WHEELER ATHLETIC CODE - Coming Soon... www.jschmal.com

Ft. Elliott CISD Athletics

501 W Wilson

Briscoe TX

Julie Sewell

Head Women Basketball Coach


The primary purpose of this policy handbook is to acquaint players with rules, regulations, and policies of the Ft Elliott Cougars. This handbook is intended to encourage and open lines of communication between coaches and players. Players are responsible for familiarizing themselves with the contents of this handbook.

The coaching staff firmly believes that the players have a great desire to win championships, and that they are willing to work in order to accomplish this goal.

The handbook is reviewed and revised regularly in order to ensure its relevance. Comments about this document may be submitted to the Director of Athletics.

mission of the Athletics department

The student is of the prime importance to our school system. We believe that education is both a right and privilege and that the public school should create a climate of mutual cooperation and respect among school personnel, pupils, and the public which supports the school.

We believe that in a dynamic and changing world the curriculum must be designed to provide wholesome learning experiences which will develop in each boy and girl the ability to use effectively the basic tools and skills of learning, to explore and to know his individual interests and aptitudes, to make wise choices of vocation, and to continue his quest for knowledge.

We believe that the public school, in cooperation with homes, churches, and community, has the responsibility to reflect a democratic society, give guidance and provide opportunities for all boys and girls to develop good character and responsible citizenship.

We believe that the school should provide environment for maximum intellectual, social, physical, aesthetic, and personal growth of the pupils so that they may develop understanding and wisdom, good work and study habits, desirable attitudes toward self and others, maturity in self-confidence, self-direction, and self-determination. In addition, we believe that each student should grow in his ability to solve problems and to think creatively and critically.

Philosophy Of athletics

It is the desire of the Administration and Coaching Staff of the Ft Elliott Independent School District that being a Ft Elliott ISD Athlete is a PRIVILEGE. One that, along with being a great honor, carries with it many responsibilities. The following criteria are expected of athletes:

1. Our athletes will be intense competitors on the field or court, but off the competitive area they are to conduct themselves as gentlemen or ladies at all times and always show respect for teachers and other students.

2. Our athletes are to display positive leadership at all times in our school and community.

3. Our athletes are to always strive for the highest in moral values.

4. When we travel to compete against our rivals, our athletes will remember who they are, whom they are representing and will conduct themselves accordingly.

5. As athletes, they have the opportunity in the Ft Elliott Independent School District to receive a first-class education, which is their number one reason for being here. Pride in the classroom will bring about pride on the playing field or court. They have to pass in the classroom to be eligible for athletics (UIL).

As athletes in the Ft Elliott Independent School District, our young people have an image to reflect: one of positive leadership, character, responsibility, and great competitive spirit.

Participation in the athletic program and/or University Interscholastic League contest is not a right but a privilege. No student is required to take part in the contest or activities. Therefore, it is imperative that all students taking part in the program understand the following Athletic Code; conform to the rules therein; and the coaches of the sport or activities, with the consent of the athletic director, shall have the right to remove these privileges.


The athlete should not use profanity or resort to illegal tactics. He/she must learn that both winning and losing are part of the game and that he/she must display good sportsmanship, win or lose.

Temper fits, flagrant violations of rules, etc., will not be tolerated. Total respect to officials is an absolute must. The coach will handle the discussion of calls made by officials. Any behavior contrary to the above mentioned or any other act, which is not conducive to good sportsmanship, will result in disciplinary actions.


1. All athletes will be issued equipment. They are responsible for the equipment and must pay for it if it is lost.

2. Athletes must wear the workout clothes assigned to them; they may not borrow, lend, or wear clothes that have not been issued to them.

3. Laundry will be provided for all school issued clothing. Athletes must attach clothes to the laundry pin and place them in the laundry basket.

4. School issued clothes must be worn at all practices even if the athlete is excused from participation.

5. Lockers are for storing that individual’s equipment. Personal supplies may be kept in the upper section while the lower section must be reserved for school issued equipment to be hung.


