JUDITH M - USC Dana and David Dornsife College of Letters ...


John R. Hubbard Professor of History

University of Southern California

Los Angeles, CA 90089-0034


(213) 740-1657

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Last revised: October 2013



University of Southern California, John R Hubbard Chair in British History, 2011-present; Professor of History 2005-present.

Birkbeck College, University of London, Visiting Professor, 1998-2010.

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Martha Nell Hardy Distinguished Professor Emerita, 2005-present. (Martha Nell Hardy Distinguished Professor of History, 2000-05; Francis Stuart Chapin, Jr. Term Professor, 1996-2000; Bowman and Gordon Gray Term Professor, 1993-96; Professor 1992-93; Associate Professor, 1987-92; Assistant Professor, 1981-87.)

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Director of Graduate Studies, History, UNC-CH, 1998-2000, 2001-2004.

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Acting Director of Women's Studies, UNC-CH, 1987-8.


University of Toronto, Ph.D. (Medieval Studies), 1981.

Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, Licentiate (History) Summa cum Laude, 1978.

University of Toronto, M.A. (Medieval Studies), 1974.

Mount Holyoke College, A.B. (History) Magna cum Laude, 1973.

University of St. Andrews, Exchange Fellow, 1971-2.


I am currently working on a variety of projects, all of which touch on the history of singlewomen in late medieval England, c. 1300-1550.


Oxford Handbook of Women and Gender in Medieval Europe, co-edited with Ruth Mazo Karras (Oxford University Press, 2013).

History Matters: Patriarchy and the Challenge of Feminism (University of Pennsylvania Press and Manchester University Press, 2006). A forum on this book appears in the Journal of Women's History 20:2 (2008), 130-154 (comments by Iris Berger, Leila J. Rupp, Ulrike Strasser, and Judy Tzu-Chun Wu; reply by me).

Medieval Europe: A Short History, (11th edition, McGraw-Hill, 2010). (10th edition, 2005; 9th edition, 2002; both co-authored with the late C. Warren Hollister.) See also .

Medieval Women in Modern Perspective (American Historical Association pamphlet, 2000). Reprinted in Women’s History in Global Perspective, vol. 2, Bonnie Smith, ed. (University of Illinois Press, 2005), 139-186.

Singlewomen in the European Past, 1250-1800, coedited with Amy Froide (University of Pennsylvania Press, 1999; simultaneous paperback and hardcover).

A Medieval Life: Cecilia Penifader of Brigstock, c. 1297-1344 (McGraw-Hill, 1998, paperback only).

Ale, Beer, and Brewsters in England: Women's Work in a Changing World, 1300 to 1600. (Oxford University Press, 1996; paperback edition, 1999; digital edition, 2001). Awarded the Otto Gründler Prize in Medieval Studies. Awarded Honorable Mention for the Ben Snow Prize (for the best pre-1800 book) of the North American Conference of British Studies.

Sisters and Workers in The Middle Ages, coedited with Elizabeth A. Clark, et al. (University of Chicago Press, 1989; simultaneous paperback and hardcover).

Women in the Medieval English Countryside: Gender and Household in Brigstock before the Plague (Oxford University Press, 1987: paperback edition, 1989).


(for PDF offprints go to: )

“Early, Erotic, and Alien: Women Dressing as Men in Late Medieval London,” coauthored with Shannon McSheffrey, forthcoming in History Workshop Journal.

“Women, Gender, and Medieval Historians,” coauthored with Ruth Mazo Karras, in The Oxford Handbook of Women and Gender in Medieval Europe, Judith M. Bennett and Ruth Mazo Karras, eds. (Oxford University Press, 2013), 1-17.

“Death and the Maiden,” Journal of Medieval and Early Modern History 42:2 (2012), 269-305. Awarded the Berkshire Conference of Women Historians article prize (for the best article in the history of women, gender, and/or sexuality published in 2012).

“Compulsory Service in Late Medieval England,” Past and Present 209 (2010), 7-51. Selected as "Article of the Month" by the Medieval Feminist Index (December, 2010).

“Remembering Elizabeth Etchingham and Agnes Oxenbridge,” in The Lesbian Premodern, ed. Noreen Giffney, Michelle M. Sauer, and Diane Watt (Palgrave, 2010), 131-143.

“Two Women and their Monumental Brass, c. 1480,” Journal of the British Archaeological Association 161 (2008), 163-184.

