Unit A: Biological Diversity - MRS. BOHAYCHUK'S ...

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Bohaychuk website: to do:How to describe an organismUnit A: Biological DiversityVocab:Topic 1:Biotic- A living thingAbiotic- A non-living thingBiome- Ecological regionSpecies- Single type of organism that has the same structure and produces with its own kind.Ecosystem- A particular environment where living and nonliving things interact with each other.Biological Diversity- The number of different species in an area.Populations- Members of the same species that live in a specific munity- Populations of different species that live in an area.Symbiosis- Occurs when two species live closely together in a relationship that lasts over mensalism- One partner benefits while the other is not affected in any way.Mutualism- Each partner benefits from the work of the other.Parasitism- One partner benefits while the other is harmed.Niche- The job/role of an organism/species in an ecosystem.Inter Species Competition- Where members of the same species compete for resources, mates, or power.Resource Partitioning- The dividing of a resource between different, coexisting species so that each species niche differs slightly.Variability- Variation within a species (fur, height, eyes, etc.).Natural Selection- Survival of the ic 2:(In)Heritable Characteristics- Traits that are passed down to offspring by the combined genetics of both parents.Non-heritable Characteristics- Traits that are not genetically passed down (ex. artistic, musical, and athletic skills).Discrete Variation- You either have it or you don't (ex. Connected or detached ear lobe).Continuous Variation- A spectrum of different variations of one thing (ex. Height).Sexual Reproduction- The joining of male and female gametes to reproduce Gamete- A sex cell: female- ova/egg cell Male cell- sperm cellZygote- A fertilized egg.Pollination- Transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma.Fertilization- The union of a female gamete and a male gamete.Cleavage- The division of a fertilized egg.Embryo- An undeveloped multicellular organism (It’s beginning stage).Asexual Reproduction- Reproduction without fusion of sex cells.Binary Fission- Asexual reproduction where the mother cell divides into two daughter cells.Budding- Asexual reproduction where a new individual develops from an outgrowth or bud attached to the parent. (Coral, Hydra Plants)Spore Production- Asexual reproduction where offspring cells are produced without the union of two different parent ic 3:DNA- Deoxyribonucleic acid, the genetic material found in all living things.Nitrogen Base- Adenine?Thymine Guanine?Cytosine (Remember, C and G look similar so they go together).Chromosome- A Threadlike structure of nucleic acid and protein in the nucleus (carries DNA).Mitosis- (2)make more body cells, split into two, 46 chromosomes.Meiosis- (4)make reproductive cells, splits into four, 23 chromosomes.Genetic Code- The arrangement of A, T, G, and C that make instructions for an organism.Guanine ( Orange )Cytosine ( Blue )Adenine ( Green )Thiamine ( Violet )Gene- A chunk of DNA that is in charge of your characteristics.Allele- A possible form of a gene.Purebred- Refers to an organism that has that has the same traits as its ancestor (BB & bb).Homozygous- Homo= same.When a cell contains the same alleles of a gene (BB & bb).Hybrid- Refers to a plant or animal that has ancestors with different forms of traits (Bb).Heterozygous- Hetero=different. When a cell contains different alleles of a gene (Bb).Dominant Trait- The allele that has complete influence over the recessive allele (B).Recessive Trait- the allele that can only be seen outward if there are two. Has no dominance over dominating alleles (b).Phenotype- What you see on the outside (ex. black hair, Brown eyes,).Genotype- Gene= Gene the code that's on the inside (ex. Bb etc.).Incomplete Dominance- Where there is blending, where neither allele is dominant (red + white = pink).Codominance- Were both alleles from a heterozygous gene can be seen outward (ex. spots).Topic 4:Artificial Selection- Were humans selected desirable characteristics and reproduce offspring with said characteristics.Extinction- Not existing anywhere in the world anymore.Extirpation- A species that extinct in a specific region.Overspecialization- Where an organism is picky; has adaptations for a small set of environmental conditions (Vulnerable to extinction).Non-native Species- A species introduced to a different environment due to human activity. (also called exotic species, or introduced species).Bio-Technology- The use of living things to produce agricultural, industrial or medical/cosmetic products.Artificial Reproduction- The creation of life using anything other than the natural means.Artificial Insemination- Injecting the female with male gametes.In Vitro Fertilization- Fertilizing an egg cell outside the female (petri dish) and then putting it back inside the female.Genetic Engineering- To alter the DNA of an organism or species of organism. Cloning- The process of producing genetically identical organisms (Natural or artificial).In-situ Conservation- In=in Maintenance a wild organism within their natural environment (ex. Sanctuaries / Conservation Sites).Ex-situ Conservation- Ex=out Maintainance of a wild organism outside their natural environment (ex. zoos).Seed Banks- Store seeds to preserve genetic diversity.A Closer Look at Variation:Variation is one of the most critical aspects of species survival.Variation as a result of reproduction and acquired attributes- Heritable characteristics: passed on (hair color, eye color).