Anne et Gregor Bühler

Curriculum Vitae

Personal details

Name Bühler, Anne

Nationality French


2011 State-certified translator German/French (Karlsruhe/Germany),

Special field: economics

Grade-point average: 1,7 (German system: best note is 1,0)

2009-2011 Correspondence course (German Institute AKAD) for the state

examination “Translator German/French”

Grade-point average: 1,4 (German system: best note is 1,0)

1991 Diploma of Business English,

Franco-British Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Paris/France)

Grade awarded: Merit

1988-1990 BTS-Secrétariat Trilingue F/E/D

Two-year technical degree, trilingual assistance French/English/German

Baccalauréat B (1988)

French High School Diploma/”A” Level, economics, foreign languages

Work experiences

Since 2009 Freelance translator (German-French, English-French)

Transcript and translation German-French of 12 hours interviews (about

100 k words) for the history documentary film „La guerre des espions“ (“Spy war”, A2/Arte-channels); nutrition; marketing; pedagogical projects…

Since 2004 Translations (G/F, F/G, E/F) for German-French associations and website

(pedagogy, politics, society)

2002-2006 Private tutor (German, French)

1997-2002 Maternity leave (2 children)

Sept. 1994-July 1997 Sales and project coordinator at Rohde&Schwarz, Munich/Germany

July 1993-June 94 Manager´s secretary at Heinrich Bauer Editions, Munich/Germany

June 91-June 93 Departmental assistant at Rohde&Schwarz, München/Germany

Special skills

Foreign languages French (native speaker)

German (fluent)

English (fluent)

Spanish (very good)

Polish (beginner level)

Russian (beginner level)

Member of the German Federal Association of Translators and Interpreters (BDÜ)

Computer skills Windows 7

TRADOS 2011, SDL-certified (advanced, level III)



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