Dutton Guilt Edge Mystery Submission Form - Penguin Books …

Dutton Guilt Edged Mysteries Submission Form

Dutton Guilt Edged Mysteries is looking for original works of modern crime and detective fiction between ten thousand and fifty thousand words that have a fresh voice and capture the noir spirit in an exciting, imaginative way. Is that your story? Please submit!

To submit your work, please fill out this form in its entirety and e-mail it with your submission to duttonguiltedged@us.. The subject line should read “DGE: [your title]/[your name or pen name, if applicable].” Your short story or novella should be formatted as a Word document (.doc) and attached to the e-mail. We are only accepting e-mailed submissions at this time.

Please note that careful attention to the submission guidelines will help us consider your submission and respond to your e-mail in a timely fashion. We look forward to reading your work!

Name (and pen name, if applicable):

E-mail address:

Title of work:

Word count of work:

Brief summary of work (no more than 250 words, and please include the ending):

Please list three books (title, author) that your work is similar to:

Have you been published anywhere else? If so, please list the type of publication and where it was published (i.e., short story in . . . ):

Please write a brief author bio (no more than 100 words) here:

Would you be willing to do online promotion for your book, and if so, how would you accomplish that?

If your main character had a Twitter account, what would his or her best 140-character tweet be?

If your main character had a Facebook page, who are three fictional detectives he or she would friend and why?

If your story were made into a movie, who would play your main character?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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