“Forgetting the Past,” Gender and History, 20:3 (2008), 669-677. Reprinted in Gender and Change: Agency, Chronology and Periodisation, ed. Alexandra Shephard and Garthine Walker (Wiley-Blackwell, 2009), 273-283.

“Philippa Russell and the Wills of London’s Late Medieval Singlewomen,” co-authored with Christopher Whittick, The London Journal 32:3 (2007), 251-269.

“The Curse of the Plowman,” Yearbook of Langland Studies 20 (2006), 215-226.

“The Lost Pasts of Women’s History,” Medieval Feminist Forum 41 (2006), 88-98.

"Writing Fornication: Medieval Leyrwite and its Historians," Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 6th series, 13 (2003), 131-162. Selected as "Article of the Month" by Feminae: Medieval Women & Gender Index (January, 2004).

"England: Women and Gender," in A Companion to British History in the Later Middle Ages, ed. S.H. Rigby (Blackwell, 2003), 87-106.

"Queens, Whores and Maidens: Women in Chaucer's England," Hayes Robinson Lecture, published by Royal Holloway, University of London, 2002 (27 pp.).

"Ventriloquisms: When Maidens Speak in English Songs, c. 1300-1550," in Medieval Woman's Song: Cross-Cultural Approaches, ed. Anne Klinck and Anne Marie Rasmussen (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2001), 187-204.

"'Lesbian-Like' and the Social History of Lesbianisms," Journal of the History of Sexuality, 9 (2000), 1-24. Reprinted in The Feminist History Reader, Sue Morgan, ed. (Routledge, 2006), 244-259.

"A Singular Past," co-authored with Amy Froide in Singlewomen in the European Past, Judith M. Bennett and Amy Froide, eds. (University of Pennsylvania Press, 1998), 1-37.

"Confronting Continuity," Journal of Women's History 9 (1997), 73-94. Selected as "Article of the Month" by the Medieval Feminist Index (September, 1998). Awarded Honorable Mention for Best Article of 1997, Society for the Study of Early Modern Women.

"Women and Men in the Brewers' Gild of London, c. 1420," in The Salt of Common Life: Individuality and Choice in the Medieval Town, Countryside and Church. Essays Presented to J. Ambrose Raftis on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday, Edwin B. DeWindt, ed. (Medieval Institute Press, 1995), 181-232.

"Our Colleagues, Ourselves," in The Past and Future of Medieval Studies, John Van Engen, ed. (University of Notre Dame Press, 1993), 245-258.

"Women's History: A Study in Change and Continuity," Women's History Review 2 (1993), 173-184. Reprinted in Women's Work: The English Experience, 1650-1914, Pamela Sharpe, ed. (Arnold, 1998), 58-68.

"Medievalism and Feminism," Speculum: A Journal of Medieval Studies 68 (1993), 309-331. Reprinted with a new annotated bibliography in Studying Medieval Women: Sex, Gender, Feminism, Nancy F. Partner, ed. (Medieval Academy of America, 1993), 7-29 and 171-175.

"Widows in the Medieval English Countryside," in Upon My Husband's Death: Widows in the Literatures and Histories of Medieval Europe, Louise Mirrer, ed. (University of Michigan Press, 1992), 69-114.

"Conviviality and Charity in Medieval and Early Modern England," Past and Present 134 (February, 1992), 19-41. Awarded the Walter D. Love Prize of the North American Conference of British Studies for the Best Article of 1992. My reply in a debate generated by this article can be found in Past and Present 154 (February, 1997), 235-242.

"Medieval Women, Modern Women: Across the Great Divide," in Culture and History 1350-1600: Essays on English Communities, Identities, and Writing, David Aers, ed. (Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1992), 147-175. Revised version in Feminists Revision History, Ann-Louise Shapiro, ed. (Rutgers University Press, 1994), 47-72.

"Misogyny, Popular Culture, and Women's Work," History Workshop Journal 31 (1991), 166-188.

"Feminism and History," Gender & History 1 (1989), 251-272. Translated into Greek (1998).

"Crafts, Gilds, and Women in the Middle Ages: Fifty Years After Marian K. Dale," co-authored with Maryanne Kowaleski, Signs: A Journal of Women in Culture and Society 14 (1989), 474-488. Reprinted in Sisters and Workers in the Middle Ages, Judith M. Bennett et al., eds. (University of Chicago Press, 1989), 11-25.

"'History that Stands Still': Women's Work in the European Past," Feminist Studies 14 (1988), 269-283.

