MSTA - TeacherTube

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|Mississippi Science Teachers Association |April 26, 2010 |

A pillar of Science Education in Mississippi Has Passed: Dr. Lawrence J. Bellipanni Sr.

Dr. Lawrence J. Bellipanni Sr., 72, of Hattiesburg, died April 13, 2010, at Forrest General Hospital.

Dr. Bellipanni was a retired associate professor of science education and biological sciences at the University of Southern Mississippi, and member of Saint Thomas of Aquinas Catholic Church, Knights of Columbus and Hattiesburg Lions Club.

Dr. Bellipanni was “Mr. Science Fair”, not only in Mississippi but also in the United States.  He served on the Board of Directors of the Mississippi Science Teachers Association until his death, and served as Science Competition Liaison on that Board.  MANY science teachers have worked for Dr. Bellipanni and have come to the Mississippi Science Teachers Association because of him.  MSTA will miss this great man.

Survivors include his wife, Rose Mary Bentz Bellipanni of Hattiesburg; two sons, Lawrence J. Bellipanni Jr. of Hattiesburg and Timothy F. Bellipanni of Gulfport; a daughter, Dr. Kimberly Dawn Bellipanni of Hattiesburg; a brother, John W. Bellipanni of Mandeville, La.; and five grandchildren.

Memorials may be made to the Lawrence Bellipanni Science Fair Scholarship Endowment at USM, 118 College Drive, #10026, Hattiesburg, MS 39406 or the Hattiesburg Lions Club, P.O. Box 15302, Hattiesburg, MS 39404.


From MSTA President:

Technology Skills in the Classroom

 Having just returned from a conference that focused on 21st century technology skills in the classroom, I decided to share a few snippets of what I have learned and will try to implement in my classroom over the next few months. As I provide thoughts on several topics of interest hopefully this will allow you the classroom teacher the motivation to infuse new technology skills into your classroom

Communication in all forms is deemed one of the most important skills both in the classroom and in our life, but it is skill that many of us take for granted.  These new generation students are drawn to these skills and use them in their everyday life.  As “digital natives” our students are constantly expose to vast amounts of media and internet information on a vast array of subjects.  Thinking skills utilizing the ability to analyze and evaluate must be incorporated into these new skill sets.  So as students learn these skills it would seem only a natural progression to incorporate these skills into the classroom environment.

Have you ever tried your hand at “screencasting?” This is a method of using a computer program to create a recording of whatever you do on your computer screen.  There are numerous programs that can be purchased for this purpose, but in an era where money and budgets are becoming increasingly tight, I decided to focus on several free programs. Free tools are always good and I have selected 5 to highlight for you.  It will then be your job to explore them further and decide how they can fit into your classroom, because each one has different benefits and limitations. The first one is “Jing.” This one is easy to download and has a great tutorial for the novice. One can also access “ for free with even more extensive training tips on many different programs not just Jing. Your screen casting will be limited to 5 minutes, but for a short introduction of a concept or topic this is great. Several others are Screencast-o-matic, Screen Toaster, Screen Castle, and uTIPu (beta testing) but will allow you to post directly to Twitter. If you decided to save these videos you can go to and save them to any format you wish and then save to your computer. I have included some tips the will hopefully make any screencasting project easier and more successful. They are 1) Begin with a summary or transcript.  You can even go to and on-line teleprompter that will help you prepare a script to follow, but student can see your script unless you use 2 computers. Secondly, as you screen cast remember to always show not just tell. Thirdly, practice, but don’t worry about trying to be perfect. Lastly just keep it short and simple and before you know it you will be an expert in “screencasting. 

John Ammons, MSTA President [pic]

From MSTA President Elect: Spring has arrived and summer is around the corner.  As the days grow longer, student attention grows shorter.  Naturally, it’s got to be a difficult task for both students and teachers to focus on education but the end of the year is around the corner.  I know you will end the year on a positive note.  The end of the year is a great time to reflect on what was good about your year and what did not work as well as you would have liked.  As my year comes to an end, I will do the same.  I will also look to what the next year will bring for MSTA.  Conference planning has begun and we hope it will be the best one yet.

As the school year comes to an end, I also reflect on how grateful I am to be a part of the science education community.  I love what I do at Mississippi College and I love being a part of MSTA.  I feel truly blessed to have been given this opportunity to be a part of this community.  I hope that you feel a passion for what you do also.  You are touching the lives of students.  That is a great accomplishment.

I hope you are looking forward to next year will passion and excitement. I know I am.   Thank you for all you do to improve the lives of your students and all those around you.  I look forward to seeing you at the MSTA conference in October.

Sincerely, Beth Dunigan, President-Elect of MSTA[pic]

Scholarship and Grant Opportunity

Otis Allen Criteria

1. Request a scholarship application (national or regional) from the scholarship chairperson).

2. Requests must be received two months prior to the national convention or regional meeting to be attended.

3. A person may receive a scholarship once in three to five years.

4. Earliest application received will receive first consideration.

5. Each recipient will receive scholarship monies as partial expense reimbursement after submitting a copy of their registration and a letter signed by his/her principal stating that the recipient attended the meeting.

