You can also turn this useful powder into chalk. Mix the finely ground powder from six eggshells with one teaspoon flour and one teaspoon of hot water. Use the back of a spoon to mash it together into a thick paste. Form the paste into a cylinder shape and then wrap it tightly in a piece of paper. Leave it undisturbed for three days. When you peel off the paper, you will have a piece of magical chalk.Welcome Mat Protection SpellRemove your doormat and sweep your front porch or stoop. Use you eggshell chalk to draw a pentagram, triquetra, rune, or sigil of you own choice for magical protection. Make sure that the symbol will be covered completely by the placement of your doormat. Once you're done drawing, replace the door mat. Stand on the doormat with both feet firmly planted. As you do this, push energy from your feet down through the doormat and into the symbol. Imagine the symbol pulsing with light and power and use this charm to charge the symbol:Mighty eggshell ground to powder,I welcome in the true of heart. I mark this doorway as shield of power.All foes turn back and shall depart.Your doorway is now charged to act as a portal to protect your home from malevolent energies both seen and unseen. You may refresh the chalk and charm as needed.-Mickie MuellerSPRING CLEANSING by Dolphyn Boschman01270In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) each season correlates with an organ system Spring is Liver/Gall Bladder season. The liver is our dominant cleansing organ working closely with the kidneys. It is called the General of the body as it communicates and directs all the other organ systems. If the liver is out of balance, it doesn’t take long for the other systems to become unbalanced. Everything that goes into the body goes through the liver to be filtered. This process helps to purify the blood, ensure nutrients are transported through the body and toxins are removed through the kidneys. Fats are metabolized through the liver with the help of bile stored in the Gall Bladder. The liver is also responsible for helping to produce many of the hormones in the body. Needless to say, this organ works very hard. It has to work even harder if we indulge in bad habits like excessive alcohol, drugs (pharmaceutical or other), saturated fats, over-eating, or eating late at night, just to name a few. This in turn can lead to sluggish digestion, gallstones, reduced immune function, insomnia, heat in the body in the form of rashes, heart-burn or a burning sensation in the digestive tract and excessive anger. 1905057150In spring, your body will automatically desire to eat lighter, rest and rejuvenate and release toxins. Some signs are sluggish digestion, allergies and mood swings to name a few. GREEN is the colour for spring and the liver. The liver LOVES leafy greens, Spirulina, anything rich in chlorophyll. It also loves LEMON. Simply drinking lemon water can assist the liver. Eat smaller meals and stop eating after 8pm. This will help you sleep better. The liver’s restorative time is 1-3am. If you eat late at night, it then has to pull a night shift processing that food rather than resting and it will wake you up to let you know its displeasure. 43345101352550I have personally been doing cleanses for over 25 years and have tried pretty much every one of them out there. What I learned through the journey was there are easy and hard ways to cleanse, and that cleansing and fasting are not synonymous. It can sometimes be dangerous (my students enjoy it when I tell my horrific coffee enema story…I lived to tell the tale ). It is often an emotional roller coaster, and I definitely prefer to go through it with a supportive group rather than doing it all alone (having done both numerous times). Through this journey I have created a gentle yet effective program to allow the body-mind-spirit to rest, detoxify and regenerate in a safe and supportive environment. We go through an elimination process where we slowly decrease the food we are eating. On our liquid days (2-4 days) we are consuming nutrient dense liquids, so the body is continually being nourished. I use and recommend ONLY WHOLE FOOD products (foods and supplements). We also take a break from our usual habits that can feed our bad eating habits (Ex: watching TV, social media, playing computer games etc). The classes give much needed moral support and lots of great information on nutrition, how the body works and how-to breath, meditate, get into nature, utilize qi gong and yoga etc. The PURPOSE of the Cleanse is to give the body a healthy break and to create some new healthy habits that can be carried into your daily lifestyle. If you believe you are in good health (sleep well, wake up feeling refreshed, abundant energy throughout the day, heal quickly etc) then cleansing can be a part of your preventative health care. Not getting sick does NOT equal being healthy! If you are health challenged, then cleansing can assist your body in becoming healthier and starting a new journey of abundant health. The majority of people who have done the Inphynite Phreedom Cleanse discover how easy it is, how profoundly great they feel after the experience and return to join the circle again each