GRADE 10-12


This course is designed to strengthen skills and ideals learned in Art Perspectives and Art Explorations. Students will practice problem-solving and creative-thinking skills, while developing technical mastery. Students will investigate the art styles of an emerging Modern Europe beginning with the Renaissance. We will focus on some of its contributions, while generating their own artwork in drawings, painting, and printmaking.

Students will focus on learning the art of printmaking, using the flatbed press to duplicate your image or photograph. Traditional oil painting methods will be taught along with non-traditional ways of applying mixed mediums, that is, combining colored pencils, India ink, watercolor, and charcoal with printmaking to create layered images with more depth. Project ideas and concepts are based on individual student interests. Encaustic (hot wax) painting, silk painting and jewelry/wearable art are alternative projects.


Class Periods: Six (6) per six (6) day cycle

Length of Class Periods (minutes): 54

Length of Course: One (1) Semester

Unit of Credit: .5

(New format - 1-2012Updated June 2014

|COURSE: Advanced Mix Media |GRADE(S): 10-12 |

|STRAND: 9.1.12, 9.2.12, 9.3.12, 9.4.12 |TIME FRAME: One Semester |


| |

|9.1.12.A.B.C.D. E. F. G. H. - Production, Performance and Exhibition of Visual Arts |

|9.2.12.A.B.C.D.E.F.G.H. - Historical and Cultural Contexts |

|9.3.12.A.B.D. - Critical Response |

|9.4.12.A.B.C.D. - Aesthetic Response |


|Journal assignment #1- make 10 sections within the rectangle and vary lines to create converging & contouring, to simulate a |

|typography map |

|Oral Critiquing of famous art work, write a paragraph from one of these |

|Charcoal drawing –use sharp contrast to shade images. Objects represent high degree of realism and breaks the format. |

|Written tests on history of art & artists |

| |


| |

|Teacher/Museum generated Powerpoints |

|Handouts |

|Museum generated videos |

|A History of Western Art by Laurie Schneider Adams |

|Technical drawing books |

|The Art of Ora Lerman by |

|Hidden Symbols in Art – The 19th & 20th centuries by Sarah Carr-Gomm |

|Caravaggio by Scala |

|Charcoal, conte charcoal papers |

|Videos on the subject |

|Videos on Design Elements and Principles |

|Drawing Video-Ted Rose-Part I |


| |

|The learner will review the Age of Humanism, the central theme of the Renaissance Period of Art through readings and activities. |

| |

| |


| |

|List and know the key influences that lead to the Renaissance during the fifteenth century |

|Discovery of Perspective |

|Describe how Art became a symbol of status and power. |

|Outline the architectural elements developed by Brunelleschi. Describe the foundation of European painting as the birth of |

|geometric or linear perspective, linking Art & Mathematics by Brunelleschi. |

|Describe the use of “chiaroscuro” by Massaccio,. Apply the technique in a figurative drawing |

|Name Johannes Gutenburg as the inventor of the printing press |

|Draw sketchbook assign #1-LINE Series |

|Draw sketchbook assign. #2: Create a value scale. Draw hands & feet in gesture and contour style. |

|Studio: Draw architectural elements and/or objects in a composition using charcoal & conte in the style of Ora Lerman. |


| |

|Start a journal to record art history notes, sketches of examples and new ideas |

|Sketchbook assign #1: draw parallel lines to create the illusion of depth by varying their width, light to dark character, and |

|direction with a rectangle. Have students describe the visual effects as perspective terms. Complete the line drawing series-Shape,|

|overlapping, scale diminution. Read Design Basics pages 32 – 35, Unity; 46-49, Gray Value;114-127 Line; 136-137 Shape; 178-179 |

|Overlapping; 218-219 Gray Scale. |

|Skim Chapter 16, A History of Western Art Outline the causes of the new Renaissance as: interest in individual fame; wealthy |

|patrons competed for political and financial power. Name The Medici bankers as the most famous of patrons |

|Powerpoint of the Florence Cathedral by Brunelleschi. Discuss the construction of |

