|Medical Terminology – PUBH 222 |Section – SD5 |

|Instructor: Brian Forbus |Coastal Carolina University – |

| |Department of Health Sciences |

|Contact information: TBA |Class meets: Online |

|Office Hours: Online | |


PUBH 222 Medical Terminology (3) This course is an introduction to the principles of medical word building to develop the necessary medical vocabulary used in health care settings. Using a systems-approach, students study, analyze and interpret root words, prefixes and suffixes with emphasis on spelling, pronunciation, definition and use of medical terms. As part of the learning process, students are exposed to basic anatomy, physiology, pathology of disease, and clinical procedures (F, S).


▪ Recognize and understand basic medical terms

▪ Identify and decipher medical abbreviations

▪ Spell and pronounce basic medical terminology

▪ Analyze unfamiliar terms using the knowledge of word roots, suffixes and prefixes gained in the course

▪ Relate classroom understanding of terminology to real-life applications


Student will be able to:

▪ identify and define prefixes, roots, and suffices in order to combine forms of terminology.

▪ develop basic vocabulary of medical terms and abbreviations.

▪ identify major body structure and functions that reinforces knowledge of basic anatomy and physiology.

▪ correctly construct singular and plural forms of terms

▪ construct medical terms, given a definition.

▪ provide the complete meaning of a medical abbreviation

▪ spell, pronounce, define, and identify words and word parts

▪ demonstrate an understanding of medical terminology by identifying terms in disease concepts and with medical procedures.


This course requires you to have a computer with broadband internet access. You will need to have speakers and built in microphone or headset with microphone to listen to videos and recite vocabulary terms. The skills required of you are to be able to navigate and access course material through Moodle and Connect.


David M. Allan, and Karen D. Lockyer. Essentials of Medical Language, 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill. ISBN # 9780077480325, includes Connect Plus access code card.


▪ This is an online class taken through Moodle and McGraw-Hill Connect.





Statement of Community Expectations & Code of Student Conduct

Coastal Carolina University is an academic community that expects the highest standards of honesty, integrity and personal responsibility. Members of this community are accountable for their actions and reporting the inappropriate action of others and are committed to creating an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust.

Know the Student Honor Code

On my honor, I pledge:

• That I will take responsibility for my personal behavior; and

• That I will actively oppose every instance of academic dishonesty as defined in the Code of Student Conduct.

From this day forward, my signature on any University document, including tests, papers and other work submitted for a grade is a confirmation of this honor pledge.

Examples of academic misconduct/prohibited conduct can be found in the Coastal Carolina University Code of Student Conduct 2016 – 2017.

Academic Integrity & Plagiarism Statement

Violations of the Student Code of Conduct will not be tolerated. Any such violations will be dealt with in strict accordance to Coastal Carolina University guidelines. The student will be responsible for familiarizing himself/herself with this policy, which is located in the CCU Student Handbook under the Code of Student Conduct Section.

Plagiarism policy: All written assignments must be original to the writer. Plagiarizing, even a first offense, will earn you a failing grade in this course. Using another’s work, allowing someone else to rewrite your assignment, or not acknowledging your sources in written assignments are all examples of plagiarism. Furthermore, if you aid another student in plagiarizing an assignment, you will also earn a failing grade in the course. For the complete Code of Conduct, please see link below.


Students who identify themselves as having a disability are referred to the Office of Services for Students with Disabilities. This office is responsible for ensuring that reasonable accommodations are provided for students with documented learning, physical, or psychological disabilities. If you have a documented disability, please contact the Office of Services for Students with Disabilities at 843-349-2305.


Students are required to spend a minimum of three hours in the class per week.


Student emails will be answered within 24 hours. Student discussion board postings and exams will be graded within a week. All other written assignments will be returned in two weeks.


1. Exams - 15 weekly. The exams will be 50 multiple choice and true/false questions. You will have 45 minutes to complete the exam on Moodle. Exams will be available from Thursday, noon until Sunday, noon. Exams can only be taken once.

2. Connect-Learn modules. These modules can be found on the McGraw-Hill site. You will need the course assess code to gain access. Each week students will complete the self-paced chapter review. The questions from the module are similar to questions that will appear on the exam.