year. I have many repeat cleansers who each spring can’t wait to give their organ systems a much-needed vacation. I hope you will consider joining us! This year’s guided cleanse will be April 29 – May 8, 2019. For more details, location and cost please contact me directly at or 306 291 8968. In Good HealthT Dolphyn Boschman RHHP B.Ed Dolphyn Boschman RRHP has been a certified Holistic Health Practitioner for over 25 years. She received her diploma at the prestigious Institute of Psycho-Structural Balancing (IPSB) in San Diego CA. She has studied with many Masters in different holistic fields throughout her career. Her private practice includes massage, reiki, holistic nutrition, qi gong and cleanses. She offers Guided Group Cleanses every Spring or private programs by appointment. She is also the only certified Instructor of Jikiden Reiki in Saskatchewan and teaches certification courses in this healing art throughout the year. You can learn more about what Dolphyn offers at her Inphynite Phreedom clinic at Things to KnowHowever good or bad a situation is, it will change.-4699056515Rock Talk by Ave RiddlerCarbon Included QuartzThis is a slightly different kind of inclusion than the Chlorite I wrote about last month; often the carbon found within quartz is not fine layers of mineral within the quartz crystal but more of a grouping. Some carbon inclusions are even found within the water parts of Enhydro quartz. The Carbon can form more like a phantom also, but those are more often classified as Black Phantom Quartz and can include other black minerals, which alters the energy of the crystal.Carbon included quartz can be used to help purify the physical body and your physical environment. This mineral is safe for use in many forms, it can be worn, carried, used as an elixir, or simply placed in the area you wish it to help purify, the use will be best determined based on requirements. The carbon does add a more physical element to the energy of the quartz, grounding the etheric energy. This energy can be used to help strengthen the auric field, repairing leaks, and removing negative energies that are causing the damage.19050177165The grounding energy of the carbon combined with the high energy of quartz can help stimulate precision and analytical focus, bringing perceptiveness and clarity. This combination energy can make it a powerful aid in any kind of meditative work, helping one to ground, center, and eliminate distractions. Carbon Included Quartz can also help one to escape from the inner dialog that can create discouragement, fear, and negative self images, while lending determination and clarity to new thought patterns. This can help one learn and accept their own personal power.Physically Carbon Included Quartz may help with the cleansing of toxins from the lower digestive system, while strengthening the body’s energy. It may be a helpful support in treatments of decreased lung capacity, or emphysema. Paraphrased from “LOVE IS IN THE EARTH – A Kaleidoscope Of Crystals by Melody” and “THE BOOK OF STONES – Who They Are And What They Teach by Robert Simmons and Naisha Ahsian. With personal add- ins and details by myself (Ave)Teacher and KidTeacher: Donald, what is the chemical formula for water?Donald: HIJKLMNO.Teacher: What are you talking about?Donald: Yesterday you said it's "H to O."Paranormal ExperiencesMysterious pins - A True StoryBy Joanne CliffI have been looking for diaper pins for quite awhile. I use them when travelling to secure zippers on my backpack.? Since I cannot find any locally, I purchased some through Amazon online just before Christmas.? About three weeks ago, Amazon cancelled my order because of supplier issues. The next day I found a small safety pin on my kitchen floor. We did not think anything of it. The day after we found another small safety pin in the living room and every day after for about a week we kept finding these small pins all over the house in weird places like on top of my washing machine.? In the past week I have only found one pin .? We cannot explain where they came from but I put them in my sewing kit in case I ever need one.LonelyBy Ave RiddlerThe nights are the hardest.The quietThe isolation…That moment when you NEED To turn on a TV just to hear a voice other thanYour own.The bed that you face with dread…Memories of snugglingLazy mornings slow to get up,A bed once warmed by two bodiesNow half cold and empty.The sound of a heart beat not your own,Heard by your earOn their chest.You try to not let LonelySink it’s teeth into you,But Lonely is a savage beast.It will whisper hurtful things into the earThat once listened to that heart beat.It will convince you that Lonely is right for you,That you can’t escape Lonely,You are fated to be together.You wonder if you cry hard enoughOr yell loud enoughIf somehow someone will hear youAnd help get the sharp teeth of LonelyOut of your own heart.Reach through those hurtful things,Remind you that you can escape Lonely.The nights are the hardest.Indian Hills Community Center, Colorado signsWell, to be Frank, I'd have to change my name.We All Need A Rescue -149225147955This is Berry Berry Extraordinary and he is approximately 6 months old. He came to the