My Commitment to Read the Bible

My Commitment to Read the Bible

I ___________________ commit to read the Bible every day. I read the Bible to get to know God – how He speaks, how He thinks, what He loves, etc.

When I read, I will pray for God to teach me

and I will look for verses He wants to use to

teach me, change me, and encourage me.

If I don’t want to read, I will pray,

“Jesus, please give me desire for your Word,”

and then I will read and expect Him to speak.

When I find a verse that God is using to speak

to me, I will thank Him, obey, and remember.

(A good way to remember is to write down

the lessons you’re learning in a notebook)

Good Bible Reading Principles: P-R-O-W-A-P-T

PRAY – First, ask God to teach to you.

READ – Read from the Bible.

OBSERVE – What part stuck out to you?

WONDER – Do you have questions?

Ask God your questions.

APPLY – Apply the lessons you learned to your life.

PRAY – Thank God for His Word and for anything

He taught you or used to encourage you.

TELL – If you learned something cool, tell a friend!

A Prayer from the Bible about Reading the Bible

“How can a young man keep his way pure?

By living according to Your word.

I seek You with all my heart, God;

Do not let me stray from Your commands.

I have hidden Your word in my heart

that I might not sin against You.

Praise be to You, O Lord;

Teach me Your decrees.

With my lips, I recount all the laws that

come from Your mouth.

I rejoice in following Your statutes

as one rejoices in great riches.

I meditate on Your precepts

and consider Your ways.

I delight in Your decrees;

I will not neglect Your word.”

- Psalm 119:9-16

My Commitment to Read the Bible

I ___________________ commit to read the Bible every day. I read the Bible to get to know God – how He speaks, how He thinks, what He loves, etc.

When I read, I will pray for God to teach me

and I will look for verses He wants to use to

teach me, change me, and encourage me.

If I don’t want to read, I will pray,

“Jesus, please give me desire for your Word,”

and then I will read and expect Him to speak.

When I find a verse that God is using to speak

to me, I will thank Him, obey, and remember.

(A good way to remember is to write down

the lessons you’re learning in a notebook)

Good Bible Reading Principles: P-R-O-W-A-P-T

PRAY – First, ask God to teach to you.

READ – Read from the Bible.

OBSERVE – What part stuck out to you?

WONDER – Do you have questions?

Ask God your questions.

APPLY – Apply the lessons you learned to your life.

PRAY – Thank God for His Word and for anything

He taught you or used to encourage you.

TELL – If you learned something cool, tell a friend!

A Prayer from the Bible about Reading the Bible

“How can a young man keep his way pure?

By living according to Your word.

I seek You with all my heart, God;

Do not let me stray from Your commands.

I have hidden Your word in my heart

that I might not sin against You.

Praise be to You, O Lord;

Teach me Your decrees.

With my lips, I recount all the laws that

come from Your mouth.

I rejoice in following Your statutes

as one rejoices in great riches.

I meditate on Your precepts

and consider Your ways.

I delight in Your decrees;

I will not neglect Your word.”

- Psalm 119:9-16

Where to Read in the Bible?

Need wisdom? Read Proverbs. There is a chapter for

every day of the month!

Want to know who Jesus is, what He taught, and who

He claimed to be? Read Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John.

Need to pray, but you don't have the words?

Read Psalms. They are songs and prayers to God.

Want to go deep? Read Romans. The author (Paul)

talks at length about humanity and why we need Jesus.

Want exciting stories? Read Acts. This book tells how

Holy Spirit first came and how God used the church.

Want teaching on how to live as a follower of Jesus?

Read Corinthians, Ephesians, Galatians, Colossians,

Philippians, Thessalonians, Timothy, Peter, and the

other books at the end of the New Testament.

Want to read history on how God first spoke to people?

Read Genesis.

Want to read how God freed people from slavery?

Read Exodus.

Want to read about early war heroes in the Bible?

Read Judges and Samuel.

Want to read about a girl who became Queen and

saved her people? Read Esther.

Want to read about young men who served God

against all odds? Read Daniel.

Want to read a love song? Read Song of Songs.

Want to read about a young man who God called to

speak for Him? Read Jeremiah.

Want to read the words of other men God called to

speak as a prophet? Read Isaiah. Hosea. Amos. Jonah.

Want to read through the whole Bible? Do it!

Make a plan how much to read each day, and just

stick to it.

What is the Word of God?

“All Scripture is useful to teach us what is true and

to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It

corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do

what is right.” - 2 Timothy 3:16

Where to Read in the Bible?

Need wisdom? Read Proverbs. There is a chapter for

every day of the month!

Want to know who Jesus is, what He taught, and who

He claimed to be? Read Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John.

Need to pray, but you don't have the words?

Read Psalms. They are songs and prayers to God.

Want to go deep? Read Romans. The author (Paul)

talks at length about humanity and why we need Jesus.

Want exciting stories? Read Acts. This book tells how

Holy Spirit first came and how God used the church.

Want teaching on how to live as a follower of Jesus?

Read Corinthians, Ephesians, Galatians, Colossians,

Philippians, Thessalonians, Timothy, Peter, and the other books at the end of the New Testament.

Want to read history on how God first spoke to people? Read Genesis.

Want to read how God freed people from slavery?

Read Exodus.

Want to read about early war heroes in the Bible?

Read Judges and Samuel.

Want to read about a girl who became Queen and

saved her people? Read Esther.

Want to read about young men who served God

against all odds? Read Daniel.

Want to read a love song? Read Song of Songs.

Want to read about a young man who God called to

speak for Him? Read Jeremiah.

Want to read the words of other men God called to

speak as a prophet? Read Isaiah. Hosea. Amos. Jonah.

Want to read through the whole Bible? Do it!

Make a plan how much to read each day, and just

stick to it.

What is the Word of God?

“All Scripture is useful to teach us what is true and

to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It

corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do

what is right.” - 2 Timothy 3:16


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