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FORM 335

Course Form 335 must be updated at least every five years to qualify for state reimbursement.

1. Digital Description [§335.2]:

Credit hours: 3

Lecture hours: 3

Lab hours: 1.5

2. Catalog Description [§335.2]:

Covers creating basic web pages using the JSP Programming Language and the MySQL Database package. The Apache and IIS Web Server and Tomcat JSP Server will also be used in this course. Topics include Basic HTML Tags, Client/Server Application Model, Basic Database Administration using MySQL, basic programming and programming constructs using JSP, file processing with JSP, basic database processing with JSP and MySQL, creating web pages that use JSP and MySQL. This course may be offered on a Windows or Linux platform.

Minimum Grade Required

3. Prerequisites: CIS 110 with a “C” or higher or permission of the Instructor



4. Learning Outcomes [§335.2]

[These outcomes are necessary to enable students to attain the essential

knowledge and skills embodied in the program’s educational objectives.]

Upon successful completion of the course the student will be able to:

• Install Java and the Tomcat Server on a Windows or Linux platform

• Demonstration an understanding of the JSP environment

• Configure an Apache or IIS Web Server

• Use basic HTML tags

• Edit text files with a platform specific editor

• Create basic web pages that use JSP and MySQL

• Describe programming constructs using JSP and MySQL

• Perform simple database administration with the MySQL database package

• Use simple SQL commands

• Perform basic data normalization on a database

• Perform simple Apache configuration

• Create databases in MySQL

• Connect to and use a MySQL database from JSP

5. Planned Sequence of Learning Activities [§335.2]

[These must be designed to help students achieve the learning outcomes.]

▪ Tomcat Quick Start – Week1

• Introduction to Tomcat

• Installing Tomcat

• The Tomcat directory structure

• Starting Tomcat

• Web Application Basics

▪ Configuration Basics

• Production Distribution

• Tomcat Directories

• Tomcat Configuration Files

• Reorganizing the Installation

▪ Administration Basics – Week2

• Running Tomcat

• Tomcat Resources

• Installing MySQL

• Creating the Database Connection Pool

• Running Tomcat

• Tomcat Resources

▪ Security Basics

• `The five layers of Security

• Tomcat Security Basics

• Running Tomcat Securely

• Tomcat Authentication Example

▪ Overview of J2EE Application Development – Week3

• What is J2EE and Web Applications

• Basic J2EE Concepts

• J2EE Application Development

• Basic Objects

▪ Web Application Development Principles

• Development Methodologies

• Web Application Development

• Development Issues

▪ MySQL Basics – Week4

• Relational Database Theory

• Database Normalization


• Basic Database Commands

▪ Web Application Design – Week5

• What Makes and Breaks Designs

• Tehe Would of Design Fashion

• Basic J2EE Design Principles

• Design Pattern + Implementation = Framework

▪ Setting up the Development Environment

• What Makes an Environment

• Building your Environment

• Test and Production Environments

▪ Developing with JSPs

• JSP Basics

• A JSP Calendar

• Using JSTL

• JSP as XML Documents

▪ Developing with Servlets – Week6

• Servlet Basics

• A Simple Servlet

• The First Controller Servlet

• Emailing from a Servlet

• One Servlet or Many

▪ Web Application Basics – Week7

• The Web Application and the J2EE Application

• How to Configure a Web Application

• Configuration Best Practices

• Understanding web.xml

• Packaging your Application

▪ Developing Secure Applications – Week8

• Defining Web Application Security

• Programmatic Security

• Sessions

• Writing a Session Listener

• Application Security Holes

• Writing Security Applications

▪ Advanced Application Development – Week9

• Dynamic Output with XSLT

• XSLT Essentials

• XSLT Technologies

• Using an XSLT Filter

• Using the XML Taglib for XSLT

• Using a Controller Servlet for XSLT

• Logging

• Using Transactions

▪ Enterprise Tomcat – Week10

• What is the Enterprise

• What is Open Source Software

• The OSS Enterprise

• Rules for Starting and OSS Enterprise

• Tomcat in an OSS Based Enterprise

• Tomcat and OSS J2EE

▪ Tomcat Architecture – Week11

• The Tomcat Source Code

• Overall Architecture

• Tomcat Class Loading

• JMX Managed Beans and Tomcat

▪ Tomcat Configuration – Week12

• Configuration Basics

• Configuration of Tomcat Container Elements

• Configuration of Tomcat Connector Elements

• Configuration of Tomcat Nested Components

• Configuration of Tomcat Configuration Parameters

▪ Administering Tomcat – Week13

• Installing Tomcat

• Upgrading Tomcat

• Running Tomcat

• Application Development

• Running Multiple Tomcat Instances

▪ Tomcat Administration Tools

• Introducing the Manager Application

• Using Manager via URL Commands

• Using the HTML Version of Manager

• Using Manager with ANT

• Using Manager Effectively

• Introducing the Admin Application

• JMX and Tomcat

▪ Advanced Administration – Week14

• Session Persistence WebDAV

• JSP Considerations

• Clustering

▪ Tomcat – Web Server Integration – Week15

• Integrating Tomcat and Apache with mod_jk

• Using mod_jk with Multiple Tomcats

• Mod_jk performance Tuning

• Integrating Tomcat 2 with mod_jk2 and Socket Channel

• Using mod_jk with Virtual Hosts

• Load Balancing with mod_jk2

• Integrating Apache and Tomcat with Mod_proxy

6. List of Texts, References, Selected Library Resources or other Learning Materials (code each item based on instructional use: C-lecture/lab, A-lecture, B-lab, I-internet, and V-videocourse) [§335.2] [These resources must be easily accessible to students.]

Tomcat 5 Unleashed ISBN: 0-672-32636-1

Publisher: SAMS

7. Prepared by Faculty Member: Eric Yoxheimer Date: 11/30/2005

8. Approved by Dean: Fran M. Verotsky/Linda Lefevre Date: 11/30/2005

This course meets all reimbursement requirements of Chapter 335, subchapters A / B.

This course was developed, approved, and offered in accordance with the policies, standards, guidelines, and practices established by the College. It is consistent with the college mission.

If the course described here is a transfer course, it is comparable to similar courses generally accepted for transfer to accredited four-year colleges and universities.

Whether transfer or career, this course is articulated with other courses so that it is an elective or a requirement of one of the college programs and it does not require students to have more than 30 credit hours of post secondary study prior to enrolling in the program.

9. VP, Academic Affairs and Enrollment Management:

Date: Ron Young 1/3/06

10. Original Date of course approval by the college:

11. Date(s) of subsequent reviews:



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