facility as a young puppy with his siblings and mom. He is very playful and loves other dogs. Berry is shy around people when he first meets them but soon warms up and wants lots of hugs. He really is extraordinary! -14922574295This is Caramel Hat Trick and he is an approximately 6 month old Husky mix and Berry Berry's brother! He loves other dogs. He is a fun guy, but a bit shy when first meeting people but then loves snuggling up with his favorite person.Berry Berry and Caramel are fully vaccinated and de-wormed. They are also neutered, micro-chipped, and waiting for their furever home. For more information please contact We All Need A Rescue at (306) 651-3647. You can also view their website at or join We All Need A Rescue (WANAR) on Facebook. WANAR will also be having their monthly adoption day at Cowtown on February 23 from 11AM to 3PM. The rescues look forward to meeting you!Think in MagicBy Noelle ChorneyI hosted a gratitude circle last week, which is such a nourishing event for me and the participants. We circle deeper and deeper into our exploration of gratitude, and then offer to the world what we have created in the circle.At the end of the gratitude circle, I give my guests the chance to draw a 'Truth Bomb' card to take home with them. It's a practice for everyone that comes to our home, and we have received so much feedback that the cards people have drawn have meaning to them for years afterward. This time was no different. Everyone got powerful messages to take home. And then it was my turn. I went to the pile, and noticed a card with a fold scar in it, lying right on top. I felt the pull to draw it, but then second-guessed myself. It couldn't be that easy. I should rely on my intuition, not the urge to just draw the card from the top of the pile! That's lazy!Instead, I tapped into (what I thought was) my intuition, and drew a card I was drawn to from elsewhere in the pile. It said, "First, attend to the divine."Well, that was appropriately satisfying, considering my commitment to surrendering to the Divine Plan, and how my preparation for the gratitude circle had involved less planning and more smudging, clearing and listening for what wanted to be included in the space. Later that evening I went back to the room where I held the gratitude circle to clean up a bit, and I wondered about that other card with the fold scar on the top of the pile. I picked it up out of curiosity. It said, "Think in magic."I laughed out loud and then the truth hit me. That was the card I was supposed to draw. The first one I saw. The one that I told myself would be lazy to draw, and that I had to 'try harder' to listen to my intuition. So the Divine had given me the first card as a reminder and a lesson. When you get the Divine hit, trust it and listen! No matter how much practice we have in working in liminal spaces and tuning in to our inner voice, to the Divine, our minds can get in the way. It really can be that simple—the card that you notice on top of the pile. That's the one. You don't have to dig for it. How often do we assign ourselves a certain level of effort to get where we need to go? We think we haven't earned it unless it's hard. If you give yourself permission to 'think in magic', you open yourself to every possibility. Even ones you can't even imagine. Even ones that appear to challenge the laws of physics as we understand them. Definitely ones that your critics (inner or otherwise) will tell you can't possibly happen. When you think in magic you unravel the rules and limitations you've set for yourself and open up a whole new multi-dimensional realm of existence. It's so freaking fun here!My gratitude take-away from that night is this: I am grateful that my conversation with the Divine is open and respectful enough that I can still find my way to the message meant for me, even if I have to draw two cards and receive a gentle reminder to get there.What is stopping you from thinking in magic? If you are in Saskatoon and interested in hosting a women's gratitude circle, self-care circle or transformation circle, I make myself available twice a month (date negotiable) to teach them. There is currently no cost for these circles. Just contact me to set a date, provide a space, and invite 4–15 women for some soul nourishment. Contact me at?info@.For more articles of interest, visit Noelle's website at BATTLESBy Gail FulkersonLay down your weary heads,The battles were all engaged, And either won or lost.Sleep.Sleep in the sweet joys of victoryOr in the anguished sobs of the defeated.Tomorrow is another day.No trace of yesterday,Or the thousand daysThat came before it.The Moon has set;The Sun has risen,Bright and hotAs beaded sweat upon the brow,Or salty tears running down the cheek.Rise from your slumber;Wipe the sands of dreamingFrom your eyes.Now is the time toWash yesterday’sBloody battles From your skin, your hair,Your eyes, and your thoughts.There are ones who still hang onAnd refuse to let go.The ones you battle daily:Fear, loneliness, grief, anger,Self-loathing.The top five,Kept on a list of shortcomings,Real and imagined.These top five lead the pack, Ever dogging your steps;The sound of their claws clicking on The hot pavement