Korean action movies free


Korean action movies free

Filter by Genre Filter by Genre Action Anime Comedy Crime Documentary Drama Horror Independent Late Night Lgbtq Martial Arts Romance Romantic Comedy Sci-Fi & Fantasy Thriller TV Series Filter by Region Filter By Region Australia Cambodia Canada China Denmark Hong Kong Hungary India Indonesia Japan Macao Malaysia Mongolia Singapore South Korea Taiwan United States Taiwan United States Vietnam Filter by Theme Filter Themes Asian American Cute Family Historical Inspiring Music Mystery Revenge Samurai Sports Supernatural Tearjerker Teen Twisted Violent War Weird Modem He has a secret. His aunt knows how to cast a spell, and so does she. But he never uses it! On her 24th birthday, the modem is given as a gift the love never lost magical bubble tea. He insists he never uses it. The love of magic can never be true. The universe suddenly proves him wrong when tea, thinking he threw it away, is served down

the BearBike man's helmet. Light, who's a bastard to everyone, but now so sweet to him! Modem's true love is Boss, and Light is just a fake fantasy. At least that's what he's saying to himself. His love for Boss doesn't seem to be going anywhere when Light is obsessed with him. It's like things aren't messed up yet, the family's magic bubbles have disappeared, and they're nowhere to be found! Bringing these bubbles back, the modem finds itself unraveling the hidden secret of Light, Boss and himself, which is not just a coincidence, some fate. Watch the trailer Watch episodes of EP1. Magic Milk Tea family EP2. Meeting a new boss filter by genre Filter by genre Action Anime Comedy Crime Documentary Drama Horror Independent Late Night Lgbtq Martial Arts Romance Romantic Comedy Sci-Fi & Fantasy Thriller TV Series Filter by Region Filter by Region Australia Canada China Denmark HongKorea Hungary India Indonesia Japan Macau Malaysia Mongolia Philippines Singapore South Korea Taiwan United States United States United States Filter by Theme Filter By Theme Asian American Cute Family Historical Inspiring Music Mystery Revenge Samurai Sports Supernatural Tearjerker Teen Twisted Violent War Weird Do you want action on your life? Korean cinema could be a good place to start. South Korea makes some of the best action movies in the world, often hitting Hollywood (which seems to be clogged in unusual sequels recently). Want to know which one of these movies is worth your time? Check out this list of the best Korean action movies. We have curated a selection of films representing a wide range of activities - axe-fighting gangster spies shooting at each other, and even zombies. Although we have updated this list for 2020 and most movies have been in recent years, we also recommend films from the early 2000s that you still want to watch.? ? ?11. Berlin FileKorean title: (Bereullin)| Year published: 2013 | Starring: Ha Jung-woo, Han Suk-kyu, Ryoo Seung-bum, Jun Ji-hyunIf you like action-filled action-filled Thrillers like the Jason Bourne series are likely to like The Berlin File. Shot entirely in Europe, this Korean film stars Ha Jung-woo and Jun Ji-hyun (My Sassy Girl) a North Korean spy couple stationed in Berlin.When a arms deal with Middle Eastern terrorists goes wrong, the couple goes rogue to avoid punishing the North Korean government. Soon, both South and North Korean spies will begin pursuing them, while other agencies, such as Mossad and the CIA, will also participate. The Berlin folder contains gunfights, fistfights, rooftop hunts, large explosions and almost anything you'd expect from a top-notch spy movie. Stream Berlin file on Amazon | Stream a Berlin file on DramaFever10. ChaserKorean Title: (Chugyeokja)| Year published: 2008 | Starring: Kim Yoon-seok, Ha Jung-woo, Seo Young-hee Full of exciting action and compelling characters, The Chaser offers darkness and violence at a relentless pace. The film's protagonist is Eom Jong-hoo (played by Kim Yoon-seok), a former police investigator who is now a pimp. When one of his girls disappears, he goes looking for her - and confronts the terrifying serial killer (played by Ha Jung-woo, also in the Berlin file) in the process. With time ticking, Eom has to stop the serial killer before it's too late. Chaser has blood and gore, but it's not tasteless or excessive. The film keeps you constantly on the edge of the seat; it builds, liberates and then rebuilds tensions with great care. Eom Jong-hoo also has a great sense of dry humor that acts as a thrill release valve and allows you to build empathy with his complex personality. Stream Chaser on YouTube | Stream Chaser on iTunes Video9. A Hard DayKorean title: (Kkeutkkaji Ganda)| Year published: 2015 | Starring: Lee Sun-kyun, Cho Jin-woong You may begin to notice: corrupt cops are a common trope in Korean movies. The protagonist of the hard day is a corrupt detective named Ko Gun-su. When Ko accidentally kills a homeless man in a hit-and-run, he covers it up. However, it turns out that the homeless man is a convicted murderer, and Ko has been ordered to find him. Detective Ko, who is cornered, begins to realize that he is involved in a conspiracy greater than himself. He faces drug deals, explosions, extortion and hidden mints - enough to keep you a watcher constantly