3. Discussion Board. Each week students will review a 5 minute video on the topic of the week. The videos can be found on the McGraw-Hill site within the e-book. Students will write a brief summary of video and write one open ended question about the video. Post both the summary, as well as the question to the discussion board. Each student must answer at least one question posted. Initial postings must be done by midnight on Thursday and answer one question by Sunday, midnight.

4. Semester Reports: You will prepare a Procedure Report and a Disease/Syndrome Report. The final section of each report is a vocabulary list of at least 5 words not previously known and their definitions. If you do not learn 5 new words while doing the research for your report, you may include words that you learned in this class to make the total of 5 words. For example, if you learned 3 new words while doing your research, you may add 2 more words that you learned in class. Use at least 2 different resources for your definitions; identify which resources you used for each definition.

o Procedure Report: Go to YouTube (or a similar site), watch a video (at least 3 minutes long) of a medical procedure, and prepare a brief description. The report should contain 3 sections: The first a paragraph discussing the condition being treated and the desired outcome, the second a paragraph describing the procedure, and the third the vocabulary, as described above.

o Disease/Syndrome Report: Research a disease or syndrome and prepare a brief summary of your findings. The report should contain 4 sections: The first paragraph describing the major symptoms, the second a paragraph describing the primary treatment(s), the third a list of references, and the fourth the vocabulary, as described above. Use at least 2 different resources for your report, a medical dictionary and an Internet site, for example.

▪ Reports – General Information: Include your name at the top of the first page of the report (not in the header). Do not cut and paste from your sources. Proofread your reports before submission. Please submit your file via Moodle in the following format: last name_ first name _date.


▪ 15 weekly quizzes @ 15 = 225 points

▪ 15 Connect-Learn modules @ 15 points per chapter = 225 points

▪ 6 Discussion Board postings @ 25 = 150 points

▪ Syndrome report = 200 points

▪ Procedure report = 200 points

Total points = 1000


A = 90-100% C = 70-77%

B+ = 88-89% D+ = 68-69%

B = 80-87% D = 60-67%

C+ = 78-79% F = 0-59%


|Week |Topic |Assignments |Learning Outcomes |

|One |The Anatomy of Word |PowerPoint |Identify the roots, combining vowels, and combining forms of medical terms. |

| |Construction – | | |

| |Chapter 1 |Reading |Understand the importance of suffixes and prefixes in forming medical terms.|

| | | | |

| | |Connect- Learning |Link word elements together to construct medical terms. |

| | | | |

| | |No Discussion |Break down or deconstruct a medical term into its elements. |

| | | | |

| | |Test 1 (available Thursday at|Connect the singular and plural forms of medical terms. |

| | |12:00pm till Sunday at | |

| | |12:00pm) |Verbalize the pronunciation of medical terms by employing the system used in|

| | | |the textbook and the Student Online Learning Center. |

|Two |The Body as a Whole – |PowerPoint |Describe the medical terms of the different anatomical planes, directions, |

| |Chapter 2 | |and body regions. |

| | |Connect- Learning | |

| | | |Integrate individual body systems into the organization and function of the |

| | |Reading |body as a whole. |

| | | | |

| | |Discussion – view the video |Comprehend, spell, and write medical terms pertaining to the body as a whole|

| | |“Cells and Tissues.” |so that you communicate and document these terms accurately and precisely. |

| | | | |

| | |Test 2 (available Thursday at|Recognize and pronounce medical terms pertaining to the body as a whole so |

| | |12:00pm till Sunday at |that you communicate verbally and with accuracy and precision. |

| | |12:00pm) | |

|Three |The Integumentary System – |PowerPoint |Apply the language of dermatology to the skin and its associated organs. |

| |Chapter 3 | | |

| | |Connect- Learning |Comprehend, analyze, spell, and write the medical terms of dermatology. |

| | | | |

| | |Reading |Recognize and pronounce the medical terms of dermatology. |

| | | | |

| | |Discussion – view “Burns.” |Describe the etiology, treatment, and prognosis of common dermatologic |

| | | |conditions. |

| | |Test 3 (available Thursday at| |

| | |12:00pm till Sunday at | |

| | |12:00pm) | |

|Four |The Skeletal System – |PowerPoint |Describe the structure and function of bones. |