To request a scholarship application, contact the chairman of the scholarship committee. Send the request to the following: Minnie C. Parham, Chairman, Otis Allen Scholarship Committee 402 Bell Avenue, Greenwood, MS 38930

R. C. Roberts Grant Form

The R. C. Roberts Fund was initiated to honor Mr. Roberts, a long-time science supervisor in the Mississippi Department of Education and assist teachers in developing outdoor classrooms, nature centers, or nature trails at their respective schools. Maximum funding that can be obtained by one teacher from one school at a particular time is $100. Applications for funding must show that additional funds from sources other than R. C. Roberts have been obtained to support the proposed project. This may be “in kind” support as well as monetary. Individuals who receive support from the R. C. Roberts Funds may apply for additional funding provided a period of three years has elapsed since the original funding was granted.

Guidelines for the R. C. Roberts Fund

Individuals interested in applying for funding should get an application form the Newsletter or request an application form from the Executive Officer or President of the Mississippi Science Teachers’ Association. The completed application must be attached to the proposal and returned to the Executive Officer. The Executive Officer will assemble a committee of at least three individuals involved in science education who will examine the proposal and recommend funding status. The decision of the review committee to fund or reject the proposal is final.

R. C. Roberts Grant Form

Name: _________________________________

School: ________________________________

School Address:____________________________

Phone: ________________________________

Principal: _________________________________

1. How long have you been at the school?

2. What do you plan to do with the money?

3. List the materials and cost of supplies for this project.

4. Where is this project located in relationship to the school?

5. Do you have the support of the principal? _____

other teachers? _____ If so, name/s. __________


6. What kind of monetary or “in kind” support do you have? List. If “in kind” support is provided, estimate its monetary value.

Complete the grant form and attach the proposal and return to: Bess Moffatt, MSTA Executive Officer, 1510 Oldfield Road, Gautier, MS 39553



Putting Technology to Work For You:

I’ve had the opportunity to intern in a fourth grade classroom this semester.  You may not have heard of this site before, but I believe it may soon become the new “trend” word.  That word is Wiki.  A Wikispace is your own personal website on the internet.  You design it, build it, and utilize it to fit your needs in the classroom.  Let me guess, you’re not a web designer?  Me neither.  The greatest thing about Wikispace, besides it being free for educators, is how simple it is to use.  It’s a pretty uncomplicated site, but there are online tutorials and videos to help you through the steps if you need them.

 This semester has been pretty stressful, and I’ve had to be creative in finding ways to get in remediation, enrichment, extensions, and review.   I realized very quickly that I needed to find a way to compile all my materials for getting in those things daily.  I’m an advocate for technology in the classroom, and Wikispace has allowed me to incorporate technology in a useful and relevant way.  Each week I create a page in every subject with videos, practice, games, and other helpful sites that are significant to the learning for the week.   I post Webquests, additional facts and information, and will soon implement discussions about topics we’re covering.  I have a Student of the Week, which I post a write-up about on its own page.  I have the current class newsletter and have included an archived list of past newsletters.  When I want to use the Wikispace for whole class instruction, I create a page with the links to visit and we go to the computer lab.  Students simply click on the page I give and follow through the links with a little guidance from me. 

When students get through early with their work, they sign in for computer time.  They are instructed to visit the current week’s topics or objectives, unless they have permission to do otherwise.   Most days every student gets their turn on the computer.  I pull my lower level students over to watch re-teach videos of the lesson and do additional practice or games.  I allow my higher level students to exit from whole class instruction to extend their learning.  Students with internet access can use the Wikispace at home.   

Wikispace’s uses have been essential for me this semester.  I’m on board the Wikispace train, and I’m not planning on exiting any time soon.  If you’d like to visit my site, you can at .  Another useful site for uses of the Wikispace in the classroom is .  I hope you find Wikispace to be something you’d like to try in your classroom.  Its ease and accessibility has made it well worth my time this semester. Brandi Duncan Herrington


If you are a 4th – 8th grade science teacher who is looking for an opportunity to increase your science content knowledge and gain instructional methods necessary for increasing students’ science content knowledge and achievement, ATOMS2xp is the place for you.

By completing a two week Summer Workshop and on-going science activities you will receive 10 CEU’s and be eligible to receive your Highly Qualified Science Endorsement. You will also receive a $1000 stipend for successful completion of the project, will have the use of a laptop computer for instructional use during the program and will receive a science resource kit.

The Summer Workshop is June 14-18 and June 21-25. 

For more information about the ATOMS2xp Project please visit: 

For questions, please contact: Re-C Carter 662-803-8200 or Sonya Smith 662-803-0509, Science Field Coordinators for the ATOMS2xp Project Internet Nuggets:

From Ann Huber: I found this website to be helpful to me and my students.  I especially like the quiz yourself part (under worksheets).

Also, for chemistry, there are several good worksheets here--good sub material.

Ann Huber

From Aleta Sullivan:I am enjoying this live binder thing - thanks for putting it on the MSTA wiki! ( )

Anatomy websites

Drag the name of the binder above to your desktop if you want to view this binder often.