- Non-heritable characteristics: acquired personality (ability to play sports, instruments, language).Discrete and continuous variation - Discrete variations are differences that have a definite shape (ex. Eye color, Hair color).- Continuous variations are differences in variation (ex. Height, Weight)Usually, have a rangeVariation and the environment- Some variations may be influenced by interactions with the environment .- These variations are not inherited.ReproductionAsexual Reproduction (one parent): binary fission, buddingMitosis:Meiosis:Mitosis is the process that produces two new cells with the same number of chromosomes. It occurs in the body cells of multicellular organisms and is responsible for growth and cellular repair of a multicellular organism.Meiosis is a type of cell division that produces 4 cells with only half the DNA of a normal cell. The process of meiosis creates sex cells (gametes).Punnett Square:Explanation:A diagram explaining the genotypes of a crossbred/purebred experiment.Ex.YGenotype(Code/Letter)AA: ? = 25%Aa: 2/4 = 50%Aa: ? = 25%Phenotype(Actual Outcome)Green: ? = 75%Yellow: ? =25%Parts of the Flower:Receptacle: The part of a flower stalk where the parts of the flower are attached. Sepal: The outer parts of the flower (often green and leaf-like) that enclose a developing bud. Petal: The parts of a flower that are often conspicuously colored. Stamen: The male pollen producing part of a flower.Anther – The head of the stamen. The anther is responsible for the production of pollen, which will hopefully be transported to the pistil by animals or insects, such as bees. This is a crucial part of the reproduction of the plant.Filament – This is the stalk that holds the anther and attaches it to the flowerPistil: The female organ of the flower.Stigma – The head of the pistil. The stigma receives pollen, which will begin the process of fertilization.Style – This is the name for the stalk of the pistil. When pollen reaches the stigma, it begins to grow a tube through the style called a pollen tube, which will eventually reach the ovary. The style, therefore, acts as a buffer against pollen contamination, since only compatible pollen is able to grow a pollen tube.Ovary – The base of the pistil. This organ holds the ovules awaiting fertilization.Ovules – These are the flower’s eggs, located inside the ovary. Upon fertilization by pollen, they will eventually grow into a seed. In fruit plants, pollen will not only spark the growth of a seed, but a surrounding fruit as well.Unit E: Space ExplorationVocab:Topic 1:Solstice- Sol= Sun, Stice= Stop. When either the night or the day is at its full length at a certain time like a 16:8-hour ratio (Day: June 21, Night: December 21).Equinox- Equi= Equal, Nox= Night. Two points in the year when the sun crosses the equator and day and night are equal lengths (Vernal Equinox: March 21 / Autumnal Equinox: Sept 23).Geocentric Model- Geo= Earth, Centric= Center. The model invented by Aristotle where the Earth is in the center of our Solar System.Heliocentric Model- Helio= Gas, Centric= Center. The model first thought of by Copernicus where the sun is in the center of the Solar System.Ellipses- Oval shaped orbit.Early Telescope- Tool made of tube and lens magnified space and gave astronomers a closer look at our space neighbors (Refracting).Quadrant- A triangular tool used for measuring a stars height above the horizon.Astrolabe- Tool Arabian astronomers used (for centuries) to make accurate charts of star positions.Cross-Staff- Tool used to measure the angle between the moon and any given star.Astronomical Unit- The distance between the core of the sun to the core of the earth (149,599,000km).Light Year- The amount of light travels in 1 year (9.5 trillion km).Interstellar Matter- Meteoroids, Asteroids, Space junk.Protostar- When gravity pulls interstellar materials such as a nebula together, it swirls until it forms clouds, then to a ball, and if it's not enough a protostar.Constellations- Patterns of the night sky by connecting the stars together that are official (88).Asterisms- Unofficial groupings of stars.Galaxy- Groupings of millions or billions of stars, dust, and gas. It is all held together by gravity; spiral, elliptical or irregular.Solar Wind- Charged particles emitted from the sun in every ets- These are made up of dust and ice; dirty snowballs.Asteroids- Have an orbiting path and are between the Terrestrial planets and the Jovian planets.Meteoroids- Small pieces of rocks that fly through space with no particular path.Meteors- A small