Chapter 4 Review Sheet: Daily Life in Medieval Towns

Name________________________________________ Period______

Chapter 4 Review Sheet: Daily Life in Medieval Towns

I. Vocabulary: Fill in the vocabulary word that best fits each blank (Worksheet O)

1. These signs advertise the items made by a ___________________________.

That is the name for a group of people in the same craft or trade.

2. This man finds work day by day rather than becoming a master.

He is known as a ________________________________________.

3. This young man is an _____________________________________.

He is not paid for his labor. Instead he gains experience and training through his work.

4. This person is playing the bagpipes. He will travel from town to town playing his instruments, reciting poems, or singing.

He is called a ___________________________________________.

5. In the middle ages, many plays were based on bible stories.

These plays were called ____________________ ____________________.

6. Other plays were based on the lives of Catholic saints. These plays were called _____________________ __________________.

7. Towns in the middle ages were given the right to govern themselves.

The rights were written on documents called_______________________.

8. Buyers and sellers came together at medieval markets.

The buying and selling of goods is known as ______________________.

II. Growth of Towns

9. Towns could buy charters to gain independence. Name the 3 rights a charter gave a town.

a. ___________________________________________



10. Where were medieval towns often located? ________________________________

III. Guilds

11. Identify 2 differences between apprentices and journeymen in a medieval guild.

Apprentices…. Journeymen….

1. 1.

2. 2.

12. Name 2 advantages of being in a guild for the guild members and the customers.

|Guild Member (Producer) |Customer (Consumer) |

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IV. Trade and Commerce

13. As people moved from manors to towns, power shifted away from _______________________ and towards ______________________________.

14. _____________________ were often mistreated in towns.

V. Homes and Households

15. Name 3 things that all medieval town houses had in common.




VI. Disease and Medieval Treatment

16. Historians often say that “medieval towns were very dirty places.” Explain what they mean.


17. List 3 ways medieval doctors would have tried to cure people of illness. Be specific.




VII. Crime and Punishment

18. The most common crime in the middle ages was ________________________________.

19. Explain how each of the following was used to determine guilt in the Middle Ages.

|Trial By Ordeal |Trial By Combat |Trial By Jury |

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|Accused had to…. |Accused had to…. |A group of… |

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