Exploring Biodiversity: The Search For New Medicines

What medical secrets do venomous snails hold? How can listening in on bacterial conversations help develop new antibiotics? In four presentations, Dr. Bonnie L. Bassler and Dr. Baldomero M. Olivera reveal how a deeper understanding of nature and biodiversity informs their research into new medicines. This new, free two-DVD set from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute includes detailed chapter search by scientific topic; direct access to animations; special features on symbiotic bioluminescence, seashell taxonomy, and Philippine maritime culture; a discussion on biodiversity and conservation featuring Dr. E. O. Wilson and Dr. Eric Chivian; and a story on Dr. Bassler from NOVA scienceNOW, and interviews with the speakers.

To order this and other free Holiday Lectures on Science DVDs from HHMI, just go to and click the “Order” button.

From NPR:

The Teen Brain

The middle age brain


All materials produced by NIGMS are available free of charge to the U.S. public.

Browse and Order Free NIGMS Publications

View and order free NIGMS publications, including science education booklets on topics such as cell biology, structural biology, genetics, chemistry, computational biology and pharmacology. Also see our Web exclusive content and What Our Readers Are Saying and Tell Us What You Think of our materials.

School Resources

Use free materials for students and teachers, order multiple copies of publications for educational purposes and play interactive games.

To order materials: Aleta


From Mary Wroten

Electronic Field Trips

Each year the National Park Foundation hosts two live Electronic Field Trips (EFT) from national parks.  Each EFT is broad- cast live via cable and webcast and is also accompanied by online learning modules that serve as stand-alone resources for teachers of grades 5-8. The next EFT will air from Bryce Canyon National Park on Tuesday, May 18, 2010, at 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.  To see an example of the EFT hosted in November 2009, from Great Smoky Mountains National Park, please visit eft.  View the online learning modules that accompanied that live broadcast at .

Astronomy for Teachers

“Astronomy for Teachers” is a 3 semester- hour class offered  through the University of Mississippi.  The intensive one week course is scheduled for June 13-17, 2010. Find more information at or contact Jonnie Fitch at 662-915-7158.

Aquaculture 101

Aquaculture 101 is a workshop designed for biology and chemistry teachers.  It is sponsored by the Alabama Cooperative Extension System, Gadsden State Community College, Auburn University, and MS-AL Sea Grant.  Aquaculture, the reproduction and growth of aquatic organisms in a controlled or semi-controlled environment, is a multi-faceted science that relies heavily on principles of biology, chemistry, mathematics, and physics.  The workshop will be held     June 7-11, 2010, at Gadsden State Community College Aquaculture Education and Development Center, Gadsden, AL.  There is no cost to attend the workshop.  (Travel and living expenses are not included.) 3.2 CEU’s are available. Contact Hugh Hammer at 256-549-8345 or David Cline at 334-844-2874.  Visit the education section of for more information.

Free 5-Day Workshop

The Alabama Cooperative Extension System is offering “K-12 Growing Fish in Recirculating Systems Basic and Advanced Teacher Workshops on      June 7- June 11, 2010, at Gadsden State Aquaculture Education and Development Center, Wallace Drive Campus, Gadsden, AL.  Teachers will learn how to construct and maintain recirculating aquatic systems and how to use these systems in a classroom setting. Discussions will include recirculating systems, water quality, and curriculum design. There is no cost to attend the workshop. (Travel expenses are not covered.) Please call 256-549-8345 to make a reservation. For further information, call Hugh Hammer or Timothy Adams at 256-549-8345 or e-mail or

Stennis Educator Resource Center

The Educator Resource Center (ERC) at Stennis Space Center provides educators with opportunities to receive free educational materials and to attend professional development workshops. The ERC contains a vast collection of materials for educators, including videotapes, software, printed materials and lesson plans that reflect the most recent scientific discoveries about space and the Earth. Subjects range from science and geography to meteorology, astronomy, social studies, and environmental science.  Learn more about the 2010 Spring Educator Resource Center opportunities at .

Jefferson Lab Resources

The Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility offers a number of middle school and high school teacher resources on its Jefferson Lab Educator website.  Find reference materials, hands-on activities, worksheets, online games, experiments, projects, and more at .

Science Information For Teachers

The University of Florida’s Center for Precollegiate Education and Training provides a free service to teachers and other educators called Science Information For Teachers (SIFT).  SIFT sends 10 to 25 e-mails per week to inform teachers about useful internet sites categorized by topic, recommended educational site visits, professional development workshops, or grant opportunities. The SIFT e-mails are then archived in “The SIFTer’s Guide to Everything Science” at , which currently has over 2200 sites archived with descriptions of the sites and the links to them.  Educators can sign up for SIFT simply be e-mailing the word “subscribe” to  More information about SIFT can be found at .  A sample weekly archive can be found at .

Free Teacher-Created Resources

Find a huge selection of free teacher-created PowerPoint presentations, lesson ideas, learning modules, and games at .

Free Federal Resources for Educational Excellence Website

Free Federal Resources for Educational Excellence offers a searchable collection of  K-12 teaching resources from many federal agencies.  Topics are categorized by strands, including Life Sciences, Earth Sciences, Space Sciences and Physical Sciences.  Learn more at .


From Deborah: This site has much to explore.  I don't do biology but there are virtual labs and much more.

Don't be too surprised at your students difficulties with analyzing the results of their labs.  This is higher-order thinking in action and requires much practice and "pushing" on our part to get them to improve.

The analyzing of results for errors is part of the International Baccalaureate curriculum (IB) and they have published some materials to help teachers and students.  If you go to my class website,          and follow the links   Resources -> IB Courses   perhaps some of the items listed there will be of use to you and your students.

