Spanish Writing Rubric - Weebly

Spanish 2 Writing Rubric | |

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|Name: ________________________ |

|Teacher: |

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|Date : ___________________ |

|Title of Work: ___________________ |

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|Criteria |

|Points |

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|1 |

|2 |

|3 |

|4 |

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|Organization |

|Lack of intro and conclusion. Details in a confusing order. Lack of transition words and phrases. |

|Intro and conclusion are present. Some details are out of order. Some use of transition words and phrases. |

|Well organized. Good intro and conclusion. Fairly consistent use of transition words and phrases. |

|Very well organized. Excellent intro and conclusion. Consistent use of transition words and phrases. |

|____ |

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|Content |

|Writer fails to address the prompt or focuses on one aspect of the prompt. Does not meet sentence requirement. |

|Writer addresses some aspects of the prompt. |

|Writer addresses most aspects of the prompt. |

|Writer addresses all aspects of the prompt, expanding |

|and including additional information. |

|____ |

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|Vocabulary |

|Writer uses basic words and may use English occasionally. |

|Writer uses limited vocabulary that lacks variety and is not consistent with Spanish 2. |

|Writer uses vocabulary consistent with Spanish 2. The words may be used inappropriately or out of place. |

|Writer uses strong, descriptive vocabulary that is consistent with or exceeds Spanish 2 expectations and makes the text clear and |

|interesting. |

|____ |

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|Grammar |

|Poor command of grammar. Writer makes frequent errors that make the text difficult to comprehend. Writer uses English. |

|Fair command of grammar. Writer has many errors that distract the reader from understanding the content. |

|Good command of grammar. Writer uses grammar consistent with Spanish 2. Makes a few errors that do not distract the reader from |

|understanding the text. |

|Excellent command of grammar. May have a couple of errors. (noun/adjective agreement, verb tenses and conjugations) |

|____ |

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|Conventions |

|Poor command of conventions. May have severe errors that make the text difficult to comprehend. |

|Fair command of conventions. May have frequent errors that distract the reader from understanding the text. |

|Good command of conventions. May have some errors, but the errors do not distract the reader from understanding the text. |

|Excellent command of conventions. (Spelling, sentence structure, punctuation, capitalization) |

|____ |

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|Total----> |

|____ |

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|Teacher Comments: X 3= /60 |

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