| |Chapter 4 | | |

| | |Connect- Learning |Analyze, spell, and write the medical terms of orthopedics so that you can |

| | | |document medical conditions accurately and precisely. |

| | |Reading | |

| | | |Distinguish and pronounce the medical terms of orthopedics so that you can |

| | |No Discussion |communicate verbally with accuracy and precision. |

| | | | |

| | |Test 4 (available Thursday at|Differentiate the causes, appearances, methods of diagnosis, and treatments |

| | |12:00pm till Sunday at |of common disorders of the bones. |

| | |12:00pm) | |

|Five |Muscles and Tendons – |PowerPoint |Describe the functions and structure of skeletal muscle |

| |Chapter 5 | |identify the structures and functions of |

| | |Connect- Learning |the muscles and tendons of the shoulder |

| | | |girdle and upper limbs. |

| | |Reading | |

| | | |Identify the structures and functions of the muscles and tendons of the |

| | |Discussion – view “Muscle |pelvic girdle and lower limbs. |

| | |Contractions” | |

| | | |Describe the major disorders of skeletal muscle. |

| | |Test 5 (available Thursday at| |

| | |12:00pm till Sunday at | |

| | |12:00pm) | |

|Six |Cardiovascular and |PowerPoint |Apply the language of cardiology to the structure and functions of the |

| |Circulatory Systems – | |cardiovascular system. |

| |Chapter 6 |Connect- Learning | |

| | | |Comprehend, analyze, spell, and write the terms of cardiology so that you |

| | |Reading |communicate and document |

| | | |accurately. |

| | |Discussion – view | |

| | |“Hypertension” |Recognize and pronounce the medical terms of cardiology so that you |

| | | |communicate verbally and document with accuracy and precision. |

| | |Test 6 (available Thursday at| |

| | |12:00pm till Sunday at |Specify the correct medical terminology for common disorders of the |

| | |12:00pm) |cardiovascular system |

|Seven |The Blood, Lymphatic, and |PowerPoint |Apply the language of hematology to the anatomy and physiology of the blood.|

| |Immune Systems – Chapter 7 | | |

| | |Connect- Learning |Comprehend, analyze, spell, and write the medical terms of hematology so |

| | | |that you can communicate and document accurately and precisely. |

| | |Reading | |

| | | |Recognize and pronounce the medical terms of hematology so that you can |

| | |Discussion – view “HIV/AIDS” |communicate verbally with accuracy and precision. |

| | | | |

| | |Test 7 (available Thursday at|Use correct medical terminology to explain how common blood disorders affect|

| | |12:00pm till Sunday at |health. |

| | |12:00pm) | |

|Eight |Respiratory System – |PowerPoint |Apply the language of pulmonology to the functions of the respiratory |

| |Chapter 8 | |system. |

| | |Connect- Learning | |

| | | |Comprehend, analyze, spell, and write the medical terms of pulmonology to |

| | |Reading |communicate and document accurately and precisely. |

| | | | |

| | |Discussion – view “Asthma” |Recognize and pronounce the medical terms of pulmonology to communicate |

| | | |verbally with accuracy and precision. |

| | |Test 8 (available Thursday at| |

| | |12:00pm till Sunday at |Explain the effects of common respiratory disorders on health. |

| | |12:00pm) | |

| | | |Translate medical terms of pulmonology into lay language in order to |

| | | |communicate with patients and their families. |

|Nine |The Digestive System – |PowerPoint |Apply the language of gastroenterology to the structure and functions of the|

| |Chapter 9 | |gastrointestinal tract, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas. |

| | |Connect- Learning | |

| | | |Comprehend, analyze, spell, and write the medical terms of gastroenterology.|

| | |Reading | |

| | | |Recognize and pronounce the medical terms of gastroenterology. |

| | |Discussion – “Liver Failure” | |

| | | |Discuss the cause, diagnosis, and treatment of common disorders of the |

| | |Test 9 (available Thursday at|gastrointestinal tract, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas. |

| | |12:00pm till Sunday at | |

| | |12:00pm) | |

|Ten |The Nervous System and |PowerPoint |Apply the language of neurology to the structures and functions of the |

