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Faculty Assembly MinutesDecember 10, 2019Faculty Assembly: December 10, 2019Joint meeting with SenateSenate: Courses presented to be changed. Can’t vote, no quorum.Dr. Anderson – 4 items to share- Thank you messages went out. Strategic planning meeting6 goals broken down into 60 sub-goals. Sent back, and asked reprioritize to 40. Reprioritized. Subgoals are on-line on President’s pageWorking through the planWorking with the legislatures- 9 delegates came or were represented. Showcased school of Ag and School of Health professionsHBCU case- talked about that. Jim Matthias worked with the delegates. Students will help with writing letters. Dr. Johnson sent a template to write letters. Encourage, and send multiple letters. Looking at salaries of staff and faculty. Any salaries that are out of line, gender equity. Update: salary compensation study- will create a website, and keep and see what is going on. Details and time line. Will keep us updated about the process. Mr. Primus and Ms. Manual. Compensation study. What will it do for us, and what will it need to do, what firm we are planning to use for this study, will piggy back. She will meet with Ms. Collins. Looking at scope. How will we institutionalize this, and looking at the time line- maybe 2 years. The leg work will be done by HR. Construct salary structures with a market-based minimum, midpoint and maximumProvide a base salary structure and pay ranges reflecting what competitor organizations pay for similar functions and duties and Provide leadership with guidelines to ensure consistent and equitable application of the compensationThe primary objective is to maintain a compensation program that enables the university to recruit, retain and reward a high quality talent base. Some places poach. They want to retain and reward for good work. Sibson consulting has been around for a while. Scope of work. Step 1: Project kickoff and data collection Month 1Step 2: Stakeholder interviews: Month 1Step 3: Compensation Philosophy development: Month 2 and 3Step 4: Market assessment: Month 4 and 5Step 5: Salary structure development: Month 5, 6, 7Step 6:Pay administration guidelines: Month 8Step 7: Implementation and communication: Month 9, 10, 11Faculty- rank, discipline, years of service, work with academic affairsThey are trying to do the right thingInstitutionalizingPost report on restricted webpage read only accessCost out reportIdentify most significant disparitiesAnalyze vacanciesCreate a conditional phased implementation planOne percent increase in retention. If one student stayed, over 50 programs, that helps everything. They will post the document on the website.Drill down from the big picture and then break it down to the smaller areas.Can’t give everything to one area.They will identify the most significant disparities first. Then analyze the vacanciesVacancies don’t get a raise. People cannot get their salaries decreased. Conditional phased in implementation plan.If you are doing duties not in the job description, then they need to look at that.Need a sound structure in placeThere will be priorities. Most significant disparities will take place first. According to Ms. Anderson: We will be working with deans and faculty chairs Work with faculty who is good at advising students, work load. Boyer, working on faculty work load. 12 month time line- Beginning is January. It is will be worth the investment in time. Trying to get as much time ahead of time!Announcements: Tomorrow is presidential celebration: 4 to 6:00, Thursday is honors programDr. Khoza- two Frederick Douglass scholarships next summer and some other scholarshipsDr. Sauder moved to adjourn Senate meetingFaculty assemblyReports from the committeesDr. Chapin CUSF: 1. The new USM Chancellor, J. Perman, will assume his duties on January 6 so that the USM can speak with one consistent voice during the upcoming legislative session that will determine all our budgets (and many of the rules under which we will be working).?The former Chancellor R.Caret will be on sabbatical leave from that day until the end of June. This change-over can also facilitate the expeditious replacement of Presidents within the USM System, most noticeably at College Park? but perhaps three or four additional campuses needing new leadership (or the replacement of?interim leaders by more permanent office-holders)..2. Money matters:???? a. There was a small COLA last fall that was delayed until this coming spring, so that, sometime late in January, there should be a (very) small bump in your pay.???? b. We are fortunate that, at a time when most of our surrounding states are taking dollars out of higher education, it seems likely that the Legislature will again increase the USM budget to ensure that tuition increases for our students stay at about the 3% level.???? c. It seems likely that the Workforce Enhancement dollars from the legislature this year will be entirely devoted to teacher preparation.? This can be very good for us since, for many years, virtually all the role models in the lower four shore counties for students of color have come from our UMES teacher education programs, particularly in sciences, in mathematics and in other STEM areas like computing.3. Protecting the quality of the education of our students.???? a. There is likely to be a push from across the Bay for us to adjust our courses and programs to meet the specific demands for content from various employers in the state and in the local community.? It is reasonable for us to include extra material for a specific group of students for a specific employer provided that? this inclusion does not result in the exclusion of fundamental content that we know to be essential for the long-term success of our students. {Remember that these "special skills" jobs are for the most part, relatively short term. and not necessarily on the high level of pay for long-term?and more experiences workers]A???? b. There will also be a push towards our acceptance of an Eastern Shore consortium of community colleges and their wholesale transfer for the sixty? A.A. .credits? that, ?by