|the dome |

|system of geometric perspective-lines of vision |

|Show and discuss “The Holy Trinity” by Masaccio: uses a single vanishing point, architectural elements invented by Brunelleschi, |

|how he included the donor in the painting |

|Masaccio first used chiaroscuro to model forms rather than outlines, as seen in Brancacci Chapel |

|Sketchbook assign. #2: Value scale. Then make several drawings of your hands & feet. Apply shading techniques of cross-hatch, |

|parallel lines, and stippling, smudging. |

|Show examples by Sandro Botticelli. Relate that real oil painting began in Italy around 1500, around 1400 in Northern Europe |

|Domain Project #1: Create a charcoal drawing on colored charcoal paper using chiaroscuro. Save picture for later. |

|Record in notebook the various drawing approaches used to render an object: |

|Sketch - gesture |

|Line drawing - sighting organizational line |

|Rendering - precision mechanical, geometric, |

|atmospheric perspective |


| |

|Journal assignment #1- make 10 sections within the rectangle and vary lines to create converging & contouring, to simulate a |

|typography map |

|Oral Critiquing of famous art work, write a paragraph from one of these |

|Charcoal drawing –use sharp contrast to shade images. Objects represent high degree of realism and breaks the format. |

|Written tests on history of art & artists |


| |

|Correctives: |

|Offer guidelines and study sheets ahead of time. Repeat process for practice. Collect more visual examples from this period |

| |

|Extensions: |

|Define allegory -- describe how it exists in a painting and create your own allegorical figure in pencil and colored pencil |

|COURSE: Advanced Mix Media |GRADE(S): 10-12 |

|STRAND: 9.1.12, 9.2.12, 9.3.12, 9.4.12 |TIME FRAME: One Semester |


| |

|9.1.12.A.B.C.D. E. F. G. H. - Production, Performance and Exhibition of Visual Arts |

|9.2.12.A.B.C.D.E.F.G.H. - Historical and Cultural Contexts |

|9.3.12.A.B.D. - Critical Response |

|9.4.12.A.B.C.D. - Aesthetic Response |


|Written test on history of art & artists |

|Group critiques |

|Rubric on craftsmanship and aesthetic success of each project |

|Rubric assessment on sketchbook assignments. |


| |

|Scholastic art magazines |

|Art in Focus by Mittler |

|A History of Western Art by Laurie Schneider Adams |

|Art History reference books |

|Design Basics by Lauer & Pentak |

|Frames of Reference Art, History, and the World by Janet Marquardt & Stephen Eskilson |

|Drawing from Observation by Brian Curtis |

|A Guide to Drawing,sixth edition by Mendelowitz, Wakeham, and Faber |


| |

|The learner will identify the contributions of the High Renaissance, its artists, and the global effect upon modernity. |


| |

|Identify the most famous artists of the High Renaissance and describe their contributions |

|Read Design Basics for technical knowledge supporting each activity. Directly apply the following: |

|Proportion & scale of the figure |

|Balance by value & color |

|Positive/Negative shapes |

|Chiaroscuro & shading |

|Domain Project #2: Draw a large scale figure/ portrait on brown craft paper. |

|Domain Project #3:Draw and paint drapery in a complimentary color system. |

|Practice old masters techniques of drawing using accent line and vignette |

|Sketchbook assign. #3: Draw several portraits & self-portraits |


| |

|Read Art in Focus p. 367-375 the High Renaissance. Study Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael, and list their contributions. |

|Compare their works from paintings to sculpture, including architecture. |

|Read A History of Western Art p. 279-304 by groups taking it in sections. Highlight the following: The Last Supper, Mona Lisa, |

|The Sistine Chapel, Scientific Illustration, the pyramid in compositional paintings, allegories and the inclusion of landscapes, |

|The School of Athens. |

|Explain how the circle was important because of its link to God, the heavens, and nature. It came from both the Greek influence and|

|Vetruvious’s books on architecture.Show examples of da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man, circular buildings and the many domes. |

|Sketchbook assign. #3: Draw several portraits & self-portraits in the style of the old masters. |

