Steering Committee Minutes - St. Lucie Public Schools

Steering Committee MeetingFebruary 22, 2018Present: Tim Bargeron, Aaron Clements, David Freeland (co-facilitator), Marla Grant, Christine Hill, Pamela Jenkins, Laura Lovett-Estima, Alan Mathison, Kathy McGinn, Vicki Rodriguez, Sandy Rohn, and Helen Wild (co-facilitator)Handouts Agenda and December 5, 2017 MinutesCheck In: Time Constraints: No time constraints.Meeting Highlights:Acceptance of MinutesDecember 5, 2017 – Minutes were reviewed and approved. Report on Problem Solving Topics: Best and Brightest Equalization: An LOU was signed on 2/22/2018 in order to give non-classroom teachers $1200 (HE) and $800 (E) which is equivalent to the Best and Brightest bonus paid through the state. District funds will be used to pay for the non-classroom teachers. (See LOU) 2017 -2018 additional compensation for CU: The legislative session runs for another 3 weeks so additional funds (if any) are not finalized as yet. District concerns regarding school safety and security of schools and the potential of impact on district funds were discussed. CTA re-stated their position that negotiations regarding 2017-2018 compensation have not been completed since additional funds are available to the district due to increased FTE counts in February. It was agreed that discussion regarding additional compensation for 2017-208 would continue at a future compensation meeting scheduled after the legislative session is concluded. Steering Committee Agenda Items Sick Leave Bank Discussion: Data was presented. Currently there are 480 members and 475.65 days in the Sick Leave Bank (SLB). 18 members (10 from CWA and 8 from CTA/CU) used the SLB. Payroll is looking at the number of days used by employee. All employee SLB members were required to contribute another day this year, which is consistent with the past 4 years since the separate SLBs were merged. There was discussion about how to maintain/increase the number of days in the bank. The possibility of allowing employees terminating employment to donate their un-used sick leave to the SLB was discussed and a draft form was provided. Employees do not have to be a member of the SLB to contribute days. There was also discussion about limiting individuals who want to make changes to the plan to 2 enrollment periods. A subcommittee will be established to review the viability of continuing to provide a sick leave bank, make recommendations regarding contract language and develop a draft procedures manual. Transitioning back to separate SLB for CWA and CTA/CU will also be reviewed. There was also discussion about looking at the 4 days of no pay before being able to access the Bank. Subcommittee team members for the district are Marla Grant, Aaron Clements, Jerissia McCarthy and Barbara Audette, Tim Bargeron will chair. CTA will provide names of their participants in the next week. Substitutes and Incentives: The impact of increasing the rate for substitute teachers in the green zone was discussed. Data from two months prior to the change (October and November) have been compared to December and January. Preliminary comparison shows that the change has helped with fill rate in green zone but the rate is still lower than red/blue zone schools. It was noted that the months used for comparison involved the winter holidays and that comparison to the same months from last year would be useful. There was also discussion about how the uniSIG grant may positively impact the need for subs at Weatherbee Elementary, St. Lucie Elementary and Sam Gaines K8 because of the incentives for teacher daily attendance. Disaggregated data regarding the types of absence (sick, personal, PD, etc) will also be reviewed. Analysis of the data will continue. Wellness Incentive Plan: The Letters of Agreement to renew the District Wellness Plan were signed. There was discussion about the Diabetes Prevention/ Solera plan which is a yearlong program however the wellness incentive timeframe runs from June 1 – April 30. CTA/CU suggested that points for the Solera program be earned on a monthly basis. A decision was made to sign the LOUs today and make adjustments to the worksheet prior to board approval. Subcommittee ReportsCompensation: The health insurance program was reviewed. To date approximately 1000 people have moved to the new high deductible plan. There is a compensation subcommittee scheduled for this afternoon with Kathleen Meola from Relation Insurance Services to discuss a plan for moving to a self-insurance program beginning January 1, 2019. The results of the February FTE count were shared. The number of students counted has increased compared to October. Revenue has increased with the majority of dollars due to CAPE results. 80% of the CAPE funds must be returned to the CTE programs. Once the legislative session has ended more information will be available. Teacher Evaluation System: The subcommittee met on February 8 and reviewed information for the 2017 – 2018 evaluation year – including the impact of the “3.49 or above” LOU that ended with the 2016 – 2017 school year. ITS has completed data modeling and a review of the results shows that moving to 70% IP and 30% SPF may impact individual teachers but will not have a significant impact across the district. The transition to “buckets” which categorize teachers of similarly performing students prior to determining current year student performance has also been tested and there is not significant negative impact if this procedure is used. The subcommittee continues to work on the testing matrix/table. Changes to the plan should be identified and approved by the Board at the June meeting.Meeting adjourned at 12:30 p.m. ................

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