"Public Power and Authority in the Medieval English Countryside," in Women and Power in the Middle Ages, Mary Erler and Maryanne Kowaleski, eds. (University of Georgia Press, 1988), 18-36.

"The Village Ale-Wife: Women and Brewing in Fourteenth-Century England," in Women and Work in Preindustrial Europe, Barbara A. Hanawalt, ed. (University of Indiana Press, 1986), 20-36.

"The Tie That Binds: Peasant Marriages and Families in Late Medieval England," Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 15 (1984), 111-129. Reprinted in Medieval Families: Perspectives on Marriage, Household, and Children, ed. Carol Neel (Medieval Academy of America, 2004), 214-233.

"Spouses, Siblings and Surnames: Reconstructing Families from Medieval Village Court Rolls," Journal of British Studies, 23 (1983), 26-46.

"Medieval Peasant Marriage: An Examination of Marriage License Fines in the Liber Gersumarum," in Pathways to Medieval Peasants, J. A. Raftis, ed. (Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1981), 193-246.


Interview with Michael Wood, The Great British Story (BBC Two), June 2012.

“Sagnfræðin, femínisminn og feðraveldið,” an interview with Erla Halldórsdóttir, Saga 47:2 (2009), 39-54.

“Rereading History Matters,” Journal of Women’s History, 20:2 (2008), 151-54.

“Brewster,” BBC History Magazine, 6:7 (July 2005), 42.

“'Lesbian-Like' and its Theoretical and Historical Implications for the Study of Women's Sexuality: A Roundtable Discussion with Judith Bennett,” SSHMA Newsletter (Spring 2001).

"Continuing the Historical Conversation: An Interview with Judith M. Bennett," Limina 5 (1999), 1-12.

"When Women Brewed," in All About Beer (May, 1999), 28-30, 70.

"Brewing" in Medieval England: An Encyclopedia, Paul E. Szarmach et al., eds. (Garland Press, 1998), 144.

"The Future of the CCWHP/CGWH," co-authored with Nancy A. Hewitt, Journal of Women's History 6 (1994), 106-111.

"Attending to Women in an Interdisciplinary Way," in Attending to Women in Early Modern England, Betty S. Travitsky and Adele Seeff, eds. (University of Delaware, 1994), 96-102.

Contribution to a "Roundtable: Medievalist Feminists in the Academy," Medieval Feminist Newsletter, 14 (1992), 20-22.

"Women in Europe Since 1750" (course syllabus) in Selected Course Outlines and Reading Lists from American Colleges and Universities: Modern European History 1789-present, Volume II: Topical and Thematic Courses, John Santore, ed. (Martin Wiener, 1990), 155-160.

"Adding Women to History," in Adventures in Ideas, Warren A. Nord and Annette Cox, eds. (UNC-CH Program in the Humanities & Human Values, 1991), 48-54.

Comment on "What Should Women's History Be Doing?" Newsletter of the Conference Group on Women's History, vol. 21, no. 5 (November, 1990), 18-20.

"Who Asks the Questions for Women's History?" Invited comment on Louise A. Tilly, "Gender, Women's History, and Social History," Social Science History, 13 (1990), 471-477. Translated and reprinted in Passato e Presente, 20-21 (1989), 31-35.

Working Together in the Middle Ages: Perspectives on Women's Communities, special issue of Signs: A Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 14:2 (1989): coedited (and editorial co-authored) with Elizabeth Clark and Sarah Westphal-Wihl. Some portions of this collection were reprinted in Sisters and Workers in the Middle Ages.


Reviews in: Canadian Journal of History (1); Bryn Mawr Medieval Review (1); Speculum: A Journal of Medieval Studies (3); The American Historical Review (2); Albion (2); The Journal of Interdisciplinary History (4); History: Reviews of New Books (1); The Yearbook of Langland Studies (1).

Featured Review of Gerda Lerner, The Creation of Feminist Consciousness in the American Historical Review 94:4 (October, 1993), 1193-1195.


Berkshire Conference of Women Historians Article Prize for 2012 (for “Death and the Maiden”).

USC Dornsife College Teaching Award (for Outstanding General Education Instruction), 2011.

USC Early Modern Studies Institute Faculty Fellowship, fall 2009.

Huntington Library R. Avery Stanton Fellowship, 2007-2008.

American Council of Learned Societies Fellowship: 2005-2006.

National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship: 2005-2006.

Fellow, Medieval Academy of America: elected April 2002.

UNC-CH Academy of Distinguished Teaching Scholars: 2000-2005.