entertaining. Stream hard days on Netflix (limited availability) | Stream a hard day on Amazon8. ShiriKorea Title: (Swiri)| Year published: 1999 | Starring: Han Suk-kyu, Choi Min-sik, Yunjin Kim, Song Kang-ho, Hwang Jung-min Don't let its 1999 release date stop you. Shiri remains one of the greatest Korean action movies of all time, marking an important moment in South Korean film history. If Korean movies, you have to watch it. In Shir, South Korean spies are after a North Korean assassin. The plot intensifies when the South Koreans find North Korean spies. Spies. An assassin has planted dangerous explosives around Seoul. As the South Korean capital waits in fear, spies chase and fight each other in a nail-biting series of encounters. Shiri was the first Hollywood-style action bomber ever made in South Korea. The film draws heavily on the styles of Western spy films (such as the James Bond series) and Hong Kong action movies and combines them with a familiar but still uniquely Korean setting. With its high production quality and compelling plot, Shiri showed the world that Korea can make films that appeal to both critics and mass audiences. If you're wondering how successful Korean cinema is today -- it all started with Shiri's success. Many of South Korea's best-known actors and filmmakers starred or took inspiration from Shir, including Choi Min-sik (Oldboy), Song Kang-ho (Memories of Murder, The Host, A Taxi Driver) and Hwang Jung-min (Ode to My Father). Stream Shiri Vudulla | Buy a Shirin DVD from Amazon7. Steel RainKorea title: (Gangcheolbi)| Year published: 2017| Starring: Jung Woosung, Kwak Do-wonHere's second North Korea-related spy thriller. In Steel Rain, a North Korean spy named Eom Chul-woo (played by Jung Woo-sung) ends up in South Korea after his country has experienced a coup. Eom must work with South Korean bureaucrat Kwak Chul-woo to stop a conspiracy threatening to launch a nuclear war on the Korean peninsula. Steel Rain had a great publishing idea ? it came up as soon as tensions between North Korea and the United States escalated in December 2017. The film reflects these tensions quite well, including cia and State Department figures, as well as numerous American weapons. Ultimately, however, the film is still Korean in its heart, providing one of the most up-to-date and entertaining dramatizations of the North-South conflict. Stream Steel Rain on Netflix6. VeteranKorean Title: (Beterang) | Year published: 2015 | Starring: Hwang Jung-min, Yoo Ah-inAs the biggest Korean film of 2015, Veteran is definitely an audience pleaser. The film stars Hwang Jung-min as an unorthodont detective named Seo Do-cheol, who begins investigating an arrogant chaebol (congloutation company) heir named Jo Tae-oh (played by Yoo Ah-in). Jo's a classic bad guy fueled by dad's money. He drives fast cars and seems to be coping with all his crimes despite detective Seo's best efforts. Basically, he is the embodiment of a nut-raging elite that many South Koreans have come to despise. The veteran offers an relatable story of an ordinary man versus a rich prick, while offering plenty of fights, chases and witty banter. The film is much lighter than many others on this list; It's officially an action comedy. That's why, if you want to laugh about the fights The veteran is worth the watch. Stream Veteran on Netflix | Stream veteran on Amazon5. Good, Bad, WeirdKorea title: , , (Jo-eun nom nappeun nom isanghan nom)| Year of the Year 2008 | Starring: Song Kang-ho, Lee Byung-hun, Jung Woo-sungLike Westerns? Korea has an excellent Western: Good, Bad, Strange. If the title of the film sounds familiar, it's because it's inspired by Sergio Leone's famous 1966 spaghettiwestern The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. Instead of the American West in the late 19th century, the film takes place in Japanese-occupied Manchuria just before World War II (Korea was also occupied by Japan then). If you are a historian of modern East Asia, this is very interesting; The film offers a great insight into how Japanese imperialism embodied many aspects of Western imperialism. In a way, Manchuria was the Wild West of the Japanese Empire, an alleged settler paradise that ended up attracting outlaws and violence as well. For those who are not historians, just think of Good, Evil, Strange as a movie with a lot of outlaws and violence. Three of South Korea's best-known actors play its protagonists: Jung woo-sung (a bounty hunter who is Good), Lee Byung-hun (hitman who is Evil) and Song Kang-ho (a thief who is Strange). In the film, they compete against each other and the Japanese Imperial Army to reveal the secrets of the treasure map. Compete is an understatement: the film has shootings, train robberies, horse chases, motorcycle chases and more. The stunt work is incredible; The characters' unique quirks combine with a rollicking soundtrack to make the film's entire 2 hours 19 minutes one of the most entertaining movie experiences you'll ever have. Stream good, bad, weird on Amazon4. Train to BusanKorean title: (Busanhaeng)| Year published: 2016 | Starring: Gong Yoo, Jung Yu-mi, Ma Dong-seokIf you want your action in an undead form, look no further than train to Busan. Released for major box office success in 2016, this