Basic Commands - Acadia U

A Basic Guide to Building in the MOO:

You are able to create and modify your own digital spaces within Golgonooza. You can create different rooms, which may be connected with other rooms, and you can populate these creations with objects and multi-media for visitors to interact with.

Building Rooms

You can build a room in two ways. You can type @dig in the text area of the MOO window, followed by the room name (i.e. @dig my room to create a room called “my room”). The room will be created and the room number will be displayed on the text-only window of the MOO. Then, type @go #room number (i.e. @go #534) to go to the room.  The room will not be attached to any other rooms at first, but you can edit it in isolation.

Another way to build is to select the “objects” button from the menu bar at the top of the screen, and in the pop-up window that appears (the Object Editor) “create new object”. Select “Room” from the list of object types that you can create (i.e. Rooms, Basic Objects, Educational Objects). Choose “Generic Room”, and then enter a name for your room. The generic room can be customized in various ways via the “edit object” feature to showcase and express your material.

You can add short videos to your room via YouTube () Sign up for a free account and upload videos that you have created. Then copy the “embed” code and paste it in the visual URL text box section of the multi-media content option while editing the properties of your room.

You may also choose to make “Generic Classroom”, which holds some unique features. You may create your own desks, tables, shelves, bulletin boards, etc., using the @addfurniture command. Let's suppose you wished to add a Lab Table to the room. After typing @addfurniture Lab Table you would be asked to describe the table, and indicate whether it is 'sittable' or not. While most furniture is 'sittable', some things like walls and bulletin boards are clearly not. Students can sit Lab Table, put on Lab Table, get off Lab Table, or look Lab Table. Objects on the Lab Table will only be seen by persons sitting there or persons who look at the table. Walls, shelves, and bulletin boards are obvious places to 'put' things like calendars, lab equipment, or notes. To remove furniture, type @rmfurniture . Note that each room has a built in blackboard and a clock.  Just look blackboard or look clock. You can write on the blackboard by typing writeb hello class!. For more info, and special classroom commands:

Finally, you can make a “Generic Web Page Room”. Whereas other MOO objects are marked up in HTML by the MOO, the webpage affords you the freedom to design your room any way you want – if you know how to write HTML code, you can include it in the description of this room, or design a web page in Microsoft FrontPage or Dreamweaver and copy and paste the your design’s code into the room description. For more info:

For all rooms, you may set a description to inform users about the room and its purposes or potential. This can be done through the “Edit” link that appears in the upper right-hand corner when you are in a room that you own. From the dropdown menu, select “Edit Description”. Look through the other edit options—you can customise your room in a number of different ways…

Connecting Rooms

When you have created a room, you can create and connect other rooms by typing @dig to ,where is north, south, east or west and is the name of your new room. (Example: @dig north to Broom Closet) Alternatively, you can use the “Objects” button to create a new room and indicate to which room of yours you would like it connected. Exits and entrances will be automatically created between the two rooms.

Creating Objects

Once you’ve created a room, you are able to modify it. One way to do this is to populate it with objects. While this is an interesting feature of the MOO, don’t just create objects for the sake of creating them. Make sure that they are necessary for the environment you’re trying to construct and the argument that you’re trying to make. Select the “objects” button from the menu bar, and then “create new object”. If you select “Basic Object”, you are presented with three options:

Generic Thing: These objects can be placed in and moved among rooms. They can also be picked up, or given to other characters. You must name your object first. Once an object is created, it is available in your inventory (visible through the “My Objects” tab under the “Objects” window). You can put the object in your room by typing drop name.

Generic Container: Containers are objects that allow you to store other objects inside them. Once you name and create your container, it shows up under your inventory. Drop containers into your room in the same way as objects. Containers may be open or closed: Type open container or close container to alter this.

To put an object in a container, make sure the container is open and type put objectname in containername. To take an object out of a container, open the container and type remove objectname from containername.

Generic Note: Notes are objects that can have text written on them to be read later. They are useful for leaving messages to people, or for documenting your creations. Notes must also be named and dropped into your room before they become visible. To add text to a note, select the note from your inventory (visible through the “My Objects” tab under the “Objects” window), and select from the drop-down menu “Edit Note Text”. To read the text on the note, type read note name.

You can also edit your object by clicking on the little blue “Edit” that appears in the upper right-hand corner when looking at an object you've created.

One extremely important feature of objects is that they can be locked. Don’t “lock” a room, or no-one will be able to enter it. However, locking other objects after they have been dropped in a room will prevent other MOO users from altering the objects or removing them from their current location. To lock your objects, create them, drop them in the appropriate location, then open your inventory and click on the green padlock icon beside the object name. The object will then be locked and the icon will turn red.

There are also a number of Educational Objects that you can use in your room:

Generic Recorder: This allows you to record and play back conversations in the MOO. These conversations will be saved and can be emailed for later review. You will be asked to name your recorder, and then you need to drop it in your room. You can start recording the conversations by typing start recorder name. You can stop the recorder by typing stop recorder name. For more info and commands:

Slide Projector: Think of this object as allowing you to create text-only powerpoint slides that are displayed in the in the text-side of the MOO window. You can create the Slide Projector and describe it from within the Object Editor, but you cannot prepare the slides here.  You must prepare these bits of text through the note editor in the text side of the MOO. To create new slide, first erase any old slides by typing @set .s1 to {}      

This command will set the contents of slide 1 to nothing, essentially erasing it.  The slide projector comes with tutorial and explanation information preprogrammed, so it is necessary to erase these slides.

Next, create your new slide (Follow the sequence and text commands exactly as outlined below—to stop entering text for the note, type a period by itself on a line and hit return).