1. Use or possession of tobacco products in season will be prohibited.

2. Failure to comply will be as follows:

a. First offense- Five days of running. (coaches discretion)

b. Second offense- Fifteen days of running. (coaches discretion)

c. Third offense – Suspended a calendar year from such date.


1. The consumption or possession of alcoholic beverages is prohibited.

2. Failure to comply if allowed to stay will be as follows:

a. First offense—five days of running one game suspension. (coaches discretion)

b. Second offense-fifteen days of running and two game suspensions. (coaches discretion)

c. Third offense- suspended for one calendar year of such date.(actions will be monitored by the coach)


1. The consumption or possession of an illegal drug or drug paraphernalia is prohibited.

2. Failure to comply will be as followed:

a. Automatic suspension for one full calendar year (actions will be monitored by the coach)

b. Athletes will not be allowed back in sports unless they have obtained quality help.


1. Ejection from a game for fighting or foul language is unacceptable.

2. The result of an ejection will be as follows:

a. First offense - suspension for next game and five days of running (coaches discretion).

b. Second offense - suspension for two games and fifteen days of running (coaches discretion).


1. Stealing from teammates, our school, or visiting schools will not be tolerated.

2. Failure to comply will be as follows:

a. First offense—one game suspension and five of running days. (coaches discretion)

b. Second offense—two game suspension and fifteen days of running. (coaches discretion)

c. Third offense-one full calendar year of such date.


1. Any athlete who is convicted of a felony may be suspended for a minimum of one calendar year or more of such date.


1. All athletes must ride to and from the event with the team unless given special permission by the coach.


1. A student cannot quit a sport without the coach’s permission.

2. A student who quits a sport without the coach’s permission will not be allowed to participate in any other sport until that sport is over.

3. A student will see the AD for his/ her re-entry program.


1. Jewelry may not be worn at any time during practice, athletic period, or games.

2. Earrings are not to be worn by male athletes at athletic activities.

3. Hair will be kept neat and clean. Each coach will determine the length and proper wearing.

4. Athletes may be required by the coach/coaches to participate in an off-season program prior to the sport, which they are competing in.


Student-athletes and their parents should contact the Ft Elliott High School counseling department to obtain information about the guidelines for eligibility requirements in order to receive an NCAA scholarship or NCAA eligibility during the first year.



This is the Ft Elliott athletic rules and standards acknowledgement form. As a Ft Elliott Independent School District athlete I have read and will abide by the above stated policies.

Athlete’s signature

Parent’s signature





STUDENT NAME_________________________________ GRADE_______

______ 1. PHYSICAL FORM- Must be signed by a physician on the front and signed by the parent or guardian on the back.


______3. FT ELLIOTT JUNIOR - SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC CODE - The parent and student – athlete must sign the last page of this form.

______4. ACADEMIC ELIGIBILITY – Must be eligible by the Texas UIL rules.



An athlete will not be eligible to participate (in practice or game) in any sport without clearance from the Principal/Athletic Director. All materials must be completed and returned to the school’s coach’s office. When the coach receives all the information needed, the athlete will be allowed to practice and participate.

______1. PHYSICAL FORM – must be signed by a physician and signed by the student and parent or guardian.

______2. EMERGENCY MEDICAL FORM – Please complete and sign.

______3. FT ELLIOTT JUNIOR – SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC CODE- Athletes and parents should read this information thoroughly. The parent and student-athlete must sign the last page of this form stating that they understand and will follow the WHS athletic code.

______4. ACADEMIC ELIGIBILITY – The student must be eligible by UIL rules.

______5. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RULES- must be signed by student and parent.


There are many special benefits being offered student-athletes by the athletic programs at Ft Elliott Junior and Senior High School. It must also be understood that participating in athletic activities may lead to injury to student-athletes. Therefore, the purpose of this section is to make all student-athletes and their parents aware that dangers do exist and that participation is voluntary with the understanding that risks are involved. It is to be further understood that student-athletes must share in the responsibility for their own safety and safety of others as each participates in the district athletic program.

