Christopher Douglas Hidden Angel Foundation – Multi ...

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5432 Any Street West

Townsville, State 54321

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For Registration and additional information


ISNA Members: $285

Non-Members: $325

15% discount for:

Groups of 5 or more

Students and Parents

Continuing Education credit available





Empowering individuals for an extraordinary life[pic]

8th International ISNA Congress

(International Snoezelen Association

OCTOBER 1-3, 2010





Empowering individuals for an extraordinary life

8th International ISNA Congress

(International Snoezelen Association

OCTOBER 1-3, 2010



|Workshop Selection: - For each workshop session. Please select your preference. |

|NAME: ______________________________ |

|Email: _______________________________ |

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|For Day 1 – Friday - October 1 – 2:30 to 3:45 - Workshop 1- 7 |

|1st choice: 2nd choice |2nd choice: |

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|For Day 1 – Friday - October 1 – 4:15 to 5:30 - Workshop 8- 14 |

|1st choice: 2nd choice |2nd choice: |

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|For Day 2 – Saturday October 2 – 9:00 to 10:15 - Workshop 15- 21 |

|1st choice: 2nd choice |2nd choice: |

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|For Day 2 – Saturday – October 2 – 11:00 to 12: 15 - Workshop 22- 28 |

|1st choice: 2nd choice |2nd choice: |

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|Hidden Angel Foundation, Inc | |

|Focused on the Development of MSEs | |

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|P.O. Box 977 - Gadsden, Alabama 35902 | |

|Phone (305) 458-9335 - Fax (205) 278-6898 | |

| | |

ISNA Members: $285 - Non-Members: $325

15% discount for: Groups of 5 or more

Students and Parents

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Organization: ______________________________________

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Street Address: _____________________________________



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Fax: _____________________________________________

Email: ____________________________________________

If paying by Credit Card

Please provide the following:

Credit Card: ______________________________________

Expiration date: ___________________________________

Please make sure your address listed is the billing address for this credit card

Fax to: 205-278-6898

If paying by check:

Make check payable to The Hidden Angel Foundation

Mail to: P.O. Box 977, Gadsden, AL 35902

Amount enclosed: _____________________

For Registration and additional information visit









Empowering individuals for an extraordinary life[pic]

8th International ISNA Congress

(International Snoezelen Association

OCTOBER 1-3, 2010



Epigenetic and MSE – Food for Thought, David Dobbs

The well known science journalist David Dobbs is the author of several books and a reporter for such publications as the New York Times Magazine, Atlantic Monthly, Slate, National Geographic and Scientific America. The Orchid Hypothesis is best described by Dobbs as the belief that most of us have a genetic composition like a dandelion, hardy and adaptable and able to survive wherever we take root. Then there are those that are more fragile, like an orchid. They too are able to thrive and bloom but require more attention and special care. Our “Hidden Angles” are orchids and we believe multi-sensory stimulation as part of their environment is key to their ability to thrive.

A Snoezelen (MSE) Design Approach: Touch-Play-Movement, Katie Gaudi on

Katie presents on ‘‘Design” as a fundamental component of the Snoezelen environment, one that can influence and affect a participant’s experience. Eliciting nonverbal communication and evoking movement and touch, components in an MSE encourage the individual to independently navigate and take control of an environment. Katie will take you through the journey of her practice-led research, which is a physical and theoretical account of Snoezelen and Design, drawing upon her own experiences and a cross-pollination of thoughts and ideas from occupational therapists, educators, designers, artists, and architects. Katie’s practice celebrates touch, play, movement, and the somatic nature of textiles, which naturally lends itself to the stimulation of the senses, particularly that of touch.

The Therapeutic Effects of MSE, Dr. Gillian Hotz

Dr. Gillian Hotz, Ph.D. discusses some of the preliminary findings of a study that investigates the effects of MSE therapy on physiological, cognitive and behavioral changes in children recovering from severe brain injury. Dr. Gillian Hotz is Co-Director of the Pediatric Neurotrauma Program at UM/JMMC, Assistant Professor in the Daughtry Family Department of Surgery, and Director of the Snoezelen Program, Miami. She has authored many articles, developed neurocognitive assessments for traumatic brain injury, and presented at many international and national conferences.

Effects of Environment on Neuroplasticity, Dr. Christopher Giza

Dr Giza will introduce general principles of plasticity and the interactions between plasticity and environment. He will then delve into topics of specific relevance for understanding clinical experience-based environmental interventions, such as the MSE, including developmental effects and interactions between plasticity and brain recovery. Dr. Christopher Giza is a MD who joined the UCLA faculty in the divisions of Neurosurgery and Pediatric Neurology. He runs the Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) clinic at UCLA and is Associate Professor of Pediatric Neurology and Neurosurgery, and he is also on the faculty of the Interdepartmental Programs for Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering at the David Geffen School of Medicine and Mattel Children’s Hospital at UCLA.

Changes in Mental Health - The Effects of Snoezelen (Multi-sensory Behavior Therapy) and Psychiatric Care, Dr. Jason Staal

The use of multi sensory environments in psychiatric hospitals has caused a paradigm shift that has led to the use of MSE (comfort rooms) to reduce seclusion and restraint. Dr. Jason A. Staal, Psy.D., presents important research in Multi-sensory Behavior Therapy and Psychiatric Care. Dr. Staal serves as Director of Beth Israel Medical Center’s Snoezelen Behavior Therapy Research Program, and is an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Dr. Staal is nationally known for his pioneering work on multi sensory behavior therapy (Snoezelen), having published and appeared on numerous television health news segments and health news print stories as well as presenting at academic institutions nationally and internationally, and collaborating with researchers worldwide.

