ACTS 1 &2

Day 1: Acts of the Apostles (AA), chapter 1 “God’s Purpose for His Church”

1. This book begins with a study in God’s purpose for and promises to His church. What was meaningful to you in this?

2. As it is discussed that God has worked through and for His church throughout the ages, what lesson can we learn?

3. What can we learn from the example of Israel, as well as God’s dealing with Israel?

Day 2: AA, chapter 2 “The Training of the Twelve”

4. We begin with a look at Christ’s call and ordination of the twelve disciples. Share something that is significant for you.

5. Christ’s preparation of the twelve focuses on some basic attitudes and concepts. What can we learn from:

a) His efforts to break down prejudice

b) His efforts to unite the twelve with one another and with Himself?

c) His efforts to reveal the harsh realities of His mission and also to give hope and encouragement?

6. What was most meaningful to you as you read about Christ’s parting message to the twelve before His crucifixion?

Day 3: Acts 1:1-11 with Luke 1:1-4

7. The Gospel according to Luke and the Acts of the Apostles are volumes one and two of Luke’s account of New Testament events. What does Luke reveal about his source of information and his purpose in writing?

b) What do you learn about the recipient of these two letters?

8. List all you would know about Jesus if you had only vs. 1-11 for information.

9. a) What command does the risen Lord give His apostles?

b) Define witness.

c) How are these apostles to be witnesses? See also Acts 1:21-22.

d) What does it mean to be a witness for Christ today?

10. What assurance is given the disciples at Jesus’ ascension?

b) Note the emphasis on This Jesus or This same Jesus in vs. 11. Describe your emotions if you had been one of the disciples.

Day 4: Acts 1:12-26

11. Considering Jesus’ instructions to the apostles in vs. 4-5 & 8, what must they be praying about?

b.) What characterized their prayer meeting?

12. During these days of prayer and waiting, Peter raises the issue of a replacement for Judas. What qualifications are required for Judas’ successor?

13. List the steps involved in the choosing of Matthias.

14. Describe the general attitude of the disciples in this chapter as compared with their attitude before Jesus’ resurrection. How and why are they different? Please refer to John 19-20, Mark 15-16, and Luke 23-24.

Day 5: Acts 2:1-21

15. List the order of events of the day of Pentecost.

b.) Why are these onlookers so amazed?

c.) In what ways do people today react to evidences of God’s power and glory? Why?

16. How does Peter explain the events taking place before their eyes?

17. According to vs. 21, what seems to be the purpose of the happenings at Pentecost and of the other events described by Joel? (Note Joel 2:28-32)

18. The catastrophic events of vs. 19-20 sound so much like some events in our day that we need to make sure that we have availed ourselves of the promise of vs. 21. What does it mean to call upon the name of the Lord?

Day 6: Acts 2:22-47

19. What facts would a stranger to Jerusalem learn about Jesus from Peter’s sermon?

b.) What point does Peter make to prove that Jesus is the Christ (Messiah)?

c.) What logical conclusion does Peter draw to all the arguments he has presented?

20. What is the effect of Peter’s piercing challenge to these devout Jews?

21. According to vs. 37-40, 47, how does one obtain salvation?

b.) What is God’s part in salvation?

22. Describe the results of the day of Pentecost. What characterizes the early church?

23. At the beginning of June, fifty days after Passover, the Hebrew Feast of Pentecost celebrated the day of First Fruits. On this particular day of Pentecost the 3,000 who entered the fellowship of the Christian church represented the first fruits of a vast harvest to come. Have you also acknowledged Jesus as your Lord and Messiah?

24. What do you think the church should do or be today to be as effective as it was in Acts 2?

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