state law, cover all of our general education.? We do indeed need to work greatly to expand our numbers of community college transfers, but might do well to concentrate on those across the Bay from Baltimore County, through Howard County over to Montgomery County, where all the programs are already recognized as being strong and based on the expectations of places like UMCP and UMBC for transfer students.? Unfortunately, not all the programs in all the Eastern Shore community Colleges are equally consistently strong and so need to be individually vetted by all the departments and programs on campus where transfers might occur. WHEN YOUR PROGRAM IS CALLED ON TO LOOK INTO THIS AND GIVE A RESPONSE ABOUT THE ACCEPTABILITY OF PARTICULAR TRANSFERS, PLEASE DO SO IMMEDIATELY, EVEN IF IT IS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE VACATION PERIOD.? When we accept students who, because of imperfections in their previous work, need to have a campus investment of major funds and personnel for remediation before they can move ahead to our programs, we are draining away dollars desperately needed elsewhere,? If some of the students have other special needs requiring professional,?psychological or other counselling support that the campus cannot supply, we are doing these students a great disservice.???// I promised the President the upper case here so that we do better at responding than the staff did.? It certainly affects us more directly. //???? c. Our programs and campus need to help the USM stave off some of the uniformities and rigities that may come to mind as perfectly natural for regents and legislators from a business background, but would make no sense for our diverse campuses and departments.? For example, a code for dealing with incidences of bullying and violence among faculty, staff and students that was quite reasonable in the neighborhood of Coppin in north-west Baltimore would probably not be appropriate at UMES (and vice versa).? Similarly, since both in matters of the new system of recognizing faculty workload and effort, and for questions of academic dishonesty, there are clear differences between different programs and majors within one department, much less between programs at the graduate and professional levels and freshman service courses, we must make the voice of our campus quite clear that there cannot be uniform scales and uniform rules for the convenience of record-keeping and overseeing either at any campus administrative or the system level.He was across the bay yesterday. The chancellor will be changed on January 6. Jay Perlman will be chancellor for the spring. Currette be on leaveCollege park needs a chancellor, three other campuses may have a presidential searchReasonable shape in the legislature for the upcoming year. Will have minimal tuition increases. Work force enhancement: Will be toward teacher preparation and nothing else. For primary and secondary public school teachers- That is us providing teachers of colorCOLA was put off. In January, 1% or 1.5% COLA increase.We all need to work to protect our own students and their education.They want us to meet local needs. We also need to meet the long term goals as well. Regents need to be rigorous, and it is still faculty to determine what goes into the curriculum. Mood was to yield to business. Need to defend central educationMore cooperation planned with the community colleges. There will be a consortium for the Eastern Shore CC. Most of their work is with the high school students, and not a level suitable for the university. We will be strongly pushed by the communication. General education is more or less done, from Wor-Wic. Some students still test at the 7th grade level when they transfer. UniformitySome students are getting together and bullying. Need rules: Be resistant of absolute rulesRedoing how faculty work is evaluated, for promotion and tenure. That would defeat the purpose of the whole thing. There are different standards and expectations for facultyFaculty affairs committee: Community colleges are initiatives are important to enroll. Wor-Wic and Chesapeake students are sometimes the best retained. Good for our growth. We want to increase partnerships. Adult learners. Not just standard high school transfers.Talked with provost- cross walks need to have input for cross walks. We need to put our foot print there. Will work with Deans, chairs and faculty. We need fidelity, and welcoming to the students. Working with student enrollment Academic affairs committee chair. Kate BrownCommittee unanimously agreed, that student concerns should be in the beginning, not the end for course changes. Maintaining same amendment. Proposed Amendment to Constitution of Faculty AssemblyStanding Committee on Academic Standards, Curriculum, Programs and ServicesProposed:ii. Committee on Academic Standards, Curriculum, Programs and Services.The Committee shall review matters and recommend policies pertaining to academic standards, admissions, orientation, curriculum, library affairs, academic facilities, summer school, calendar and catalog schedules, and cultural programs.The Committee shall review all curriculum and program changes and vote on them. A majority vote in favor of the changes will result in recommendations to the full Faculty Assembly. A majority vote of a quorum of the assembled faculty will result in forwarding the recommendations to the Vice President of Academic Affairs for final approval and action.Honorary degree and recognition award nominations will originate in the office of the Vice President of Academic Affairs in consultation with the Faculty mittee will be meeting at the end of January, and will bring back to the body as a whole The actual amendment: Proposed. Committee on academic standards (Mr. Joseph Bree)Process for voting – ballot will be sent to all faculty. Have voting occur before the next meeting. Concerns and clarity- Admissions part will be dealt with in January, VP Cooper need to be involved according to Dr. Anderson. Ad Hoc committees Dr. May Motion to adjourn Dr. Chapin. 12:15 ................

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