Visiting Scholar in Gender and History, University of Connecticut: October 1999.

Fred Alexander Visiting Professor, University of Western Australia: July-August 1998.

Honorable Mention, Best Article of 1997 (for "Confronting Continuity"). Awarded by the Society for the Study of Early Modern Women.

Otto Gründler Prize in Medieval Studies for 1998 (for Ale, Beer, and Brewsters in England). Administered by the Medieval Institute at Western Michigan University.

Honorable Mention, Ben Snow Prize for 1997 (for Ale, Beer, and Brewsters in England). Awarded by the North American Conference on British Studies for the best book before 1800.

Folger Shakespeare Library Fellowship: January-March 1997.

UNC-CH Francis Stuart Chapin, Jr. Term Professorship (awarded for scholarly excellence): 1996-2001.

Fellow, Royal Historical Society: elected 1996.

UNC-CH Kenan Leave: Spring 1994.

National Humanities Center Fellowship: 1993-4.

UNC-CH Bowman and Gordon Gray Term Professorship (awarded for excellence in undergraduate teaching): 1993-6.

Walter D. Love Prize for 1992 (for "Conviviality and Charity in Medieval and Early Modern England”). Awarded by the North American Conference on British Studies for the best article.

John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellowship: 1989-90.

UNC-CH Phillip and Ruth Hettleman Prize for Artistic and Scholarly Achievement by Young Faculty: 1988.

UNC-CH Institute for the Arts and Humanities Faculty Fellow, 1988-2005 (Faculty Fellowship, Spring term 1989; Summer Faculty Fellowship, Summer 1988).

National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Stipend: Summer 1987.

American Philosophical Society Research Grant: Summer 1986.

American Council of Learned Societies Fellowship (Recent Recipients of the Ph.D. Program): Spring 1984.

American Association of University Women Fellowship: 1979-80.

Social Science Research Council Doctoral Research Fellowship: 1978-9.

National Merit Scholar: 1969-73.


“’Girl Power’ and English Exceptionalism,” plenary address at the annual meeting of the North American Conference on British Stidies (November, 2012).

“Feminism and the Future of History,” Vassar College (February 2008); University of Western Ontario (November 2009).

“Death and the Maiden in Chaucer’s England,” Aylmer Lecture, York University (November 2007); Distinguished Fellow Lecture, Huntington Library (December 2007); Edmondson Lectures, Baylor University (March, 2010); Casper Lecture, Marquette University (March 2010); as “Death and the Maiden: From Chaucer to Pearl Jam,” Stanford University (February 2008), Appleby Lecture, San Diego State University (April 2008), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (October, 2010); Denys Hay Lecture, Edinbugh University (April 2012).

“Women, History and Feminism,” plenary lecture at IX Conference of Nordic Women’s and Gender Historians,” Reykjavik, Iceland (August 2008).

“Philippa Russell and the Wills of London’s Late Medieval Singlewomen,” UC-Santa Barbara (October 2006).

“Other Victims: Women Among the Landless Poor, 1275-1350,” SUNY-Stony Brook (March, 2006).

“Who’s Afraid of the Distant Past? The Relevance of the Premodern in a Postmodern World,” Plenary address at the meeting of the International Federation for Research in Women’s History, Belfast (August 2003).

"Writing Fornication: Medieval Leyrwite and its Historians," Prothero Lecture, Royal Historical Society (July 2002).

"Queens, Whores and Maidens: Women in Chaucer's England," Hayes Robinson Lecture, Royal Holloway, University of London (March 2002); and University of North Florida (October 2002).

"Challenge and Conformity: Controlling Singlewomen in Late Medieval England," Second International Conference on Intellectual History, Nanjing University, China (May 2001).

"The Simple Joys of Maidenhood: Women and Song in Late Medieval England." Provost's Distinguished Lecture, University of Notre Dame (April, 2001).

"Preparing Maidens to be Wives: Singlewomen in Late Medieval English Songs," University of Connecticut (October 1999).

"Lesbian-like and the Social History of Medieval Lesbianisms," Plenary Address at CUNY-sponsored conference on The Queer Middle Ages (November 1998).

"Training Maidens to be Wives: English Song, 1300-1550," Fred Alexander Lecture, University of Western Australia (July 1998).

"Singlewomen in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe," Victorian Universities Medieval and Renaissance Group, Melbourne, Australia (July 1998), and Perth Medieval and Renaissance Group, Perth, Australia (July 1998).

