Loudoun County Public Schools / Overview

Frankenstein Double Entry Journal Directions: For each chapter, you will create a double-entry notes sheet. You will divide your paper into two columns: In the left-hand column, copy a passage directly from the novel that relates to one of the following thematic topics: 1. Ignorance is Bliss/Danger of knowledge - a warning to avoid going too far with science. Some mysteries mankind was not meant to understand.2. Human Injustice Toward Outsiders (human and monster!)3. Treatment of Women - positive and negative4. Nature vs. the Unnatural - distrust of the newer technology and leaps in science.5. Dreams and Imagination6. Consequences/Guilt/Atonement7. Destiny versus Free Will8. Effect of Human MiseryIn the right-hand column, react to each passage, and explain how it develops the topic. Relate each topic into a possible theme for the novel. Ask yourself, “what is so significant about this passage/topic? So what? What message is Shelly sending about this topic?” The answer to these questions will help form your explanation. For each 6 chapters you must write TWO passages – 12 total entriesYou will be assigned to read the novel 6 chapters at a time. Reminders: Cite the quotes in MLA format (author’s last name and page number)Label each quote with the theme it relates toAvoid plot summary – instead comments should focus on your own analysis*These notes will help you as you complete your final writing, so please take the time to make them thorough and thoughtful. Chapter 1Text from novel (cite in MLA)Explanation/Development of ThemeTreatment of Women“They consulted their village priest, and the result was that Elizabeth Lavenza became the inmate of my parents' house--my more than sister--the beautiful and adored companion of all my occupations and my pleasures.” (Shelley, ?43)Victor’s family decides to adopt Elizabeth literally only because she is beautiful. It is also mentioned that she is charming as well, but this seems a subset of her beauty. Victor recognizes that Elizabeth’s beauty is the reason people love her, and it seems to be the reason he loves her as well. The fact that her value is based on her physical looks alone causes her to be viewed as an object, a “present” rather than a human being. The following are possible starter sentences for your response to quoted passages:I do not understand…I notice that…I now understand…I think the setting is important because…I think the relationship between ______________ and ____________ is interesting because…I really like this (idea, person, attitude, etc.) because…Something I noticed (appreciated, wondered, etc.) is…This quote explores the ideas of… ................

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