|Domain Project #2: Demonstrate the use of soft pastels and Neocolor II water-soluble crayons. Draw a portrait & consider the |

|negative space of the background. Use large sheets of brown craft paper. |

|Read Design Basics text pages: 60 – 61 Intro to proportion; 68-69 Scale; 76-77 Balance; 86-87 Balance by Value & color 152-155 |

|Pos/Negative; 224-227 Chiaroscuro and Shading; 250-263 Color. |

|Demonstrate the use of colored pencils and how to layer them, working light to dark in fine strokes. 9 x 12. (See Drawing from|

|Observation) |

|Sketchbook assign. #4: Select an object to render in da Vinci’s grid. Morph the object by geometrically adding and eliminating |

|parts. |

|Trace the final form of the object and add colored pencil. (Ex. Draw the bicycle and vignette the bike-use trammel to draw |

|ellipses) |

|Domain Project #3: Draw a striped fabric wrapped on a chair. Paint with tempera or acrylic paints using a complimentary color |

|scheme. |


| |

|Written test on history of art & artists |

|Group critiques |

|Rubric on craftsmanship and aesthetic success of each project |

|Rubric assessment on sketchbook assignments. |


| |

|Corrections: Provide a study packet with pictures of one artist. Draw and color a copy of one painting like the apprentices did. |

| |

|Extensions: Research additional biographies on any one of the High Renaissance artists. Create a work of art that departs from |

|their style and incorporates your own modern translation. |

|COURSE: Advanced Mix Media |GRADE(S): 10-12 |

|STRAND: 9.1.12, 9.2.12, 9.3.12, 9.4.12 |TIME FRAME: One Semester |


| |

|9.1.12.A.B.C.D. E. F. G. H. - Production, Performance and Exhibition of Visual Arts |

|9.2.12.A.B.C.D.E.F.G.H. - Historical and Cultural Contexts |

|9.3.12.A.B.D. - Critical Response |

|9.4.12.A.B.C.D. - Aesthetic Response |


|Drawing standards rubric |

|Rubric for egg tempera painting, application of gesso to quality of painting style, craftsmanship and neatness. |

|Written test on artists and the Northern Renaissance period. |

|Mid-Term Examination |


| |

|Actual demonstrations of painting techniques |

|Art in Focus textbook by Mittler |

|A History of Western Art by Laurie Schneider Adams |

|Renaissance Painting, The golden age of European painting by Barrons |

|Design Basics by Lauer & Pentak |

|Art School, A Complete Painters Course by Monahan, Seligman, & Clouse |

|Light and Shade, A Barrons Handbook |

|Materials for painting: oil paints, gouache, eggs, oils and varnishes, stiff brushes, and masonite panels |

| |


| |

|The learner will demonstrate basic knowledge of descriptive geometry and design elements and principles through the study of |

|Renaissance painting in Northern Europe. |


| |

|Discover the origins of oil painting and the achievements of Jan van Eyck. |

|Study the Merode Alterpiece by Robert Campin. |

|Create two word webs using the features students identify in Renaissance and International style painting. |

|Identify painting mediums: |

|Tempera |

|Gesso |

|Goauche |

|Binders |

|Pigments |

|Varnishes |

|Read Design Basics Textbook-Intro to Rhythm, Texture, and Pattern and apply techniques |

|Study the modern styles of mixing your own paints used by Ora Lerman. |

|Domain Project #4: create an egg tempera painting on wood panel. |

| |

|Study the most famous works by Rogier van der Weyden |

| |

|Identify innovations introduced by Hugo van der Goes. |

| |

|Sketchbook assign. #5: Draw the sky with different cloud formations |


| |

|Read Chapter 17in Art in Focus Fifteenth Century Art in Northern Europe |

|Describe what we know about Robert Campin as one of the first artists to use the new oil paints; created the Merode Alterpiece; one|

|of the first to break away from the International style, and was known as the Master of Flamalle. |

|List on the chalkboard that Italian artists studied classical art of ancient Greece and Rome, while Northern Europeans were |

