Special Thanks - Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada

[Pages:16]On behalf of the children and families we are so honoured to serve, please accept our sincere thanks for all that you do. Special Thanks

350 Industrial Parkway South Aurora, Ontario L4G 3V7


Fax: 905-726-1285


Charitable Registration Number 106793888 RR0001


2017 Annual Report

Bo3 ard of Directors

Chair Gary Kryshka

Treasurer Gary Kryshka

Vice Chair Maggie Thornton

Secretary Margaret Sharp

Past Chair Dean Smalley

Directors Angela Doan Anne Armstrong Bill Russell Galen McLennan Jo Ann Warren John Pepelnak Karim Bardai Katie Duncan Kerrie Stock Tapas Pain

Our Board of Directors exists to direct, guide and inspire the organization though the careful establishment of the organizational values and written policies.

This includes identifying the desired performance goals, making specific contributions that lead the organization toward the desired performance and ensuring that the goals are attained.

In addition, the Board of Directors identifies and nurtures the strategic relationships required to strengthen Big Brothers Big Sisters of York and is accountable as a body to its stakeholders for the competent, conscientious and effective accomplishment of its obligations.

Tr4easurer's Report

From a financial point of view, 2017 was a challenging year for Big Brothers Big Sisters of York (BBBSY).

Overall, revenue decreased from the prior year. Donations were down while Grants fundraising were about the same. Expenses were down about 12% . This was mainly due to reduced salaries as a result of staff restructuring.

For the year ending December 31, 2017, Gross Revenue was $620,538. Program, Fundraising and Administrative expenses were $606,143. This resulted in a surplus of $14,395.

Both the BBBSY Staff and Board remain committed to capitalizing on opportunities to Increase revenues either through growing our existing events and/or new streams of revenue in the areas of grants and donations along with cost reductions where possible.

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Staff and the Board for their continued support, dedication and teamwork in 2017. We all look forward to what 2018 will bring to the agency.

Gary Kryshka Treasurer 2017

5 Financials

Summary Statement of Financial Position

December 31, 2017

ASSETS Current Cash Marketable securites Accounts Receivable Harmonized Sales Tax recoverable Prepaid Expenses



87,605, 42,107, 11,507,

4,993, 11,303, 157,515,



49,322 41,847 28,235

8,568 2,481 13,0453 8,340


18,449 ,



Accounts payable & accrued liabilites


Deferred grant contribution




General Fund


Restricted Fund




18,349 157,142

18,292 3,750


116,751 18,349

135,100 157,142

Summary Statement of Revenue & Expenditures

December 31, 2017

REVENUE Donations

Fundraising Grants Other program revenue Interest Income

EXPENSES Advertising & promotion Amortization Business taxes, licenses & memberships Fundraising expenses Insurance Interest & bank charges Office Professional fees Program expenses Rental Salaries & wages Sub-contracts

Telephone Travel



37,463 277,591 302,938

2,546 620,538

724 3,558

13,060 44,170 10,214

3,114 20,620

7,276 17,505 30,323 451,174

500 2,938

967 606,143



55,856 277,347 310,325

4,074 675


2,708 3,558

16,077 30,612

9,306 2,388 24,175 7,276 14,799 29,356 515,462 1,630 2,805

977, 661,129


Big Brothers Big Sisters of York--Annual Report 2017

6 Impact

When we start something today we make a difference tomorrow.

I t is with a heavy heart that I write my last Annual Report letter as the President and CEO of Big Brothers Big Sisters of York. Over the last six years I have watched the transformation of so many children and youth, and listened to impactful stories from families, children, and mentors across the board.

Not only have I had the privilege of being part of this powerful work, I have had the honour or working with a tremendous team. A team that demonstrates their passion, commitment, perseverance, and integrity every day. Big Brothers Big Sisters is committed to building thriving communities by empowering lives through our mentoring programs. Changing the course of the lives of children and youth in our communities changes the `future' of our communities, and there is nothing more meaningful than watching a child meet their full potential with the guidance and support of a positive role model! In 2017, we had a successful year despite having to travel down some difficult paths. The mentoring effect continued on by reaching over 550 children through the committed and selfless work of our 465 volunteers.

Research by the Boston Consulting Group shows us that every $1 invested in our programming returns between $18 - $23 to society through taxes, higher incomes, volunteerism, and charitable donations as a results of our one-to-one mentoring program. Our Group programs are becoming widely sought after and our waitlists continue to grow.

We continue to reach out to all of our community members for support in our fundraising efforts and our volunteer initiatives that drive our mentoring programs. Without the support of each and every one of our loyal supporters, sponsors, and donors we could not continue to do the amazing work we do!

Sarah Dame, President & CEO

Our Vision

We build thriving communities by empowering lives through mentorship.

7 Our Programs

In 2017, we served

552 children and youth with the support of our dedicated and

selfless volunteers.

Go Girls! Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds provides an opportunity for girls, ages 11-14, to participate weekly in fun and interactive activities and discussions. This program promotes active living, balanced eating, and building positive self-esteem.

Game On! Eat Smart, Play Smart, Live Smart provides an opportunity for boys, ages 11-14, to participate weekly in fun and interactive activities and discussions. This program promotes physical activity, positive nutrition, and building relation-

Conversation Circle provides newcomer youth with a safe and encouraging environment to practice their English language skills and learn about Canada. This program promotes community awareness, peer relationships, and a

The Big Brothers Big Sisters Community Program matches a child with a uniquely suited role model and friend to talk to and share common interests with. Through regular outings, a relationship is developed that is built on trust and consistency, and encourages self-confidence and independence.

In-School Mentoring provides a child with a mentor to spend time with on school grounds during the school year to engage in activities such as crafts, board games, and sports. This program encourages self-confidence and developing leadership skills.

Ev8 ents


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