Many of you have probably heard about these great new free books and downloaded them already, but I needed to get around to posting about them anyway. I’ve added them both to The Best Places To Learn Web 2.0 Basics. ( )

Amazing Web 2.0 Projects

The Amazing Web 2.0 Projects Book ( )

Here is how Terry describes the free book:

# 87 projects.

# 10 further resources.

# 52 applications.

# 94 contributors.

# The benefits of using Web 2.0 applications.

# The challenges of using Web 2.0 applications.

# How the folk who ran these projects handled the issues…

# … And what they recommend you do if you run them.

# What were the learning outcomes?


Google For Teachers ( )You will have to register with the site.

Richard Byrne has written a free 33 page book titled Google For Teachers.

Here is how he describes it: This guide avoids some of the obvious things, like using Google Docs for collaborative writing, and instead focuses on some of the lesser-used Google tools options like publishing an online quiz using Google Docs. In all there are 33 pages containing 21 ideas and how to instructions for creating Google Maps placemarks, directions creating and publishing a quiz with Google Docs forms, directions for embedding books into your blog, and visual aids for accessing other Google tools.

You can’t miss downloading these two great resources!

Deborah Duncan

From Marvin Adams (MECA): Most of you probably do not know, but The Mississippi Educational Computing Association (MECA) owns the list server and web server upon which the MSTA list and Website are housed.  As the MECA Technology Liaison, I am responsible for maintaining these servers so I monitor all of the lists that are housed on the list server, including this one. 

I was pointed to the following Web site by a friend who knows, in a much better life, I taught Biology. Those of you who continue to do so, know that the concept of the size and relative size of the various components of molecular biology and cellular biology are very difficult concepts to get across to the students yet are incredibly important for their understanding of the material. 

At the top of the page, there is a Flash application with a sliding bar across the bottom.  Slide the bar and the screen takes you through a maze of smaller and smaller objects giving you a sense of relative sizes as you zoom to an atom.  I really wish I had something like this 15 years ago.   

I hope some of you will find it useful.  Marvin Adams, MECA

More on Screencasts:

Have you ever wondered how to create a screencast or why you may want to? Screen recordings, also known as screencasts, could serve a number of purposes, such as teaching your less tech-savvy relatives or friends some time-saving techniques, and showing customer service agents what the problem is when screenshots are just not enough. You have a few options when it comes to screencasting (such as Camtasia which offers to record your screen for $299, or Camstudio).

However, if you want simpler applications that can do the same thing without the heavy toll on your computer’s memory or your wallet, try these easy-to-use web-based solutions. Since all of the following offer the recordings for download, you can edit the screencasts to your liking in your preferred video editor, or start over with ease.

Deborah Duncan

The "Mississippi Museum of Natural Science" just launched a Facebook Fan page! Please consider becoming a Fan if you're on Facebook. We'll be posting helpful tips, upcoming events, fun photos and animal facts as we grow our page. Please let me know if you have any ideas for content.


News from Rainwater Observatory


The “Astronomy for Teachers” class for 3 semester hour credit through Ole Miss is scheduled for June 13-18.  This is an intensive week and you must be enrolled in the university to take the course for credit. Information at If you have questions contact Jonnie Fitch at Ole Miss  662-915-7158


A summer astronomy camp is scheduled for June 20-26 in conjunction with the Camp of the Rising Son. This week long event will be for 13-16 year olds. Registration information can be found at info@  The cost is $484.00 for the week.

ASTRO NEWS: If you have info or links you’d like to share, let us know.

The Hubble Space Telescope will be 20 years old and the “Universe Today” has put up a series of 10 articles on Hubble’s greatest discoveries.  Each article has images and what was seen each two years.  To access the other 10 articles and images look at the bottom of this story for a complete set of links to the others.

You can get to more images of Hubble at

And an amazing view from Hubble to finish up with.  HH objects in exquisite detail.


2010 Summer Workshop

June 7, 2010 – June 18, 2010

Workshop Highlights

Hands-on workshops for Science Teachers covering the science topics required by the 2010 Mississippi Science Framework in middle school classrooms

── Three year program ──

➢ Teachers’ Yearly Benefits:

➢ Stipend of $2,080 each year

➢ Laboratory supplies and workshop materials for teacher use ($1,500 value/year)

➢ 13 days of workshop training and activities, plus travel support for the Mississippi Science Teacher Assn. annual fall conference

➢ Available CEU’s

Contact Information

Project TANS, P.O. Box 5167, Mississippi State, MS 39762

Phone (662) 325-2806, Fax (662) 325-8898


Project Personnel:


Renee Clary

Charles Wax


James Dunne

Josh Winter


Debbie Beard

Svein Saebo

Educational Psychology:

Anastasia Elder

External Evaluator:

Deborah Tucker DeborahLT@

TANS is a two week summer workshop on the campus of Mississippi State University for the years 2010, 2011, and 2012. Teacher participants study physical science, earth science, and chemistry. TANS also provides follow-up online science content training, an NSTA community of teacher learners, classroom outreach with university science faculty, and three additional instructional days per year.

Our goal is to help provide Mississippi teachers with the content knowledge and resources needed to teach science more effectively. Workshop activities and supplied laboratory/ demonstration materials are designed to transfer directly to your middle school classroom.


