Kindergarten Math Skills Checklist

Kindergarten Math Skills Checklist

First Quarter:

*Counts by 1’s to 40

*Counts up to 22 objects

*Sequences numbers 1-10

*Reads numbers 1-10

*Recognizes shapes (square, circle, rectangle, triangle)

*Uses rules to sort objects 2 ways (ex: sort by size, then sort by color)

*Builds patterns

*Compares lengths

Second Quarter

*Counts by 1’s to 50

*Reads numbers 1-21

*Writes numbers 1-21

*Counts on (ex: start at 4 and count-start at 10 and count)

*Counts backwards from 15

*Recognizes more, less and equal sets

Third Quarter

*Counts by 1’s to 100

*Sequences numbers 0-22

*Reads numbers 0-100

*Writes numbers 0-100

*Counts by 10’s to 100

*Recognizes a reasonable estimate

*Solves addition stories

*Uses nonstandard tools for measurement

Fourth Quarter

*Counts by 1’s to 115

*Reads numbers to 115

*Counts by 5’s to 100

*Counts backwards from 21

*Solves addition and subtraction stories

*Generates equivalent names for numbers 2-5

*Identifies coins (penny, nickel, dime)

*Tells time to the hour


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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