| |Mental Health - | |nervous system. |

| |Chapter 10 |Connect- Learning | |

| | | |Comprehend, analyze, spell, and write the medical terms of neurology and |

| | |Reading |mental health. |

| | | | |

| | |Discussion – view “Stroke” |Recognize and pronounce the medical terms of neurology and mental health. |

| | | | |

| | |Test 10 (available Thursday |Explain the effects of common disorders of the nervous system on health. |

| | |at 12:00pm till Sunday at | |

| | |12:00pm) | |

|Eleven |The Nervous System and |PowerPoint |Comprehend, analyze, spell, and write the medical terms of ophthalmology. |

| |Mental Health – Chapter 11 | | |

| | |Connect- Learning |Recognize and pronounce the medical terms of ophthalmology. |

| | | | |

| | |Reading |Discuss the cause, diagnosis, and treatment of common disorders of the eye |

| | | | |

| | |No Discussion | |

| | | | |

| | |Test 11 (available Thursday | |

| | |at 12:00pm till Sunday at | |

| | |12:00pm) | |

|Twelve |The Endocrine System – |PowerPoint |Apply the language of endocrinology to the structures and functions of the |

| |Chapter 12 | |endocrine system. |

| | |Connect- Learning | |

| | | |Comprehend, analyze, spell, and write the medical terms of endocrinology. |

| | |Reading | |

| | | |Recognize and pronounce the medical terms of endocrinology. |

| | |Discussion – view “Type 2 | |

| | |Diabetes” |Use correct medical terminology to explain the effects of common endocrine |

| | | |disorders on health. |

| | |Test 12 (available Thursday | |

| | |at 12:00pm till Sunday at | |

| | |12:00pm) | |

|Thirteen |The Urinary System – |PowerPoint |Apply the language of urology to the structures and functions of the urinary|

| |Chapter 13 | |system. |

| | |Connect- Learning | |

| | | |Comprehend, analyze, spell, and write the medical terms of urology. |

| | |Reading | |

| | | |Recognize and pronounce the medical terms of urology. |

| | |Discussion – view “Renal | |

| | |Failure” |Explain the effects of common urinary disorders on health. |

| | | | |

| | |Test 13 (available Thursday | |

| | |at 12:00pm till Sunday at | |

| | |12:00pm) | |

|Four-teen |The Male Reproductive |PowerPoint |Apply the language of urology to the structure and functions of the male |

| |System – Chapter 14 | |reproductive system. |

| | |Connect- Learning | |

| | | |Discuss the medical terminology for the process of spermatogenesis. |

| | |Reading | |

| | | |Specify the medical terminology for the functions of testosterone. |

| | |No Discussion | |

| | | |Identify the medical terminology of common disorders of the male |

| | |Test 14 (available Thursday |reproductive system. |

| | |at 12:00pm till Sunday at | |

| | |12:00pm) | |

|Fifteen | |Procedure Report due. | |

| | |Disease/Synd-rome Report | |

| | |due. | |

|Fifteen |The Female Reproductive |PowerPoint |Apply the languages of gynecology and obstetrics to the structures and |

| |System – Chapter 15 | |functions of the female reproductive system. |

| | |Connect- Learning | |

| | | |Comprehend, analyze, spell, and write the medical terms of gynecology and |

| | |Reading |obstetrics as they relate to the female reproductive system. |

| | | | |

| | |No Discussion |Recognize and pronounce the medical terms of gynecology and obstetrics as |

| | | |they relate to the female reproductive system. |

| | |Test 15 | |

| | | |Use correct medical terminology to describe common disorders of the female |

| | | |reproductive system. |

| | | | |

| | | |Specify the correct medical terminology for the stages of embryonic |

| | | |development, the implantation of the embryo in the uterus, and fetal |

| | | |development. |

| | | | |

| | | |Recognize and use appropriately the medical terminology for the functions of|

| | | |the placenta and for childbirth. |

| | | | |

| | | |Discuss some of the most common problems of fetal development and childbirth|

| | | |using correct medical terminology. |

| | | | |

| | | |Apply correct medical terminology to the structure and functions of the |

| | | |breast and its common disorders. |


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