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104 min | Action, Crime, Drama Five years after surviving the all-out war between the Sanno and Hanabishi crime families, former yakuza boss Otomo now works in South Korea for Mr. Chang, a renowned fixer whose influence extends into Japan. A relatively minor incident causes tensions to rise between Chang Enterprises and the faraway powerful Hanabishi. The growing conflict gets out of hand and ignites a ferocious power struggle... See full summary ? Director: Takeshi Kitano | Stars: Takeshi Kitano, Toshiyuki Nishida, Tatsuo Nadaka, Ken Mitsuishi Votes: 3,018 A comedy. A horror-thriller. An action-adventure. Go Goa Gone is all of these rolled into one! A unique combination of fear and funny makes this film a one-of-a-kind genre bender - A Zombie Comedy, or ZOMCOM! Hardik and Luv are two dope heads who tag along to Goa with their best buddy, Bunny, on his business trip. Luv comes across a free-spirited girl, Luna who casually invites them to an exclusive underground rave party on a remote island! The party is the brainchild of the macho Russian Mafioso, Boris, to launch the ultimate party drug. But something is not right on this island! All of a sudden, they are accosted by zombies! Where did these zombies come from? And who is Boris really? And why has this cold-hearted drug-dealing don come to save their lives? Together they need to get the hell out of the infected island! But do they? more?Director:Starring: Saif Ali Khan, Kunal Khemu ...Subtitles:Arabic, English, ChineseWatch Movie Grip your seats as Dishoom is all set to take you on an action-packed ride of entertainment! Two days before the big clash between India and Pakistan, top cricketer Viraj Sharma goes missing. With only 36 hours left to find him, the Emirates Police Department hires an Indian officer, Kabir Shergill, to solve the case, who's later joined by a rookie cop, Junaid Ansari, as he has a good knowledge of the town. Together the two then set out on a high-octane mission full of power-packed punches and mysterious plot twists as they race against time, in order to rescue the Indian cricketer. more?Starring: John Abraham, Varun Dhawan ...Subtitles:Arabic, English, ChineseWatch Movie R...Rajkumar is a power-packed romance drama featuring a roadside ruffian, Romeo and how love turns his otherwise simple and aimless life into a high-octane action adventure! The film begins with Romeo Rajkumar, who relocates to a small town named Dhartipur, which is ruled by two drug barons Shivraj and Manik respectively. Romeo starts working for Shivraj, hoping his life will change for good. However, cupid strikes when he crosses path with the beautiful and educated girl Chanda! He falls head over heels in love with her unaware that she was raised by her uncle, Shivraj s arch enemy, Manik! The situation turns worse when Shivraj gets attracted to Chanda and desires to marry her. Chanda by now has fallen in love with Romeo and refuses to marry Shivraj, but her uncle pays no heed to her wishes. Now it s up to Romeo to fight for his love against Shivraj and Manik s henchmen! Will he triumph in this action-packed romance drama? more?Starring: Shahid Kapoor, Sonakshi Sinha ...Subtitles:Arabic, English, ChineseWatch Movie The story jumps into action when a police constable from Singham's squad is found dead, having scampered away holding enormous sum of money and is charged of being corrupt. As the story unravels, Singham begins a quest to track a black marketer with tremendous influence within the political system. Guruji, a righteous politician and Singham's teacher, intends to change the society for the better but faces death threats from Baba's goons. During this blockbuster journey, DCP Singham fights these influential rogues in the system with utmost honesty, courage & diligence. The dauntless lion is now ready to roar again and facing new adversities & challenges that cross his path to test his integrity and valor. With the love and respect that he earned, the complete law enforcement supports him throughout his ordeals. more?Starring: Ajay Devgn, Kareena Kapoor ...Subtitles:Arabic, English, RomanianWatch Movie From the misty pages of history comes a story of extreme valour, fierce pride and poignant love. As the British enslave India with their devious Divide and Rule policy, kings and nawabs fall to their guile and cunning ways, and entrust their precious kingdom to the