What's New 1-05-04

January 5, 2004

What’s New?

What’s New? is a bi-weekly, electronic newsletter produced and distributed free of charge to the members and constituents of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). For a complete listing of ANSI news and events, please visit our website, ANSI Online. >>>



A summary of this issue’s top stories…

ANSI Wishes Its Members a Safe, Happy and Successful New Year (December 31, 2003)

As 2003 draws to a close, the ANSI staff would like to take this opportunity to thank our members for their support during the past year.


DHS Implements US-VISIT Program with Biometric Technology (January 5, 2004)

The United States Visitor and Immigrant Status Indicator Technology (US-VISIT) program launched today by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security is utilizing biometrics to enhance the nation's security while facilitating legitimate travel and trade at 115 airports and cruise ship terminals at 14 seaports.


Call for Participants in the 2003-2004 ANSI Survey on Standardization Activities (January 5, 2004)

ANSI’s procedures and standards administration department has issued a survey to identify ways in which ANSI and consortia can work together for the benefit of standards developers and the stakeholders they wish to serve.


1903 - 2003: One Hundred Years of Flight

ANSI Salutes Aviation and Aerospace Members (December 17, 2003)

As events around the nation celebrate the "centennial of flight" on the anniversary of Orville and Wilbur Wright's historic achievement at Kitty Hawk, ANSI salutes its members that contribute to the innovation, safety and progress of flight today.


Standards Protect Airplanes in the Harshest Winter Weather (December 30, 2003)

Standards for “de-icing” and “anti-icing” are critical to protecting the functioning of parts and the aerodynamics of planes, and help airline technicians and operators to comply with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) rules.


International Standardization at the Heart of World Summit

Reprinted from an IEC press release (December 19, 2003)

In its Declaration of Principles, entitled “Building the Information Society: A global challenge in the new Millennium”, the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) has made international standardization one of the keys to the effort.


IAF Task Force Responds to Customer Satisfaction Survey (December 11, 2003)

A task force of the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) met to develop recommendations to improve satisfaction among customers of services provided by IAF and its member accreditation bodies in response to results of an IAF survey.



China National Institute for Standardization Visits ANSI

ANSI Requests Online User Feedback

ANSI Welcomes New Members

Voluntary Standards Cover the Spectrum: From Roadway Lighting to Laminate Flooring



Federal Register notices of potential interest …

Standards and Conformity Assessment Notices from the U.S. Federal Register, December 11-25, 2003

National Cooperative Research and Production Act of 1993 Notices from the U.S. Federal Register, December 10-25, 2003



For detailed schedule/program information, please see the events section of ANSI Online.



It’s always a good time to learn more…

For a complete list of ANSI’s upcoming Education and Training Courses, please see the

2004 Schedule of Upcoming Open Sessions




Take advantage of more great information…

2002 Annual Report

An almanac of the Institute’s accomplishments and financial activities of the past year, with a view of goals for the future as presented by the chairman and president.

Autumn/Winter 2003 ANSI Reporter

The Institute’s quarterly newsmagazine is published for a diverse audience comprised of corporate, organizational, government and consumer interests in the United States and around the globe.

Standards Action – January 2, 2004

The latest issue of ANSI’s key public review vehicle.


If you would like to add a contact to the What’s New? mailing list, please send an email to smccreary@ and they will be added to our distribution list. We welcome your feedback on how we can improve this e-newsletter to better serve your needs. If you have any questions or comments, please contact the Communications and Public Relations department at 212.642.4911.

Subscriptions: You have received this message because you are a registered contact for an ANSI member or because you are a member of an ANSI board, council or committee. If you wish to unsubscribe yourself from this list, please send an email message to smccreary@ with the following text as the subject of the message: UNSUBSCRIBE


If you like what you read on ANSI Online, you’ll appreciate the in-depth coverage of the standards and conformity assessment community in ANSI’s quarterly magazine, the ANSI Reporter. An annual subscription is $100 (four issues). Both display and classified advertising space may be purchased in a variety of sizes and formats. In addition, ANSI Online offers banner advertising on a monthly basis. For more information, please contact us at ads@ or via phone at 212.642.4931.

Buying standards? The Membership Discount Program allows 10% savings on the single-user purchase of standards from an inventory of thousands of documents available from the Electronics Standards Store (ESS). For more information about this exclusive ANSI member benefit or any of the Institute's other electronic sales services including the ESS, the NSSN, Network Site Licenses or placing online orders, please contact the Institute’s Customer Service Department at (t) 212.642.4980, (f) 212.302.1286 or (e) storemanager@.


For information on becoming an ANSI member and enjoying all the benefits of membership, contact Susan Bose at 212.642.4948.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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