Activities Include:

➢ Content and teaching strategies in physical science, earth science and chemistry that follow the 2010 Mississippi Science Framework.

➢ Identifying student difficulties and developing ways to overcome them.

➢ Solving conceptual & analytical problems.

➢ Inquiry based exercises to boost participants’ knowledge and provide hands-on classroom activities.

For an application go to:


Urban Education Leadership (USEL) Academy

Developing Elementary and Middle School Leaders in Urban Districts to Improve Teaching and Learning of Science

The purpose of the 2010 USEL Academy is to positively affect student achievement through the development of leaders who will help guide reform of the learning, teaching, and assessing of science in elementary/middle schools.

Leaders will be driven by personal experiences, knowledge of the change process, use of research, relevant data, and the leadership skills developed in collaboration with others. This exciting and powerful institute will be facilitated by Dr. Adriane Dorrington. The featured guest speaker will be Dr. Bernard Harris, Jr., astronaut.

August 3-5, 2010

Elementary Science and Inquiry

Moving Toward Excellence in Elementary Science Teaching for Learning – August 5-7, 2010

The purpose of this exciting hands-on three-day institute is to bring together the collaborative efforts of school building administrators, coaches/teacher leaders, and classroom teachers on behalf of quality science education. NSTA has partnered with some of the nation’s renowned leaders on science instruction to facilitate and lead this powerful professional development experience that will assist with transforming science in your school:

• Administrator Strand: Facilitated by Dr. Rodger Bybee

• Classroom Teacher Strand: Facilitated by Linda Froschauer and Dr. Tim Cooney

• Lead Teacher/Coach Strand: Facilitated by Dr. Christine Royce and Mr. Steve Rich


2010 MSTA Annual Convention October 25-27 Marriott Jackson, Jackson, MS

IMPORTANT NOTES: Each person attending the annual convention must complete a separate form. Spouses must file separate forms. Convention attendees must wear their nametag to gain admission to all convention activities. Advance registration deadline is Wednesday, October 5, 2010 (applications MUST be postmarked by October 5th for early bird “free” t-shirt).

For hotel reservations: Marriott Hotel-Jackson, Mississippi (Phone: 601-969-5100-Cut-off-date for rooms is September 25,



|Name___________________________________ |Full Program (Mon. & Tues.) Rates |

|________________________________________ |___ Member/Non-member $70.00 |

|School/Organization (for convention badge) |___Undergraduate/Graduate Student $25.00 |

|PROFESSIONAL ADDRESS |___Non-teaching Family/Guest/Spouse $35.00 |

|Address_______________________________ |These Include the Awards Luncheon on Tuesday. |

|______________________________________ |___OR ___ Daily Admission: [Check the day(s)] |

|City/State/Zip___________________________ |Monday. October 26 only: |

|School Phone __________________________ |___Member/Non-member $40.00 |

|Grade(s) and/or subjects that you teach: |___Full-time Undergraduate/Graduate Student $15.00 |

|___________________________________ |___Non-teaching Family/Guest/Spouse $20.00 |

|___________________________________ |Tuesday, October 27 only: |

|HOME ADDRESS |___Member/Nonmember $70.00 |

|Address______________________________ |___Full-time Undergraduate/Graduate Student $25.00 |

|City/State/Zip _________________________ |___Non-teaching Family/Guest/Spouse $35.00 |

|___________________________________ |The Tuesday registration fee includes admission to the Awards luncheon. |

|Home Phone: ( _____ )___________________ |Total Payment $_________________ |

|E-mail Address: ________________________ |Make checks payable to MSTA |

|* On-site registration fees will be $5.00 higher and does not include |Advanced Registration fee includes T-shirt. |

|T-shirt. |MUST be postmarked by 10/5/09. |

|** Teachers who are also part-time graduate students must register at the |T-shirt size: __________[pic] |

|Member/Nonmember rate. |FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY |

|Send completed form and payment to: |___ Personal Check ___ Cash |

|Johnette Bosarge |___School Check ___Purchase Order |

|4100 Twisted Run Lane |Amount Received: _______________________ |

|Vancleave, MS  39565 |By: _____________ Date: ____________ |

|email: | |


Summer Engineering Programming

Programs for Teachers

Teacher Researchers Academy        Date: June 3-5, 2010

Intended Audience: Teachers of k-12 in Mississippi

Are you a teacher who wants to help their students have a successful and learning-centered science fair experience?

Are you interested in developing an interesting research project as a model for your students?

