Steering Committee Minutes

SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1Steering Committee Planning Meeting MinutesDecember 5, 2017Present: Tim Bargeron, Tricia Chesser, Aaron Clements, Dan Frank, David Freeland (co-facilitator), Patti Galloway, Marla Grant, Christine Hill, Pamela Jenkins, Laura Lovett-Estima, Lydia Martin, Alan Mathison, Kathy McGinn, Jon Prince, Vicki Rodriguez, Sandy Rohn, Rafael Sanchez Jr., Helen Wild (co-facilitator), and LaTricia Woulard.Handouts Agenda, October 12, 2017 Minutes, Letter of Understanding concerning Differentiated Accountability Bonuses; UniSIG, and Letter of Understanding concerning Salary and Benefits – Holiday Bonus.Check In: Time Constraints: No time constraints.Meeting HighlightsAcceptance of MinutesOctober 12, 2017 Minutes – The minutes were corrected during review to reflect Alan Mathison as being present at the October 12, 2017 meeting. A motion was made to approve the minutes as corrected. The motion was approved.Report on Problem Solving (PS) TopicsSubbing – District leaders will speak to Principals at the next Principals’ Meeting concerning best practices and solutions for covering classes. The PS team also discussed the new higher pay plan for substitutes and began conversation about a comprehensive plan to improve attendance with incentives and process improvement that includes engagement, motivation, accountability,?and leadership training.?The PS team will reconvene for further discussion.Student Discipline – The PS team worked on concerns presented to the CTA regarding student discipline. District leaders will speak to Principals at the next Principals’ Meeting concerning consistency with student discipline. The District has not instructed Principals to change BRRs or referrals nor have Principals been instructed not to suspend students. The Deputy Superintendent will invite the CTA to future meetings with Principals and Conduct Counselors/Deans concerning student discipline. The PS team will reconvene for further discussion.Early Release – The PS team began the interest based decision making process and have listed each sides’ interest. The PS team will reconvene for further discussion. The next meeting will be held on December 21, 2017 at 11:30 a.m.Planning Time – This item is tabled.UniSIG Letter of Understanding (LOU) – The LOU was presented and discussed. The LOU provides for additional teacher bonuses for certain schools in Differentiated Accountability (DA). The bonuses are funded through UniSIG grant dollars which are intended to fund incentives and recognition for instructional staff at DA schools. For the 2017-2018 school year, there are three schools eligible for UniSIG grant dollars and are on Priority Lists for Differentiated Accountability: Samuel S. Gaines Academy, Weathebee Elementary, and St. Lucie Elementary.The CTA/CU and the District recognize the challenges of DA status and the turn-around process, therefore in order to provide incentives and recognition for meeting the associated challenges of working in a DA site, the CTA/CU and District agree on the following criteria for the bonuses:$1,500 bonus: Eligibility - The DA school earns a C or better for 2017-2018 AND the teacher misses no more than one student school day for the second semester. Classroom teachers, instructional partners, and non-classroom teachers are eligible for this bonus.In addition to this bonus, classroom teachers are eligible for ONE of the following bonuses.$1,000 bonus: Eligibility – The classroom teacher is rated Effective of Highly Effective one year VAM for the 2017-2018 school year AND returns to the DA site for 2018-2019 (signed commitment required).OR$1,000 bonus: Eligibility – The classroom teacher is rated Effective of Highly Effective Instructional Practice Rating for the 2017-2018 school year AND returns to the DA site for 2018-2019 AND either 50% of the teacher’s students make learning gains on FSA in grades 3-8 or teachers meet their learning growth targets on iReady in grades K-3 (signed commitment required).The bonuses are for one time only and are meant to retain teachers at the three DA sites by providing incentive for teachers.In addition to the bonuses, the UniSIG grant also provides tor additional teacher paraprofessionals.After review, a motion was made to move forward with the LOU concerning the UniSIG bonus. Outcome: Thumbs up.Holiday Bonus – Discussion concerning a $250 bonus for CTA/CU staff. The CTA/CU questioned the District regarding a Letter of Understanding for the CWA that was signed December 4, 2017 concerning a onetime $250 bonus. The CTA/CU communicated on behalf of their team that after years of collaborative work it was disappointing to learn about the bonus from others and not the District. The CTA/CU wanted assurance that this bonus would not impact the LOU signed in July 2017 which states:The District and the Union agree that providing additional compensation is the budget priority for 2017-2018 school year. To that end the parties agree to meet by November 2017, or upon the receipt of the recalibrated student FTE figures from the state in order to negotiate additional compensation.Only employees specifically identified in HB 7069 will be receiving bonuses from the Department of Education in the amount of $1,200 and up to $800 each. This inequity will be considered in any bonus negotiations.The parties further agree that should the financial circumstances of the district experience a significant, unexpected decrease from the current budget projections, or the student FTE does not exceed current projection a bonus may not be possible.The District related that discussion concerning the $250 bonus was to occur today and that the intent was meant as a sincere and genuine gesture to employees from the Superintendent who wanted to give employees a bonus if there was funding available.After discussion, a Letter of Understanding was created and reviewed. A motion was made to move forward with the LOU concerning bonuses. Outcome: Thumbs up.VII. Copy Paper – Discussion concerning the issue of teachers being allocated one case of copy paper per school year at certain school sites. If teachers need more than one case of copy paper, they have to buy the paper. The CTA/CU stated that teachers should not have to buy copy paper, it should come out of the schools’ discretionary budgets. The District will look into this matter.VIII. Sub-Committee Progress and Review of WorkCompensation – The SC scheduled a meeting for December 19, 2017 at 8:00 a.m. Discussion will include insurance and teacher salary schedules.Evaluation – There has been a meeting for Best and Brightest and another meeting is scheduled. The District has last year’s final evaluation scores early. They will be used for the Best and Brightest Scholarship applications. A meeting was scheduled for January 18, 2018 at 2:30 p.m. Meeting adjourned at 3:05 p.m.The next Steering Committee will be held on February 22, 2018, 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., at the St. Lucie Classroom Teachers’ Association/Classified Unit Office, 351 East Midway Road, Fort Pierce, FL 34982. ................

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