"Imagining Maidens and Singlewomen in English Song, c. 1300-1550," Texas A & M University (September 1997); and University of Colorado at Boulder (November 1997).

"A Brewster's Tale: Patriarchy in the Middle Ages," University of Minnesota (October 1996).

"Historicizing Patriarchy: Ale, Beer and Brewsters in England, 1300-1600," Fordham University (March 1996); Loyola University, Chicago (September 1995); and University of Michigan (March 1995).

"How's that any Different from Today?" Continuity and Change in Women's History," Wake Forest University (November 1993); Salem College (February 1994); and University of Connecticut (February 1994).

"'The Change' in Women's History," Plenary Address at the 62nd Anglo-American Conference, Institute of Historical Research, University of London (July 1993).

"Continuity and Change in Women's History," Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada (October 1992); and UNC-Asheville (October 1992).

"Medievalism and Feminism," Christine de Pisan Lecture, Duke University (September 1992); and University of Pennsylvania (March 1993).

"Feminist History, Medieval History," Guildford College (November 1989).

"Feminism and History," Hettleman Prize Lecture, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, (April 1989).

"Feminism and History: Resolving the Crisis in Women's History," Mount Holyoke College (March 1989).

"Women's Work in Preindustrial Europe," University of York (October 1988); University of London (November 1988); Cambridge University (November 1988).

"Adding Women to History," Wake Forest University (November 1983).


Editorial Advisory Board, Oxford Research Directions, 2011-present.

Editorial Board, Cultural and Social History: The Journal of the Social History Society, 2003-present.

Advisory Board, Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender index (an online bibliographic project formerly called Medieval Feminist Index), 1996-present.

Editorial Board, Journal of British Studies, 2000-2004.

Editorial Board, Rural History, 1994-2000.

Advisory Board, The Yearbook of Langland Studies, 1987-1993.

Editorial Board, Women's History Review, 1991-4.

Editorial Collective, Gender and History, 1987-93.

Associate Editor, Signs: A Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 1985-9.


Invited Professor, Erasmus Mundus M.A. Program in Women’s and Gender Studies, University of Granada (October, 2011).

Fellow, Medieval Academy of America, 2002-present.

Fellow, Royal Historical Society, 1995-present.

Participant, ARC (Australian Research Council) Network for Early European Research, 2004-present.

Co-Founder and Member, North Carolina Research Group on Medieval and Early Modern Women, 1987-2005.

Member, E-Gutenberg Prize Committee of the American Historical Association, 2003-4.

Executive Committee, Society for the Study of Early Modern Women, 2000-2003.

Co-Founder, UNC-CH/Duke Feminist Women in History Group, 1990-2003.

Visiting Scholar, UCLA Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2000-2001.

Member, Selection Committee, Dissertation Year Fellowship of the North American Council of British Studies, 1998-2000.

Trustee, Berkshire Conference of Women Historians, 1995-8.

Co-President, Coordinating Council for Women in History, 1995-7.

President, Conference Group on Women's History, 1994-5.

Fellows Nominating Committee, Medieval Academy of America, 1993-5.

Review Panel (Translations Program), National Endowment for the Humanities, 1994.

Council, Medieval Academy of America, 1991-4.

Program Committee for Ninth Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, 1991-3.

Selection Committee for Graduate Student Award, Coordinating Committee on Women in the Historical Profession-Conference Group on Women's History, 1990-2.

Selection Committee for Allan Sharlin Memorial Prize of the Social Science History Association, 1990-2.

Program Committee for the 1988 meeting of the Social Science History Association, 1987-8.

Advisory Board of the Duke-UNC Center for Research on Women, 1987-8.

Examining Committee for Advanced Placement in European History, Educational Testing Service (Princeton), 1985-7.

Referee for Economic History Review, Journal of Interdisciplinary History; Feminist Studies; Speculum: A Journal of Medieval Studies; Mediaeval Studies; Studies in Medieval and Renaissance History; Journal of Women's History; Gender and History; National Endowment for the Humanities; Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada; Alfred A. Knopf; Houghton Mifflin; Routledge (UK); Hutchinson (UK); Macmillan (UK); University of Minnesota Press; University of Pennsylvania Press; Oxford University Press; Indiana University Press; University College-London Press; Longmans; Blackwell.

Member: American Historical Association; Medieval Academy of America; Coordinating Council for Women in History; Berkshire Conference of Women Historians; North American Conference of British Studies; Southern Association of Women Historians; AHA Committee on Gay and Lesbian History; Medieval Academy of the Pacific.


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