Multi Sensory Environments in Education, Dr. Paul Pagliano

Dr. Paul Pagliano, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor in Education at James Cook University, Australia. Paul has a passionate interest in the use of Multi Sensory Environments as a method of where multisensory stimulation is made more pleasant, accessible, relevant, and meaningful for individuals with sensory input difficulties or differences. He has published widely on this topic, including the books Multisensory Environments and Using a Multisensory Environment. An internationally recognized public speaker, Paul has presented in 14 countries. Paul is also on the editorial board of five national and international journals.


Thursday, September 30

5:00 – 7:00 pm - Registration

Friday, October 1

7:30 –8:45 Early Morning Continental Breakfast

7:30 –8:45 Registration

8:45 –9:30 Opening Remarks

9:30 –10:30 David Dobbs - Epigenetic and MSE: Food for Thought

10:30 –11:00 Coffee Break

11:00 –12:00 Dr. Jason Staal – Changes in Mental Health with MSE

12:00 – 1:00 Dr. Paul Pagliano – Multi Sensory Environments in Education

1:00 – 2:30 Lunch (Journey through Traumatic Brain Injury – Documentary)

2:30 – 3:45 Workshop Session I

3:45 – 4:15 Coffee Break (Vita-Care)

4:15 – 5:30 Workshop Session II

6:30 -11:30 Dinner at the Birmingham Museum of Art

Saturday, October 2

7:30 – 9:00 Early Morning Continental Breakfast

9:00 – 10:15 Workshop Session III

10:15 – 10:45 Coffee Break

10:45 – 12:00 Workshop Session IV


Saturday, October 2 - continued

12:00 – 1:15 Lunch

1:15 – 2:15 Dr. Christopher Giza – You Are What You Experience - Effects of Environment on Neuroplasticity and Recovery from Brain Injury.

2:15 – 3:00 Katie Gaudion – A ‘Snoezelen’ Design Approach Touch-Play-Movement

3:00 – 3:30 Coffee Break

3:30 – 4:30 Dr. Gillian Hotz – The Therapeutic Effects of MSE

4:30 – 5:30 Philosophy of Snoezelen and MSE – Panel discussion, Q&A - Ad Verheul, Jan Hulseggge, Dr. Krista Mertens, Maurits Eijgendaal, and Linda Messbauer

5:30 – 6:00 Closing Remarks – and a sneak preview of the 2011 congress - Paris, France

6:30 – 7:00 Cocktail reception

7:00 - 9:00 Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor

A Harvard-trained neuro-anatomist is committed to educating the public about the beauty and resiliency of the human brain.

Sunday, October 3

9:00 – 12:00 Enjoy a morning in the Forest. –

Experience the ultimate sensory experience (Mother Nature) at Ruffner Mountain.



Research has shown that MSE can improve the health, social well-being and quality of life of persons with severe and profound intellectual disabilities. Three groups benefit from the use of multi sensory stimulation: (a) those with profound disabilities who, because of a disability, have limited opportunity to access multi sensory stimulation on their own, such as people with developmental disabilities, cerebral palsy, Traumatic brain injury, stoke, dementia, profound multiple disabilities, learning disabilities, etc., (b) those who may have sensory processing challenges and need varying sensory stimulation in order to achieve self-regulation, such as people with autism, mental challenges, and (c) those without disabilities where multi sensory stimulation and experiencing the environment is a basis for learning and relaxation, such as infants and preschool children. MSE is also instrumental in pain management.

MSEs are being used with much success in many different environments with a greatly varied demographic. They can be found in schools, with and with-out special needs, hospitals in children’s and traumatic brain injury wards, retirement homes for use with Alzheimer’s, in parks and recreation centers to list but a few. Occupational therapists, physical therapists, teachers, care-givers, doctors, nurses, hospice workers along with many others who not only use but find great benefit and therapeutic value in MSE.


Linda Messbauer – Video Case Study of MSE, Autism, and the Brain in Action

Marja Sirkkola & Paivi Veikkola – Socioculture Multisensory Work

Martin Buntrock – The Effects of Special Relaxation Music in the MSE Room

Lorraine Thomas – Exploring MSE with Children who have Higher Needs

Dr. Kim Ward & Carrie Plesuk - Autism (ASD): Incorporating an MSE into an Intensive Intervention Program

Ilse Achterberg – MSE and Dementia

Dr. Anthony Hollander – MSE: A Move to Objectify and Authenticate

Michel Theroux (Prof. Snoezelen) – Snoezelen Homemade

Maurits Eijgendaal – MSE: Positive Psychology and the Scandinavian Approach

Barbara Vartanian – MSE in Pediatric Mental Health

Dr. Krista Mertens – Snoezelen in Action

Reinhard Keck – MSE for the Blind and Visually Impaired.

Fernand Bruneau – How MSE has influenced Day to Day Care of Psychogeriatic Patients

Monique Carlotti – Training People to Use Snoezelen: The French Spirit

Dr. Lesley Collier - Using an MSE with People with Moderate to Severe Dementia

Ana Maria Gonzalez Galli – MSE in Argentina preschools.

Dr. Maria Jose Cid and Montse Cervellera – The practical experience in the MSE room: different approaches for different goals.

Ad Verheul – Implementing MSE (Snoezelen) at the Hartenberg Center: The Beginning

Shelley Booker & Kara Wenzel – Investigating uses of MSE in a treatment program for children with Autism

Albert Krynski –The MSE in Portage Collegiate Institute: Growing Pains and Gains.

Anthony McCrovitz, PhD. – A Journey through Gentleness

Michele Shapiro, OT, PhD. – Research in the field of the Multi Sensory environment MSE (Snoezelen)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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