Starting in the Fall: the Self-Confrontation Bible Study

(Sample announcement for a church to use – short version)

Starting in Fall 2005: the Self-Confrontation Bible Study

The Self-Confrontation Bible Study is designed to lead you through a personal life-application study of God’s Word using the Self-Confrontation manual as a reference. The Self-Confrontation manual is essentially a “topical concordance” on biblical discipleship and counseling, with almost 500 pages of material, divided into 24 lessons. The lessons cover such topics as: the complete sufficiency and practicality of God’s Word: the stark contrast between God’s way and the world’s way of dealing with the problems of life; preoccupation with self; anger and bitterness; husband/wife relationships; parent/child relationships; depression, fear, worry, and life-dominating practices of sin.

The Student Workbook will lead you through the Scriptures and the Self-Confrontation manual in a “fill-in-the-blank” or “question-and-answer” format. You will complete the homework during the week, then meet together with your group to review the key principles and the answers to the questions. On average, you will be spending 20-30 minutes per day in God’s Word. So be advised: this is not “Bible Study lite.” Your thinking will be challenged, and your life will be pruned as you apply God’s living and active Word in the power of the Holy Spirit.

The Self-Confrontation Bible Study will begin on ____(list day of week)_____, September ____, and continue each ____(list day of week)_____ for 12 (or 24) weeks.

The study will be held at ____(list location)_____. The group will meet for approximately 1.5 hours each week to review the highlights of each lesson.

If you are interested in this study, please contact:

Name: __________________________

Phone: __________________________

The cost of materials (the Self-Confrontation manual and Student Workbook) will be ___. You will find the Self-Confrontation manual will be useful as a reference long after the Bible study is completed.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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