Homework Year 10 Business and Economics Financial Accounts

You are going to research the different sources of finance and financial support and advice available for new businesses. You must then produce a report detailing your findingsIn your report you must:Investigate the options for the following sources of finance using a comparison websites (e.g. )Bank Loan - ?10,000 for 4 yearsOverdraft - ?2000 on-goingMortgage - ?250,000 for 20 yearsGive information on each option for 3 companies (9 marks) E.panyProductInterest RateMonthly paymentsTotal CostHSBCLoan5%30011,500State which company offers the best option for each product. Justify your choice (6 marks)Research the sources of financial advice available to new businesses explain three and how they offer help and support (12 marks)princes-.ukhsbc.co.ukTotal Marks (27)A* - ADetailed report using up to date research and covering all the main points. Judgements are made and conclusions evaluated and justifiedB-CReasonably detailed report, using research and covering most of the main points. Some justification is given for any conclusionsD-EBasic report with the evidence of some research, although some of the main points have been missed. Little justification given for conclusionsF - GNo research completed and most of the main points not covered. No real justification or any conclusionsYou are going to research the different sources of finance and financial support and advice available for new businesses. You must then produce a report detailing your findingsIn your report you must:Investigate the options for the following sources of finance using a comparison websites (e.g. )Bank Loan - ?10,000 for 4 years Overdraft - ?2000 on-goingGive information on each option for 3 companies (9 marks) Use the table belowCompanyProductInterest RateMonthly paymentsTotal CostHSBCLoan5%30011,500State which company offers the best option for each product. Justify your choice (6 marks)Examples of justification include low interest payments/low number of monthly payments and total costResearch the sources of financial advice available to new businesses explain three and how they offer help and support (12 marks)Say the following for each oneWhat the organisation do and their aim(s)Give an advantage and disadvantage for each onSay what sorts of customers would use these organisationsprinces-.uk , , hsbc.co.ukTotal Marks (27)A* - ADetailed report using up to date research and covering all the main points. Judgements are made and conclusions evaluated and justifiedB-CReasonably detailed report, using research and covering most of the main points. Some justification is given for any conclusionsD-EBasic report with the evidence of some research, although some of the main points have been missed. Little justification given for conclusionsF - GNo research completed and most of the main points not covered. No real justification or any conclusions ................

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