|interested in the International style. |

|Name two characteristics of the International style used widely by northern European artists as precise details and items of |

|symbolic meaning. |

|Describe Jan van Eyck as the most prominent painter of the early fifteenth century in Flanders. List his accomplishments as: |

|one of the first self-portraits of the Renaissance |

|The Ghent Alterpiece, demonstrate how this 21-panel polyptych opens |

|Arnolfini Wedding Portrait –allegories |

|Identify the works by Rogier van der Weyden used the high degree of realism, but also emphasized the emotional impact of his |

|subject matter. Describe a triptych as a painting on three hinged panels. |

|Hugo van der Goes altered nature and the proportions of people or objects when those changes added to the emotional impact of the |

|picture. Show the importance of textiles and clothing of the time as indicators of wealth and trade. |

|Sketchbook assign. #5: Go outside and make a contour drawing of the sky with cloud formations. Shade with parallel lines. Make |

|several studies of different types of clouds. |

|Assign reading in Design Basics pages 100-101; 158, 168-169. |

|Domain Project#4: Demonstrate the various painting mediums and surfaces used. Display examples of oil painting, tempera painting, |

|etc.Transfer the same composition made earlier in charcoal to create an egg-oil tempera on masonite panel 5” x 8” in the style of |

|Ora Lerman |


| |

|Drawing standards rubric |

|Rubric for egg tempera painting, application of gesso to quality of painting style, craftsmanship and neatness. |

|Written test on artists and the Northern Renaissance period. |

|Mid-Term Examination |


| |

|Correctives: Assign a study partner. Create an outline using pictures of the artworks. |

|Extensions: Design a piece of textile and construct it. Further investigate any one of the above artists and showing more obscure |

|examples of their artworks. |

| |GRADE(S): 10-12 |

|COURSE: Advanced Mix Media | |

|STRAND: 9.1.12, 9.2.12, 9.3.12, 9.4.12 |TIME FRAME: One Semester |


| |

|9.1.12.A.B.C.D. E. F. G. H. - Production, Performance and Exhibition of Visual Arts |

|9.2.12.A.B.C.D.E.F.G.H. - Historical and Cultural Contexts |

|9.3.12.A.B.D. - Critical Response |

|9.4.12.A.B.C.D. - Aesthetic Response |


|Oral discussion and critiques |

|Written tests on art works and artists |

|Project rubrics |

|Journal and sketchbook entries |


| |

|Art in Focus text by Mittler |

|A History of Western Art by Laurie Schneider Adams |

|Design Basics by Lauer & Pentak |


| |

|The learner will discover how Art of the Sixteenth Century deviates from the Renaissance and explores Mannerism. |


| |

|Study the characteristics of The Art of Venice |

|Research the causes that contributed to the development of the style of Mannerism. |

|Compare the works by Mannerist artists: |

|Marnigianino |

|Tintoretto |

|El Greco |

|Palladio-Architect |

|Explain how the spread of the Renaissance ideals were finally adopted by Northern European artists |

|Matthias Grunewald |

|Albrecht Durer |

|Hieronymus Bosch |

|Pieter Bruegel |

|Hans Holbein |

| |

|Domain Project #5: Assign printmaking project to create a black field print on plexiglass |

|Sketchbook assign. #6: Draw one object repeatedly, gradually getting larger and turning in space. |


| |

|Read Chapter 18 in Art in Focus-The Art of Venice. Describe the Byzantine influence and how it differs from the art of Rome and |

|Florence. Investigate the styles by: Giorgione de Castelfranco and Titian. |

|State that Titian’s style was a painterly technique, which involves creating forms with patches of color rather than with hard, |

|precise edges. |

|Explain that: Mannerism is considered a deliberate revolt by artists against the goals of the Renaissance. Discuss the attitude of|

|the church and the Protestant Reformation and cultural disorder. |

|Describe each of the artist’s works and what they have in common: figures that are slender, elegant, and graceful, impossible |

|poses, and unreal proportions that slanted toward less natural and more supernatural. |

