Norfolk & Norwich Festival recognises the need ... - Amazon S3

193230548577500Food and Drink ConcessionsWe are looking for vendors to cater at our central hub in the Festival Gardens (13 – 24 May 2020, limited to three vendors), and for our popular daytime Garden Party (16 – 17 May 2020). We are particularly interested in local vendors who provide quality produce, innovative presentation, and are considerate of their environmental impact.This year, we are happy to announce that all menus will be meat and fish free. If you are a vendor that currently caters to a variety of diets, please do not be deterred - we would love to work with you to put together a menu that fits our criteria.To apply, please fill out an Expression of Interest Form and attach pictures of your trading unit, a menu (including prices), and any further information you would like to include to support your application. Completed applications should be sent to to trade at Norfolk & Norwich Festival will be open until the 28 February 2020. We look forward to hearing from you!Please note: Pitches are not allocated on a first come first served basis. We assess each application on its own merit, so please ensure that all applications are fully completed and include as much information as possible. All pitch holders are required to pay an ?100 refundable deposit, part of which will act as an Eco-Bond. Going Green Norfolk & Norwich Festival are committed to reducing our environmental impact, celebrating local produce, and championing the best food & drink vendors that Norfolk has to offer. As part of our Green initiatives, we are introducing the Eco-Bond and the Sustainable Stallholder Award. Eco-BondThe Eco-Bond is a ?40 monetary sum represented within the vendor’s ?100 refundable deposit. The Eco-Bond will be returned to the vendor along with the rest of the deposit at the end of the Festival, providing they have upheld and adhered to our Green Trading Standards. Green Trading StandardsThe sale of single-use, non-recyclable items will be strictly prohibited. For example, plastic bottles, cutlery, straws and sachets. Food and drink packaging and utensils should be made from biodegradable or compostable materials e.g. corn starch, bagasse, wood pulp and palm leaf. The sale of water is strictly prohibited. Instead, water jugs and cups should be provided and customers should be directed to the festival refill points. Flyering will not be permitted. Instead, we will promote the vendors in the Festival Gardens on our website and social media platformsLocal, seasonal and sustainable produce should be prioritised in order to reduce food miles.Food concessions will ensure that their menu is meat and fish free.Pitches should be left litter free and in the condition that they were found.Sustainable Stallholder AwardAll food and drink concessions will be entered for our Sustainable Stallholder Award. This accolade allows us to provide special recognition for vendors who show particular creativity and commitment in reducing their environmental impact. 1932305952500Food & Drink Concessions: Expression of Interest FormPERSONAL DETAILS NAMETELEPHONE / MOBILE NUMBEREMAIL ADDRESS CONCESSION DETAILS NAMEADDRESSTELEPHONE / MOBILE NUMBEREMAIL ADDRESS WEBSITECOMPANY UTR (UNIQUE TAXPAYER REFERENCE) NUMBER DESCRIPTION IN ADDITION, PLEASE ATTACH A COPY OF YOUR MENU AND IMAGES OF YOUR STALL, FOOD, DRINK ETC. CONCESSION SPECIFICATIONTYPE OF STALL – FOR EXAMPLE, GAZEBO, VEHICLE, STATIC TRAILER/CARAVAN. SIZE - LENGTH, WIDTH, HEIGHT (CM)NUMBER OF STAFF CONCESSION REQUIREMENTS POWER (AMPS)IN ADDITION, PLEASE SPECIFY ANY OVERNIGHT POWER REQUIREMENTS ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS CONCESSION AVAILABILITY FESTIVAL GARDENS 13 MAY – 24 MAY 2020NOTE: LATE OPENING HOURS REQUIREDGARDEN PARTY WEEKEND 16 MAY – 17 MAY 2020NOTE: OPENING HOURS 11AM – 5PM (TIMES MAY VARY)ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY STATEMENT - CONCESSIONSNorfolk & Norwich Festival recognises the need to respond to climate change and environmental degradation and to ensure that all aspects of the organisation, and the events we create and present, are run as sustainably as possible.We are committed to reducing the negative environmental impacts of our own activities, in particular those relating to energy use, water use, food, waste, transport and travel.We expect all contracted concessions to adhere to our Green Trading Standards as stated above.Your support will help us to achieve our goal of delivering sustainable arts and culture events. I CONFIRM THAT I HAVE READ AND WILL ADHEAR TO NORFOLK & NORWICH FESTIVAL’S GREEN TRADING STANDARDS NameSignedPlease return the Expression of Interest Form to Please remember to include the name of your concession within the subject line of the email. ................

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