The Teacher Research Academy has been designed to guide the participant through the research and presentation of their findings.  Participants will spend three days at MSU in June developing and honing their skills, developing an understanding of the ISEF research process and planning their research.  Over the next few months, using and online community software, the participants will complete their research, share challenges and successes and create a presentation to share with peers.  Finally, participants will share their final results with the group.  Participants who successfully complete the program will receive 5 CEUs for their work.  Housing and meals costs during the MSU meetings will be covered by the program.  Applications will be accepted until April 1, 2010.  Applications are available at


BEST Teachers Academy   June 28 – July 3, 2010

Intended Audience: Any member of NSTA or state level professional science teacher organizations

The BEST Teachers Academy is designed for middle and high school teachers who are interested in implementing robotics curriculums in their STEM classrooms.  Participants will design, construct and run SeaPerch () underwater robots as well as a BEST (Boosting Engineering, Science and Technology) () competitive robot.  Topics learned include electrical circuitry, soldering, CAD design, complex machinery, technical writing, gear ratios and robotic design.  This program is an excellent way to involve your students in complex thinking and problem solving national programs and competitions.  All costs for the program will be provided by the Bagley College of Engineering including housing, meals and mileage.  CEUs will also be awarded.  Applications will be accepted until April 1, 2010.  Applications available at


Programs for Students

WISE Academy: Women in Science and Engineering  June 6-12, 2010

 Intended Audience: Young Women who have completed grades 9-11.  Cost: $200.00

Application Fee: $25.00 (will be applied to tuition if accepted)

WISE Academy is a weeklong residential program for young women who have completed grades 9-11.  The Academy introduces engineering concepts, a broad survey of engineering and science fields and includes a project based learning outcome.  Participants will interact with members of SWE (Society of Women Engineers) from academia and industry.  Application packet must include recent transcripts, ACT or MCT scores, reference letters and personal essay.  Applicants must have a cumulative GPA of at least a 3.0 for consideration.  Application must be received by April 15, 2010.  Applications are available at


CSI:Bagley  - Computer Science and Engineering Academy  June 13 – 19, 2010

Intended Audience: Young Men and Young Women who are enrolled in grades 9-12 for the 2010/2011 school year.

Cost: $400.00

Application Fee: $25.00 (will be applied to tuition if accepted)

The CSI:Bagley Academy is based in Computer Science and Engineering and used the lens of forensics to explore multiple applications and technologies.  Participants will have opportunities to interact with teaching and research faculty from the MSU department of Computer Science and Engineering.  This program is ideal for young people who are interested in computer programming, technology use and application as well as those who are interested in learning about the most up to date technology based forensics tools.  Application packet must include recent transcripts, ACT or MCT scores, reference letters and personal essay.  Applicants must have a cumulative GPA of at least a 3.0 for consideration.  Application must be received by April 15, 2010.  Applications are available at


Engineering for Everyone Academy    June 20 – June 26, 2010

Intended Audience: Students of Color who are enrolled in grades 9-12 for the 2010/2011 school year.

Cost: $200.00

Application Fee: $25.00 (will be applied to tuition if accepted)

The Engineering for Everyone Academy (formerly UFPME) is sponsored in partnership between the National Society of Black Engineers, Society for Hispanic Engineers and the Bagley College of Engineering at MSU.  Participants will explore a broad range of engineering disciplines, participate in ACT preparation classes, and meet with MSU admissions staff and counselors.  Application packet must include recent transcripts, ACT or MCT scores, reference letters and personal essay.  Applicants must have a cumulative GPA of at least a 2.5 for consideration.  Application must be received by April 15, 2010.  Applications are available at


WIA: Women in Action Academy    June 28 – July 3, 2010

Intended Audience: Young Women who have completed grades 7 &8

Cost:  $200.00

Application Fee: $25.00 (will be applied to tuition if accepted)

WIA Academy is a weeklong residential program for young women who have completed grades 7 and 8 but have not begun their 9th grade year.  The Academy introduces engineering concepts, a broad survey of engineering and science fields and includes a project based learning outcome.  Participants will interact with members of SWE (Society of Women Engineers) from academia and industry.  Application packet must include recent transcripts, ACT or MCT scores, reference letters and personal essay.  Applicants must have a cumulative GPA of at least a 3.0 for consideration.  Application must be received by April 15, 2010.  Applications are available at


MSTI: Mississippi Transportation Institute 2010    July 11-24, 2010

Intended Audience:  Students enrolled in grades 9 and 10 in the 2010/2011 school year.

Cost: No Cost to Participant other than processing fee of $50.00

The Mississippi Summer Transportation Institute (MSTI) includes hands-on activities, development of communication skills, and utilization of technology and skills required in today’s workforce. This camp is for students who will be enrolled in grades 9 and 10 during the 2010/2011 school year.  Participants MUST have a residential address in Mississippi.  Applications due by April 15, 2010.  Applications are available at


SEE 1 – Summer Engineering Experience 1  Session A: June 7 – 11, 2010 (8 am-noon)

(Starkville)      Session B: July 19-23, 2010 (8 am – noon)

Intended Audience:  Students ages 8-10 (birthday must fall between Jan 1, 2000 and Jan 1, 2002)

Cost: $150.00

Application Fee: $25.00 (will be applied to tuition if accepted)

The week-long program teaches children basic engineering principles, teamwork and critical thinking skills, which heighten their interest in math and science. The activities are hands-on, problem-solving and cooperative with an emphasis on engineering. These activities will be done in groups of three or four students, supervised by MSU College of Engineering students, faculty and staff.  Applications due by April 15, 2010.  Applications are available at


SEE 2 – Summer Engineering Experience 2  Session A: June 7 – 11, 2010 (1 – 5 pm)

(Starkville)      Session B: July 19-23, 2010 (1 – 5 pm)

Intended Audience:  Students ages 10-12 (birthday must fall between Jan 1, 1998 and Jan 1, 2000)

Cost: $150.00

Application Fee: $25.00 (will be applied to tuition if accepted)

