AU Bathroom Renovations - Amazon S3

AU Bathroom Renovations

5 Easy Steps to Your Sensational Bathroom Renovation

Follow These 5 Easy Steps to Your

Sensational Bathroom Renovation so You

Don't Go Over Budget or Over Time

1. Research

2. Bathroom Renovation Plans

3. Pre-Construction

4. Construction

5. Project Completion

Step 1. Research

AU Bathroom Renovations

5 Easy Steps to Your Sensational Bathroom Renovation

Research ¨C design ideas, fittings, suppliers, services and contractors.

Take time to gather your information and research your dream bathroom, and

find out what you can afford!

There are so many great places to find inspiration for your bathroom

renovation. Start out online with sites like:




Do a general Google search for what you¡¯re after eg. funky bathrooms, fittings,

vanities, mixers. There are many inspiring home and bathroom renovation sites

for all types of remodeling projects.

Compare prices of fittings. If you love the luxury look of a particular sink mixer

but find it's above your budget, check out similar ones at a discount store. You

can often save hundreds of dollars by finding a mixer that looks almost identical

to the more expensive, brand name item.

AU Bathroom Renovations

5 Easy Steps to Your Sensational Bathroom Renovation

Set up your own Pinterest board of your favourite bathroom images and follow

other people who are interested in bathroom renovation designs.

AU Bathroom Renovations

5 Easy Steps to Your Sensational Bathroom Renovation

StoryBoard That is a free online story board creator that allows you to design

your own story board and add images and ideas as you grow your dream

bathroom plan.

Measure the space and try to imagine where different fittings will go and how

they will look. (Tip: some bathroom renovation companies have 3D planning

software so you can see how your bathroom will look based on your

measurements and desired fittings. Make sure you ask the renovator if they

have this because not all companies offer this service).

Step 2. Bathroom Renovation Plans

No matter how you do it, you must have a proper plan. There are 3 main ways

you can do this:

- use a professional bathroom renovator,

- go online and use planning software, or

- draw your plans by hand (less accurate).

a. Pay a Professional Bathroom Renovation Company

Paying a professional to draw up your plans can be more expensive.

But it can save you a lot (in money, time, stress, mistakes) in the long run by

getting it right first time ¨C missing just a few millimeters in your floor plans can

end up costing thousands. With an experienced team using 3D software, the

result will be accurate and you will know what you are getting at the outset.

Professional plans can also save you money by accurately calculating precise

amounts of required materials, eliminating waste.

AU Bathroom Renovations


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