Acts of the Apostles tells the story of the early church ...

The Acts of the Apostles tells the story of the early church and the spread of the Gospel to the Gentile Mediterranean world. It is the second part of the story that Luke begins telling in his Gospel. It focuses upon two stories, that of Peter and Paul. Read the following episodes:

1. Jesus' Ascension: 1:1-11. What element of the story reminds you of God's theophanies (visible manifestations of divine presence) in the Old Testament?

2. Pentecost 2:1-13: Which Old Testament prophecy that you read is fulfilled by this event? (Hint: look at Peter's sermon in 2:14-36.) Which story in Genesis is reversed?

3. The conflict between Hebraioi and Hellenistai 6:1-7: Look at the notes in your Bible and explain in your own words what threatens the unity of the Church at this point?

4. Stephen's arrest and martyrdom 6:8-8:3: What is Stephen doing in this speech? What part of his speech do you think incited the crowd to stone him? Write down Stephen's last words. What words do you hope to have on your lips when you die? Who is introduced as an enemy of the Church at the end of this story?

5. Saul's revelation on the road to Damascus 9:1-30. Why is Saul/Paul traveling to Damascus? What does he see? Why is this more a revelation than a conversion?

6. Peter's vision 11:1-18: What conflict in the Church threatens the mission to the Gentiles and how does Peter's vision help move the mission forward?

7. Jerusalem Council 15:1-35: What is controversy in the Church that threatens its unity at this point? What proof does Peter argue that God does not distinguish between Gentiles and Jews?

8. First convert in Europe 16:11-15: Who was the first convert in Europe? What surprises you about this story?

9. Paul in Athens 17:16-34: How does Paul use what he encounters in Greco Roman religion in order to introduce the Athenians to God and the gospel?

10. Paul in Ephesus 19:1-41: What lies at the basis of Paul's opponent's anger at Paul in Ephesus?

Acts ends with the story of Paul's arrest in the Temple, his trial before Felix at Caesarea and before King Agrippa, his journey to Rome and his ministry while in prison.


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