The week-long program teaches young people basic engineering principles, teamwork and critical thinking skills, which heighten their interest in math and science. The activities are hands-on, problem-solving and cooperative with an emphasis on engineering. These activities will be done in groups of three or four students, supervised by MSU College of Engineering students, faculty and staff.  Applications due by April 15, 2010.  Applications are available at


SEE 1 – Summer Engineering Experience 1 (Canton)   June 21-25, 2010 (8am - noon)

Intended Audience:  Students ages 8-10 (birthday must fall between Jan 1, 2000 and Jan 1, 2002)

Cost: $150.00

Application Fee: $25.00 (will be applied to tuition if accepted)

This day-camp program will be held at the CAVS-E building in Canton, MS.  The week-long program teaches children basic engineering principles, teamwork and critical thinking skills, which heighten their interest in math and science. The activities are hands-on, problem-solving and cooperative with an emphasis on engineering. These activities will be done in groups of three or four students, supervised by MSU College of Engineering students, faculty and staff.  Applications due by April 15, 2010.  Applications are available at


SEE 2 – Summer Engineering Experience 2 (Canton)   June 21-25, 2010 (1 – 5 pm)

Intended Audience:  Students ages 10-12 (birthday must fall between Jan 1, 1998 and Jan 1, 2000)

Cost: $150.00

Application Fee: $25.00 (will be applied to tuition if accepted)

This day-camp program will be held at the CAVS-E building in Canton, MS.  The week-long program teaches young people basic engineering principles, teamwork and critical thinking skills, which heighten their interest in math and science. The activities are hands-on, problem-solving and cooperative with an emphasis on engineering. These activities will be done in groups of three or four students, supervised by MSU College of Engineering students, faculty and staff.  Applications due by April 15, 2010.  Applications are available at


The Math and Science Camp provides an opportunity for 40 rising 9th and 10th grade young men to spend a week on the campus of the Mississippi School for Mathematics and Science involved in hands-on, project-based learning experiences that further develop their math and science skills, improve their test-taking abilities, and prepare them to compete more effectively within their peer groups. This experience is designed for students who excel in mathematics and science and are interested in careers in the fields of science, mathematics, engineering, and technology. Planned activities include engineering competitions, creative test-taking strategies, a ropes course, and a field trip to MSU’s Center for Advanced Vehicular Studies, High Performance Computer, and the “CAVE.”

The camp is offered at NO COST to the participant (other than a $25 registration fee due once an applicant is selected). Room and board, food, supplies, and all materials used are provided. Participants must furnish their own linens and toiletry items. All participants will be housed in MSMS residential housing on the MUW/MSMS campus in Columbus. All meals will be served in the MUW cafeteria (excluding special functions). Each student must provide his own transportation to and from the camp. Due to planned renovations, only one MSMS residence hall is available this summer. As a result, this year’s camp is being limited to boys. We look forward to having both halls available next year and being able to offer the camp to both male and female applicants.

Students, after completing your portion of the application, please place the application and essays in one envelope, and mail to: MSMS Math and Science Camp, Attention: Shelia Horton, 1100 College St., MUW-1627, Columbus, MS 39701

You will also need to provide copies of the application recommendation page to your counselor and math teacher, asking them to complete and return the forms by mail or fax (662-329-8570).

All applications must be received by Friday, May 7, 2010, to be considered. Acceptance notices will be mailed within 2 weeks of the application closing. Students who are selected will be asked to pay a $25 deposit to hold their places for the Math and Science Camp.

2009-2010 MSTA Board of Directors


President Dr. John Ammons (

President-Elect Dr, Beth Dunigan (

Immediate Past President & Long Range Goals Sheila Smith (

Convention Planner Bess Moffatt (bmoffatt@)

Treasurer Johnette Bosarge (

Secretary Betsy Sullivan (bsullivan@madison-)

State science Coordinator

Committee Chairs

AV Coordinator Dr. Aleta Sullivan ( Dr. Wilbur Walters (

Awards Ann Huber (phy2chem@)

Building-a-Presence Dr. Angela Bedenbaugh ( Lillie Tucker-Akin (sci4me@)

Convention Evaluation Dr. Burnette Hamil (

Convention Program Mr. Ken Wester (

Exhibitor Chairman Belinda Matlock (ebmat@)

Historian/Parlimentarian Jo Anne Reid (joareid@)

Legislative Representative Dr. Angela Bedenbaugh (

Long Range Goals Sheila Smith (

Member emeritus Jane Lusk (jwlusk@)

Membership Dr. Malcolm McEwen (

MSTA Editor Deborah Duncan (deb50duncan@)

MSTA Store Janey Boswell (jboswell@madison-)

Public Relations Rheta Ann West ( and Dr. Johnny Mattox (

Receptions Corky Vess (

Registration Coordinator Johnette Bosarge (

Sales Coordinator Melinda Miller (

Scholarships Ms. Minnie Parham (parham@network-);

Ms. Bess Moffatt (bmoffatt@)

Science Fair Dr. Larry Bellipanni (

Shar-A-Thon Carrie Bell (CarrieBell246@)

Professional Liaisons Dr. Joe Sumrall (

Regional Directors

District A Donna Roberts (djtrob@)

