
NameDateFreshman Global Studies Unit 3, Lesson 11 Worksheet: Alexander the Great and Hellenistic Civilization. First, read the passage below, where you will find the answers to the comprehension and understanding questions that follow; second, please take your answers, and using them, along with each question itself, compose a complete paragraph. Alexander the Great Alexander III, known to history as "the Great," lived from 356 to 323 BC and was King of Macedon from 336 to 323 BC. His father was Philip II. Alexander was a student of Greek philosopher Aristotle. After rising to the kingship of Macedon, Alexander invaded Persia and freed the Greek cities in Asia Minor, and then defeated the Persians in Egypt, Syria, and Mesopotamia. While in Egypt, he founded the city of Alexandria (in the year 332 BC), his first and best-known city. He decided to rule the Persian Empire in cooperation with the Persian nobles. Alexander appointed some of these nobles as governors. He went on to conquer other lands in the east, taking Bactria and Punjab (in India). He died of a fever at Babylon, and the empire he built quickly fell apart. Alexander was regarded as a god in his lifetime, and later became a model for other conquerors and empire builders.Hellenistic Civilization The result of the adoption of the Greek language and culture by non-Greeks. The area of Hellas, in southern Thessaly, was considered part of Greece from about the 7th century BC onwards. The term “Hellenistic Civilization” has come to mean the civilization that arose in the wake of Alexander the Great’s conquests. The many cities he and his successors founded were the centers of a combination of the Greek and the “barbarian” way of life, with Alexandria in Egypt becoming the literary center of the ancient world.Adapted from: Wright, Edmund. The Oxford Desk Encyclopedia of World History. New York: Oxford University Press, 2006.The Facts of History Part I: Alexander the GreatWho was Alexander the Great? When did he live? Who was his father?Who was Alexander the Great’s teacher?What did Alexander the Great do after rising to the kingship of Macedon?Where is Alexandria? When was this city founded? After whom is it named?The Facts of History Part I, continued…What lands in the east did Alexander the Great conquer? What happened to Alexander the Great’s empire after he died? How was he regarded in his lifetime? For whom did he become a model?The Facts of History, Part II: Hellenistic CivilizationOf what was Hellenistic Civilization the result?What has the term “Hellenistic Culture” come to mean? Of what were the many cities Alexander the Great and his successors founded a combination?What became the literary center of the ancient world?The Causes of HistoryWhat was the cause of Alexander the Great’s rise to power? How was he regarded in his lifetime?What caused stability, in his lifetime, in the territory Alexander the Great conquered?The Causes of History, continued…What caused the rise of Hellenistic Civilization?Who caused the rise of Hellenistic Civilization? How? What is your source for this information? ................

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