The student-athlete participating in the athletic program could mildly, moderately or severely injure the anatomy in one or several of the following: muscles, tendons, ligaments, bone, skin, teeth, spinal column, and any of the vital organs. Catastrophic injuries of death and permanent paralysis may also occur during sports participation. There is no absolute prevention against any of the mentioned potential injuries.


By signing below, you have acknowledged that you have read the assumption of risk statement and that you are aware that there is a possibility that you may suffer mild, moderate or severe injury, including paralysis or death due to participation in athletic activities. You further acknowledge any injury incurred may cause life-long disability to joints, muscles, ligaments, tendons, or any of the vital organs.

Your signature below acknowledges the above statements.

______________________________ _______________________

Student-Athlete Signature Date

______________________________ _______________________

Parent or Legal Guardian Date

Dear Athletes and Parents of Athletes:

The athletic department is happy to have you as a member of the Ft Elliott Junior and Senior High School athletic team. The administration and coaches at Ft Elliott Junior – Senior High School care about you, the athlete and parents. Many athletes and parents have asked how the athletic environment is supported so that each athlete can have the opportunity to participate in orderly and enriching atmosphere.

The coaches and administration of Ft Elliott Junior – Senior High School believe that discipline provides the foundation for a successful season. Discipline is like the foundation of a house: nothing lasting can be built without it. The athletic codes of Ft Elliott Junior – Senior High School support positive behavior and provide for prevention and correction of misbehavior.

Three common elements essential to a successful season are the heart of the Ft Elliott Junior – Senior High School Athletic Program Code. These elements are that students should:

1. Know the rules

2. Behave responsibly

3. Show good human relations

The coaches feel that athletes must be aware of the rules of participation. The

Coaches believe that athletes learn to be responsible when:

1. Athletes are given opportunities to be responsible

2. Athletes have choices

3. Clear communication exists between the athlete, coach, and AD

4. Athletes understand specific limits

5. Consequences are clear and consistent

Please review the following athletic codes with your son/daughter. WHS goals are:

1. To provide a positive experience for all participants

2. To have a high quality athletic program

3. To prepare athletes to meet a democratic society

4. To help each athlete grow physically and intellectually while nurturing his/her disciplinary growth.

After you the athlete and parents or guardians, have reviewed the athletic codes of Ft Elliott Junior – Senior High School, please sign the appropriate forms. Signatures are needed from the athlete and parent or guardian in order to participate.

Pre-Season Basketball Conditioning Workouts

Pre-season we will decrease the aerobics session to once a week and the resistance training to twice a week (maintenance phase).

The focus of an effective pre-season conditioning program includes:

•Anaerobic Conditioning (interval training and sprints)

•Sport-specific Conditioning (agility drills and plyometrics)

•Playing Basketball (play as much as possible)

Pre-Season Anaerobic Conditioning

Frequency: 1 - 3 days per week

Workout Duration: 20 - 30 mins

Work Duration: 45 secs

Rest Duration: 135 secs to 180 secs (1:3 to 1:4 work to rest ratio)

Intensity: 100%

Exercise Choices: Suicide lines, jumping rope, stationary bike, track sprints

Pre-Season Sport-Specific Conditioning (Agility & Plyometrics)

Pre-Season Agility Drills

Goal: Develop your speed, quickness and balance on the basketball court

Frequency: 2 days per week

Workout Duration: 25 mins

Set Duration: 20 secs

Rest Duration: 60 - 80 secs (try to stick to a 1:4 work to rest ratio)

Intensity: 100% effort

Comments: These drills are to be performed on the basketball court. The best agility drills are done with cones. The letter drills below, the T-Drill and U-Drill for example, describe the placement of the cones. Feel free to make up your own letter drills, as long as you think the movements mimic movements you would experience in a basketball game.

Pre-Season Basketball Agility Program

Exercises Work Time Rest Time Sets

U-Drill 20 secs 80 secs 3

M-Drill 20 secs 80 secs 3

T-Drill 20 secs 80 secs 3

Lateral Speed Lunges 20 secs 80 secs 3

Quick Feet 20 secs 80 secs 3

Pre-Season Plyometrics

As a basketball player, you know that explosive power is an extremely valuable asset to have. Whether you're going for a dunk, a rebound, a block or the quick first step, it all requires power. The workouts below will help you develop that explosive power.

