Song Analysis Assignment - YRDSB

Song Analysis Assignment

What song best defines “Generation Y” for you?

Generation Y is the echo boom, the children of baby boomers born between 1980 and 1995. This is your life! We have already analyzed as a class song lyrics that represent Baby Boomers and Gen-Xers. Now it is your turn to select a song with meaningful lyrics that you feel best characterizes your generation.

This is not simply an opinion piece. You should apply the psychological, sociological and anthropological frameworks we have learned about. However, you may write in the first person to express your reasoning about your choice of song and to share your own beliefs and attitudes where appropriate. The assignment should include:


• A brief summary of the song that describes the “W5s”

• A comprehensive answer to the question “What song best defines Generation Y for you?” You must make your song a convincing choice by explaining “Why”? Make sure you define Generation Y clearly. Your analysis should be based on these criteria:

Y What issues matter the most to Generation Y? (e.g., the environment, money and success, love and acceptance)

Y What values of Generation Y can you determine from this song? (e.g., the pursuit of fame and fortune or finding equality for all)

Y What customs are evident? (e.g., leisure activities, cultural activities)

Y Are there any gender expectations? (Roles for men or women)

Y What are the social norms and mores? (e.g., what are the attitudes towards sex, drugs etc.)

• A copy of the song lyrics


• The assignment should be 2 - 4 pages (81/2 x 11 – letter size) double spaced, Times New Roman Font size 12.

• Include the rubric (this should address everything that will be evaluated)

• Feel free to add anything that you feel will enhance the assignment


Rubric: The Why of Y?


|Categories |Level 4 |Level 3 |Level 2 |Level 1 |

|Knowledge/Understanding |Selects a song that clearly |Selects a song that generally |Selects a song that somewhat |Selects a song that does not |

| |defines the issues, values, |defines the issues, values, |defines the issues, values, |define the issues, values, |

|Selects a song with meaningful lyrics|customs and social norms of |customs and social norms of |customs and social norms of |customs and social norms of |

|that you feel best characterizes your|Generation Y |Generation Y |Generation Y |Generation Y |

|generation. | | | | |

| |Demonstrates thoroughly |Demonstrates considerable |Demonstrates some understanding|Demonstrates limited |

|Uses W5 questions to summarize the |understanding of the song by |understanding of the song by |of the song by summarizing most|understanding of the song by |

|song |summarizing all of the W5s |summarizing most of the W5s |of the W5s |summarizing some of the W5s |

|Thinking |Applies criteria critically and|Applies criteria critically and|Applies criteria critically and|Applies criteria critically and|

|Applies criteria questions to |creatively with a high degree |creatively with a considerable |creatively with some |creatively with limited |

|determine the issues, values, |of effectiveness |effectiveness |effectiveness |effectiveness |

|customs, gender expectation, social | | | | |

|norms and mores evident in the song | | | | |

|lyrics. | | | | |

|Communication |Uses organizational, language, |Uses organizational, language, |Uses organizational, language, |Uses organizational, language, |

|Organizes ideas, language, grammar, |grammar and spelling skills to |grammar and spelling skills to |grammar and spelling skills to |grammar and spelling skills |

|spelling to answer the question “What|clearly answer the question |generally answer the question |somewhat answer the question |with limited effectiveness to |

|song best defines Generation Y for |“What song best defines |“What song best defines |“What song best defines |answer the question “What song |

|you?” |Generation Y for you?” |Generation Y for you?” |Generation Y for you?” |best defines Generation Y for |

| | | | |you?” |

|Uses first person to share own ideas| | | | |

|and beliefs where appropriate | | | | |

|Application |Uses anthropological, |Uses anthropological, |Uses anthropological, |Uses anthropological, |

| |sociological and psychological |sociological and psychological |sociological and psychological |sociological and psychological |

|Makes clear connections between the |theories with a high degree of |theories with a considerable |theories with some |theories with limited |

|lyrics of the song and the life of |effectiveness to explain why |effectiveness to explain why |effectiveness to explain why |effectiveness to explain why |

|young people by extending thinking to|the song best represents the |the song best represents the |the song best represents the |the song best represents the |

|include why this song best represents|worldview of Generation Y |worldview of Generation Y |worldview of Generation Y |worldview of Generation Y |

|the worldview of Generation Y | | | | |

| | | | | |


Knowledge and Understanding






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