is South Korea's first big-budget zombie film. In the film, a hedge fund manager named Seok-woo promises to bring his daughter Su-an from Seoul to Busan. On the way to Busan, however, the zombie apocalypse breaks out all over South Korea.Fighting against the darker instincts of both zombies and fellow travelers (especially an asshole-ish business leader), Seok-woo vows to get Suan to safety. The train to Busan is not just a zombie film; It also offers the friendship of the father and daughter of the story, not to mention social commentary on the indifferent elite and the government's incompetence in Korea. This is a film with plenty of action, the excitement of the trouser seat and great emotional depth. For more information about Train to Busan, check out our review! Stream train to Busan on Netflix | Stream the train to Busan on Amazon3. Man out of nowhereCorean title: (Ajeossi)| Year published: 2010 | Starring: Won Bin, Kim Sae-ronThe Man From Nowhere is like Liam Neeson's Taken, but better. Movie is Won Bin as a former Special Forces soldier named Cha Tae-sik. Cha lives a quiet life as the owner of a pawn shop; Her only friend is a young girl. Girl. So-mi, who lives next door. One day, a group of vicious gangsters kidnapped So-mi after stealing his heroin-addicted mother. In the absence of his only friend, Cha takes it for himself to save So-mi. At the same time, he comes across the dark underworld of abusers and must make use of all his special forces skills. Despite his ability to commit violence, Cha is a man with a heart. This gives The Man From Nowhere the empathy and nuance that most action movies lack. Don't get me wrong: there are still a lot of well-choreographed battle scenes in the movie. However, such a complex and selfless nature makes any fight much more meaningful. Stream a man out of nowhere on Amazon2. OldboyKorea Title: (Oldeuboi)| Year published: 2003 | Starring: Choi Min-sik, Yoo Ji-tae, Kang Hye-jungIf you haven't seen Oldboy yet, you'll miss out -- it's one of the best (and most famous) Korean films of all time. It helped to the map in Korean cinema and further strengthened the careers of director Park Chan-wook and lead actress Choi Min-Sok. The film was praised by Quentin Tarantino after its release, and Hollywood made a 2013 remake starring Josh Brolin (the original is even better). Businessman Oh Dae-su was imprisoned in a hotel room for 15 years. At the beginning of Oldboy, Oh is released and tries to uncover the mysteries behind his capture. He soon stumbles upon a dark web of conspiracies that encompasses violent gangsters and a character from his past. It's great and great because Oh did a lot of shadow boxing while incarcerated - so he's in top shape. Oldboy is not for the faint-hearted: there are truly bloody battle scenes (e.g. this extraordinary axe fight), not to mention very uns safe plot elements. Nonetheless, Oldboy has great cinemating, excellent narrative structure and compelling character development - putting it at the top of neo-noir hits like Kill Bill and Pulp Fiction (now you know why Tarantino liked it). If you've already seen Oldboy, don't forget, it's part of the revenge trilogy. Director Park Chan-wook made two other films that touched on similar themes of revenge: Sympathy for Lady Revenge and Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance. Even though they're not as famous as Oldboy, they're still pretty damn good. Stream Oldboy on Netflix | Stream Oldboy on Amazon1. Bittersweet LifeKorean name: (Dalkomhan insaeng)| Year published: 2005| Starring: Lee Byung-hun, Kim Yeong-cheol, Shin Min-ah, Hwang Jung-min At the top of the list is Bittersweet Life, a Korean action movie that just doesn't entertain you - it touches your soul. Renowned actor Lee Byung-hun began his career starring in this film's protagonist, a mafia enforcer named Kim Sun-woo. Kim lives quite a life, no doubt obeying her boss at Mr. Kang's behest. One day, sir. suspects her mistress of having an affair and sends Kim to shadow her. At first, Kim approaches with her usual insensitive air -- but soon falls for the beauty and emotional depth of the woman. Realizing how lonely and empty her own life feels compared to her, Kim begins to reassess the nature of her existence. Bittersweet Life is a film with a fist, brain and heart. Its struggles are phenomenal, assisted by fine cinematke, choreography and staging. Every shot is a painting, and every fight feels like a dance. There is not much dialogue, but any word you hear matters; Bittersweet life uses the recordings to reflect otherwise quiet Kim Sun-woo poetically philosophical reflections. At its core, the film explores the ambivalence of beauty and brutality and ponders how the two relate to each other and coexist. All in all: this is a movie that provides you with action- full entertainment and then leaves you thinking about the meaning of life once you've watched. It's one of those rare movies that you can watch over and over again, getting something more out of it every time. For more on Bittersweet Life, read our full-length review of the film. Buy Bittersweet Life DVD on Amazon? ?Like Korean movies? Check out our list of the best Korean movies on Netflix! 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