behind you,Is an incessant chatter in your head.See the deep lacerations In your skin, The gashes in your heart,The results of their razor sharp claws.They are the ones you engaged in battleYesterday.The waters in the Lake of TearsHeal your wounds.Dive deeply,Drink,Slake your thirst.Feel the cool watersCover your body, andSoothe you in its embrace.Close your eyes and float.Tomorrow is another day.77470440055Local Photographers"The Chipper Chickadee"by Ashley WongHe was just happy to be receiving some food that day. There's a lot of snow out right now and their food sourced get buried fast. They appreciate the extra effort that some people make.774703401060"Frosted Toon Town" By Ave Riddler Winter 2018Spiritual Gardening?By Alison WilliamsI’m not sure if there is any one right definition of a spiritual garden. It is more of a mindset than a style. The phrase “spiritual gardening” invokes images of monastic gardens or oriental gardens that use the principles of Feng Shui. However, when I speak of spiritual gardening, I am talking of a much more personal concept. Gardens have been places where mankind has sought to control nature. I believe they can be places where we can meet nature half way.-4000517780My own garden is a place where I can connect with the natural world. It is green and lush and full of life. It is also a joyous, riotous mess. My garden is not immaculately manicured. I have calendulas and tagetes marigolds that self sow and come up every year. There is nothing more life affirming than to see a marigold growing up through the space between paving stones. There are sunflowers and borage that also self sow, and they a have been doing so for many years. Some I pull out, but most I leave. I would like to think that I have made an uneasy truce with the quack grass and creeping bell flower. They know they will be removed if they become too aggressive. There are spots where I let them grow. I am a lazy gardener and it’s far too much work to wage a war trying to eradicate them.A spiritual garden is a space where we not only make contact with the Divine in all things but is also a space where we connect with that deeply spiritual side of our selves. We make contact with the Divine within ourselves. By making a space and taking the time to acknowledge the spirit in all things, we also honour and acknowledge the spirit within us. Regardless of how removed we are, in our mechanized, computerized, and synthetic way of living, we are still a part of creation, a part of nature. And it is because of our over industrialized, over processed lives that has fueled my desire and interest in gardens and gardening. That’s what I believe anyway. We are so inundated with toxins of all kinds. And not just chemical but informational as well. There is a part of ourselves that is desperately seeking peace, serenity and healing, all of which can be found in a garden.?A hundred years ago most houses had vegetable gardens. Being able to grow at least some of your own food was a necessity. We are returning to this idea of vegetable gardens and what it means to grow your own food. I believe this trend stems from the desire for good health and healing.? By growing some our own food, our mind is put at ease because we know where it came from; from our own back (or front) yards, free from chemical pesticides and free from industrial farms and unchecked consumerism! By making an effort and taking the time to grow some of our own food, even if it’s a single potted tomato plant, we reconnect with the land, the plants that feed us and our health. We reconnect with ourselves in a way that is more whole and wholesome. There is a sense of satisfaction and pride that comes from knowing you grew that beautiful red tomato yourself! You have also taken back a little bit of control of your own life.?-3238526670Not everyone has access to a garden.? Not everyone has a balcony. And the whole cottage style is not to everyone’s liking. That’s okay, it doesn’t have to be. However, I do believe that every garden, even formal ones need to have a spot that is left just a little on the wild side. Spiritual gardening is more than just having a garden and more than growing your own tomatoes, though that can and should be part of it. Spiritual gardening is about making that connection with the natural world. It is doing a garden and seed blessing in the spring, at the start of the growing season. It is spending time in that space in meditation and prayer. (Which I know is difficult in a community garden. ) It is sitting quietly and listening to the sounds around you. It is observing a bee dancing around the head of a sunflower. It is touching and smelling that basket of petunias you just bought from the greenhouse. It is indeed taking the time to stop and smell the roses! It is appreciating every plant, insect, bird and other beings that reside in that green space. So even if you do not have access to an outdoor garden, you can create an indoor one with even a single house plant. That single plant can provide that important connection with nature.For those who claim to have a “black thumb” keep in mind that all beings , plant or animal, need to be nurtured and cared for. So nurture you plants as you would any child or animal companions.Spiritual gardening helps us remember who we are. It helps us remember that we belong to the earth and that what we do to her we also do to ourselves. Spiritual gardening helps us heal on all levels of our being. If you don’t have access to a garden then take yourself out to a park and sit on the grass, next to a tree and just breath! Relax, and say "thank you!"Thought for the Day: What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow: Our life is the creation of our mind.