You may need to customize the workout routines below depending on your experience level with plyometrics. During the off-season, beginners should perform 60 - 100 foot contacts per workout; 100 to 120 foot contacts per session at the intermediate level; and 120 - 200 foot contacts for elite athletes. Foot contacts are simply the number of times your foot/feet touches the ground.

Goal: Maintain the power gains developed from off-season plyometric training

Frequency: 1 - 3 days per week

Rest Duration: 50 secs - 100 secs

Intensity: 100% effort

◦Basketball Plyometrics Program

Goal: Maintain the power gains developed from off-season plyometric training

Frequency: 1 - 2 days per week

Rest Duration: 50 secs - 100 secs in between sets

Exercises Sets Reps

Squat Jump 2 10

Knee Tuck Jumps 2 5

Single-Leg Stride Jump 2 5

Lateral Cone Hops 2 10

Single Leg Hops 2 5

Rim Jumps 2 10

In-Season Strength Training Plan


The warm-up needs to be dynamic - i.e., not the static, "strike the pose and hold it for 10 seconds" stretches we used to do not so long ago. Warm-ups need to simulate to a less strenuous degree the movements the muscles will be doing during the workout.

Note that if you are having players perform the workout after a practice, they should be warmed up already and can skip straight to the exercises.

Active Warm Up: alternate jogging and slow running, or skip rope, or bike for about 5 minutes to warm up the muscles. Use long, slow movements to help stretch out the muscles gradually.

Dynamic Stretching : Arm Swings, Side Bends, Trunk Rotations, Hamstring Stretch, Alternate Toe Touches, Leg Swings

In-Season Strength Training Plan


Exercise Repetitions

1. Chin Ups until exhaustion

2. Squats 15 reps

3. Bench Press 15 reps

4. Hyper-Extensions until exhaustion

5. Shoulder press 15 reps

6. Bent-Over Row 15 reps

7. Decline Situps until exhaustion

In-Season Strength Training Plan


Athletes jog or bike or skip for about five minutes to cool down muscles, then perform Static Stretches (hold for 10 seconds then switch). Be sure to stretch all muscles, moving the muscle into the stretch slowly, holding the stretch for 10 seconds, before releasing it slowly.

Consider this workout to be an addition to your overall basketball training program; maybe finish up practice a little early two days a week and have your players hit the weight room for half an hour. Be sure they work out with a partner and that the weight room is supervised.

I wouldn't have players on a training plan during the season if they didn't already complete an off season training plan - throwing any strength training plan at a player for the first time will likely make him stronger. Remember the goal in-season is to maintain, not build strength.

Use this strength training plan throughout the season to keep players strong - they'll feel better about themselves as athletes, and they'll perform better on the court.

In-Season Strength Training Plan


I like to run workouts as circuit training - each exercise is performed once, for the allotted number of repetitions, and then the next exercise is performed, and then the next one, and so on, until one set of each exercise has been performed (e.g., perform the bench press for 12 repetitions, rest for 30 seconds, then perform 12-15 repetitions of squats, rest 30 seconds, and then move on to the next exercise.) When the athlete has completed all exercises once, this is considered one circuit.

Rest for only 30 seconds in between exercises - because each exercise focuses on a different muscle group, the athlete shouldn't be overworking any muscle by moving so quickly from one exercise to the next

The athlete should begin by completing 2 circuits in each session, allowing 2-3 minutes to rest in between circuits

Eventually, if he finds his strength beginning to decrease, the athlete can move up to 3 circuits in each session

This routine should be followed throughout the season

The routine should be performed 2-3 times per week, with 48 hours rest in between sessions (i.e., work out every second day)

The athlete should use enough weight so that he can perform the stated number of repetitions, but no more than that (e.g., he can perform 15 repetitions, with the 14th and 15th repetition very difficult). Once he finds it easy to perform the stated number of repetitions, he should increase the weight

If you have no access to a weight room, or are uneasy having your players work with free weights or weight machines, a good alternative to weights would be strength bands


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