|Critque that painting The Burial of Count Orgaz by El Greco and compare to some of his later works. |

|Read pages 312-315 in A History of Western Art. Focus on the style of architecture designed by Palladio and his interest in the |

|Pythagorean philosophy. |

|State that this time period had a preoccupation of death. Pieter Bruegel was influenced by Bosch long after Bosch’s death. |

|Define a parable as a story that contains a symbolic message. |

|Investigate other works by Albrecht Durer as many were paintings and many were etchings and woodcuts. Read pages 323-325 in A |

|History of Western Art to understand the printmaking process by Durer. |

|Read Design Basics pages 86-89 on balance and texture & value. |

|Sketchbook assign. #6: using pencil, draw one object. Create the illusion of movement by drawing it several more times, getting |

|larger and turning and overlapping the previously drawn image. Apply shading. |

|Demonstrate types of printmaking. Introduce black etcher’s ink, brayer, baron, plate, plate oil, spatula, couching, watercolor and |

|printers paper, along with the use of the printer’s press. |

|Domain Project #5: Design a composition and print in black ink. Produce a monotype print and a ghost print. Color in the ghost |

|print with conte and charcoal |


| |

|Oral discussion and critiques |

|Written tests on art works and artists |

|Project rubrics |

|Journal and sketchbook entries |


| |

|Correctives: Design a map and paste pictures of several artists works near the country that they worked in. |

| |

|Extensions: Create a timeline or outline that shapes the progression of the Renaissance. Copy an old master’s work and make several|

|changes to incorporate your own ideals. Design a symbol of your own invention. Add color. |

|COURSE: Advanced Mix Media |GRADE(S): 10-12 |

|STRAND: 9.1.12, 9.2.12, 9.3.12, 9.4.12 |TIME FRAME: One Semester |


| |

|9.1.12.A.B.C.D. E. F. G. H. - Production, Performance and Exhibition of Visual Arts |

|9.2.12.A.B.C.D.E.F.G.H. - Historical and Cultural Contexts |

|9.3.12.A.B.D. - Critical Response |

|9.4.12.A.B.C.D. - Aesthetic Response |


|Oral discussion |

|Construct a polyhedra and assess neatness and originality carved out of plaster. Combine other natural objects |

|Written tests and quizzes on art history |

|Written quizzes on materials and art techniques |


| |

|Use slides of various architectural works as David (by Michalangelo), Rodin, Moore, Versailles, churches of Rome, etc. |

|Art in Focus by Mittler |

|A History of Western Art by Laurie Schneider Adams |

|Models to be used to compare size and scale |

|Any cardboard, ,foam core board, or plaster of paris, building materials to construct their assigned project. |

|Design Basics by Lauer & Pentak |


| |

|The learner will generate a three-dimensional design through the study of volumetric form as it is used in sculpture and |

|architecture. Study of the Baroque Art Period will be included. |


| |

|Generate a 3-D design through study of volumetric form as it is used in sculpture and architecture. |

|Understand, visually analyze, interpret, and define volume as it pertains to weight and mass and balance. |

|Investigate structural concepts and techniques and apply to various art sculptures and architectural works. |

|Understand and construct polyhedra and prism. |

|Describe what is meant by the Counter-reformation |

|Define the characteristics of Baroque art, how it started and the effect it had on the Church and Rome. |

|Discover the art of the Dutch Genre Painters: |

|Frans Hals |

|Rembrandt van Rijn |

|Jan Steen |

|Jan Vermeer |

|Judith Leyster |

|Michael Sweerts |

|Identify the most common subjects of Spanish paintings during the seventeenth century. |

|Sketchbook assign. #7: Draw multiple figures on the same page, create the same illusion of spatial depth as Velazquez |


| |

|Use clear acrylic forms and fill with colored water to compare size and shape volume and form. |

|Use a scale to weigh various materials like marble, clay, equal volume of pennies and nickels. |

|Display images of various works and discuss 1) Henry Moore, 2) plaster casts of the human body as they were used for figure drawing|

