Neshaminy High School Library

Neshaminy School District Media Center

e-Reader Permission and Acceptable Use Form


Electronic readers, simply called “e-Readers,” are digital devices that can store books, periodicals, magazines, and other electronic media. e-Readers like Amazon’s Kindle, Barnes & Noble’s Nook, Apple’s iTouch, and Apple’s iPad are quickly becoming ubiquitous in our digital culture and they simply cannot be ignored. Neshaminy School District, in striving to maintain technological relevance in education, is providing the opportunity for students to use these devices in accordance with our e-Reader Acceptable Use Policy (District Policy 550).

Other benefits

• Unfamiliar words can be instantly defined using the onboard dictionary.

• A student can highlight sections of the text and make annotations or notes.

• The text-to-speech feature can read the text out loud.

The opportunity to use this device is a privilege that we are able to offer Neshaminy students provided that students demonstrate extreme caution and responsibility. Due to the value of the device, if the eReader or accessories are damaged, lost or stolen, it is your responsibility to pay for the replacement.

For this reason, we require a parent signature before e-Readers can be checked out to a student. Please sign your name across from each model that you will allow your child to borrow from a Neshaminy Library Media Center.

Kindle $109.00

Case 35.99

Power Cord 19.99 Parent signature_________________________

Nook 1st Generation $99.00

Case 7.99

Power Cord 19.95 Parent signature_________________________

Nook Simple Touch $ 99.00

Case 26.99

Power Cord 19.95 Parent signature_________________________

Nook Color $199.00

Case 27.98

Power Cord 24.95 Parent signature_________________________

Parent Responsibilities and Permission

I am authorizing the checkout of an e-reader to my child. I understand that it is to be used as a tool for reading and learning and that my child will comply with the District Acceptable Use Policy outlined in section 550 of the student handbook and my signed copy of the Neshaminy School District Internet Permission Form. I also agree to the e-Reader Student Acceptable Use Policy below:

• e-Readers will be used only for the reading of school approved material (books, etc.) and not for other purposes such as communication, entertainment, music, gaming, etc.

• All e-Readers must have cellular and network capabilities disabled (turned off) while the device is at school. (Unless otherwise directed by a staff member.)

• e-Readers must only be used at appropriate times in accordance with teacher instructions. The e-Reader must not be a distraction for the student or those around him/her nor be a source of any classroom disruption.

• The e-Reader will be kept in its protective case at all times.

• The e-Reader will only be used by the e-Reader patron.

• Nothing will be downloaded to the e-Reader.

• The parent/guardian, signed below, agrees to assume financial responsibility for any willful, malicious, or accidental damage to the e-Reader as well as any charges resulting from content downloaded to the e-Reader during the loan period.

• The parent/guardian, signed below, agrees to assume financial responsibility for the replacement of the eReader or accessories if the eReader or accessories are lost or stolen.

• If any repairs are required, the parent/guardian, signed below, will return the eReader to the school district for repair by the authorized vendor.

• e-Readers have Wi-Fi capabilities. Neshaminy School District is not responsible for content students access when not on the Neshaminy network.

I have read the above information and I agree to assume full responsibility for only the eReaders models for which I have signed.

PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME (PRINTED): __________________________________________________

PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE: ______________________________________DATE:___________

I have read the above information and I understand the eReader policy.

STUDENT NAME (PRINTED):___________________________________________________________

STUDENT SIGNATURE: _______________________________________________DATE:___________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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