foreigners. Except, however, for the brave Pindaris, who prefer death to dishonour and will fight till their last breath to save their motherland. The bravest, toughest and strongest of the Pindaris is Veer. As Veer takes on the might of the British Empire, he also has to fight the conniving King of Madavgarh, along with his own jealous tribesmen. But then the stakes are high. At stake is his love for princess Yashodhara, daughter of his sworn enemy, and his thirst to avenge his father's dishonour. His own existence itself is at stake as cannons roar, swords clash in the fierce battlefields and the dead pile up. But when the dust settles down on the blood soaked land, only one valiant warrior stands head and shoulders above them all - Veer! Watch this epic saga of bravery, drama, treachery and love. more?Starring: Salman Khan, Zareen Khan ...Subtitles:Arabic, EnglishWatch Movie A high-octane drama full of thrills, action and dance. Munna Michael follows the journey of Munna, a street dancer who is also a huge Michael Jackson fan. He challenges people in local clubs for a dance off to earn some quick money. His father reprimands his way of living but Munna continues to pick challenges for the love of dance. But soon, he is blacklisted and is forced to relocate to Delhi where he comes across a gangster, Mahindar, who is in love with a dancer, Dolly. Mahindar asks Munna to teach him to dance so that he can impress Dolly, the girl who dreams of winning the trophy of a dancing star. Thereafter, Munna turns dance guru for Mahindar, not realizing that he is secretly falling for Dolly too. What happens when Mahindar discovers Munna's feelings for Dolly? more?Starring: Tiger Shroff, Nidhhi Agerwal ...Subtitles:Arabic, English, ChineseWatch Movie In Sellvandhan, Harsha Vardhana is the scion of a huge business empire. His lady love is Charusheela, an idealistic country girl who wants to change the face of her village. Initially, Charu does not know that Harsha is such a rich man leading to heartbreak and mistrust when the truth finally comes out. Transformed by the ideals of Charu, Harsha travels to her village to bring about change. Unknowingly, Harsha completes a circle of life by embracing the village and adopting it as it is the same village that his industrialist father started out from, never to return. Harsha s journey of change and development is made almost impossible with greedy politicians, henchmen and his own father s terrible tragedy Would Harsha be able to change things for the better, bridge the gap with his father and find love with Charu again? more?Starring: Mahesh Babu, Shruti Haasan ...Subtitles:Arabic, English, ChineseWatch Movie Uday Shetty (Nana Patekar) and Majnu Bhai (Anil Kapoor), the protagonists from the film 'Welcome', have left the underworld and are now big businessmen. Two women, Chandni (Ankita Srivastava) and Maharani (Dimple Kapadia), posing as princess and Queen of Nazafgardh, enter their lives; Chandni (Ankita Srivastava) is the new lady love in Uday Shetty (Nana Patekar) and Majnu s (Anil Kapoor) life and both dream of tying the knot with her at the earliest. However, Appa, Uday s father, plays spoilsport by bringing another daughter named Ranjana (Shruti Haasan) from his third marriage into the picture. He tells Uday Shetty (Nana Patekar) to get her married to someone from a good family. Maharani (Dimple Kapadia) puts in a condition that only after their sister is married to Chandni (Ankita Srivastava) will she marry one of them. The search to find a suitable boy for their sister Ranjana (Shruti Haasan) hence begins! more?Starring: Anil Kapoor, John Abraham ...Subtitles:Arabic, English, ChineseWatch Movie A local kabaddi champion from Agra, Pintu Shukla, who never backs down from a challenge finds himself in the middle of a lethal unrequited love. On one hand is a local Bahubali from Mathura, Gajender Singh, who has a penchant for sharp knives and instant death. On the other hand is a pretty girl, Radhika Mishra, who hails from the same city and, just wants to escape from Gajender's domain. As an adrenaline pumped cat and mouse game goes in top gear, no party is ready to compromise. A new definition of love is about to be written and it will be written in bold letters. more?Director:Starring: Arjun Kapoor, Sonakshi Sinha ...Subtitles:Arabic, English, ChineseWatch Movie Set Favorite Watch Later Embed URL

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