body of rock from outer space entering the earth’s atmosphere appearing as a streak of light through friction.Meteorites- When a meteor hits the earth’s surface.Ecliptic- Oval shaped path that the sun seems to travel in the ic 2:Microgravity- The condition in which the gravitational force that acts on mass greatly reduceGravity- The force of attraction ? Satellites- An artificial body placed in orbit around the earth, moon, or any other planets to collect information or for ic 3:Refracting Telescopes- A telescope which uses a converging lens to collect the light.Reflecting Telescopes- A telescope in which a mirror is used to collect and focus light.Interferometry- Grouping radio telescopes together to increase clarity and distance of the image the radio telescopes can capture.Electromagnetic Energy- Travelled at the speed of light but at different wavelengths and frequencies.Electromagnetic Spectrum- The different types of radiation with their corresponding wavelengths (radio waves→infrared→visible spectrum→UV→x-rays→Gamma rays).Radio Telescopes- Uses radio waves from stars, galaxies and nebulas, suns, and planet for information.Space Probes- Robots that explore, collected, and analyze information in places we can't go to.Triangulation- Used to find how far away the target object is.Parallax- Apparent Shift of the position of a nearby object viewed from two different places.Spectroscope- Separates light into the visible spectrum (Used to identify a star's composition).Doppler effect- Apparent change in frequency/pitch of sound, light, radio waves as the approach and move away from the ic 4:Space junk- Pieces of trash left behind rockets, satellites, shuttles, and space stations that remain floating in space.Tools used by scientists:Naked Eye (OUR EYES BUT NAKED)Early Telescope: refractingQuadrant: measures stars height above the horizonAstrolabe: makes accurate star chartsCross-Staff: measures angles between the moon and starsGeocentric Model:Heliocentric Model:Everything revolves around the earth.Everything revolves around the sun.Orbits are circular in shape.Orbits are elliptical in shape.Reinforced idea by the church.Further telescope development enforced this model (Galileo). The elliptical discovery of the orbits enforces it even more (Kepler).Created by: AristotleCreated by: Copernicus, proven by Galileo Lunar Eclipse:Solar Eclipse:Sun, Earth, Moon (In that order)The earth is blocking the moon from the sunEarth, Moon, Sun (In that order)The moon blocks out the sun during some timeComets:Dirty snowballs. Made out of ice and dust. When close to the sun, ice evaporates and creates a tail of gasAsteroids:Rocky and metallic celestial rocks that travel space. Sometimes considered minor planets for their sizeMeteors:Shooting stars. Meteorites that enter the earth's atmosphereMeteorites:Rocky and metallic rocks that travel space with no particular path. Sizes range from pebbles to cars.Meteoroids:When a meteor hits the earth's surface and survivesSun-Like Star---→Red Giant ---→Planetary Nebula---→White Dwarf---→Black Dwarf(Final Stage)Nebula ---↗---↘OrNeutron Star(Final Stage)Massive Star---→Red Subpergiant---→Supernova ---↗ ---→OrBlack Hole(Final Stage)Life of a Star:Nebulae: 1st in the process of both types of stars. A collection of gas and dust ( 75% Hydrogen & 23% Helium)Protostar: It is contracting masses of gas that gets brighter, hotter and denserSUN-LIKE STAR:Sun-Like Star: One of two types of star that can form after protostar (Smaller)Main Sequence: The stage in the life cycle of stars where they convert hydrogen into helium.Red Giant: The stage in the life cycle of a sun-like star where the star first decreases then increase its outer layers, this makes it less dense as well as colder for it has more surface area. It becomes brighter as a result of fusion (helium runs out, starts burning carbon and other elements)White Dwarf: The latter stage in a sun-like star where it becomes smaller and very hot, but loses light.Black Dwarf: the final stage of a sun-like stars life. When the white dwarf completely runs out of stored energy it loses all light and heat, only a strong gravitational pull remains.MASSIVE STAR:Massive Star: One of two types of star that can form after protostar (bigger)Main Sequence: The stage in the life cycle of stars where they convert hydrogen into helium.Red Supergiant: The stage in the life cycle of a massive star during which the star decreases then increases its outer layer, this makes it less dense as well as colder for it has more surface area. It becomes VERY bright as a result of fusion (helium runs out, starts burning carbon and other elements)Supernova: An intense and rapid collapse of a star onto itself once fusion stops (gravity wins over outward force) causing an outward explosion (shock wave)Neutron Star: massive star's core that spins rapidly (balancing the gravitational force so it doesn't become a black hole)Black hole: invisible suction machines. Highly dense remnants of a massive star, this density causes its gravitational pull to be so strong not even radiation can escape.Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram: hot= white/blue cooler=redDescribing the positions of objects in space:Altitude/Azimuth method:Altitude- How above the horizon it is Azimuth- Which compass direction it is in the skyZenith- The very top, 90 degrees, and directly overheadThings to note:0-90 degrees for the altitude0-360 degrees for the azimuthClockwise direction for the azimuthDue north:0° Due east:90° Due south:180° Due west:270°Triangulation Method:Create a baselineMeasure the angles from the end of the baseline to the objectChoose an appropriate scale (ex. 1cm = 20m)Create a scale drawing of the imaginary triangle by connecting the two angles Draw a straight line from the point where the angles meet to the baseline Planets: Terrestrial - smaller, Rocky, few moons, closer to the sunMercury: AVR SURF TEMP 180°cROTATION 180 daysREVOLUTION 88 daysVenus: AVR SURF TEMP 480°cROTATION 243 daysREVOLUTION 225 daysEarth: AVR SURF TEMP 15°cROTATION 23.93 hrsREVOLUTION 365.25 daysMars: AVR SURF TEMP-53°cROTATION 24.6 hrsREVOLUTION 607 days Jovian-bigger, rings, moons, gas, farther from the sunJupiter: AVR SURF TEMP-108°cROTATION 9.85 hrsREVOLUTION 11.9 yrsSaturn: AVR SURF TEMP-180°cROTATION 10.38 hrsREVOLUTION 29.5 yrsUranus: AVR SURF TEMP-214°cROTATION 17.4 hrsREVOLUTION 84 yrsNeptune: AVR SURF TEMP-220°cROTATION 16.2 hrsREVOLUTION 165 yrsPluto: AVR SURF TEMP-230°cROTATION 6.39 daysREVOLUTION My Very Easy Method Just Simplifies Us Naming PlanetsSpacecrafts:Rocket:Payload: what the rocket caries: crew, rooms, food, water, air, experiments.Structural and mechanical: everything from the rocket itself to the engines, fins, storage tanksFuel: liquid oxygen, gasoline, liquid hydrogen. Fuel gets combusted in the combustion chamber causing the gas to expand and leave as exhaust Shuttle:External tankSolid rocket boosterOrbiterTransports personnel and equipmentReusableSpace Probes:Explores places humans can’tSpace Station:Orbiting living and work areas that have all life support systems so people can stay there for an extended period of time Theories:Archytas’ Pigeon: hot air makes the water inside pigeon steam up causing the pigeon to move up a wire.Fundamental Law of Physics: Every action has an equal opposite reaction.( Newton’s 3rd law)Protostar: 1. A cloud of gas and dust in space begin to swirl. 2. 90% of matter accumulates at the center- forming a star. 3. The rest of the matter becomes planets that circle the star.Looking into the past: Light from celestial objects takes some time to reach our eyes. We are looking at pictures from the past.Canada Historical Space Moments:Alouettes- 1962Anik A1- 1972Canadarm- 1981Marc Garneau (First Canadian Astronaut in space)- 1984Roberta Bondar (First Canadian Woman)- 1992Chris Hadfield (First Canadian to walk in space)- 2001Canadarm2- 2001Years are not importantHighlights are importantThe Risk and Dangers Of Space Exploration:EnvironmentalSpace junk: Pieces of debris that remain floating in space at a fast rate (move around 20000 km/h).Launch: Possibly of the rocket blowing up or failing. Landing: Possibly of crashing or burning up.Earth: Satellites, space stations, meteoroids, and other celestial bodies can crash onto earth.Environment: No air, no water, temperature extremes, lack of atmospheric pressure.PhysicalMicrogravity: Makes bones and muscles do less work resulting in the weakening of said bones and muscles. Heart muscles are also affected. Fluids are also redistributed through the body causing faintness, worsening eyesight and depth perception, and weakening of the heart. Organs are also redistributed. Radiation: Increases cancer.Food: Harder to get good nutrition.Emotional Confined spaces: Claustrophobic feelings and boredness or irritation.Socially: Loss of connection with family and friends.Home: Cravings and longing for flavourful food, plants, pets, familiar environment, entertainment.Life support systems:Recycling 100% of water, wastewater, moistureWater to produce oxygenRemoving carbon dioxideFiltering micro-organismsKeeping air pressure and humidity stableProducing oxygen from water: Uses electricity to separate the two. Hydrogen ↓ split ↓ oxygen ↖ H2O ↗ Satellites: Natural (smaller objects orbiting bigger objects) Artificial (man-made)Communication Satellites: Provide wireless connection and are long distance. Tv broadcastObservation and Research: used for monitoring weather. (geosynchronous orbit)GPS-Global Positioning System: Calculates Location on earth. There are 24, so 3 are always above the horizon. Remote sensing: Observe earth's surface (low orbit)Electromagnetic SpectrumStar Spectrum Shift: Spectrometry: Red Shift = Star is moving away from you. Blue Shift = Star is moving towards youRed Away Blue to StayParallax: Apparent Shift of the position of a nearby object viewed from two different places.Closer = bigger shiftThe apparent change in pitch as the observer and wave source move towards and away from each other. Moves towards=higher frequency/pitch Move away=lower frequency/pitchSpace Ethics: ................

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