|purposes |

|Define polyhedra as a multi-sided form; examine designs in packaging, etc. |

|Assign a 3-D project and construct it to 1/2 scale. Work in pairs as civil engineers for a bridge or architecture may work alone |

|for artistic expression. |

|Read chapter 19 in Art in Focus pages 420 –428. Define Baroque art as characterized by movement, vivid contrast, and emotional |

|intensity. |

|Explain how church facades were remodeled by Il Gesu, Borromini |

|Review the emphasis on mood and drama by Fra Andrea Pozzo and Bernini’s sculptures. |

|Critique the works by Caravaggio, the baldacchino by Bernini in St. Peter’s, Vatican |

|Discuss the first woman in the history of art to have a significant impact on the art of her time-Artemisia Gentileschi. |

|Research the paintings by Peter Paul Rubens. |

|Explore the illusion of space created in the paintings of Diego Velazquez. |

|Work in groups to investigate the artists above. Have a presentation and handout from each group. |

|Design Basics pages 144-145, Abstraction; 174-175, depth; 208-209 anticipated motion |

|Sketchbook assign. #7: Place food items on a tablecloth or tile floor and sketch, using a viewfinder for the best composition. |


| |

|Oral discussion |

|Construct a polyhedra and assess neatness and originality carved out of plaster. Combine other natural objects |

|Written tests and quizzes on art history |

|Written quizzes on materials and art techniques |


| |

|Correctives: Provide further examples -- assign peer tutoring. |

| |

|Extensions: Research the internet at various museum sites to collect images of other works by the above artists or artists of the |

|Baroque Art Period. |

|COURSE: Advanced Mix Media |GRADE(S): 10-12 |

|STRAND: 9.1.12, 9.2.12, 9.3.12, 9.4.12 |TIME FRAME: One Semester |


| |

|9.1.12.A.B.C.D. E. F. G. H. - Production, Performance and Exhibition of Visual Arts |

|9.2.12.A.B.C.D.E.F.G.H. - Historical and Cultural Contexts |

|9.3.12.A.B.D. - Critical Response |

|9.4.12.A.B.C.D. - Aesthetic Response |


|Written quiz |

|Group activities for learning the artists names and styles |

|Portfolio assessment |

|Written Final Exam |


| |

|Art in Focus by Mittler |

|A History of Western Art by Laurie Schneider Adams |

|Design Basics by Lauer & Pentak |

|Latino Art & Culture in the United States video & prints packet |


| |

|The learner will recognize the style of art known as the Rococo Period. |


| |

|Name the characteristics of the Rococo Period and the eighteenth century, known as the enlightenment |

|Trace the new directions in French painting initiated by Watteau and others. |

|Identify the kind of painting popular in England |

|Discuss the development of Francisco Goya’s style. |

|Domain Project #6: Create a 3-Dimensional Form |

| |

|** All projects may be altered to satisfy time restraints and materials availability. They should, however, still conform to the |

|written and textual information. |


| |

|Read Art in Focus pages 444 to 458 Rococo Art. |

|Explain how the Rococo period influenced the development of music, dance, and theatre. It represents elegance and gaiety. This |

|style first appeared in France and was responsible for elevating that country to a position of leadership in the art world for the |

|next three centuries. Review: |

|Palace of Versailles |

|Antoine Watteau |

|Jean-Honore Fragonard |

|Chardin |

|Map out the artists of England: |

|Sir Reynolds |

|Thomas Gainesborough |

|William Hogarth |

|Sir Christopher Wren |

|Map out the art of Spain by Goya. |

|Domain Project #6: Create a relief from found objects –study the art of Larry Fuentes Modern Spanish artist |


| |

|Written quiz |

|Group activities for learning the artists names and styles |

|Portfolio assessment |

|Written Final Exam |


| |

|Correctives: |

|Make a comparison chart for the art periods and copy pictures that embody their style. |

| |

|Extensions: |

|Research what it might be like to be a court appointed artist and list some of them. |

|Create extra paintings and drawings in the style of each period. Draw architectural plans for a new town meeting place, using |

|architectural elements from this time frame. |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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