                        Type:    @notedit .s1


                                                < text >

                                                < text >




You can create up to ten slides, and each slide can display up to 22 lines of text. It is recommended that you prepare the text for your slides first, and then copy and paste it into the MOO as you create the slides.

To show your slides, type show on . This command will display the slide to everyone in the room. To review a slide without showing it to the whole room, type review on . More Slide Projector info:

Generic Bot: A Bot is a robot character that you can place in your room to interact with users. It has some ability to recognize where it is and to whom it is talking. To start up the bot, create and name it, drop it, activate it by typing activate botname, and say 'hi'. The bot has key words, sentence patterns, random responses, and question responses that are all user programmable.

You can see what words the bot is automatically programmed to respond to by typing seewords . To teach your bot a new word, type addword . For example, to teach your bot to respond to 'donut' with either 'I like donuts too.' or 'Donuts are very tasty!' just type:

addword botname


I like donuts.

Donuts are tasty.


Enter the appropriate responses a line at a time.  End with a single period on a line by itself (then hit enter).

You can also teach your bot to respond to questions and phrase patterns, for example. For detailed instructions:

To quiet your bot, type hush botname.

Web Projector: Generic Web Projectors enable you to view and display web pages in the graphic side of the MOO while being able to converse in the text side. The Web Projector allows multiple-users to look at and discuss a web page at the same time or can simply offer links of interest that relate to the purpose of your room. You can you can create the Web Projector, describe it, and prepare the web pages you wish to have loaded into the projector for viewing in the Object Editor. Create and name your projector, then select from the drop down menu Edit Description to add text describing your web show, and Edit Web Slides to enter the addresses of the websites you wish to show.

Type view on to show the designated web page on your computer (and not to everyone in the room). Type display on to display the designated web page to anyone who is in the room. Type peek to get a list of all the web sites prepared within the Web Projector.  More commands:

Recitable Note: With a Generic Recitable Note, you can create notes that others can "read" or recite one line at a time, rather than all at once in one big chunk of text. In order to "recite" the note line by line you need to be "holding" the note (type get note name). You can create, name, and add the text to a recitable note through the Object Editor. More info and commands:

Lecture: A lecture is an object that can be written, then dropped into a room of your choice, picked up and read by anyone who visits your room. Create your lecture by selecting from the drop down edit menu “Edit Lecture Text”. To view your complete lecture at any time type read lecture name. No one else will see you read it. Be careful, though—anyone holding your lecture can edit it: in this way your lecture resembles a wiki space that everyone can add to or edit. As well—if someone picks up your lecture and takes it out of the room with them, it’s gone.

Note Board: Note boards allow people to post new or existing notes in one place. You can place notes onto the Note Board in two ways—either by creating a note directly, or by taking an already created note and posting it into the Note Board.  Existing notes must be held (get/take) in order to be successfully posted. Type look board name to see the contents of the board.  Each note will show as a separate item. Type read on board name to read a note on the board.  Notes can also be read by clicking on the Note on the right side of the page. Type post note-name on board name to post an existing note to the board. Type post new on board name to create a new note and post it on the board.  You will then be prompted for subject and body text. For more info and commands:

For more info and commands on building rooms and objects in general:


If you are creating rooms and receive an error message that your building limit has been exceeded, all you need to do is type: “@measure new” (without the quotation marks) in the text frame to overcome this limit. After doing this, you will be able to continue to add new rooms and objects…

Basic Commands

Each command is shown in bold. The part in italics is personal to you.

|Task |Command |Example |

|Note: For more help on any of these commands type help followed by the name of the command. e.g. help look |

|Build a new room |@dig room name |@dig my room |

| | |You will then see “new room (#555) |

| | |created” |

|Connect another new room to your current room |@dig direction to room name |@dig south to Broom Closet |

|Go to your room |go #____ |go #555 |

|Create something |@create |Will bring up @create menu. |

|Create an object |@create $thing named “name” |@create $thing named "flower" |

|Create a container |@create $container named “name” |@create $container named “box” |

|Create a note |@create $note named “name” |@create $note named “Welcome to my Room”|

|Create a letter (a kind of note that any player |@create $letter named “name” |@create $letter named “Welcome Bobbo” |

|can recycle) | | |

|Burn a letter (destroy it) |burn name |burn Welcome Bobbo |

|Put object in room |drop thing name |drop flower |

|Pick up object from room |take thing name |take flower |

| | |You are now "carrying" the object. |

|Give object to person in the room |give thing name to playername |give flower to sally |

|Recycle (i.e. permanently destroy) an object you|@recycle object |@recycle flower |

|own | | |

|Put object inside an open container |put objectname in containername |put flower in box |

|Start recorder |start recorder name |start my recorder |

|Stop recorder |stop recorder name |stop my recorder |

|Show slide to room |show on |show 1 on Slide Projector |

|Review slide yourself, with out rest of room |review on |review 5 on Slide Projector |

|seeing it | | |

|Turn on a Bot |activate botname |activate Robo |

|Turn off Bot |hush botname |hush Robo |

|Privately view web projector slides |view on |view 2 on Web Show |

|Show room web projector slides |display on |display 5 on Web Show |

|Show room lecture automatically |deliver lecture name |deliver Poetry |

|View entire lecture privately |read lecture name |read Poetry |

|view the contents of a note board |look board name |look Cork Board |

|read a note on the board |read on board name |read 2 on cork board |

|post an existing note to the board |post note-name on board name  |post welcome bobbo on cork board |

|Post a new note on the board |post new on board name |post new on cork board |

|Determine how many more objects you can build |@quota |@quota |

|Determine how many objects you already own |@count |@count |

|List all of your objects |@audit |@audit |


When you wish to connect your room to the rest of the MOO, you need to contact a wizard via email and provide the room number.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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