PDF Steps in the SY1516 SLO Exemption and Target Submission area ...

Steps in the SY1516 SLO Exemption and Target Submission area for Teachers

1. Login to TSS a. Use either the TSS Access icon on a City Schools computer or go to and select Login. b. If you receive a federation challenge pop-up window, enter your network username and password. (If off-site, you may need to enter "bcpss\" before your network username.) c. Select the SLO icon in the Staff Training Apps module. d. Please take not of all items available to you in the menu. Select SY1516 SLO Exemption and Learning Target Submission in organization menu to begin submission process.

2. TSS Videos: Technical Support for Teachers a. Visible to all teachers enrolled in the ORG b. Users must select "Mark Reviewed" button to release the SLO Participation Confirmation activity

3. SLO Participation Confirmation a. Visible after the TSS Videos is marked reviewed b. All teachers enrolled in the ORG must complete this one-question form c. If answer is "yes" it releases the SY1516 SLO Target Submission assignment d. If answer is "no" it releases the SY1516 SLO Exemption Request assignment

4. A. SY1516 SLO Exemption Request a. Only visible to users who selected "no" on the SLO Participation Confirmation b. If approved then nothing else is visible in this area to the teacher c. If denied then the SY1516 SLO Target Submission assignment is released


4. B. SY1516 SLO Target Submission a. Visible to users who selected "Yes" on the SLO Participation Confirmation b. Visible to users who were denied an SLO Exemption Request


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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