-The BuddhaExtremes in Our World that You should Know:??Which country in the world????drinks the most alcohol?????????????Belarus??????...???In the little country of Belarus, each person above the age of 16??drinks an average of 4.62 gallons of alcohol every year.??????That's a lot of booze.???????Paraprosdokians:First time I heard about paraprosdokians, I liked them. Paraprosdokians are figures of speech in which the latter part of a sentence or phrase is surprising or unexpected and is frequently humorous. (Winston Churchill loved them).?To be sure of hitting the target, shoot first and call whatever you hit the target.From 365 Zen daily readings by Jean SmithThe paradox of Zen freedom is that it is present and available, yet somehow elusive when deliberately sought. It responds to what Bunan [17th century] called "seeking without seeking." Yin-an [Rinzai, 866] put it this way: "Zen has nothing to grab onto. When people who study Zen don't see it, that is because they approach too eagerly."-Thomas Cleary, Zen Essence421005071755Reflections from the Shaman's Hut Fitting InBy Trent DeerhornI am sure that not one of the prophets was ever employee of the month. Most prophets and visionaries were people who were completely outside of the expected "norm" of their time. They would look around and observe what was going on around them and see that some things were really screwed up. They would become aware of a much better way to walk through life and then they would take the first (might I say pioneering?) steps in that direction. As a result they stood out from everyone else. Granted, often in standing out they set themselves up to be persecuted. This is because humans are generally stupid when it comes to innovation. But they would, even after they died, have "followers" who would then pick up where they left off and take it from there. Unfortunately, this would also lead to the eventual development of many world religions which, once in place, began to regulate the masses. In other words, they would become little more than a method of "crowd control". But the thing is that, whether or not there is risk of some ridiculous person creating yet another cult out of our example of how to be, we need to live our lives on our own terms. People need to be able to live their lives free of judgement and hostility simply because they are not fitting in with the rest of society. This does not mean that people need to have the freedom to just kill anyone or sexually assault someone with no consequences. I am not talking about that. I am talking about being able to live a happy and productive life outside of social expectations. I am sure that there are many artists, for example, who are reading this and nodding their heads right now. They get it.Growing up in a rather religious part of the country, I found most often I did not fit in with any standard thought system. Yes, I believe in a God (or at least a God consciousness) that is harmonized with a Goddess as well. I don't worship this. I acknowledge this as a part of nature and a part of each and every one of us. I acknowledge that this harmony within of masculine and feminine energies is what makes each and every one of us Divine! But do I worship that? No. Not a chance. Nor do I follow the teachings of any one person. In fact, those who do are living the very definition of a cult member. I glean great wisdom from a variety of spiritual teachings. Each and every one of them is a part of my birthright as a human being living on this planet. I will not adopt all the teachings from every spiritual teacher. Some of those teachings are quite messed up. But the ones that fit in and feel congruent with who I am as a human being are the ones that I will accept. I am also very open to new information that might change the conscious understanding of things. Most people on the planet hang on way too tight to their teachings and will, as a result, not even entertain new evidence. That is way too closed for me. So as a result of having an open mind and allowing myself to entertain the thoughts and ideas of a variety of avenues of teachings, I stood out and was, as a result, persecuted until I left there and found my way, eventually, to where I am today. I encourage people to do that. Find your own path. Don't just follow along and walk the same path that thousands before have walked. We are, after all, not cows in a pasture! As you find your own path you find where you are meant to be. Sometimes not fitting means that you are EXACTLY where you need to be.For more articles from the Shaman's Hut, visit Trent's blog at Encouragements for Personal Development:Taken from Meditations with James