District B Dr. Wilbur Walters (

District C Marilyn Castle (marilyncastle@

Cameron Glenn (cameron.glenn@)

District D Dr. Johnny Mattox (

District E Dennis Reed (

District F Shani Bourn (


College and University Dr. Bill Scott (tinae@vista-) & John Wiginton ( )

Community Colleges Dr. Aleta Sullivan (

Elementary Terry Gressett (

High School Cindy Alsworth (

Informal Education Libby Hartfield (

Middle School Jackie Stevens (jkestevens@)

Pre Service Dr. Burnette Hamil (

Private Schools Ann Huber (annhuber@phy2chem@)

Secondary School Carrie Bell (CarrieBell246@)

Science Completions Sheila Hendry (sheilahendry@)

Join us at the MSTA Listserv by visiting this site and filling out the form found there. Visit our website at MS- The listserv and website are services provided for MSTA members at no additional cost. Don’t forget the MSTA Wiki space at Websites and more can be found here.

Please send information on workshops, announcements, other matters of interest to our membership to me,

Deborah Duncan, 1402 Golf Course Rd., Philadelphia, MS 39350 or email me at deb50duncan@


Table of Contents

A Pillar of Mississippi Science Education Has Passed 1

From MSTA President: Technology Skills in the Classroom 1-2

Call for Nominations 2

MSTA Conference Information 2

Seeking Presenters for the MSTA Conference 2

From MSTA President Elect 2-3

MSTA Exhibitor Forms Published 3

Scholarship and Grant Opportunity 3-4

Putting Technology to Work for You 4

ATOMS2XP MSU Workshop 4-5

Internet Nuggets

From Ann Huber 5

From Aleta Sullivan 5

From Mary Wroten 5-6

From Deborah Duncan 6-7

From Marvin Adams 7

More on Screencasts 7-8

Mississippi Museum of Natural Science 8

News from Rainwater Observatory 8

TANS Summer Workshop 8-9

Urban Education Leadership Academy 9

MSTA Convention Advance Registration Form 10

Summer Engineering Programming 11-15

MSTA Fall Conference—What a Bargain 15


MSTA Membership Form 15

2009-2010 MSTA Board of Directors 16

Mississippi Science Teachers Association cordially invites you to become a member.

To do so, please complete the items below. Return completed form and the $10.00 annual membership fee ($5.00 student) to:

Johnette Bosarge Treasurer,

Mississippi Science Teachers Association,

703 East Beach Dr.

Ocean Springs, MS 39564

Name: _____________________________________________________________________

Last First Middle Initial

Home Address: ______________________________________________________________

Street or Box City State Zip

Name of School or Institution: ___________________________________________________

Work address:_______________________________________________________________

Street or Box City State Zip

Grade Level: Circle the correct grade K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 College Informal

E-mail address if you have one: __________________________________________________

Subject(s) Taught: _____________________________________________________________

Mississippi Science Teachers Association cordially invites you to become a member.

To do so, please complete the items below. Return completed form and the $10.00 annual membership fee ($5.00 student) to:

Bess Moffatt, Executive Officer/Treasurer,

Mississippi Science Teachers Association,

1510 Old Field Road,

Gautier, MS 39553

Name: _____________________________________________________________________

Last First Middle Initial

Home Address: ______________________________________________________________

Street or Box City State Zip

Name of School or Institution: ___________________________________________________

Work address:_______________________________________________________________

Street or Box City State Zip

Grade Level: Circle the correct grade K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 College Informal

E-mail address if you have one: __________________________________________________

Subject(s) Taught: _____________________________________________________________

MSTA Newsletter

USM Box 8466

Hattiesburg, MS 39406-8466


New this year!!  All presenter proposals for the 2010 conference will be submitted on line! 

The electronic form can be found on the MSTA webpage, ms-. 

Help make our conference successful by sharing what works for you and your students with others!

Questions, contact Ken Wester, or 662-425-4585.

Deadline September 25, 2010

Don’t forget to nominate someone for an MSTA Award. Contact Ann Huber at phy2chem@

Don’t forget:

• Go online to submit presentation proposals. Deadline September 25, 2009. Found at

• Send in registration by October 5, 2009.

• Reserve your room by September 25, 2009.

• Exhibitors Go Online to submit your information to reserve your booth(s). Found at

• Visit or to view this newsletter in electronic form so that internet links are active.

Mississippi Science Teachers Association The Marriott Hotel, Jackson, MS

October 26 – 27, 2010

2010 Convention Exhibit Registration Form is Going Electronic:

Make your reservations for your booth(s) by visiting look for the Exhibitor’s Form in the left margin. Also, there will be an Electronic Exhibitor’s Form at

MSTA 2010 Fall Conference

October 24-26, 2010

At Jackson Marroitt

Room rate: $114 Single or Double—Please made your reservations by September 24, 2010. For reservations call: 1-601-969-5100 (Be sure to mention MSTA when you make your reservations.)

MSTA Fall Conference

What a Bargain!!

This is what you get for your registration fee—

• Conference registration (access to over 100 sessions on science)

• MSTA T-shirt

• Lunch on Tuesday (Awards Luncheon)

• MSTA Dues for one year.

• MSTA Reception and Auction

o Free entry to the MS Museum of Natural Science exhibits

o Heavy hordouves and beverage

• Planetarium Show


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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