RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR SPRING TRIPNEVER go anywhere alone. Always travel in groups. In NYC, you MUST travel in your tour groups.Always have your cell phone on and check it frequently for information and reminders from the chaperones and directors. Please respond as quickly as possible to texts to confirm that you have received the information. Remember to silence your cell phone during the Broadway shows.Do not order pay per view movies or make long distance calls. If you need to call home, use a calling card or a cell phone or a pay phone. DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES USE THE PHONES IN THE ROOMS TO MAKE LONG DISTANCE CALLS.All prescription medications must be turned into the nurse on the trip. She will be available for parents to talk to prior to departure. Over the counter medications such as aspirin, cold medicine, sinus medicine, etc. may be kept by each student.Do not order pizza unless there is at least one hour until you are supposed to be in your room. Any pizza ordered after this time that is not delivered before 11:00pm will be confiscated and eaten at your expense!!!There is no reason whatsoever to be out of your room after curfew. If there is an emergency, contact a chaperone by phone. Breaking curfew is reason enough to be sent home at your parent’s expense.Eating well and drinking water will help keep you healthy on this trip. Do not skip meals!The schedule will change. Be flexible and go with the flow. Change is constant. Depend on it!While you are on this trip, you represent York County, Grafton High School, the band, the band directors, your parents and yourself. Please dress and act in a way that is appropriate at all times.Think twice before doing anything. If it is at all questionable, it is probably best not to do it! Ask for permission first before you ask for forgiveness later.No Rated R movies will be shown on the buses. No exceptions.Please keep your music to yourself. Your own personal listening device with headphones only!THERE WILL BE NO CHANGING OF ROOMS OR BUSES FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER!!!!!!!!!!!All luggage and bags may be subject to search at any time during the trip.Pick up after yourselves on the bus. Also keep in mind to refrain from using the toilets on the buses as much as possible.Refuse and report to any chaperone or staff member any offer or suspicion of any controlled substance in your midst.There will be no backtalk or disrespect tolerated towards any chaperone. No exceptions!Carry-ons are limited to one bag, small cooler, pillow and a blanket.Groups of mixed company MAY be allowed to watch a movie, eat a pizza, etc. as long as a chaperone is notified and the group is supervised. The door must be open 90 degrees and the curtains on the windows (if there are any) must be open. There should never be a one-on-one situation in a hotel room.All York County School Division rules are in effect for the duration of the trip (orange card)Be on time to all activities and scheduled events.ENJOY YOURSELVES. YOU DESERVE IT! YOU HAVE HAD A GREAT YEAR!WE HAVE REVIEWED THESE RULES AND AGREE TO ABIDE BY THEM.Student Printed Name_____________________________________Student Signature________________________________________ Date_____________Parent Signature________________________________________ Date_____________ ................

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