Van PraaghThere is a tremendous spiritual deficit in the world today. When we continually live in fear, anger, and hatred, we attract situations that will create even more fear, anger, and hatred. The more we involve ourselves in the consciousness of the physical world, the less spiritually in sync we feel.According to the Farmer’s Almanac 2019:-13462014605Timely Advice:Peas are a time-honored crop, great for early planting because of their love of cool weather and resistance to frost. But how early is early? Folklore may hold the answer. For a hearty growing season, tradition tells us that peas should be planted on March 17th. To double up on good luck, also sow during the waxing Moon. suspicious of sparrows? Hold a couple of pea seeds in your mouth while you plant without speaking - the birds will leave your crop alone.March 6th: Ash WednesdayAshes from wood-burning stoves can be spread on top of snow to add potassium to garden soil.March 10th: Daylight Saving Time begins at 2:00 A.M.The winter does not go without looking backward. - Finnish proverbMarch 15th: The Ides of March!Finish up the last of the winter squash from the root cellar by adding a cup of mashed, cooked squash and finely diced onion to corn bread batter.-40005-66040March 20th: Vernal Equinox/Full Worm MoonIN the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt. - Margaret Atwood, Canadian writer (b. 1939)Puppy Smiles19050341630Ask the Shaman: With Trent DeerhornQ: In the teachings that I have received I have been told that doing energy or magic in a counter-clockwise manner is dangerous and negative. I am wondering what your take on this would be?A: Energy is always in motion. It is rarely static. Because it is always in motion it creates motion around it as well. If you were to think of the wheels in a gear system, how one turns in one direction causes the other to move in the opposite direction. Is one better than the other? No. It is a matter of one flow creating an opposite flow. There is no "good" or "bad" flow. It is simply flow. The chakra system works like the wheels in a gear system. So for it to work properly, there is no way, as so many have chosen to believe, that they should all flow in one direction. That would be detrimental to the energy system of the person. As one flows clockwise the next one flows counter-clockwise and so on. We really do have to take ALL the dogma out of teachings like these. It only does damage. There is also a belief system that clockwise is masculine flow and counter-clockwise is feminine flow. Again, this is dogmatic at best. People have both masculine and feminine energies within. Sometimes they flow in a direction that dogma does not accept as "natural". But the thing is that there is nothing "unnatural" in our world. It is all part of or an extension of nature. Judging something as good or bad simply because of a philosophical or religious dogma is a grave error. Tidbits and Tickles:A retired man who volunteers to entertain patients in nursing homes and hospitals went to one local hospital in Brooklyn and took his portable keyboard along. He told some jokes and sang some funny songs at patients' bedsides.When he was finished he said, in farewell, "I hope you get better."One elderly gentleman replied, "I hope you get better, too!"Forum:We want to hear from you! Your feedback is important to us. Email your comments to deerhorn007@ and they will be published in the Forum Section!Of the previous Issue:Christine Wrote: Ave, I had no idea that there was such a thing as a Phantom Quartz. I am such a newbie! Thank you for sharing.Eleanor Wrote: I really enjoyed the article about speaking your truth. Thank you for submitting that one, Vicki J. Lund!Robert Wrote: I know that some folks are not all that into poetry, but I just have to say that I really enjoy some of the poetry that shows up here. And this latest issue had not one, but two! Nancy Wrote: I really needed to read that article about Grief. Thank you, Trent, for sharing that. Classified Ads31197553175-25146031752101850-358140Medium-HealerRyan Hauser(306) 270-0138ryan.hauser@1189355167005A clean home is a true blessing! Trent Deerhorn1598930224155Face Time with the SHAMAN!4064050800As part of my Shamanic Practice I have, for years, provided long distance healing work for people. This sometimes comes as an energy treatment and sometimes as a telephone counselling session. Well, now there is even another option available! We can now have sessions on Face Time and you can speak to me face to face! If you are interested in this option, simply email me at deerhorn007@ or phone me at (306) 978.5300 to make arrangements. Blessed Be!Flight Newsletter Advertising Advertisements for Flight: A Living, Breathing Document of ConsciousnessAll ads must be in by the 20th of the month PRIOR to the issue that the ad is to be placed in. No exceptions. Send to deerhorn007@. Classified Ads:FREE for article contributors $25 for business card size$35 for half page$45 for full pageEvents: FREE for Non-profit organizations and Article Contributors $20 Profit organizationsWorkshops/Classes$35 half page$45 full page17672054445 ................

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